Plain English Translation: Plain English Translation

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Chapter 1

Christ came to this world

     1 Much earlier, before this world was created,

     He who is called the Word [1] was already with God.

         And the Word is also God. [2]

     2 He lived with God from the beginning.

     3 God created everything through Him.

     And there wasn’t anything created by God

         without Him who is named the Word.

     4 There’s power in the Word Himself

         which gives life to all creatures.

     And that power of life is like light

     which can enlighten people's hearts. [3]

     5 So that Word is also called the Light of the World.

     He shines into the darkness,

         and the darkness isn’t able to cover up His radiance.

6 When it was the time determined by God, He sent a man named John 7 to give news about Him who is called the Word. And through John’s news everyone had the opportunity to believe in Him who enlightens people's hearts. 8 John himself wasn’t the Light of the World but he was just sent to give news about that Light. 9 At that time the true Light was coming into this world. He’s the light which can truly enlighten every human heart.

10 Actually, He who is called the Word was already in this world from the beginning. This world was created by Him but the people in this world didn’t know Him. 11 He came to the people group He had chosen [4] but most of them didn’t want to believe in Him. 12 But to all those who did receive Him He gave the right to become God’s children. What is meant by the words ‘those who did receive Him’ is that they believed in Him. [5] 13 They become God’s children, not because they were born through a normal birth or because of human desires or plans, but God Himself made them become His children.

14 So the Word became a human and lived with us. Some of us have witnessed His glory, which is the glory of the one and only Son of the Father. We know all of God’s kindness to us through that Word, and He’s very worthy to be believed. [6] 15 When John witnessed about the Word, he said with a loud voice, “This is the One I meant when I said, ‘The One who comes after me is far more important than I am because He already existed long before I was born.’”

16 It’s really true, the Word is very worthy to be believed, and through Him we keep receiving proof of God’s kindness to us. 17 Of course God gave the Law to us through the prophet Moses but we’ve received proof of His kindness and true teachings that are worthy for us to believe through Jesus who is the Christ. [7] 18 No one has ever seen God except Him who is the one and only Son of the Father. He’s the closest one to the Father, and He Himself is God. He’s the one who introduces God to us.

John the Baptist gives his testimony about Jesus

19 While John was testifying about the Christ, the Jewish leaders from Jerusalem sent some priests and servants from the descendants of Levi to ask him, “What position do you have?”

20 John openly admitted, “I’m not the Christ.”

21 Then they asked him, “If that’s so, what is your position? Are you the one that was prophesied to replace the Prophet Elijah? [8]

And John answered, “I’m not.”

They asked again, “Are you the prophet who was prophesied to replace Moses?” [9]

He answered, “I’m not.”

22 Then they asked him again, “So actually what is your duty? Please tell us so that we can give an answer to those who ordered us to come to you. What do you say about yourself?”

23 John answered, “I’m the person who was mentioned by the Prophet Isaiah when he said,

     ‘There will be a person later on who shouts like this in the desert,

         “Let’s get ready to meet the Lord!’” [10]

24 Some of those who were ordered to go and meet John were from the Jewish religious group called the Pharisees. 25 Then they said to John, “You said that you aren’t the Christ, nor the replacement for Elijah and also not the prophet who was promised. So why do you baptize people?”

26 Then he answered, “I baptize with water, but there’s a Person in your midst whom you don’t know yet. 27 He’s the Person who comes after me. And I’m not worthy to serve Him, not even to untie His sandal strings.”

28 That all happened near the village of Bethany, in the place where John baptized. (That place is on the east side of the Jordan River.)

Jesus is the Lamb of God

29 The following day John saw Jesus coming to him. Then John said to the people who were there, “Look! He’s the Lamb of God! He’s the one who will erase the sin of people in the world. 30 He’s the One I meant when I said, ‘He who comes after me is far more important than I am, because He existed long before I was born.’ 31 Before now I didn’t know Him either. But God sent me to baptize the people of Israel with water so that they could know Him, that He’s the Christ.” [11]

32-34 And John said again, “I didn’t know who the Christ was before now, but God, who sent me to baptize people with water, told me ‘You’ll see My Spirit descend on a Person and stay on Him. He’s the One who will baptize with My Spirit.’” Then John said again, “And I saw that happen! I saw the Holy Spirit come down from heaven like a dove and land on Him. That’s why I testify to you that He really is the Son of God.’ ”

Jesus chooses His first disciples

35 The following day John stood again at that place with us two of his disciples. [12] 36 When he saw Jesus passing by he said, “Look, He’s the Lamb of God!”

37 And when the two of us disciples of his heard him say that, we immediately followed Jesus from behind. 38 When Jesus turned around and saw us following Him He asked, “What’re you looking for?”

We answered, “Rabbi, where are you staying?” (The name ‘Rabbi’ is from the Hebrew language, meaning ‘Teacher’.)

39 Then He answered, “Just follow and you’ll see for yourselves.” So we followed Him and saw where He stayed. And from that day on, at about four o’clock in the afternoon, we stayed with Him.

40-42 Andrew was the one of us two who heard John's words and then followed Jesus. He had a brother named Simon. Then Andrew quickly found his brother and said to him, “We’ve met the Messiah!” (Messiah means ‘Christ’.) [13] Then Andrew took Simon to Jesus. When Jesus saw Simon He said to him, “Your name is Simon, son of John. But I’m giving you a new name which is Cephas.” (‘Cephas’ in the Hebrew language has the same meaning as the word “petros” which comes from the Greek language. The meaning of both words is ‘big stone’.) For that reason Simon was often called Peter.

43 The following day Jesus decided to go to the region of Galilee. He met Philip there and said to him, “Come and follow Me!” 44 Philip came from the city of Bethsaida. Andrew and Peter were from that city too. 45 After that Philip found Nathanael and said to him, “We’ve met the one [14] who was prophesied by Moses in the Book of the Law and who was also prophesied by the prophets. He’s Jesus the son of Joseph, [15] from the village of Nazareth.”

46 Nathanael said to Philip, “Is it possible for a person who’s good to come from that village?”

Then Philip answered, “Come and see for yourself!”

47 When Jesus saw Nathanael coming He spoke to us about Nathanael, “Look, he’s an Israelite who’s faithful, who can’t possibly deceive.”

48 Nathanael asked, “How do you know about me, Sir?”

Then Jesus answered him, “Before Philip told you about Me I had seen you sitting under the fig tree.”

49 Then Nathanael said to Jesus, “Teacher, You’re the Son of God, the King of the Israelites!”

50 And Jesus said to him again, “Do you believe just because I said to you that I had seen you sitting under the fig tree? Later you’ll see things that are far more amazing than that.” 51 Then Jesus spoke to him again and to all of us who were there too, “What I’m telling you is really true. You’ll see heaven open up and ‘the angels ascend and descend’ [16] by way of Me the Son of Man.” [17]

1:1 [1] Translates “logos” in the Greek language. ‘Logos’ may also be translated as ‘words’. John used that word as a title or another name for Christ Himself because through the King of Salvation, God communicates about Himself to people.
1:1 [2] The Greek says “καὶ θεὸς ἦν ὁ λόγος.” There is no article ‘ὁ’ before ‘Theos’. This sentence can be translated, “and the Word was fully God.” ‘Fully God’ means that all of God’s attributes are possessed by the Word and vice versa. (See also John 10:30, 17:11 and 8:58 with its footnote.)
1:4 [3] Literally “who is the light for people.” Here the translation uses ‘enlighten people's hearts’ so that it’s clear that this isn’t ordinary light, like that of the sun or a lamp. In verses 5-9 in the Greek language, it’s clear that John uses ‘Light’ as another name for Christ.
1:11 [4] Meaning the Jewish people or the people of Israel. God chose the Jewish people so that through them the blessing of salvation would be given to all tribes and people groups. See Gen. 12:2-3; 18:18; 26:4; 28:14; John 4:22; Gal. 3:8.)
1:12 [5] Literally “believed in His name.” According to Jewish culture, at the time of Jesus ‘His name’ meant the whole identity of Jesus as the King of Salvation and not just His name.
1:14 [6] Literally “full of truth.” This means that He’s very worthy to be believed in His task to introduce God to people. (See John 1:16-18.) This is translated the same way for “He, God the Father, is true” in John 7:28 and “the true grapevine” in John 15:2.
1:17 [7] is a word that comes from the Greek language, which means the ‘Anointed One’. In Hebrew, the same term is called ‘Messiah’. That term indicates a position, like ‘district head’ or ‘governor’. In the time of the Old Testament, each king was anointed with olive oil by a prophet as a sign of being chosen and confirmed by God. And every priest or prophet of that time was also anointed. It’s appropriate to call Jesus the ‘Anointed One’, because He has the positions of proophet, High King and High Priest (Heb. 4-10). Because of some prophecies in the books of the prophets and in the Psalms, at the time of Jesus the Jewish people in general understood the meaning of “Christ” as the King of Salvation whom God promised, who would come from the descendants of King David. He would free the people of Israel from those who opposed them, set up a government with the authority of God and rule with justice. (See Is. 9:6-7; Gen. 3:15; Deut. 18:18-19; Mic. 5:2; Zec. 12:10-14; Mal. 3:1, 4:5-6; Ps. 2, 16, 22, 40, 110)
1:21 [8] In the Old Testament, to prophesy meant to tell news from God about something that would happen or to give teaching from God. The prophecy that they were thinking of is found in Mal. 4:5-6.
1:21 [9] Moses prophesied that in days to come God would appoint a prophet from among the people of Israel, just like God had appointed him, and all the people needed to listen to that prophet. (Deut. 18:15-19)
1:23 [10] from Is. 40:3. The second line is literally, “Straighten the path for the Lord!”
1:31 [11] See the footnote in John 1:17.
1:35 [12] Most expert interpreters say that it’s quite possible that the writer of this Gospel was included in those two disciples of John the Baptist. This agrees with the nature of John, the disciple's writings, because he almost always avoided mentioning his own name. (His name is only written clearly in the book of Revelation.) In this Gospel this trait is seen also in 1:40; 13:23-25; 18:15; 19:26-27, 35; 20:2-9; and 21:2,7. At the very end in 21:20-25, John made it clear that the writer of this Gospel was “the disciple whom Jesus loved very much.” Why didn’t John write his name directly? It was probably so that he didn't boast about himself as a person chosen to be a disciple of Jesus. In the PET, the translation team felt it was important to make it clear that the writer of this book was an eye witness so ‘us/we disciples of his’ and ‘I’, are used according to what’s natural in English.
1:45 [14] In this verse, the word used in place of the name of Jesus uses a lower case letter because Philip didn’t yet believe that He was the Son of God.
1:45 [15] The miracles that happened when Jesus was born were not known even by the people of Nazareth where He grew up. (Matt. 13:55; Luke 4:22) So the people of Israel considered Jesus to be the son of Joseph. (Luke 3:23) Mary and Joseph knew of course that Jesus was born through the power of the Holy Spirit when Mary hadn’t yet united physically with Joseph.
1:51 [16] The words “angels ascend and descend” are quoted from Gen. 28:12 where Jacob saw stairs to heaven. Jesus meant here that He, like that stairway, is the Connection between God and man.
1:51 [17] When Jesus lived on earth He often called Himself “the Son of Man.” But the meaning of this term isn’t focused on the word ‘son’. In the Hebrew language, ‘son of man’ meant ‘normal human being’. Jesus called Himself this to remind His listeners about what the Prophet Daniel had witnessed in a vision of the King of Salvation. (Dan. 7:13-14) For Daniel saw Jesus in heaven in the form of ‘a son of man’, meaning in the form of a ‘normal human being’, when God appointed Him King over everything. In this translation “Me, or I” is often added so that it’s clear that Jesus is speaking about Himself.
1:40-42 [13] See the note in John 1:17.

Chapter 2

The wedding feast at Cana

1 Two days later there was a wedding feast in the village of Cana, in the region of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was present at the feast. 2 Jesus and we disciples of His were also invited to the feast. 3 When the wine was gone Jesus’ mother said to Him, “They’ve run out of wine.”

4 Then Jesus answered, “Mother, you don’t need to get involved in My affairs. The time to show My power hasn’t come yet.”

5 Even though Jesus answered like that, His mother said to the servants who were in the house, “Do whatever He says!”

6 There were six large stone water containers in that house. Those containers were filled with water so that each guest could rinse his hands according to the Jewish custom. [1] Each water container held about 100 liters. [2]

7 Jesus told the servants, “Fill up all of those containers with water.” So they filled all the containers full of water.

8 Then He said to them, “Now take a little water from there and give it to the master of ceremony.”

So they did what Jesus told them to do. 9 When the master of ceremony tried a little, the water had obviously already changed into wine! He didn’t know where the wine was from but the servants who brought the water knew about it. Then the master of ceremony called the bridegroom 10 and said to him, “When people have a feast they always serve the more delicious wine first. Then after all the guests have had enough they serve what’s cheaper in order to save money. But you are just now serving the best.”

11 That’s how Jesus did the first miracle. It was done in the village of Cana in the region of Galilee. In that way Jesus began to reveal His glory, and we disciples of His began to believe in Him.

12 After that Jesus went to Capernaum [3] with His mother, His brothers and also us disciples of His. We stayed there for several days.

Jesus drove out the people who made the courtyard of God’s House into a market

13 At the time the celebration day of the Jewish religion which was called Passover was near so Jesus went to Jerusalem. 14 Jesus saw that there were many people in the courtyard of God’s House who made that place into a market. The people were selling cows, sheep and doves. There were money changers there too. 15 Because of that Jesus made a whip from several pieces of rope and He chased them and all of their animals out of the courtyard of God’s House. And He turned over the tables used by the money changers so that the money scattered everywhere. 16 He told the dove sellers, “Take all of these birds out. Don’t turn My Father’s House into a market!”

17 At that time we disciples of His remembered that in the Word of the Lord there was someone who said to God,

     “It’s because I have compassion for Your House

         that I’m ready to have trouble and be destroyed,

         so that Your House will be honored.” [1]

18 Then the leaders of the Jewish religion opposed Jesus by saying to Him, “Prove that you [4] have the right to change our customs! What miracle will you show us to prove that?!”

19 Then Jesus answered them, “This will be the proof. Go ahead and tear down God’s House, and I'll rebuild it in just three days.”

20 And they said to Him, “This House was built over forty-six years time, and you say that you’ll rebuild it in just three days?!”

21 But what Jesus meant by the words ‘God’s House’ was His own body, not God’s House in Jerusalem. 22 In time to come, when Jesus came back to life after death, we disciples of His remembered that He had talked about this. Because of that we truly believed the Word of the Lord and all the words of Jesus.

23 Jesus was in Jerusalem for the entire celebration of Passover. At the time many people believed in Him because they saw the miracles He did. 24 Even so Jesus didn’t want to get too close to them because He knew what was in all of their hearts. 25 He didn’t need anyone to tell Him about other people because He already knew everything that was in people’s hearts.

2:6 [1] Literally, “for the cleansing of the Jews.” See Mark 7:2-4 and the footnote for verse 2. The water was used to clean one's self as their custom required. And it wasn't like washing with soap to really clean one's hands. This custom wasn’t written in the regulations of the Law.
2:6 [2] Literally, “two or three metretas.”
2:12 [3] was a city in the region of Galilee on the west side of the shore of Lake Galilee where Jesus often taught.
2:18 [4] In this verse, the pronoun used to replace the name of Jesus uses a lower case letter because the ones speaking don’t believe in Jesus as the Son of God.

2:17 [1] Ps. 69:10

Chapter 3

Jesus and Nicodemus

1-2 There was a man named Nicodemus who came to Jesus one night. He was a member of the Jewish religious group called the Pharisees, and he was also one of the leaders of that religion. He said to Jesus, “Teacher, we know that you were sent by God to teach us because without God’s help no one can do miracles like you’re doing.”

3 Then Jesus answered him, “What I’m telling you is really true. No one can become a citizen of God’s kingdom [1] if he isn’t born again.” [2]

4 Then Nicodemus asked, “How is it possible for a person to be born again if he’s already an adult? It isn’t possible for him to enter his mother’s womb again and be born another time!”

