English: unfoldingWord® Open Bible Stories Translation Questions

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Where did everything in the universe come from?

God created everything.

How long did it take God to create everything?

He took six days.


What was God’s response to the day and night he created on the first day?

He said they were good.


What was God’s response to the earth and the seas he created on the third day?

He said they were good.


What was God’s response to the trees and plants he created on the third day?

He said they were good.


What was God’s response to the sun, moon, and stars he created on the fourth day?

He said they were good.


What was God’s response to the things in the seas and the birds he created on the fifth day?

He said they were good.


What was God’s response to the land animals he created on the sixth day?

He said they were good.


In what way did God make man different than the animals?

He made man in his image and in his likeness.

What did God say would be the responsibility of the human beings?

They would have authority over the earth and over the animals, and would care for them.


How did God make the first man?

God formed him from the soil.

How did the man become alive?

God breathed life into him.

What was the name of the man?

His name was Adam.

Where did God put Adam?

He put Adam in a garden that God planted.


From which special tree was Adam not allowed to eat?

He could not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

What would happen if Adam ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?

He would die.


Why was Adam alone when there were all kinds of animals?

The animals were not able to be a helper for Adam.


How did God make the woman?

He formed her from Adam’s rib.


What did the name woman mean to Adam?

It meant that she was made from man.

What is the purpose of a man having a wife?

They are to become one.


What did God say about his creation when he finished it?

He said it was very good.


What did God do on the seventh day?

He finished all his work and blessed the seventh day and made it holy.