5 Jesus answered him, “I’m telling you what’s really true. Everyone who desires to become a citizen of God’s kingdom must be born of water and of the Holy Spirit. If not, he can’t become a citizen of God’s kingdom. 6 A person is born physically because of his parents, of course, but a person must be born spiritually from the Holy Spirit. 7 Don’t be amazed because I say, ‘All of you must be born again.’ 8 For being born of the Holy Spirit is like the wind that moves which blows everywhere. We can only hear its sound but we don’t know where the wind comes from or where it's going. It’s the same with the work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of people.”

9 Then Nicodemus asked again, “How can these things possibly happen?”

10 Jesus answered him, “How did you become a religious teacher for the Israelites if you don’t understand these things?! 11 What I’m telling you is really true. My disciples and I teach about things that we already know. And we testify about what we’ve already seen, but you don’t accept our testimony. 12 You obviously don’t believe when I teach about earthly things, so how can you possibly believe if I teach about heavenly things?! 13 No one has ever gone up to heaven and come down again so that he could teach you about heavenly things. Only I the Son of Man am fit to teach about those things, because I'm the only one who has come down from there.

14 “When our forefathers were in the desert, a carving of a snake was hung by Moses on top of a wooden post. [3] In the same way, I the Son of Man have to be hung up on a wooden post 15 so that everyone who believes in Me will receive eternal life.” [4]

16 The love of God is so amazing for people in this world, of course, that He surrendered His one and only Son so that everyone who believes in His Son won’t be destroyed but will receive eternal life. 17 For God sent His Son into this world, not to punish people, but so that through Him people could be saved. 18 Everyone who believes in the Son of God won’t be punished by God. But everyone who doesn’t believe is already under the punishment of God because they don’t believe in the one and only Son of God. 19 This is the basis for that punishment. Light from heaven has come into this world, but people are happier to live in darkness rather than live in light because their deeds are evil. 20 Everyone who does evil hates the light. They don’t want to come to the light because that light will make all of their evil deeds visible. 21 But everyone who follows the right way will come to the light so that it’s seen that they do right deeds with the help of God.

Jesus and John the Baptist

22 After this Jesus went together with us disciples of His to the province of Judea. He stayed there with us for some time and baptized many people. 23-24 At that time John hadn’t been put in prison yet. He also baptized the people who came to him at Aenon, which is located near Salim, because there was a lot of water there.

25 Then an argument came up between John’s followers and other Jewish people about the requirement of cleansing one’s self according to the Jewish custom. [5] 26 So they came and said to John, “Teacher, do you remember the man who was with you on the other side of the Jordan River, the one whom you testified about? The problem is that he’s also baptizing now, and almost everyone is going to him.”

27 Then John answered them, “We humans only receive what God gives us. 28 You yourselves heard when I said, ‘I’m not the Christ who was promised but I was sent by God just to prepare the way for Him.’ 29 Jesus and I have a relationship like a groom and his close friend. At the time of the wedding the bride will be taken to the home of the groom. The friend of the groom witnesses this and shares in his happiness. [6] In the same way I feel very happy for all that God is giving Jesus now. 30 He must become greater but I must become less.”

He who comes from heaven

31 We who come from the world are only able to think and speak about earthly things. But the One who came from heaven isn’t like that because the One who came from above is greater than everyone. 32 He testifies about the things that He has seen and heard in heaven, but only a few people accept His testimony. 33 But everyone who accepts His testimony confesses that the news which He delivers is very worthy to be believed because it comes from God. 34 And we know that this news is true because He, who was sent by God into this world, truly delivers teaching from God Himself. And it’s clear that God gives His Spirit completely to Him. 35 God loves His Son and has surrendered everything into His hand. 36 Because of that, everyone who believes in God’s Son already has eternal life. But everyone who doesn’t obey the Son of God won’t have eternal life. Instead they’ll experience the wrath of God continually.

3:3 [1] is the “rule of God” over everyone who obeys Him. Just as Jesus obeyed the will of God to the point of surrendering Himself as a sacrificial offering so each of God’s people also have to surrender themselves to follow His will (Mark 8:34; Rom. 10:9-10, 12:1-2). In that way we prove that we’ve become citizens of God’s kingdom and are worthy to receive everything God has promised to His chosen people from the beginning. When Jesus returns, God will rule in reality on this earth, just as God always rules in heaven. See Dan. 7:13-14, Matt. 6:10
3:3 [2] It could mean ‘born again through one’s mother’ like what Nicodemus understood. But these words can also mean, ‘born from above’. The meaning of ‘from above’ is from heaven.
3:14 [3] This happened at the time the people of Israel sinned and God punished them so that they were bitten by poisonous snakes. Then God told Moses to place a snake carved from brass on a wooden post so that everyone who looked at the snake was healed from the poisonous snake bites. (Num. 21:4-9)
3:15 [4] Most interpreters think that the words of Jesus to Nicodemus ended in verse 15, but there are also those who think that the quote continues until verse 21.
3:25 [5] See the note in John 2:6.
3:29 [6] Literally, ‘happy because of (hearing) the voice of the groom.”

Chapter 4

Jesus talks with a Samaritan woman

1 The Pharisees had heard that Jesus made and baptized more followers than John. 2 But it wasn’t actually Jesus who baptized, but we His disciples did. Jesus knew that the Pharisees had heard about Him 3 so He left the Judean province with us and returned to the province of Galilee again. 4 On the way there He had to pass by the region of Samaria.

5 While in Samaria, Jesus and we disciples of His came to a village which is called Sychar. That village is located near the land which Jacob previously gave to his son Joseph, 6 and Jacob’s well was there. Because the trip was long, Jesus felt very tired so He sat by the edge of the well. It was about noon. 7 Then a woman of Samaria came to draw water from the well. So Jesus said to her, “Please give me some water to drink.” 8 While that was happening, we were gone to the village of Sychar to buy food.

9 Then the woman said to Him, “I’m amazed! How is it possible that you a Jew are asking for drinking water from me, a Samaritan!” She said that because Jews considered the Samaritans to be unholy. [1]

10 Then Jesus answered, “You don’t know the gift that God wants to give you, and you don’t know Me, the one who’s asking you for water. If you had known Me you certainly would have asked Me for living water first. And I’m ready to give it to you.”

11 Then the woman said, “Sir, you don’t have a dipper and this well is also very deep. How can you possibly give me that living water?” 12 Jacob our ancestor is the one who gave this well to us. He and his children and also all of his animals used to drink the water from this well. Of course you don’t feel you’re greater than he was, do you?!”

13 Then Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks water from this well will be thirsty again. 14 But whoever drinks the water that I will give won’t be thirsty forever. Because that water will become like a spring of water inside of him which will always flow and give eternal life to him.”

15 The woman said, “Sir, give me that water so I won’t get thirsty again and won’t need to come here to draw water.”

16 Then Jesus said to her, “Go call your husband and come back here with him.”

17 And the woman answered again, “But I don’t have a husband.”

Then Jesus said to her, “What you said is really correct. You don’t have a husband 18 because you’ve already been married to different men and divorced five times. And the man you’re living with now isn’t your husband. Yes, your words are definitely true.”

19 And she said, “Sir, I realize now that you’re a prophet. 20 Our forefathers always worshiped God on this mountain. But you Jews say everyone has to worship God in Jerusalem.”

21 Then Jesus answered, “Believe what I’m telling you. In days to come you may worship God the Father anywhere, and you won’t need to climb this mountain anymore or go to Jerusalem. 22 You Samaritans worship God, of course, yet you don’t know Him. Whereas we Jews worship the God we already know. For God has promised that salvation will be given to people through the Jews. 23 But the time will come and actually has come now when everyone who truly wants to worship God will worship Him through oneness with the Holy Spirit [2] and according to true teachings from God. For God wants people who are like that to worship Him. 24 For God isn’t flesh, but Spirit. For that reason everyone who wants to worship Him should worship Him in oneness with the Holy Spirit and according to true teaching from God.”

25 Then the woman said to Him, “I know that the Messiah will come later. When He comes, He’ll tell all of us the will of God for us.” ‘Messiah’ in the Hebrew language means ‘Christ’. [3]

26 And Jesus said to her, “I who am speaking to you am the Messiah.”

27 At that moment we disciples of His came back and reached the well. We were amazed when we saw Jesus talking to a woman, but none of us was bold enough to ask the woman, “What are you looking for?” And none of us asked Jesus, “Why are you talking to her?”

28 Then the woman left her water container there and entered the village and said to the people who were there, 29 “Come and see! There’s someone over there who told me everything I’ve ever done! Could he possibly be the Christ?!” 30 So the people went out of their village and came to Jesus.

31 But before they came we urged Him to eat, saying “Teacher, come and eat!”

32 But He answered, “I have food that you don’t know of yet.”

33 Because of that we asked each other, “Is it possible that someone came and gave Him food?”

34 Then Jesus said to us, “My food is to do the will of the Father who sent Me into this world, which is to finish the work that He gave Me. 35 People in general know and say, ‘The harvest time comes after four months.’ But I'm telling you to open the eyes of your hearts! Look at these gardens. This wheat is ready to be harvested. 36 I have ordered people to plant the wheat that we see now. I’m using wheat to illustrate the souls of people who are being saved. And the people who are harvesting now illustrate those of us who work so that others can enter eternal life. Everyone who joins in harvesting will receive a reward that lasts forever. So in the end those who planted this wheat before will rejoice with us who are harvesting it now. 37 So the saying that we always hear is true, ‘There are those whose job is to plant, and there are also those whose job is to harvest.’ 38 I’m ordering you to harvest the produce in My field where I gave others the job to plant before. Now you are just ordered to harvest the results of their labor.”

39 In the end many Samaritans from that village believed in Jesus because they heard the testimony of the woman who said, “He told me about everything that I’ve ever done!” 40 When those Samaritans came to Jesus they asked Him to stay with them. Jesus agreed, and we stayed with them for two days. 41 Then even more of the people of that village became believers because they themselves had heard His teaching.

42 And they said to that woman, “We believed in Him at first because of what you said. But now we believe because we’ve heard His teachings for ourselves. So now it’s clear to us that He really is the King of Salvation for people.”

Jesus heals the son of a government official

43 After two days at Sychar Jesus left with us disciples of His for the province of Galilee. 44 He Himself had taught that a prophet is seldom honored in his own region, 45 but when He arrived the Galileans received Him well. This happened because they were also present at the celebration of Passover in Jerusalem so they had seen all that He had done there.

46 While in Galilee, Jesus returned to the village of Cana where He’d changed the water into wine. That village wasn’t far from the city of Capernaum. At the time there was a government official who lived in that city. His son was sick 47 and was nearly dead. So when the official heard that Jesus had come from the province of Judea and was in Galilee, he went to Cana and pleaded with Him to immediately follow him to Capernaum to heal his son. 48 But Jesus said to him and to all of the people who were there, “The people here don’t want to believe in Me if they still haven’t seen miracles.”

49 So the man said to Him, “Sir, please come before my son dies!”

50 But Jesus answered, “You may go home because your son has been healed and didn’t die.”

The official believed what Jesus said and immediately went home. 51 On the way back to Capernaum he met his servants who came from his house. They told him, “Your son is well.”

52 Then the official asked them, “What time did he get well?”

And they answered, “Yesterday afternoon at one o’clock his fever disappeared.”

53 Then he remembered that it was exactly at that time that Jesus said to him, “Your son is already well.” So he and all of his family became believers in Jesus.

54 So that was the second time that Jesus went home to Galilee from Judea and performed a miracle.

4:9 [1] For example, at that time the Jewish religious leaders had forbidden the Jews to use things that had been used by Samaritans. So according to that regulation, Jesus couldn’t drink from the drinking container that had been used by the woman. At the time of Jesus, Jewish people couldn’t associate with Samaritans because the residents of Samaria weren’t true Jews but were descendants from mixed marriages between Jews and other tribes. In the Law of Moses God had forbidden the Jews to have mixed marriages with other tribes. But those tribes had moved into the region of Palestine when most of the Jews had been taken away to Babylon. The Jewish people also weren’t happy with the residents of Samaria because their religion wasn’t pure Judaism. They mixed their religion with the customs of the other tribes who entered the region when the Jews were exiled to Babylon.
4:23 [2] John literally wrote “spirit.” When John wrote this Gospel, the Greek language didn’t yet differentiate between small and capital letters. All letters were like the capital letters used now. So Greek doesn’t show whether Jesus meant the Holy Spirit or the spirit of man. About fifty percent of commentators say that Jesus intended “everyone... through his own spirit.” The translation team chose the interpretation that Jesus meant God’s Spirit because of His words, “the time will come and actually has come now”, which we consider to show a change in time periods to when God gave His Spirit to people. This interpretation is also more likely because Jesus showed why people need the help of God’s Spirit in verse 24a.
4:25 [3] See the note in John 1:17.

Chapter 5

Jesus heals a sick man at the pool of Bethesda

1 After that Jesus went to Jerusalem to take part in one of the Jewish celebrations. 2 There was a pool in Jerusalem, and around the pool were five courtyards. In Hebrew the pool was called Bethesda. [1] The pool is located near the gate entering the city named the “Sheep’s Gate.” 3 Many sick people were lying in the courtyards, including people who were blind, lame and paralyzed. [ [2] They were waiting for the pool water to be stirred 4 because from time to time an angel came down and stirred the water. The moment that happened, the first person who entered the pool would be healed from his sickness.] 5-6 And there was a man lying there who’d been sick for thirty eight years. When Jesus saw him He knew that this man had been sick for a very long time. So He asked him, “Do you want to be healed?”

7 The sick man answered, “Sir, when the water starts to stir there is no one to help lower me into the pool. But when I try to enter quickly, someone else goes down ahead of me.”

8 Then Jesus said to him, “Stand up! Pick up your mat and walk.” 9 At that very moment the man was healed! Then he picked up his mat and walked.

That healing happened on the Sabbath day. 10 Because of that several of the Jewish leaders said to the man who had been healed, “This is the Sabbath Day, right! According to our regulations you aren’t allowed to carry your mat on the Sabbath day.”

11 But he answered, “The man who healed me is the one who ordered me ‘Pick up your mat and walk.’”

12 Then they asked, “Who ordered you to do that?”

13 But the man who had recently been healed didn’t know the Person who healed him, because there were many people in that place, and Jesus left there quickly in a secret way.

14 Some time later, in one of the courtyards of God’s House, Jesus met that man and said to him, “Now you’re well. Stop sinning so that something worse doesn’t happen to you again.”

15 Then the man went back to the Jewish leaders and said, “The person who healed me is named Jesus.”

16 Because Jesus healed that man on the Sabbath Day the Jewish leaders started to make trouble for Him. 17 But He said to them, “My Father works all of the time, and I always work like He does.”

18 That answer made them even angrier so they looked for a way to kill Him. For according to them He had broken the regulation of Moses regarding the Sabbath Day, and He also said that God was His Father. That meant He made Himself the same as God.

God’s Son possesses the authority of God

19 Because they were angry like that, Jesus said to them, “What I’m saying is really true. I— as the Son of My Father, can’t do anything based on My own will, but I do what My Father is doing. What I see My Father doing, I do it too. 20-21 My Father makes people come back to life after death. In the same way I give life to whomever I want to. My Father loves Me. That’s why He shows Me everything that He does. And the Father will involve Me in even greater things so that you’ll be amazed.

22 “My Father doesn’t punish anyone but He has surrendered all of that work to Me. 23 The Father has determined that so that everyone will honor Me just like they honor Him. If people don’t honor Me they don’t honor My Father who sent Me into this world either.

24 “What I’m saying is really true. Everyone who follows what I say and believes in the Father who sent Me already has eternal life. God won’t punish them because they’ve been freed from the power of death and moved into the group of people who live forever. 25 Believe this: the time will come and actually has already begun when people who have died will hear the voice of God’s Son, that is My voice, and they will live. 26 That happens because My Father is the source of life, and He has given authority to Me to give life to people. 27 My Father has also given authority to Me to judge people because I’m the Son of Man. [3]

28 “What’s even more amazing is this: the time will come when all of the dead people who are in their graves will hear the voice of the Son of Man, namely Me. 29 Then they will all rise and leave their own graves. Those who have lived right will get eternal life, but I will punish those who’ve lived in wickedness.

30 “I will judge with justice because I can’t do anything according to My own will. I judge only according to what I’ve heard from My Father. The punishment that I give is definitely just because I don’t follow My own will, but I always follow the will of the Father who sent Me into this world.”

Jesus speaks with the Jewish leaders

31 “If I'm the only one who testifies about Myself and no one else supports what I say, then you won’t accept my testimony. 32 But there is another Person who testifies about Me, namely My Father. And I know that His testimony about Me is true.

33 “You ordered some people to go to John the Baptist to ask about Me. And everything that John said about Me was true. 34 Actually, I don’t need help from people to testify about Me. I’m just reminding you about what John said so that you can be saved. 35 While John lived among you, he was like a lamp that burned and gleamed. And for just a short time you certainly enjoyed his light and received his testimony about Me.

36 “But what’s more important than John’s testimony is all that I do in your midst, because all that My Father gives Me to do proves that He has sent Me into this world. 37 And the Father who sent Me is Himself the one who gives testimony about Me directly to people. But you’ve never heard His voice and have never seen His face either. 38 You can’t accept what He says because you don’t want to believe in Me who was sent by Him. 39 You like to study from the Holy Bible because you think that by doing that you’ll get eternal life. But it’s those very books of God’s Word that testify about Me. 40 Even so you don’t want to come to Me to learn how to receive that life.

41 “I don’t seek the praise of men 42 but I know your hearts, that is I know that you don’t love God. 43 I’ve come from My Father to represent Him, but you don’t accept Me. However if someone else comes and brings teaching in his own name, you’ll gladly accept him. 44 That’s because you’re happy to seek praise from your fellow man alone, but you’ve never sought the praise of the one and only God. Since that’s so, how can you believe in Me? 45 Don’t think that I will stand before the Father and speak about your wrong doings. Moses, the one you hope will defend you, is the one who will do that! 46 If you believed what Moses said, you should also believe what I say because he wrote about Me. [2] 47 But if you don’t believe in what Moses has written, it isn’t possible for you to believe in what I say.”

5:2 [1] means “house of compassion.” In some other ancient manuscripts of this Gospel, the pool is also named Bethsaida or Bethzatha. The pool was located to the north of God’s House in Jerusalem.
5:3 [2] show that the words in the brackets evidently weren’t written by John. An ancient copier of John’s Gospel added these words to explain why sick people waited at the pool.
5:27 [3] See the note in John. 1:51.

Chapter 6

Jesus feeds more than five thousand people

1 After that Jesus left with us disciples of His for the other side of Lake Galilee, which is also called Lake Tiberias. 2 A crowd always followed Him wherever He went because they saw the miracles He did for sick people. 3 Then Jesus climbed up a hill and sat there with us. 4 At the time, the day of Passover, one of the Jewish celebration days was near.

5 When Jesus looked around Him and saw many people coming to Him, He said to Philip, “Where can we buy bread so that all of them can eat?” 6 He said that just to test Philip because He already knew what He was going to do.

7 Then Philip answered, “What! If the twelve of us disciples worked for a whole month, our wages [1] would still not be enough to buy food for all of them, even if each of them received just a small piece.”

8 Then one of us, Andrew, Peter’s [2] brother said, 9 “There’s a boy here who has five pieces of barley bread and two fish, but that’s just useless for this many people.”

10 The total of them was about five thousand men. (That was still not including women and children.) The field of grass in that place was broad so Jesus said to us, “Order them to sit down.” So we ordered them all to sit down. 11 Then Jesus took the bread and fish and gave thanks to God for it, Then He asked for our help to distribute it to the crowd. Even though there were so many people, if any were not full yet they could ask for more.

12 After they were all full, Jesus said to us, “Gather up the leftover food so that none of it’s thrown away.” 13 When we gathered it up there were twelve baskets full of leftover food.

14 But when the crowd saw the miracle they said, “Wow! This man is definitely the prophet we’re waiting for, whom Moses prophesied would come and help us!” [3]

15 Jesus knew that the crowd was making plans to force Him to become their king. Because of that He went alone to a hilly place.

Jesus walks on water

16 Then when it was nearly night, we disciples of His went down to the lake shore. 17 At that time it was beginning to get dark, and Jesus hadn’t come with us. According to His orders, [3] we got into a boat and crossed over in the direction of the city of Capernaum. 18 Then the wind began to blow very hard, and the waves became huge too. 19 At that time we had rowed the boat about five or six kilometers. Then we saw Jesus walking on the water approaching the boat, and we became afraid. 20 But He said, “Don’t be afraid! It’s me.” 21 When He said that, we gladly helped Him get into the boat. And at that very moment the boat had arrived at our destination!

The crowd searches for Jesus

22 The following day, the crowd which was still on the other side of the lake realized that there was only one boat there yesterday and that Jesus hadn’t crossed over with us. 23 Then there were several other boats that came from the city of Tiberias. Those boats landed and were anchored not far from the place where Jesus gave bread to the crowd after He had given thanks to God. 24 So when they saw that Jesus and we disciples of His weren’t there anymore, they got into those boats and crossed over to Capernaum to look for Jesus.

Jesus is the bread that gives life

25 When they arrived on the other side of the lake they searched until they found Jesus. When they found Him they asked, “Teacher, when did you get here?”

26 Then Jesus answered, “What I’m telling you is really true. You didn’t look for Me because you understood the miracles that I’ve done but because you ate bread until you were full. 27 This world’s food will quickly get used up and become rotten, so don’t work to get food like that. It’s better for you to work to get food that never gets used up and never gets rotten, that is food which gives eternal life. And only I the Son of Man can give that food to you because God the Father has given that right to Me.”

28 Then they asked Him, “So what should we do so that God is happy with us so we can receive the food that gives eternal life?”

29 Jesus answered, “This is what God wants you to do. Believe in Me who was sent by Him into this world.”

30 They asked Him again, “What miracle will you do? Give us proof so that by seeing it we will believe in you!” 31 Our ancestors ate manna while Moses led them in the desert. That agrees with what’s written in the Word of the Lord, ‘He gave them bread to eat from heaven.’” [4]

32 Then Jesus said to them, “What I’m saying is really true. It wasn’t Moses who gave the bread from heaven to our ancestors but it was My Father who gave that bread. And now He wants to give real heavenly bread to you. 33 I am that bread from heaven, because I came down from heaven to give true life to the people in this world.”

34 Then they said to Him, “Sir, give that bread to us always.”

35 Jesus answered, “I’m the bread that gives life. Everyone who comes to Me won’t be hungry again, and everyone who believes in Me won’t be thirsty again. 36 But I repeat, You’ve seen Me but you still don’t believe in Me. 37 Everyone whom My Father has given to Me will come to Me, and I won’t reject anyone who comes to Me. 38 For I came down from heaven to do the will of the Father who sent Me, not to do My own will. 39 This is the will of the Father, that I not allow any of those that the Father surrendered to Me to be destroyed. And the Father desires that I make them all live again on the last day when everyone is judged. [4] 40 Everyone who looks to His Son, that is to Me, [5] and believes in Me will receive eternal life. And I will bring each one of them back to life again on the last day. All of that is the will of My Father.”

41 Then the Jewish leaders began to complain about Jesus because He said, “I’m the bread which has come down from heaven.” 42 They said, “This Jesus is just the son of Joseph. And we know his mother and father. How can he say, ‘I’ve come down from heaven’?”

43 Jesus said to them, “Don’t complain, 44 because no one can come to Me of his own will. If someone comes to Me it’s because the Father who sent Me has worked in his heart so that he comes to Me. And I will bring whoever comes to Me back to life again on the last day. 45 This agrees with what was written by the prophets, ‘God will teach all of them.’ [5] So everyone who hears and accepts the teaching from the Father will come to Me. 46 No one has ever seen the Father except Me who came from Him. I’m the only one who has seen Him.

47 “I’m saying what’s really true. Everyone who believes in Me already has eternal life. 48 I’m the bread which gives life. 49 Your forefathers really did eat manna from God in the desert. But after that, they still died just like all other human beings. 50 But the true bread which comes down from heaven is here now. Everyone who eats this bread won’t die. 51 I’m the living bread which has come down from heaven. Everyone who eats this bread will live forever. For the bread that I give is My body which is surrendered so that people in this world can receive true life.”

52 Then those leaders began to argue with each other. They said, “How can he give his body to us to eat?”

53 Then Jesus said to them, “What I the Son of Man am saying is really true. You have to eat My body and drink My blood. If not, you won’t live forever. 54 Whoever who eats My body and drinks My blood will live forever, and I will bring those people to life again on the last day. 55 For My body is true food, and My blood is true drink. 56 Everyone who eats My body and drinks My blood becomes one with Me, and I become one with him too.

57 My Father is the source of life. He’s the one who sent Me, and I live because I’m one with the Father. In the same way everyone who eats My body and drinks My blood will live because he has become one with Me. 58 So I am the bread from heaven. The bread that I give isn’t like the bread which was eaten by your forefathers. Even though they ate that bread they still died like all other human beings. But everyone who eats the bread that I give will live forever.”

59 Jesus said all of that in Capernaum when He taught in a synagogue of the Jews. [6]

Many followers of Jesus leave Him

60 When the crowd who usually followed Jesus heard that teaching, they said, “This teaching is very difficult. No one can understand it.”

61 Jesus knew that those who usually followed Him were complaining because of that teaching of His, so He said to us twelve disciples of His, “Are you unhappy with My teaching too? 62 If so you definitely won’t be happy when you see Me, the Son of Man, return to heaven! 63 For what I just taught you comes from the Holy Spirit, so that teaching of mine has the power of the Spirit to give life. No human effort can give life. The one who gives life to people is the Holy Spirit. 64 But I know that some of you don’t believe in Me.” (For Jesus knew from the beginning just who didn’t believe in Him, in fact He knew the one who would betray Him later on.) 65 Then He said to us, “That’s why I said to you, ‘No one can come to Me of his own will. For My Father has to work in his heart first, only then can he come to Me.’”

66 After that many people who had followed Jesus didn’t want to follow Him anymore, and they went and left Him.

67 Then Jesus asked us, “Do you want to leave Me too?”

68 Then Peter answered, “Lord, we can’t leave You because Your teachings have power so that we can receive eternal life. 69 And we believe that You are the holy Messenger from God.”

70 Then Jesus answered us, “Even though I’ve chosen you twelve men myself to be My disciples, one of you is a servant of the devil.” 71 The one Jesus meant was Judas, the son of Simon, from the village of Cariot. Judas was included as one of us twelve disciples, but he was the one who later betrayed Jesus.

6:7 [1] Literally, “Bread costing just 200 denari.” A denarius was a Roman coin made of real silver. At that time, one denarius was the same as the wages of a worker for one day.
6:8 [2] Literally, “Simon Peter.”
6:17 [3] These words were taken from Mark 6:45 so that the actions of Jesus’ disciples aren’t considered unusual or impolite.
6:39 [4] See John 6:40, 44, 54; 11:24 and 12:48.
6:40 [5] See John 3:14-15 and the note for verse 14.
6:59 [6] In New Testament times, synagogues were used for general meetings for the local Jewish people, and they were also used as places for the Jewish people to pray and study God’s Word. Synagogues were different from God’s House which was in Jerusalem. The offering of burnt sacrifices was only done at God’s House, whereas synagogues were built in every city and village where the Jews lived.

Chapter 7

Jesus and His brothers

1 After that Jesus traveled around the region of Galilee. He didn’t want to go to the region of Judea because the Jewish leaders there wanted to kill Him. 2 At that time it was close to the Jewish celebration day which was called the Celebration of Booths, which were made of leafy branches. 3 Then Jesus’ brothers said to Him, “Go to Judea so that the crowd which always follows you can see the miracles that you do. 4 If a person wants to become famous, he can’t hide what he’s doing. So if you’re able to do miracles, show yourself to all the people.” 5 Jesus’ brothers said that because they didn’t believe that He was the Christ either.

6 Jesus answered them, “It isn’t yet time for me to go to Jerusalem. But you can go anytime. 7 For the people of this world can’t hate you, but they hate Me because I always tell them frankly that the deeds they do are evil. 8 You can just go to the celebration. I’m not going now because the time for Me to go there hasn’t come yet.” 9 After saying that, Jesus stayed in Galilee.

10 But after His brothers went to the celebration Jesus went secretly so that the crowd didn’t know it. 11 At the celebration the Jewish leaders were searching for Him and kept asking, “Where is that man?”

12 A lot of whispering about Jesus was heard among the crowd that was at the feast. There were those who said, “He’s a good man.” But there were also those who said, “No, he’s a deceiver who misleads many people.” 13 But no one was brave enough to speak openly about Him because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders.

Jesus teaches in Jerusalem

14 Half-way through the celebration, Jesus entered one of the courtyards of God’s House and taught the crowd there. 15 The Jewish leaders were surprised and said, “Wow! How can this man know so many things since he isn’t educated like us?”

16 Then Jesus answered them, “What I teach doesn’t come from Me alone, but My teaching comes from the Father who sent Me to the people of this world. 17 Everyone who wants to do the will of God will know if My teaching really comes from God or if it just comes from My own thoughts. 18 If a person’s teaching comes from his own thoughts, it means that he seeks honor for himself. But my teaching brings honor to the Father who sent Me. That’s a sign that I don’t lie and that you can believe what I teach. 19 It was pointless for Moses to give the Law to you because none of you follows the Law! So why do you go against Moses’ teaching by trying to kill Me?”

20 The crowd answered, “You’re crazy because you’re possessed by a demon! No one’s trying to kill you!”

21 Then Jesus answered them, “I did one miracle on the Sabbath Day and you’re amazed. 22 In regard to working on the Sabbath Day you have to remember that you also circumcise boys on the Sabbath Day if the child is born on the previous Sabbath Day. That agrees with the Law of Moses even though the custom of circumcision actually didn’t come from Moses’ teaching but from our forefathers. 23 So in order to obey the Law of Moses you circumcise the male organ of a boy on the Sabbath Day. If so, don’t get mad if I heal the whole body of a sick person on the Sabbath Day! 24 Don’t accuse Me or anyone else without thinking correctly, but weigh a person’s deeds with truth and justice.”

Questions of the Jews as to whether Jesus is the Christ

25 Then there were some people from Jerusalem who said, “Isn’t this the one they’re searching for in order to kill him?! 26 Look! He’s teaching freely in public now and they don’t do anything to him! Is it possible that our leaders have now changed their opinion and are aware that he’s the Christ?” 27 But others were also saying, “It’s not likely that this man from Nazareth is the Christ because when the Christ comes no one will know where he came from. For when He’s sent from heaven we wouldn't possibly call Him ‘a Nazarene.’”

28 For that reason, when Jesus was still teaching in one of the courtyards of God’s House He said to the crowd with a loud voice, “Of course you know Me and you know the place I came from. But I didn’t come of My own will. I was sent by My Father who can always be believed. You don’t know Him yet, 29 but I know Him because I came from Him. He’s also the one who sent Me.”

30 When Jesus talked like that the Jewish Leaders tried to arrest Him. But none of them managed to do anything to Him because the time to arrest Him hadn’t come yet. 31 But many of the crowd believed in Him. They said, “When the Christ comes He certainly won’t do more miracles than what Jesus is doing now!”

The Jewish leaders try to arrest Jesus

32 Then the Pharisees heard what the crowd said about Jesus. So they, along with the chief priests ordered the soldiers who guarded God’s House to arrest Him. 33 Then Jesus said to the crowd, “I'll only be with you a while longer. I'll return to the Father who has sent Me. 34 You’ll search for Me but you won’t be able to find Me because you won’t be able to come to the place where I am.”

35 Then the Jewish leaders said to each other, “Where’s he going that we won’t be able to find him? Does he want to go to the countries where the Jews are scattered? Is it possible that he wants to teach those who speak the Greek language there? 36 What do these words of his mean, ‘You’ll search for me but you won’t be able to find me’? And why does he say, ‘You won’t be able to come to the place where I am’?”

The water that gives life

37 When the last day of the Celebration of Booths made of leafy branches came, which was the most important day, Jesus stood and spoke with a loud voice to the crowd that was in the courtyard of God’s House, “Whoever is thirsty, come to Me and drink! 38 It’s written in God’s Word about the one who believes in Me, ‘from within his heart will flow streams of water that give life.’” [6] 39 Jesus meant the Holy Spirit who would be received in the heart of everyone who believes in Him. But at the time He said that the Holy Spirit hadn’t yet been given to believers because Jesus still hadn’t experienced death and hadn’t been raised to the place of His glory in heaven.

Many people argue about Jesus

40 Some of the crowd who heard these words of Jesus said, “He’s definitely the prophet whom we’re waiting for, who was promised to replace Moses.” [1]

41 And others said, “He’s the Christ.”

Others also said, “No way! The Christ won’t come from Galilee 42 because in the Word of the Lord it's written that the Christ will come from the descendants of David, from the village of Bethlehem where David used to live.” 43 So that’s how the crowd argued with each other about Jesus. 44 Some of the crowd wanted to arrest Jesus, but no one dared to touch Him.

The Jewish leaders don’t want to believe

45 So the guard soldiers returned to the chief priests and Pharisees who had ordered them to arrest Jesus. Then they were asked, “Why didn’t you bring him in?”

46 So they answered, “There has never been a man who taught like him!”

47 Then the Pharisees answered, “What! You’ve been led astray by him too! 48 There still isn't even one of us leaders or Pharisees who believe in him, you know?! 49 But the crowd that follows him doesn’t know anything about the Law. May God punish them!”

50 But Nicodemus was there too, who was one of their members who had previously come to meet with Jesus. Then he said to them, 51 “Let’s not go against the Law! We must hear directly from that man and check to see if he has actually done wrong before we say that he leads people astray.” 52 Then they answered him, “Why do you defend him?! You aren’t a Galilean! Search the Holy Bible for yourself. You’ll see that it isn’t written that a prophet will come from Galilee.”

A woman who commits adultery

[ [2] 53 After that, they all went to their own homes.]

7:40 [1] Moses had prophesied that God would appoint a prophet from among the Jews, just as God had appointed him, and everyone had to listen to that prophet. See Deut. 18:15-19.
7:52 [2] Show that this part (verses 1-11) isn’t found in the oldest copies.

7:38 [6] Is. 58:11

Chapter 8

[ 1 But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2 The following day, very early in the morning, He returned to one of the courtyards of God’s House, and many people came to Him. So He sat down and taught them.

3 Then the experts of the Law and several members of the Pharisees group came bringing a woman to Jesus. The woman was caught in the act of committing adultery. They forced her to stand in front of the crowd. 4 Then they said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of committing adultery. 5 Now according to the Law, this person must be stoned to death. But what’s your opinion?”

6 They questioned Jesus like that because they had made an agreement that if Jesus’ didn’t answer in according to the Law they planned to accuse Him. But Jesus just bent down and wrote with His finger in the dirt. 7 While the Jewish leaders still continued to press Him for an answer, He raised His head and said to them, “Whichever of you feels that he hasn’t sinned, let him be the first to throw a stone at this woman.” 8 Then He bent over again and wrote in the dirt.

9 When they heard Jesus’ answer, they left one by one, beginning with the oldest, until finally only Jesus was left there with the woman. And the woman was still standing in that place. 10 Then Jesus raised His head and said to her, “Where are those men? Isn’t there anyone who wants to punish you?”

11 Then the woman answered, “There is no one, Sir.”

And Jesus said to her, “I won’t punish you either. Go, and from now on don’t commit sin anymore.”]

Jesus is the world’s light

12 After that, Jesus returned to talking with the crowd. He said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me won’t live in darkness, for My light will shine on him and lead him to eternal life.”

13 Then the Pharisees said to Him, “But you’re the only one who testifies about yourself, and there’s no one else who testifies to support your testimony. So we can’t believe what you’ve testified.”

14 Then He said to them, “Even though there isn’t anyone who testifies to support My testimony, My testimony is still true. For I know where I came from and where I will go. But you don’t know anything about Me. 15 You accuse Me according to the customs of worldly people, but I didn’t come to this world to punish people. 16 If I judge people, I'll judge them with justice because I don’t judge alone but with My Father who sent me. 17 In the Book of the Law, Moses ordered that when you judge someone there must be a minimum of two eyewitnesses who say the same thing before acquitting or condemning a person. 18 There are two who testify about Me: I testify about Myself, and the Father who sent Me also testifies about Me.”

19 Then they asked Him, “Where’s your father?”

And Jesus answered, “You don’t know Me or My Father either. If you really knew Me, you would certainly have known My Father too.” 20 Jesus said all of that while He taught in the courtyard of God’s House where there were several boxes to put offering money. Although He taught publicly in that place no one tried to arrest Him because the time hadn’t come yet for Him to be arrested.

The Jewish leaders don’t understand Jesus’ teaching

21 Jesus spoke to the crowd again, “I’m going to leave you. Then you’ll search for Me and you’ll die without forgiveness for your sins. You can’t come to the place where I’m going.”

22 Then the Jewish leaders asked each other, “Does he want to kill himself? Maybe that’s the reason he says, ‘You can’t come to the place where I’m going.’”

23 But Jesus said to them, “You come from here below, whereas I come from there above. You come from this world, but I’m not from this world. 24 That’s why I said to you that you’ll die without forgiveness for your sins. Yes, that’s what will happen to you if you don’t believe that I’m the One whom you’re waiting for.” [1]

25 So they asked again, “What! That’s impossible! Who do you think you are to talk like that?!”

Then Jesus answered, “From the first time I taught you, I explained about Myself! 26 Actually there are still many things that I could tell in order to point out your sins. But I only speak according to what I hear from the Father who sent Me. He speaks only what is true, and that’s what I tell you in this world.”

27 But they didn’t understand that Jesus was speaking about His Father who was in heaven, not the one on earth. 28 For that reason He said to them, “When you raise Me up and hang Me the Son of Man, at that moment you will know that I really am the one you’re waiting for. And you’ll realize that there’s nothing that I do or teach from My own thoughts, but all of it agrees with what has been taught by My Father. 29 The Father who sent Me is always with Me. He never leaves Me because I always do whatever pleases Him.” 30 When they heard Jesus say that, many people believed in Him.

How to be free from sin

31 Then Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in Him, “If you continue to follow My teaching, you really are My followers. 32 You’ll accept true teaching and that true teaching is what will set you free.”

33 Then there were those who said to Him, “We’re the descendants of Abraham! We’ve never become slaves of another nation. How can you say that we’ll be set free?”

34 Then Jesus answered, “What I’m saying is really true. Everyone who commits sin has become a slave of the sin that he commits. 35-37 Think about this example: A slave who’s been bought isn’t cinsudered to be a member of his master’s family. His status is not the same as a son who is a member of that family forever. You think, ‘We’re descendants of Abraham which means we’re included in the family of God.’ But you’re actually slaves of sin. For that reason if the Son of the Master of the House sets you free, then you’re really free from slavery. Of course I know that you’re descendants of Abraham. But even so you try to kill Me because you don’t want to accept My teaching. 38 What I teach are the things that My Father has shown Me. But you do just what you learned from your father.”

39 Then they answered, “We’re the children of Abraham.”

Then Jesus answered, “If you really were Abraham’s descendants you would certainly follow Abraham’s example. 40 I tell you true teachings that I hear from God, yet you try to kill Me! Abraham never did that! 41 So it’s clear that you’re not Abraham’s descendants because you’re following a different father’s example.”

Then the Jews answered, “We’re not illegitimate children! Actually, the one and only God is the Father of all of us.”

42 Then Jesus said to them again, “If God really is your Father, you would definitely love Me because I came from Him. I didn’t come because of My own will, but He’s the one who sent Me into this world. 43 And this is why you can’t understand My words, because you refuse to accept My teaching. 44 Your father is the devil! That’s why you’re happy to do his will. From the beginning the devil was a murderer, and he always opposes true teaching because true teaching can’t abide in him. He likes to deceive because that’s his true nature. He’s a liar and the father of all liars.

45 “But My teaching is true, so that’s why you can’t possibly believe in Me! 46 You’ve never proven that I’ve sinned. So if I teach what’s true why don’t you believe in Me? 47 Everyone who comes from God will definitely listen to teachings from God. Obviously you don’t want to hear His teaching. For that reason it proves that you don’t come from God.”

Jesus talks about Himself and Abraham

48 Then those Jewish leaders immediately insulted Him, “You’re a Samaritan who is already crazy and possessed by a demon!”

49 And Jesus answered, “I’m not possessed. I work to glorify My Father, but you insult Me. 50 I don’t seek praise for Myself, but there’s One who wants Me to be honored. He’s also the One who’s defending Me. 51 What I’m saying is really true. Everyone who keeps following My teaching won’t die forever.” 52 Then the Jews said to Him again, “Now it’s clear that you’re crazy and possessed by a demon! Abraham has died, and the prophets have also died. But you say, ‘Everyone who follows my teaching won’t die forever.’ 53 So you think you’re greater than Abraham, do you?! He’s dead, and all of the prophets have also died. You think you’re greater than all of them, huh?!”

54 Then Jesus answered, “If I work to seek honor for Myself you don’t need to believe in Me. The One who honors Me is My Father, whom you call your God,

55 but you don’t know Him yet. I’m the One who knows Him. If I say that I don’t know Him, then I’ve become a liar, just like you. But I do know Him, and I always obey His commands. 56 Your ancestor Abraham was very happy when he heard the plan for My ministry in this world. When he witnessed the beginning of it he was very joyful.”

57 Then they said to Him, “What?! You aren’t fifty years old yet and you say that you’ve seen Abraham!”

58 Then Jesus answered, “What I’m saying is really true. I already existed before Abraham was born.” [2] 59 When they heard Jesus say that they took up stones to throw at Him to kill Him. But Jesus suddenly made them unable to see Him. Then he left God’s House.

8:24 [1] Literally, I am. Those words in the Greek language are just like one of the names for God in the Hebrew/Aramaic language— which is ‘Yahweh’. (Gen. 3:14; Is. 41:4, 43:10.) It’s very likely that Jesus purposely used that expression with two meanings, that is “I am God,” and “I am the Christ, the ‘Messiah’ who was promised.” That same thing happens six times in this book, in 8:24, 28, 58; 13:19; 18:5, 8.
8:58 [2] In the Greek language this expression is the name of God, ‘Yahweh’. See note in 8:24.

Chapter 9

Jesus makes a blind man see

1 When we, His disciples, were walking along with Jesus, we all saw a man who had been blind since birth. 2 Then we asked, “Teacher, who do you suppose sinned so that he was born blind? Was it because of his own sin while he was still in his mother’s womb or because of the sin of his mother and father?”

3 Then Jesus answered, “He wasn’t born blind because of his sin and it also wasn’t because of his mother or father’s sin. But this happened so that through him the power of God can be shown to many people. 4-5 As long as I’m still in this world I am the light of the world. So now we must do the various tasks given by the Father who sent Me while it’s still day. For night will fall soon and there won’t be anyone who’ll be able to do anything anymore.”

6 After Jesus said that, He spit on the ground and mixed His spit with dirt to make mud, then He rubbed it on the eyelids of the blind man. 7 Then He said, “Go to the pool of Siloam and wash your eyes there.” (In the Hebrew language, ‘Siloam’ means ‘Sent’.) So the man went to wash his eyes at the pool. When he came back, he could see.

8 After he returned his neighbors and the people who used to see him begging said to each other, “Isn’t he the blind man who usually sits and begs for money?!”

9 Some answered, “Yes, that’s definitely him.” But others said, “No, he just looks like that blind man.”

Then he said, “It’s true, I’m the man who used to be blind!”

10 Because of that they asked him, “How were you made able to see?”

11 He answered, “The man named Jesus mixed his spit with dirt till it became mud, then he rubbed it on my eyelids. And then he told me to go wash my eyes in the pool of Siloam. So I went. After I washed my eyes I could see.”

12 Then they asked him again, “Where is that man?”

And he answered, “I don’t know.”

The Pharisee group check whether the former blind man was blind from birth

13 Then those people took the former blind man to members of the Pharisee group 14 because the day when Jesus made mud and made the blind man see was the Sabbath Day. 15 So the Pharisees also asked him, “How were you made able to see?”

Then the man answered, “Jesus rubbed mud on my eyelids, then I went and washed my eyes and now I can see.”

16 Then some of the Pharisees said, “It isn’t possible that Jesus was sent by God because he doesn’t obey the regulations of the Law about the Sabbath Day.”

But some other members said, “A sinner couldn’t possibly do a miracle like this!” So there was a huge difference of opinion between them.

17 Then they asked the man again, “You’re the blind man whom he made able to see. So what’s your opinion about that man?”

The former blind man answered, “He’s a prophet.”

18 But they still didn’t believe that he really used to be blind and could now see. Because of that they called his mother and father. 19 Then they asked his parents, “This is your son, right?! Was he really blind since birth? If so, how can it be that he can see now?”

20 His parents answered, “It’s true that he’s our son. He really was blind from birth. 21 But we don’t know how it happened that he can see now, and we don’t know who made his eyes able to see. Go ahead and ask him. He’s an adult, and he can answer himself.” 22 His father and mother said that to the Pharisees because they were afraid of being punished by being forbidden to enter any Jewish synagogue. Because prior to this the Jewish leaders had already agreed that anyone who confessed that Jesus was the Christ would be forbidden to enter any synagogue. [1] 23 That’s why his parents said, “Go ahead and ask him. He’s an adult, and he can answer himself.”

24 So for the second time the Pharisees called the former blind man and said to him, “Swear before God that you’ll tell us the truth, because we know that Jesus is a sinner!”

25 Then he answered, “I don’t know whether he’s a sinner or not. What I do know is this that I was blind, but now I can see!”

26 Then they asked, “What did he do to you? How did he make your eyes able to see?”

27 And he answered, “I just explained that to you but you didn’t pay attention! Why do you want to hear it again?! Don’t tell me that you want to become his followers too!”

28 Then they insulted him by saying, “You’re a follower of that sinner, not us! We’re followers of Moses. 29 We know that God has spoken to Moses but we don’t know anything about that man!”

30 Then the former blind man said to them, “Wow, that’s really strange! You say that you don’t know anything about Jesus even though he made my eyes able to see. 31 We know that God never listens to the requests of sinners but He listens to everyone who honors Him and does His will. 32 From the beginning of the world until now we’ve never heard that anyone was able to make the eyes of a person born blind able to see. 33 If that man wasn’t sent by God he couldn’t possibly do a miracle like this!”

34 So they said to him, “From the moment you were born you were full of sin. That’s why you were blind! And now you think you’re good enough to teach us, huh?!” And from then on he was forbidden to enter any synagogue.

Don’t let the eyes of your hearts be blind

35 When Jesus heard that the former blind man was forbidden to enter any of the synagogues, He looked for him. And when He met him Jesus asked, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?”

36 Then the man answered, “Sir, who is He? Tell me so that I can believe in Him!”

37 Then Jesus said, “You’ve already seen Him. Actually, I am the Son of Man, the One sent by God into this world and who is now speaking to you.”

38 The man answered, “I believe, Lord!” Then he knelt and worshiped Him.

39 Then Jesus said, “I came to this world to make a division among people. Those who are blind will see and those who consider themselves able to see will become blind.”

40 There were some members of the Pharisee group there who heard what Jesus said. They said to Him, “So you mean we’re blind, huh?!”

41 And Jesus answered, “If you would admit that you’re blind, it would mean that you were not now sinning. But since you keep saying that you can see you keep on adding to your sins.”

9:22 [1] See the footnote in John 6:59. If someone was forbidden to enter the synagogue he was also shunned by everyone.

Chapter 10

The Shepherd and His sheep

1 Then Jesus said to all of those who were there, “What I’m saying is really true. Everyone who wants to enter the sheep pen must go through the door. If he enters at night by climbing the fence, he is definitely one who wants to steal and plunder the sheep. 2 Whereas the shepherd of the sheep will certainly enter through the door. 3 Then the guard of the sheep pen will open the door for him. And when the shepherd calls the name of each of his sheep, those sheep will know his voice and follow him when he leads them out. 4 And when he takes the sheep out he always walks in front. His sheep always follow him because they know his voice. 5 But those sheep won’t follow another man— and they will even run from him because the sheep don’t know his voice.”

6 After Jesus told that analogy, none us who heard it understood its meaning.

Jesus is the faithful shepherd

7 So Jesus said again, “What I’m telling you is really true. I am the door into the sheep pen. 8 Everyone who came before Me and claimed to be the shepherd was a thief and a robber. But the sheep didn’t follow anyone like that. 9 Yes, I am the door. Anyone who enters through Me will be saved, and I will guard him so that he may go out and come into the pen safely and get food. 10 The thief just comes to steal, kill and destroy. But I’ve come to this world to give life, a life full of blessings.

11 “I am the faithful shepherd. A faithful shepherd will surrender his life to save his sheep. 12 But a hired worker won’t work like the shepherd who owns the sheep. When the worker sees a wolf come, he’ll run away and leave the sheep. Then the wolf will catch one of the sheep, and the others will run here and there. 13 He runs because he’s just a hired worker and he doesn’t care for the sheep.

14-15 “I am the faithful shepherd. I will surrender My life to save My sheep. Just as My Father knows Me deeply, I also know My sheep. And just as I really know My Father, My sheep also know Me. 16 I also have other sheep who haven’t yet joined this flock. So I need to lead them so that they are united with this flock. They’ll hear My voice too. And finally all of My sheep will become one flock with one shepherd, which is Me. 17 So this is the reason My Father loves Me because I’m ready to surrender My life to save them. But after death I will live again. 18 My death is not the fault of anyone at all. Instead, I Myself am the one who surrenders My life. For I Myself have the right over My life, both to determine the time of My death and the time I will live again. All of this is according to My Father’s command to Me.”

19 When the Jews heard Jesus teach like that they began to argue with each other. 20 Many of them said, “He’s crazy because he’s possessed by a demon. You don’t need to listen to him!”

21 But others said, “What he was just saying isn’t like the words of a man possessed by a demon! A man possessed by a demon couldn’t possibly heal the eyes of a blind man.”

The argument between the Jewish leaders and Jesus

22 Not long after that, Jesus was in Jerusalem at the time of the celebration to remember the Dedication of God’s House. It was winter at the time. 23 And Jesus was walking in Solomon's Courtyard in God’s House. 24 Then the Jewish leaders came and gathered around Jesus and said to Him, “We’ve been waiting a long time for you to tell us plainly about who you really are! If you’re definitely the Christ, say so!”

25 So He answered, “I’ve told you, but you don’t believe. I’ve done many miracles in My Father’s name. Those things show My position. 26 But you don’t believe because you’re not My sheep. 27 For My sheep always hear My voice. I know them and they always follow Me. 28 I give eternal life to them. So My sheep won’t die forever, and there isn’t anyone who can snatch them from My hand. 29 The One who has given those sheep to Me is My Father. He’s the one more powerful than all there is, and no one can snatch them from Our hands. [1] 30 My Father and I are one.”

31 Then once more [7] the leaders picked up stones to throw at Jesus to kill Him.

32 But He said to them, “According to My Father’s command, I’ve done many miracles [2] among you. So is there a miracle that you didn’t like and that's you want to kill me with stones?”

33 Then they answered, “There isn’t! We don’t want to kill you because of the miracles you do but because you insult God. You’re just a human being, but you make yourself to be the same as God.”

34 Then Jesus answered them, “You’ve received the Word of the Lord, and of course you’ve read in it that God says,

     ‘You’re all children of the Greatest God,

         and you have characteristics like Him.’ [3]

35 The Word of the Lord is definitely always true. So if God Himself called those people His children, that is the people who had received the Word of God, 36 then you don’t need to think that I insulted God because I said, ‘I’m the Son of God’. He’s the one who set Me apart and sent Me into this world. 37 If I don’t do miracles that glorify My Father, you don’t need to follow My teaching. 38 But if I actually do many miracles that glorify My Father, and you still don’t want to believe in Me, it would be better for you to believe that the things I do come from the Father. In that way you’ll know and understand that the Father is one with Me and I’m one with Him.”

39 Then they tried to arrest Jesus again, but there was something that prevented them so that He escaped from their hands.

40 Then He went to the other side of the Jordan river, the place where John had baptized people earlier. Then He stayed there. 41 Many people went to Him. They said, “John didn't do even one miracle but everything he said about this man is true.” 42 And many people there began to believe that Jesus was the Christ.

10:29 [1] Jesus literally said, “no one can snatch them out of the Father’s hands.” But because of what He said in verse 28b and 29a, He meant that the Father and He hold those sheep together. This agrees with John 17:10.
10:32 [2] In the Greek language, Jesus said, “good deeds.” But here and 37-38 he doesn’t mean usual deeds.
10:34 [3] Jesus quoted from Ps. 82:6. According to what John wrote in the Greek language, Jesus only said the first part of that verse, which literally says, “I, God, say, ‘You are gods.’” (The word ‘gods’ is usually translated ‘deities’ in the Indonesian language.) The whole verse is literally, “I say, ‘You are deities, and you’re all children of the Most High.’” This translation includes all of Ps. 82:6 because that makes the meaning clearer for today’s readers.

10:31 [7] John 8:59

Chapter 11

The death of Lazarus

1-3 At that time Jesus’ friend named Lazarus was sick. He lived with his two sisters Mary and Martha in the village of Bethany, near Jerusalem. (This Mary was the one who would anoint Jesus’ feet with fragrant oil and dry them with her hair.) So the two sisters of Lazarus sent someone to meet Jesus with this news, “Lord, Your close friend whom You love is sick.”

4 When Jesus heard that news He said, “This sickness won’t end in death, but it’s for the glory of God. And through that I as God’s Son will also be glorified.” 5 Even though Jesus loved Mary, Martha and Lazarus, 6 He still remained there two more days with us disciples of His when He heard that news. 7 After that He said to us, “Come, let’s return to Judea.”

8 Then we answered, “Teacher, not long ago the Jewish leaders almost threw stones at You, so do You really want to go back there?!”

9 Then He answered, “The sun shines every day for twelve hours. So if we walk in the daytime we won’t fall because the light shines on us. 10 But whoever walks at night often falls because there’s no light to guide him.”

11 Then He said again, “Our close friend Lazarus is now sleeping, but I want to go there to wake him up.”

12 Then we answered, “Lord, if he’s sleeping that’s good. It means he’ll get well and wake up by himself.” 13 (We thought that Jesus meant that Lazarus was sleeping normally. But Jesus actually used the word ‘sleeping’ figuratively, meaning ‘dead’.)

14 Because of that He said clearly to us, “Lazarus has died. 15 And it’s actually good that I wasn’t there at that time to heal him because this will make you believe in Me more. But come, let’s go to him now.”

16 One of us was Thomas, who was usually called the Twin. [1] At that moment he said, “Come let’s follow Him so that we’re also killed with Him.”

Jesus is the only one who resurrects and gives life

17 When Jesus and we disciples of His arrived in Bethany, someone told Jesus that the body of Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days. 18 The village of Bethany was near Jerusalem. The distance between them was about three kilometers. [2] 19 At that time, many Jews had come to visit Martha and Mary to comfort them because of their brother’s death.

20 When Martha heard that Jesus was near, she immediately went to meet Jesus, while Mary stayed in the house. 21 When they met, Martha said to Him, “Lord, if You’d been here before this happened my brother would definitely not have died. 22 But I know that even now God will give You whatever You ask of Him.”

23 Then Jesus answered, “Your brother will live again.”

24 And Martha said to Him, “I know that he’ll rise and live again when everyone is resurrected when this world is over.”

25 But Jesus said to her, “I am the One who resurrects and gives life. Everyone who believes in Me will continue to live even though he dies. 26 And everyone who continues to live and believes in Me will actually never die. Martha, do you believe that?”

27 Then she answered, “Yes, Lord. I believe that You’re God’s Son and the Christ who was promised to come into this world.”

Jesus cries

28 After Martha said that, she returned to the house to call Mary. Because there were other people in the house, Martha whispered to her, “The Teacher is here and He wants to meet with you.”

29 When Mary heard that she immediately stood up and went to meet Jesus. 30 At that time Jesus hadn’t entered the village yet, but He was still at the place where Martha met Him. 31 It so happened that at that time there were many Jews who had come to the house to comfort Mary. When they saw her stand up and go outside quickly, they thought she was going to Lazarus’ tomb to cry, so they followed her. 32 When Mary arrived at the place where Jesus was and saw Him, she immediately knelt down and worshiped at His feet. Then she said, “Lord, if You’d been here before this happened, my brother would definitely not have died.”

33 When He saw Mary and the Jews who came with her crying, Jesus felt very sad and troubled in His heart. 34 Then He asked Mary and Martha, “Where did you bury him?”

And they answered, “Come follow us Lord, and see for Yourself!”

35 Then Jesus cried.

36 Because of that the people who followed said, “Look! Jesus really loved Lazarus very much.”

37 But there were also those among them who said, “Jesus healed the eyes of a blind man, right? If so, why didn’t He prevent Lazarus from dying?”

Jesus brought Lazarus back to life

38 Jesus came to the tomb feeling very sad at heart. The tomb was a stone cave which was closed with a big rock. 39 Then Jesus said to the people who were there, “Move that rock.”

But Martha said, “Lord, his body has been in the tomb for four days. It already smells rotten, for sure.”

40 Then Jesus said to her, “Remember what I said to you! If you believe in Me, God will show His power and His great glory to you!”

41 After they moved the rock Jesus looked up to the sky and said, “Father, I thank You because You’ve heard My prayer. 42 I know that You always hear Me, but I’m speaking like this because of the crowd gathered here listening to My prayer. And I want them to believe that You’re the one who sent Me.” 43 After saying that He called with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” 44 Then Lazarus came out. His feet and hands were still tied with the cloth used to wrap the dead body, and his face was also still tied with a piece of cloth.

Then Jesus said to them, “Untie those cloths so that he’s free to walk.”

The Jewish leaders plan to kill Jesus

45 At that moment many of those who happened to be there to comfort Mary believed in Jesus because they witnessed the miracle themselves. 46 But there were also those among them who went to the Pharisees and reported what Jesus had done. 47 Because of that the Pharisee group and the chief priests gathered with members of the Religious Court. They talked about the problem of Jesus like this, “What should we do? That man does many miracles. 48 If we let him go on doing things like this, everyone will definitely believe in him. Then the king of Rome will order his soldiers to come and destroy God’s House and all of the Jews.”

49 One of them was named Caiaphas. He was the high priest that year. He said to the them, “You don’t know anything! 50 When will you wake up?! It’s better that one man die for our nation rather than all of the Jewish people be destroyed.”

51 But actually Caiaphas didn’t think that on his own. That year he held the position of high priest. So without realizing it, his words were a prophecy from the Holy Spirit that Jesus would die for all of the Jews. 52 And Jesus death wouldn’t be for just for the Jews. But the purpose of His sacrifice was to gather and unite all the people of the whole world who would become God’s children.

53 So that day the Jewish leaders made the decision to kill Jesus. 54 Because of that Jesus didn’t travel openly in public among the Jews in the province of Judea anymore. He went with us disciples of His to a lonely region near the village of Ephraim and stayed there.

55 Several days before the Jewish celebration day which was called Passover, many people from all over Israel went to Jerusalem. In agreement with the Law they came several days ahead of time to take part in the ceremony to cleanse themselves before the celebration. 56-57 At that time the chief priests and the Pharisee group had put out a command that if anyone knew where Jesus was they must report Him to them so that they could arrest Him. So many people were searching for Him. When they stood in the courtyard of God’s House they often said to each other, “What do you think? Will Jesus come to the feast?”

11:16 [1] Thomas’ name came from the Hebrew language and had the meaning ‘twin’. Here John also gives his name in the Greek language, which is ‘Didimus’, which also means, ‘twin’.
11:18 [2] Literally, “15 stadia.”

Chapter 12

Mary pours oil on Jesus’ feet at Bethany

1 Six days before the celebration of Passover, Jesus and we disciples of His went back to Bethany. Bethany is the village of Lazarus, whom Jesus had brought back to life after death. 2 The people of that village held a dinner to honor Jesus. Martha also joined in preparing the food, while Lazarus was one of the people who sat and ate with Jesus. 3 Then Mary brought a half liter of pure fragrant oil, [1] which was very expensive. She rubbed the oil on Jesus’ feet, then dried them with her hair. The fragrance of the oil filled the whole house.

4 But Judas, one of Jesus’ disciples who came from the village of Cariot and after this would sell Jesus, protested by saying, 5 “It would have been better if Mary gave that oil to us to sell, because if it had been sold, it would have made a lot of money, [2] and we could have used that money to help poor people.” 6 But Judas didn’t say that because he really wanted to help poor people but because he was a thief. He was the treasurer who received all of the contributions given to Jesus and us which were kept in a bag. But he often stole money from the bag.

7 Then Jesus said, “You don’t need to rebuke this woman! Without knowing it she has prepared My body for the time when I will be buried. 8 There will always be poor people among you and you have many opportunities to help them. But I won’t always be with you.”

The chief priests make plans for Lazarus

9 That day many Jews heard that Jesus was in the village of Bethany. So they went there to see Him and Lazarus who had been brought back to life after dying. 10 Because of that the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus too. 11 For as soon as they heard the story about Lazarus, many Jews became believers in Jesus, then they began to leave the side of the chief priests.

The crowd welcomes Jesus as king

12 The next day the news spread that Jesus was heading for Jerusalem. So the crowd who had gathered there to take part in the Passover celebration 13 took palm branches and went outside the city to welcome Jesus. They shouted,

     “Hosanna! Praise God! [3]

     May God bless this new king [4]

     of Israel!”

         This king is the one coming to represent the Lord!” [8]

14 At that time Jesus got a young donkey and then got on it. This happened in agreement with what had been written in the Word of the Lord, 15 “Residents of Jerusalem, [5] don’t be afraid!

     Look! Your king is coming,

     riding on a young donkey.” [9]

16 When we disciples of His followed the crowd, we didn’t understand that this was written about the Christ. But after Jesus was glorified through His death and His ascension to heaven, then we understand that we had done this according to the words of the prophet.

17-18 The reason many people went out to welcome Jesus on that day was because when Jesus made Lazarus alive again by calling him out of his tomb many people saw that event. Then they kept telling about that miracle to other people. 19 When the Pharisees saw that they said to one another, “Look! None of what we’ve done has accomplished anything at all. Everyone’s following that man!”

Jesus speaks about His death

20 Among the people who came to worship at Jerusalem for Passover Day there were some people who weren’t Jewish. [6] 21 They came to Philip and said to him, “Sir, we want to meet Jesus.” (Philip came from the town of Bethsaida in Galilee.) 22 So he went and told Andrew their request. Then Andrew and Philip told Jesus.

23 So Jesus said to those who weren’t Jewish, “The time has come for Me, the Son of Man, to be glorified by dying. 24 What I’m saying is really true. What will happen to Me soon can be illustrated by a grain of wheat. To produce many grains of wheat that grain must be planted and die, only then can it grow again and produce many grains of wheat. If not, the grain of wheat will remain just one grain. 25 In the same way the man who wants to keep his own life in this world will lose his life. But the person who’s ready to surrender his life will possess eternal life.

26 Everyone who wants to serve Me has to follow wherever I go, so that he remains with Me. My Father will respect who serves Me.”

27 “My heart feels very sad now. What should I say in My prayers? It’s certainly appropriate for Me to pray like this, ‘Father, save Me now from this suffering!’ But I can’t ask for that because I came into this world to experience this suffering. 28 So I only pray, ‘Father, let Your name be glorified through what happens to Me!’”

Then all of us who were there heard a voice from heaven which said, “I have glorified My name through You, and I will do it again!”

29 One of us who stood there said, “That sounded like thunder.”

But someone else said, “That’s not so. That was the voice of an angel speaking to Him.”

30 Then Jesus said to all of us, “That voice wasn’t for Me to hear but for you to hear. 31 Now the time has come for the people of this world to be judged. And now also the ruler of this world, the devil, will be thrown down and his power will be destroyed. 32 Then the Son of Man [7] will be lifted up and hung above the earth. When that happens, I will open up a way for all people to come to Me.” 33 Jesus said that to tell how He would die.

34 Then there was someone among the crowd who said to Him, “We’ve read in the Lord’s Word [8] that the Christ will live forever. So why do you say that the ‘Son of Man must be lifted up and hung?’ Who do you mean by saying ‘the Son of Man’?”

35 Then Jesus said to them, “There’s just a short time left for the light to remain with you in this world. So you should use the time while the light is still with you so that when the darkness comes it won’t overpower you, because a person who walks in the dark doesn’t know where he’s going. 36 So as long as I’m still with you, you should believe in Me as the light. [9] In that way, the light will fill your lives, [10] and you won’t go astray because of being overpowered by darkness.” After Jesus said that, He left with us disciples of His and went to a place which was unknown to the crowd.

The opinion of the Jews concerning Jesus

37 Even though the Jews had witnessed so many miracles that Jesus had done they still didn’t believe in Him. 38 In that way the words of the prophet Isaiah were fulfilled when he moaned a complaint to God,

     “O God, almost nobody believes

         when I tell news from You!

     And when You stretch out Your powerful hand to do miracles it’s as if they can’t see!” [10]

39 Because of that they can’t believe. For Isaiah also said this,

     40 “God has made their eyes become blind

         so that they can’t see

     and also closed their minds

         so that they can’t understand.

     In that way they can’t return to Him.

     But if they return, God has promised,

         ‘I will still heal them.’” [11]

41 Isaiah said that because long before Jesus came into this world he had seen the glory of the Christ and revealed what Jesus’ life would be like later on.

42 But at that time there were actually quite a few people who believed in Jesus, including Jewish leaders. But because they were afraid of the Pharisee group they didn’t want to openly admit it. They were afraid of being chased out of the Jewish synagogues and forbidden to enter them. 43 They liked pleasing people more than pleasing God.

People will be judged according to Jesus’ teaching

44 But Jesus cried out to the crowd, of course, “Everyone who believes in Me doesn’t just believe in Me but also believes in Him who sent Me into this world. 45 Whoever sees Me has seen Him who sent Me. 46 I’ve come into this world as light so that everyone who believes in Me won’t live in darkness anymore.

47 “But it isn’t Me who punishes the people who reject My teaching. For I didn’t come into this world to punish people but to free them from punishment as a result of their sins. 48 But remember that whoever rejects Me and My teaching will be punished by God on the last day with a punishment that agrees with My teaching! 49 For My teaching didn’t come from Me alone but from the Father who sent Me. He’s the one who gave Me the task to tell this teaching. 50 And I know that the teaching from the Father leads to eternal life. That’s the reason I always teach according to what My Father told Me.”

12:3 [1] The word used in the Greek language means that this was oil of nard. The oil is made from the roots of a plant called “nard” which grows in the land of India.
12:5 [2] Literally, “300 denarii”. A denarius was a Roman coin made of real silver. At that time one denarius was the wages of a worker for one day. So 300 denarii was about the same as the wages of a worker for one year.
12:13 [3] They literally shouted “Hosanna.” That word is also translated here as “Praise God!” In the Hebrew language, before the time of Jesus the word Hosanna meant, “Save us now,” or “I pray for help.” But at the time of Jesus the meaning of Hosanna had become ‘Praise God’.
12:13 [4] A small letter is used here to replace the name of Jesus because those who were speaking weren’t people who believed that He was God’s Son.
12:15 [5] Literally, “sons of Zion.” Zion was the name of a hill where the city of Jerusalem was located.
12:20 [6] Translates “Greek people.” At the time of Jesus Greek was the common language. And all other people groups were called ‘Greek people’, including people groups that weren’t from the land of Greece.
12:32 [7] Literally, “I.” Because of the question of the listener in verse 34 Jesus definitely used the term ‘Son of Man’ in this statement. See the note in John 1:51.
12:34 [8] Literally, the “Law.” At that time the Jewish people often called the whole Old Testament 'the Law', and not just the five books of the Law of Moses.
12:36 [10] Literally, “So that you become children of light.”
12:36 [9] Literally, “believe in that light.”

12:15 [9] Zech. 9:9
12:38 [10] Is. 53:1
12:40 [11] Is. 6:10

Chapter 13

Jesus washes the feet of His disciples

1 On the night before the Passover Celebration Day, Jesus knew that the time had come for Him to leave this world and return to His Father. Jesus always loved everyone who had become His own in this world, and in that way He kept proving His love for us until the last day of His life.

2 At the time that Jesus and we disciples of His were eating supper together, the devil had already worked in the heart of Judas so that he planned to sell Jesus to His enemies. (This Judas was the son of Simon from the village of Cariot.) 3 Jesus knew that His Father had already surrendered all power into His hand. He also knew that He came from God and it was almost time for Him to return to God. 4 While we were eating, Jesus stood up and took off His robe. Then He took a towel and tied it around His waist. 5 He put water into a basin and began to wash all of our feet and dried them again with the towel which He had tied around His waist.

6 When He came to Peter, who was also called Simon, Peter said to Him, “Lord, You don’t need to wash my feet.”

7 Then Jesus answered him, “You won’t understand what I’m doing now, but you’ll understand later on.”

8 Then Peter [1] said again, “I'll never allow You to wash my feet!”

But Jesus said to him, “If I don’t wash your feet, you’re no longer My follower.”

9 Then Peter said to Him, “Lord, if that’s so, don’t just wash my feet but wash my hands and my head too!”

10 Jesus said to him, “The body of a person who has bathed is already clean. After he walks around he only needs to wash his feet. Most of you are holy in the eyes of God, but one of you isn’t holy.” 11 Jesus said that because He knew who had already planned to sell Him. That’s why He said, “One of you is not holy.”

12 After Jesus washed all of our feet He put on His robe again and returned to His seat. Then He said to us, “Do you understand what I did to you just now? 13 You call Me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and those two titles are correct because that’s what I really am. 14 So even though I’m your Teacher and Lord, I’ve humbled Myself like a servant and washed your feet. That means you must also wash each other’s feet. 15 I’ve given you this example so that you'll do the same thing that I’ve done to you. 16 What I’m saying is really true. A servant isn’t greater than his master. In the same way someone who represents another person isn’t greater than the one who sent him. 17 That’s definitely clear. So you’ll be truly blessed if you follow My example and serve each other.

18 “I don’t say that about all of you because I know those whom I’ve chosen. But what’s written in the Word of the Lord must be fulfilled which says,

     ‘My friend who usually ate with Me

         became My enemy.’ [2]

19 I’m telling you this now so that when he acts, you’ll believe that I’m the one you’re waiting for.

20 What I’m saying is really true. Whoever accepts a person whom I send accepts Me. And whoever accepts Me accepts the Father who sent Me.”

Jesus tells plainly about who will sell Him

21 When Jesus said that, He became very sad. Then He said honestly, “What I’m telling you is really true. One of you will sell Me to My enemies.”

22 We felt confused and looked at each other,because we didn’t know who He meant. 23 I, the disciple whom Jesus loved very much, [3] was sitting near Jesus' right side. [4] 24 Then Peter gave me a sign with his hand so that I would ask Jesus whom He meant.

25 Then I turned around so that I was even closer and whispered to Him, “Lord, who is that man?”

26 Then He answered, “The one who receives the bread that I dip, he’s the man.” After saying that He took a piece of bread and dipped it in the bowl, then gave it to Judas the son of Simon, from Cariot. 27 When Judas ate the bread the devil immediately entered his heart. Then Jesus said to him, “Do what you’re planning to do quickly.” 28 But none of us who were eating there understood what Jesus meant when He said that to Judas. 29 Because Judas was the treasurer, some of us thought that Jesus meant for him to buy something that was needed for the following days of the celebration. There were also those who thought that Jesus wanted him to give something to the poor.

30 So as soon as he ate the bread he left immediately. It was already night at the time.

Jesus speaks about His death and gives a new commandment

31 After Judas went out Jesus said to us, “Now it’s time for Me, the Son of Man, to be glorified. And God will be glorified through what happens to Me. 32 Because I'll glorify God, He’ll also glorify Me. And He’ll do it soon.”

33 Jesus said again, “My children, I'll be with you for just a short time now and after that you’ll search for Me. So now I’m telling you the same thing I told the Jewish leaders, you can’t come to the place I’m going.

34 I’m giving a new command to you, which is that you must love each other. And you must love each other in the same way that I’ve loved you. 35 If you love each other, then everyone will know that you’re My disciples.”

Jesus says that Peter will deny Him

36 Then Peter asked Jesus, “Lord, where are You going?”

And He answered, “You can’t go with Me to the place I’m going now, but at a later time you’ll follow Me there.”

37 Peter asked again, “Lord, why can’t I follow You now? I’m ready to surrender my life to save You.”

38 Jesus answered, “You want to surrender your life to save Me? You can’t! What I’m telling you is really true. Before the rooster crows, you’ll say that you don’t know Me three times.”

13:8 [1] Literally, “Simon Peter.” Using both names like that means, “Peter who was also called Simon’. The two names are also translated ‘Peter’ in verses 24 and 36, and several other verses in this Gospel.
13:18 [2] Literally, “lifted up his heal against Me.” This sentence is a quote from Ps. 41:10.
13:23 [3] As usual, John didn’t literally write ‘I’ about himself in this verse. But John’s identity as that disciple was revealed by John in John 21:24-25. (See the note in John 1:35.)
13:23 [4] Literally, John wrote “leaning on Jesus’ chest.” At that time the Jews didn’t use chairs when they ate, and they used low tables. So when they ate they leaned on their left elbow and ate with the right hand.

Chapter 14

Jesus is the true way leading to the Father

1 Then Jesus said to us disciples of His, “Don’t be troubled in your hearts. Keep believing in God and in Me too. 2 There are many places to live in My Father’s house. I’m going ahead to prepare a place for you to live there. If that weren’t true, I would never promise you that. 3 When I’ve gone to my Father’s house and the place is ready for you, I'll come back again and take you there, so that you can be where I am too. 4 And you know the way to the place I’m going.

5 Then Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we still don’t know where You’re going, so how do we know the way there?”

6 Then Jesus answered, “I am the way leading to the Father and the basis of all true teaching and the One who gives eternal life. No one can come to the Father except through Me. 7 If you really know Me, you know My Father too. But you actually do know Him now and have seen Him.”

8 Then Philip said to Jesus, “Lord, if that’s so, show us Your Father so that our hearts are satisfied.”

9 Then Jesus answered, “Haven’t I already been with you long enough, so you should know Me, Philip! A person who has seen Me has seen My Father. So why do you still say, ‘Show us Your Father’? 10 Do you still not believe that I’m one with My Father and My Father is also one with Me? What I teach doesn’t come from Myself but the Father is united with Me to do all that work. 11 Believe that I’m one with the Father and the Father is one with Me. If you don’t believe My words, believe in Me because you’ve seen the miracles that I’ve done. 12 What I’m saying is really true. Everyone who believes in Me will do miracles like I’ve done. And not just that but they’ll also do various miracles that are greater than those I do because I’m going to My Father soon. 13 And whatever you ask for in prayer so that I [1] am glorified, I'll answer that prayer of yours. In that way My Father will be glorified though Me, His Son. 14 Yes, I'll give you whatever you ask of Me so that I’m glorified.”

Jesus promises to give the Helper Spirit

15 “If you love Me, you’ll follow all of My commands. 16 Then I'll ask the Father to give you another Helper [2] to be with you and help you forever. 17 That Helper is the Spirit of Truth, [3] who will teach you true things. But the people of the world can’t accept Him because they don’t see Him or know Him. But you know Him because He’s with you now, and later He’ll live in each of your hearts.

18 “I won’t leave you alone. I'll come back to you. 19 In a just little while, the people of the world won’t see Me anymore, but you’ll see Me. Because I live, you’ll live too. 20 At that time you’ll know that I’m one with My Father, I’m one with you and you’re one with Me. 21 Everyone who really loves Me will definitely follow My commands. And people like that are the ones who are loved by My Father. I'll also love them and will reveal Myself to them.”

22 Then one of the disciples named Judas, who wasn’t from the village of Cariot, asked Jesus, “Lord, why do You reveal Yourself to us and not to the people of the world?”

23 Then Jesus answered, “Everyone who loves Me will follow My teaching. My Father will love him. So My Father and I will come to him and live in him. 24 But anyone who doesn’t love Me doesn’t follow My teaching either. Remember, this teaching didn’t come from Me but from the Father who sent Me.

25 “I’ve said all of this while I’m still with you. 26 But the Helper, who is the Holy Spirit, will be sent by the Father so that I’m glorified. He’s the one who’ll teach you about everything. And He’ll remind you about all that I’ve taught you.

27 “Now I’m going to leave a blessing with you so that you may live with a feeling of calmness of heart. The feeling of calmness that I give isn’t the same as the feeling of calmness that people of the world give. So don’t be troubled in your hearts or feel afraid. 28 I’ve told you that I’m going away, but I will return to you. If you really love Me, you should rejoice that I’m leaving you and going to My Father because He’s more powerful than I am. 29 Now I’ve told you about that so when it happens you’ll believe.

30 “I’m not going to say much more to you because the ruler of this world is coming. But he doesn’t have any power over Me at all. 31 What I’m doing now is in agreement with My Father’s command to Me so that people of the world know that I love the Father.

Then Jesus said to us again, “Come on, we’re leaving this house.”

14:13 [1] Literally, “My name.” According to Jewish culture at the time of Jesus, “My name” meant the whole identity of Christ Jesus.
14:16 [2] Can also be translated “Comforter” or “Companion.”
14:17 [3] Is the same as God’s Spirit. According to the following verses, He’s no different than the Spirit of Jesus either. See John 15:26 and 16:13.

Chapter 15

Jesus is the grapevine

1 Then Jesus said to us disciples of His, “I’m like a grapevine that truly produces fruit according to God’s will, and My Father is like the gardener who takes care of that grapevine. 2 He always trims off all of My branches which don’t produce fruit. And He reduces the number of leaves on each branch that’s bearing fruit, so that their fruit increases even more. [1] 3 You are each definitely ready to produce fruit because of the teaching which I’ve given you. 4 You should continue to live in oneness with Me and I will also continue to live in oneness with you. Just like a branch can’t produce fruit if it lives apart from its vine, it’s the same with you. If you don’t live in oneness with Me you won’t be able to produce fruit.

5 I’m definitely like a grape vine and you’re like My branches. If you continue to live in oneness with Me and I keep living in oneness with you then you’ll produce much fruit. But if you’re separated from Me you won’t be able to do anything. 6 Everyone who lives separated from Me is like the branches of the vine which are thrown out and become dry. Those branches will be gathered, then thrown into the fire and burned. 7 If you keep living in oneness with Me and My teaching lives in your hearts, you may ask for whatever you need and it will be given to you. 8 My father will be glorified if you produce much fruit. That also shows that you really are My disciples.

9 Just as the Father always loves Me, so I always love you too. You should keep living like people that I love. 10 Keep obeying My commands and I will keep loving you too. In the same way My Father keeps loving Me because I always obey His commands. 11 I’ve told you all of this so that you can share in feeling My joy and so that there’s nothing lacking in your joy. 12 This is the command I’m giving you: you should love each other just like I’ve loved you. 13 The proof that a person has the most amazing love is if he’s willing to sacrifice himself in order to save his close friends.

14 You’ll be proven to be My close friends if you do what I command you. 15 Now I won’t call you My servants anymore because servants don’t know the plans of their master. But I call you My close friends because I’ve told you everything that the Father told Me. 16 It wasn’t you who chose to become My disciples, but I chose you for that task. And this is why I appointed you so that you’ll go to My field and produce much spiritual fruit. And what you produce will last for eternity. Because you carry out that task, whatever you ask of God the Father, in order to glorify Me, He’ll give it to you. 17 So I repeat this command: you should love each other.”

The people of this world will hate you

18 “When the people of the world hate you, remember that they hated Me long before that. 19 If you were still of the same mind as the people of the world they would certainly be happy with you because you would still be on the same side as them. But you’re no longer on their side because I’ve chosen you from among them. That’s why they hate you. 20 Remember what I’ve said to you before, a servant is not honored more than his master. The people of this world have hurt Me so they’ll certainly hurt you too. Only a few people have obeyed My teaching, so the same number of people will obey when you tell My teaching to them. 21 They’ll do all of that to you because you belong to Me and because they don’t know the Father who has sent Me either. 22 If I had never come and had never taught those who reject Me and My teaching, they wouldn’t yet have had opportunity to sin like that. But now I’ve told the teaching from God. So on the last day of this world, when everyone is judged for their sins, none of them will have an excuse to say, ‘I didn’t know the true way.’ 23 People who hate Me also hate My Father. 24 They’ve witnessed the miracles that I’ve done which no one else has ever done. If I’d never done those miracles they would definitely have a reason not to receive Me. But now they’ve witnessed all of My miracles and they still hate Me and My Father too. 25 But this happened in order to fulfill what was written about Me in God’s Word, ‘They hated Me without a reason.’ [12]

26 Later, when I’m with My Father, We’ll send the Helper Spirit to you. He’s the Spirit of Truth who will teach true things to you. And when He comes He’ll testify about Me to everyone in this world. 27 And you’ll also testify about Me because you’ve been with Me from the beginning of My ministry.”

15:2 [1] The point here is actually people and not vines that bear fruit, so it means to live in a way that shows they are owned by Jesus. Included in this way of life is 1) “The fruit and proof that the Holy Spirit is involved in our lives” which is found in Gal. 5:22-23. (See also Eph. 5:9; Heb. 12:11; Jam. 3:18.) 2) ‘Harvesting spiritual wheat’, which is to win souls so that their lives are also changed and they obtain salvation which is eternal as Jesus explained in John 4:34-38 and John 15:16. Jesus gave Himself for that as is shown in John 12:24.

Chapter 16

1 “I’ve said all of this to you so that none of you abandons your faith in Me. 2 Because you are My followers you will be driven out of the synagogues of the Jews later on. And the time will come when several of My followers will be killed. In fact by doing that people will think that they are serving God. 3 They’ll do that because they’ve never known Me or the Father. 4 But now I’ve said all of this to each of you so that when it happens you’ll remember that I told you those things ahead of time.

The work of the Holy Spirit

“I didn’t tell you all of those things from the beginning, because I was still with you. 5 But now I’m returning to the Father who sent Me here, and not even one of you has asked Me, ‘Where are You going?’ 6 Because I’ve told you all of this, sadness has filled your hearts. 7 Yet it’s actually better for you if I go to the Father, because if I don’t go, the Helper Spirit won’t come to you. But if I go, I'll send Him to you.

8 When the Helper Spirit comes He’ll make the people of the world realize that their opinions are wrong about these three things: about sin, about how each person can become right in God’s sight and about the final judgment. 9 First about sin: He’ll make them realize that they sin when they don’t truly believe in Me. 10 Second regarding how to become righteous in the sight of God: Because I go to the Father and you won’t see Me again, the Helper Spirit will make them realize that I’ve opened the way so that people can become right in God’s sight. 11 And third regarding the final judgment: He’ll make the people of the world realize that the final judgment will definitely happen because the devil, the ruler of this world, has been punished.

12 “There are still many things I want to tell you but you aren’t able to accept them now. 13 But when the Spirit of Truth comes He will lead you into all true spiritual teaching. For He won’t speak from Himself but He’ll only tell what He hears from My Father. He’ll also tell you things that will happen later on. 14 Through His teaching I will be glorified, because He’ll tell you all that He receives from Me. 15 Everything that the Father owns I own too. That’s why I said that the Helper Spirit will tell you what He receives from Me.”

After sadness there is joy

16 “For a little while you won’t see Me, but not long after that you’ll see Me again.”

17 Some of us disciples of His said to each other, “What does He mean when He says, ‘For a little while you won’t see Me, but not long after that you’ll see Me again?’ And what does it mean when He says, ‘I’m going to the Father?’ 18 We also asked each other, “How long does He mean by 'for a little while?' We don’t understand.”

19 Jesus knew that we really wanted to ask Him, so He said, “You’re discussing among yourselves about what I meant when I said, ‘For a little while you won’t see Me, but not long after that you’ll see Me again.’ 20 What I’m saying is really true. In just a little while you’ll weep and mourn, but the people of the world will be happy. But your mourning will change to joy. 21 “What will shortly happen to you is like what happens to a pregnant woman when the time has come to give birth to her child. She’ll feel pain, but as soon as her child is born she doesn’t remember anymore about the suffering she experienced because she’s so happy that her baby has been born safely into this world. 22 It’s the same with you. You feel sad now. But in just a short time, when you see Me again, you’ll be full of joy. At that time you’ll have forgotten your mourning and no one will be able to keep you from experiencing joy. 23 And on that day none of you will need to ask Me for anything anymore. What I’m telling you is really true. Ask anything of our Father and He’ll give it to you so that I will be glorified. 24 Before now you haven’ asked for anything from the Father in order to glorify Me. [1] Ask for things that will glorify Me and you’ll receive them! In that way you’ll really feel joyful”

Victory over worldliness

25 “I’ve said all of these things to you by using several analogies. But the time will come when I won’t need to teach you like that. At that time I'll teach you plainly about My Father. 26 As of that day each of you may pray directly to the Father to ask for things which will glorify Me. So I won’t need to give your requests to My Father 27 because He Himself really loves you. The Father loves you because you love Me and you’ve believed that I came from Him. 28 I really did come from the Father and came into this world. But now I will soon leave this world and return to Him again.”

29 Then we said to Him, “It’s true that You’re speaking plainly to us now and aren’t using analogies anymore. 30 Now we know that You know all things and don’t need a someone to ask you about something anymore. In fact You often answer before we ask. For that reason we believe that You came from God.”

31 Then Jesus answered, “So now you believe? 32 Listen, the time will soon come, and you could say that it’s already here, when all of you will desert Me. You’ll run and return to your own homes. But I won’t actually be alone because My Father is always with Me.

33 “I’m saying all of this to each of you who’ve become one with Me so that you can live with a calm heart. In this world, you’ll definitely suffer. But encourage yourselves because I’ve defeated this world.”

16:24 [1] Literally, “in My name.” According to Jewish culture at the time of Jesus “My name” meant the whole identity of Christ. To ask for something ‘in His name’ wasn’t just to say the name of Jesus, but the intention was to ask for something for the sake of Jesus, or to glorify Him.

Chapter 17

Jesus’ prayer for His followers

1 After Jesus said all of that to us disciples of His, He looked to the sky and prayed, “Father, now the time has come. Glorify Me through what will happen to Me, Your Son. In this way I'll also glorify You. 2 For You’ve given Me authority over all everyone so that I can give eternal life to each person You’ve given to Me.”

3 Because I remember that prayer of Jesus’, I John also pray to God, “Father, this is definitely true! This is the way to receive eternal life, that is to know You as the one and only true God, and also know Christ Jesus whom You’ve sent to this world. [1]

4 And Jesus continued praying, “Father, I’ve glorified You in this world through all the work You’ve given Me to do. Now that work is finished.

5 So now Father, may You take Me back into the glory which We’ve shared together since before this world was created.

6 “Father, I’ve introduced You [2] to these men. They used to be on the side of worldly people too, but You gave them to Me. Of course they’re Your own, but You, Father, have surrendered them to Me. And now they’ve obeyed Your teaching which I’ve given to them. 7 So now they know that all that I’ve done and taught comes from You, Father. 8 For I’ve shared the teachings that You’ve given to Me and they’ve accepted all of them. Now they know that I really came from You, Father, and they believe that You’re the one who sent Me. 9 So I’m praying now especially for them. My prayer isn’t for the people in this world who refuse to follow Your teachings. But I’m praying for those that You’ve given to Me, Father, because they are Your own. 10 Everything that I possess is Your’s and everything that You possess Father is Mine too. So these followers are our joint possessions. Through them I’m being glorified.

11 But now I won’t live with them in this world any longer because I’m going back to You soon. Holy Father protect them with Your power, that is the power that You, Father, have given to Me. In that way they’ll become one just like You and I are one. 12 As long as I’ve been with them I’ve guarded and protected them with all the power that You’ve given to Me, Father, so that none of them was destroyed. Only one of them will be destroyed, that is the one who was already destined to be destroyed. In that way what was written in Your Word is fulfilled.

13 “Now I'll soon return to You. For that reason I’m praying about all of these things while I’m still in this world so that these followers of Mine can know my prayer and be full of joy. May the joy of each of them be like My joy when they face difficulties. 14 They have received Your teaching which I gave them. The people of this world hate them because, like Me, they aren’t on the side of worldly people.

15 I’m not asking You to take them from this world but that You protect them from the attacks of the evil one who is the devil. 16 For they aren’t possessed by this world just like I’m not possessed by this world. 17 Make them Your special possessions [3] through true teaching. All Your Word is true teaching. 18 Just like You’ve sent Me to this world, Father, so I'll send them into the whole world too. 19 Now as Your possession, I also surrender Myself to You, Father. And I do this for them so that they may also become Your special possessions through Your true teachings.

20 “I’m praying not only for them but also for the people who will later believe in Me because of their testimonies. 21 And I’m asking that all of them become one just like You are one with Me, Father, and I’m one with You. I also pray that they’ll become one with Us so that worldly people will believe that You, Father, are the One who sent Me to this world. 22 I’ve given them the power and glory that You’ve given to Me. I’ve done that so that they’ll remain one,just like We are always one. 23 That is I’m one with them and You’re one with Me, Father, until they really become one. In that way the people of this world will know that You, Father, are the one who has sent Me, and that You always love My followers too, just like You always love Me.

24 Father, regarding those You’ve given to Me, I always want them to be with Me too in the place where I'll be later on. I’m asking this so that they may see the glory that You, Father, gave Me before this world was created. And of course that glory was given to Me because You love Me so much. 25 Yes Father, You always do what’s right. Even though the people of this world don’t know You, I know You. And these followers of Mine know that You, Father, are the one who has sent Me to this world. 26 I’ve introduced You to them, Father, and I'll keep telling them about You. In that way they’ll love Me from their hearts too, like you love Me. And I'll remain one with them.”

17:3 [1] Many interpreters say that verse 3 is the thoughts of the writer, and not the words of Jesus. John put his own comments several times in this Gospel, including 2:11, 3:16-21, 19:35, 20:30-31, and 21:23-25.
17:6 [2] Literally, “I’ve revealed Your name.” Here again ‘name’ shows the whole identity of God. In this chapter the way this was translated is the same as in verses 11-12 and 26.
17:17 [3] Translates the words “make holy.” In this context the meaning of “make holy” is that they’ll live as special possessions of God, prepared for and given power to serve Him. And their lives will certainly characterize holiness too.

Chapter 18

Jesus is arrested

1 When Jesus finished praying, He and us disciples of His crossed the Kidron stream. Then we all went into an olive garden.

2 Judas who sold Jesus, also knew that place because Jesus often met with us there. 3 Then Judas came to the garden bringing a troop of Roman soldiers and several of the guard soldiers from God’s House. This group was sent by the chief priests and the Pharisees. They came bringing lanterns, torches, swords and other weapons of war.

4 Jesus already knew all that would happen to Him, so He immediately went out to meet them and asked, “Who are you looking for?”

5 Then they answered, “Jesus, that Nazarene.”

Then Jesus said, “I am He.” [1] (Judas was also standing there with that group.) 6 When Jesus said, “I am He,” suddenly, without realizing it, the whole group stepped back and fell to the ground.

7 Jesus asked them once again, “Who are you looking for?”

And they answered, “Jesus, that Nazarene.”

8 Then He said, “I told you ‘I am He.’ So if you’re looking for Me, let My followers go.” 9 By saying that, this prayer of Jesus was answered, “Of those whom You’ve given Me, Father, none of them will be destroyed.”

10 At the time, Peter, who was also called Simon, had brought a sword. He immediately took it out of its sheath and wanted to kill a slave of the high priest. But he only cut off the right ear of that slave. (The slave’s name was Malchus.) 11 Then Jesus said to Peter, “Put your sword back in its sheath. Don’t try to prevent Me from suffering [2] according to what My Father has planned for Me.”

Jesus is brought before Annas, the former high priest

12 Then the commander of the Roman troops along with the whole group arrested Jesus and tied Him up. 13 They first took Jesus to Annas who was the father-in-law of Caiaphas. Caiaphas held the office of high priest that year. 14 (Caiaphas is the high priest who said this to the Jewish leaders, “It’s better for one man to die on behalf of our people rather than all the Jewish people being destroyed, ”) [13]

Peter says that he doesn’t know Jesus

15 When Jesus was taken to the house of Annas, Peter [3] and I, John, [4] followed the crowd from behind. It so happened that I knew the former high priest, so I immediately went in when Jesus was brought into the yard of his house.” 16 But Peter waited outside in the yard by the gate. Because the former high priest and his helpers knew me, I went out again and spoke to the female helper who was guarding the gate. After being given permission I brought Peter inside. 17 And the helper had the opportunity to ask Peter, “You’re also a disciple of that man, right?”

And he answered, “That’s not so.”

18 It was cold that night. So the guards of God’s House and all of the slaves of the high priest had made a fire of coals, and they stood warming themselves near the fire. Peter also approached them and stood there to warm himself.

Annas asks about Jesus’ teaching

19 At the same time, the former high priest asked Jesus about His disciples and about what He taught. 20 Then Jesus answered him, "I always spoke openly before the crowd. I always taught in the synagogues and in the courtyard of God’s House where the Jews usually gather. I never spoke secretly. 21 So you, Sir, don’t need to ask me about that. Just ask those who heard my teaching. They certainly know what I said.”

22 The moment Jesus said that, one of the guards who stood there slapped His face and said, “Don’t speak like that to the high priest.”

23 So Jesus answered him, “If I said something that goes against the rules you should point out My offense before hitting Me. But if the words I just said were true, you actually can’t hit Me!”

24 Then Annas sent Jesus, who was still tied up, to the high priest Caiaphas.

Peter denies Jesus again

25 While Peter was still standing warming himself by the fire, a person said to him, “Aren’t you one of the disciples of that man?”

But he denied it and said, “That’s not so.”

26 There was a slave of the high priest standing there too. The slave was from the family of the slave whose ear Peter cut off. So he said, “It looks like you’re the one I saw earlier in the garden with Jesus, right?!”

27 But as Peter denied again, “It wasn’t me,” a rooster immediately crowed.

Pilate tries Jesus

28 The next day, early in the morning, they took Jesus from the house of Caiaphas to the Roman governor’s palace. But the Jewish leaders who took Him didn’t enter the palace because the Jews considered the houses of people who weren’t Jews to be unholy. [5] They didn’t want to make themselves unholy because they had to be ready that day to take part in eating the Passover meal. 29 Because of that Pilate went outside to meet them. Then he asked, “What is your accusation against this man?”

30 Then they answered, “If he wasn’t a criminal we wouldn’t need to bring him to you, Sir!”

31 But Pilate said to them, “You can try him yourselves according to your laws.”

But the Jewish leaders said, “According to Roman law, we Jews aren’t permitted to give the death penalty.” 32 (What they said was actually in agreement with the plan of God so that what Jesus said earlier about the way He would die would happen like that.)

33 Then Pilate entered the governor’s palace again and ordered his soldiers to bring Jesus inside. Then he asked Jesus, “Is it true that you consider yourself to be the king of the Jews?”

34 And Jesus said to him, “Sir, do you want to know this for yourself or do you ask in order to check on what other people said about me?”

35 Then Pilate answered, “You know I’m not a Jew! Your own people, along with the chief priests, are the ones who surrendered you to me. So what did you do wrong?”

36 Then Jesus said to him, “My government is not from this world. If My government was from this world those who are on My side would certainly have fought so that I wouldn’t have been surrendered to the Jewish leaders. But the place of My government isn’t in this world, of course.”

37 Then Pilate said to Him, “So according to you, you’re a king, huh?”

Jesus answered, “That’s true, I am a king. I was born for that purpose and for that purpose I came into this world to tell true teaching. Everyone who is happy to hear true teaching is certainly happy to hear My teaching too.”

38 Then Pilate said to Him, “True teaching? What’s that?” And he immediately went outside again and met with the Jewish leaders, then he said to them, “I don't find anything wrong with this man.” 39 But according to your custom every governor will release a prisoner each year on Passover Day. Do you want me to release the One who you call the ‘king of the Jews’?”

40 But they shouted, “Not him, but release Barabbas!” Barabbas was a rebel.

18:5 [1] Only some commentators say that Jesus intentionally used words that have a double meaning as explained in the footnote to John 8:24. What happened in verse 6 can be explained like this: God the Father, remembering Jesus’ prayer (especially 17:1), desired to show honor to Jesus before He undertook His suffering. See John 8:54.
18:11 [2] Literally, “the cup.” In the Jewish culture the cup had become an analogy for experiencing suffering according to the plan of God.
18:15 [3] Literally, “Simon Peter.”
18:15 [4] Literally, “another one of the disciples.” Many interpreters say that it’s most likely that this disciple is John. See the footnote in John 1:35.
18:28 [5] According to tradition, Jewish people weren’t allowed to enter non-Jewish people’s houses, but it wasn’t written in the Law of Moses. The reason for that regulation was so that they wouldn’t touch something that was considered to be unholy according to the Law of Moses. If a person touched something unholy it meant he became unholy too and would have to follow the cleansing procedures in the Law of Moses in order to be pleasing again in God’s eyes. (See Num. 9:7-11.)

Chapter 19

1 Then Pilate ordered his soldiers to whip Jesus, [1] taking Him inside the part of the palace that was their quarters. [2] 2 After they whipped Him, they began to make fun of Him because Jesus claimed to be a king. So they placed a crown of thorns on Him which they had made from vines with thorns. And they also put a purple robe on Him. [3] 3 Then they approached Him and said to Him, “Greetings king of the Jews.” Then they slapped His face.

4 Then Pilate came out of his palace again. There happened to be many people who had gathered there for another reason, [4] so he said to them “Look, I’m bringing this man out to you. I want you to know that I haven’t found any wrong at all in this man.” 5 Then Jesus went out, and He still wore the crown of thorns and the purple robe. And Pilate said to them, “Here he is!”

6 But when the chief priests and the guards of God’s House saw Jesus they shouted, “Crucify him! Crucify him!” [5]

But Pilate said to them, “You take him yourselves and crucify him because I don’t find any fault in him!”

7 Then the Jews answered, “According to our law he must be sentenced to death because he said, “I am the Son of God.”

8 When Pilate heard their words he grew more afraid. 9 So he went into the governor’s palace again and ordered Jesus to be brought inside. Then he said to Him, “Where did you come from?” But Jesus didn’t answer!

10 Then Pilate said, “You don’t want to talk to me, huh?! Don’t you know that I have the authority to release you and also to crucify you?”

11 Jesus answered, “The authority you have over Me is only because God gave it to you. If that weren’t so you wouldn’t have any authority over Me at all. For that reason the person who turned Me over to you has committed a greater sin than the sin you’ll commit when you sentence me. 12 On hearing that, Pilate tried to release Him. But the Jewish leaders shouted, “A person who says that he’s a king opposes the high king of Rome. If you free him, then you also oppose the high king!”

13 When Pilate heard those words he ordered Jesus to be taken outside, then he sat in the seat of judgment. That place was called “The Stone Pavement.” (In the Hebrew language it was called “Gabbatha.”)

14 It was about noontime, and that was a day of preparation before the most important day in the Passover celebration. Then Pilate made fun of the Jewish leaders by saying, “Look at this king of yours!”

15 Then they shouted, “Do away with him! Do away with him! Crucify him!”

And Pilate said to them again, “Do you want me to crucify your king?”

Then the chief priests answered, “We don’t have any king except the high king of Rome!”

16 Finally Pilate went along with their desires and turned Jesus over to his soldiers to be crucified.

Jesus is crucified

Then they took Him to be crucified, 17 and Jesus carried His own cross. They took Him to the place that is named “the Place of the Skull.” (In the Hebrew language that place is called Golgotha.) [6] 18 They crucified Him there. There were also two criminals who were crucifed along with Jesus. Jesus cross was in the middle, and the crosses of the two criminals were to the right and left sides of Him. 19 Pilate ordered that a writing be attached to Jesus’ cross. That writing was an explanation of the reason He was killed. The notice was, “Jesus the Nazarene, king of the Jews.” 20 Many Jews read that writing because the place where Jesus was crucified wasn’t far from the city, and it was written in three languages, Hebrew, Latin, and Greek. [7]

21 Then the chief priests said to Pilate, “Order them to change that writing! Don’t say ‘King of the Jews.’ But it should be ‘This man said, “I’m the king of the Jews.” ’ ”

22 But Pilate answered, “I won’t change what I ordered to be written!”

23 Jesus was crucified by four soldiers. Then they divided His clothes among themselves and each one got part. His tunic was long, without a seam, because it was woven from top to bottom. 24 Because of that they said to each other, “Let’s not tear this tunic. We’ll just cast lots to decide who will get it.” So it happened exactly according to what was determined by God, so that what was written in the Holy Bible was fulfilled,

     “They will divide My clothes among them,

         and they'll cast lots to see who’ll get My tunic.” [14]

The soldiers did it exactly according to the Word of the Lord even though they weren’t aware of it.

25 Jesus’ mother was standing near His cross. Also standing there were his mother’s sister and another Mary who was the wife of Clopas, and also Mary who was from the village of Magdala. 26 And I, (Jesus’ disciple whom He truly loved,) [8] was standing there too. So when Jesus saw His mother and me He said to His mother, “Mother, he’s your son!” 27 Then He said to me too, “She’s your mother!” So from that day on I took Jesus' mother to live in my house.

Jesus dies

28 When Jesus knew that He had finished carrying out all of His tasks, in agreement with what’s written in God’s Word He said, “I’m thirsty.” [15] 29 There was a container there that was full of sour wine. When they heard Jesus’ words, one of the people put something like a sponge on the end of a branch of hyssop, [9] then dipped it in the wine, and put it up to Jesus’ mouth so that He could taste it. 30 When He tried a little of the sour wine, He said, “It’s finished.” Then He bowed His head and died.

31 That day was the preparation day before the arrival of the special Sabbath Day in the Passover celebration. So the Jewish leaders didn’t want there to be anyone still hanging on a cross on that special Sabbath Day. Because of that they asked Pilate that the legs of the three crucified men be broken so that they would quickly die and their bodies could be taken down quickly before night came. 32 So the soldiers broke the legs of the two men who were crucified to the left and right of Jesus. 33 But when they wanted to break Jesus’ legs they saw that He had already died. Because of that they didn’t break His legs. 34 But one of them speared Jesus in His side, and blood and water immediately came out. 35 (I, the one writing this book, [10] saw this with my own eyes, and I know that this really happened. I’m writing this testimony of mine so that all of you may believe too.) 36 So it happened just as God had determined sp that what was written in the Holy Bible was fulfilled,

     “None of His bones will be broken.” [11]

37 And what they did agrees with another verse which says, “They’ll look at Him whom they’ve speared.” [16]

The body of Jesus is buried

38 After that a man named Joseph came and asked Pilate for permission to bury the body of Jesus. (This Joseph came from the village of Arimathea. He was a follower of Jesus, but not openly, because he was afraid of the Jewish leaders.) When Pilate gave permission, Joseph, along with some other people, came and took the body of Jesus. 39 Nicodemus, the man who had earlier met with Jesus at night, also helped Joseph. Nicodemus brought fragrant ingredients which were a mixture of myrrh and aloes [12] which weighed more than thirty kilograms. 40 They took Jesus’ body and wrapped it with fine cloth along with those ingredients, according to the way that the Jews wrapped dead bodies to be buried.

41 There was a garden near the place where Jesus was crucified. And in the garden there was a hole in a rock which had been prepared as a tomb and hadn’t been used yet. 42 Because the sun had almost set and the evening of Sabbath [13] was near, they put the body of Jesus in that tomb which was nearby.

19:1 [1] The Roman whip at the time of Jesus was made from several strands of leather. Sharp objects like bones or pieces metal were tied to the end of each cord in order to cut the skin of the person being whipped. According to the law of the Roman kingdom Roman citizens couldn’t be whipped. But slaves or people from countries colonized by the kingdom of Rome, if tried and sentenced to die, were whipped before they were crucified. Sometimes at the time of being whipped some of those being punished died.
19:1 [2] John wrote “taking Him,” but didn’t say where they took Him. In order for this to be clear and sound natural, this information was added according to Mark 15:16.
19:2 [3] It appears they used an old robe that was probably the commander’s in order to make fun of Jesus. Purple cloth was very expensive and was usually worn by kings.
19:4 [4] This crowd hadn’t gathered because of the problem of Jesus. For the reason they had gathered see Mark 15:6–8. Every year in Jerusalem on the Day of Passover the governor always released a person from prison according to the request of the people. At that time there was a man in prison named Barabas. He was arrested and put in prison with several other people because they had caused a riot against the government of Rome. In that disturbance Barabas killed a person. So as it happened that morning, a crowd came to Governor Pilate and asked this, “Will you release a prisoner like you usually do on this holiday?
19:6 [5] At the time of Jesus the government of Rome used a special way to carry out the death penalty on criminals, that is by crucifixion. They made a cross from two beams of wood in the shape of the letter ‘T’. Before the criminal was crucified he would be whipped until almost dead, then nailed with long nails to that cross. His two hands were lifted up and nailed to the left and right of the cross. His two feet were also nailed to the cross. Then the cross was raised up by planting it in the dirt or in a large stone. A person who was crucified on a cross usually didn’t die immediately. He could live for hours or days and suffered terribly. The person who was sentenced to death by crucifixion didn’t only suffer in a physical way but was also deeply shamed, because criminals who were punished this way were always crucified naked, and people who passed by the place would insult and make fun of them. The death sentence by crucifixion didn’t apply to citizens of the kingdom of Rome but only to slaves or people from other countries colonized by the kingdom of Rome.
19:17 [6] Golgotha, the Place of the Skull, comes from the everyday Hebrew language. In Latin, the Roman language, it was called Calvary. That hill was to the north side of Jerusalem. The place wasn’t named that because there were many human skulls there. It happened that on that hill there was a huge rock which stuck out that was shaped like a human skull.
19:20 [7] The Hebrew language was the original language of the Jews. Latin was the language of the Italian people and also the language of the Roman government. (Rome was the capitol city of the country of Italy.) And for 300 years before the birth of Jesus the Greek language was the common language because before Rome controlled all of the area around the Mediterranean Sea the people of Greece controlled all of that area.
19:26 [8] See note in John 13:23.
19:29 [9] is a small plant in Palestine. It’s leaves are small so it can be used like a brush to paint or sprinkle something. That plant was used at the first Passover in Egypt and also in the required cleansing from skin diseases, according to the regulations of Moses. (Num. 14:4)
19:35 [10] John literally wrote, “The person who saw,” but it’s clear that he meant himself.
19:36 [11] Quoted from Ps. 34:21. This is also in agreement with the regulation for every lamb sacrificed in the Passover celebration. See Ex. 12:46 and Deut. 9:12.
19:39 [12] Myrrh is made from the resin of the wood of the myrrh tree. That material is hard like tree resin. In the time of Jesus those two materials were pounded until fine. The mixture of myrrh and aloes could be burned because it smelled really good.
19:42 [13] According to the way days were counted in the Jewish culture, the Sabbath Day began when the sun set on Friday and ended when the sun set on Saturday.

Chapter 20

The resurrection of Jesus

1 When it was still dark on Sunday morning, Mary who came from the village of Magdala went to Jesus’ tomb. When she got there she saw that the large stone closing the hole in the rock had been moved. 2 Then she ran to meet Peter who was also called Simon and me too, namely the disciple whom Jesus truly loved. And Mary said to us, “People have taken the body of the Lord from His tomb and we don’t know where they’ve put it!”

3 Then the two of us ran quickly to the tomb. 4 We both ran, but I ran faster than Peter so I got there first. 5 I bent down and looked into the tomb but I could only see the cloth that was used to wrap the body of Jesus. At that time I didn’t go inside. 6 As soon as Peter arrived he went inside and saw where the cloth was placed. 7 He also saw the cloth which was used to wrap Jesus’ head. That cloth was folded and placed separately from the long cloth which was used to wrap His body. 8 Then I also went in and saw all of that. And at that moment I began to believe that Jesus had come back to life from death.

9 (At that time we didn’t yet understand that Jesus was appointed to live again after dying, according to what was written in the Holy Bible.)

Jesus shows Himself to Mary who was from the village of Magdala

10 Then the two of us returned to our homes again. 11 But Mary still stood outside the tomb and cried. As she was crying, she bent down and looked inside the tomb. 12 Then she saw two angels wearing white clothes, sitting in the place where Jesus body had been placed. One angel sat at the head and the other sat at the foot.

13 The two angels asked her, “Why are you crying, Ma’am?”

And she answered, “People have taken the body of my Lord and I don’t know where they’ve put it.” 14 After saying that she turned and saw Jesus standing there. But she didn’t recognize Him.

15 Then Jesus said to her, “Why are you crying, Ma’am? Who’re you looking for?”

Mary thought that the Man who asked this was the gardener.” So she answered, “Sir, if you’re the one who took His body, please tell me where you put it so I can bury him again.”

16 Then Jesus said to her, “Mary!”

And Mary turned around to Him again and said, “Rabboni!” (That word is from the Hebrew language. It means “Teacher.”)

17 Jesus said to her, “Don’t keep holding on to Me because I haven’t yet returned to our Father. But go to My close friends [1] and tell them that I’m leaving to go to our Father [2] who is also our God.”

18 Then Mary went to meet us disciples of Jesus and told us this, “I’ve seen the Lord!” And Mary also told us what Jesus had told her.

Jesus shows Himself to His disciples

19 That Sunday night we disciples of Jesus and several other followers gathered in one house. We had locked all the doors because we were afraid of the Jewish leaders. Suddenly Jesus appeared and stood in our midst and greeted us saying, “May you feel calm at heart!” [3] 20 After saying that He showed His hands and side to all of us who were there. The moment we saw Him we were all very joyful.

21 Then Jesus said to all of us again, “May you feel calm at heart. Just as the Father sent Me so I'm now sending you.” 22 After saying that He blew His breath on us and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 Through His help you’ll tell the news of forgiveness to other people. So if you feel it’s God’s will to forgive another person’s sin, then I and My Father will also forgive him. But if you don’t forgive another person’s sin, then God and I won’t forgive them either.”

Jesus shows Himself to Thomas

24 But Jesus’ disciple named Thomas, who was usually called ‘the Twin’, wasn’t with us when Jesus showed Himself to us. 25 When Thomas came we told him, “We’ve seen the Lord!” But he answered, “I won’t believe it until I see the scars of the nail wounds in His two hands and put my finger into the scar wounds from those big nails and put my hand into the scar of the spear wound in His side too.”

26 After one week had passed, [4] we gathered in that house again. Thomas was with us too. Even though the doors were locked like before, Jesus suddenly appeared and stood in our midst. Then He said, “May you feel calm at heart!” 27 Then He said to Thomas, “Come and see My hands and put your finger here. And put your hand into the scar of the spear wound in My side. Don’t doubt any more but really believe.”

28 Then Thomas answered, “Oh, You are my Lord and my God!”

29 Then Jesus said to him, “You believe just now because you’ve seen Me, but God will truly bless everyone who believes in Me even though he hasn’t yet seen Me.”

The reason John wrote this book

30 Actually many other miracles were done by Jesus in our presence, but they aren’t written in this book. 31 But all of these were written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ and God’s Son, and that through believing this you'll become one with Jesus and receive eternal life.

20:17 [1] Literally, “My brothers.”
20:17 [2] Literally, “My Father and Your Father.”
20:19 [3] Jesus literally said two words in Greek which can be translated, “Peace to you.” It’s quite possible that Jesus used the Hebrew language when He gave this greeting which is ‘Shalom’. In the Hebrew language ‘Shalom’ is the usual word of greeting and is frequently used every day. But in this situation, of course, it’s quite possible that Jesus also meant it according to the root meaning of that saying which is calmness of heart.
20:26 [4] Literally, “eight days.” The Jews counted the first and last day.

Chapter 21

Jesus shows Himself to seven of His disciples

1 After that Jesus showed Himself again to us disciples of His on the shore of Lake Galilee. [1] This is what happened.

2 Those of us who were there were Peter who was also called Simon, Thomas the Twin, Nathanael from the village of Cana in the region of Galilee, me John and my older brother, [2] and two other disciples of Jesus too. 3 Then Peter said to us, “I want to go fishing.”

And the rest of us said, “We’ll go along too, ok!” Then the seven of us got into a boat. It was late afternoon, but all that night we didn’t catch a single fish.

4 Very early in the morning Jesus stood on the lake shore, but we didn’t know that He was Jesus. 5 Then He said to us with a loud voice, “Hey, friends, did you catch any fish?”

And we answered, “Not yet.”

6 And He said, “Throw your net out on the right side of the boat and you’ll get fish.” Then we threw it out. When we tried to haul in the net we weren’t able to because too many fish were caught.

7 Then I, the disciple who was truly loved by Jesus, said to Peter, “Hey, that’s the Lord!” When Peter heard that he immediately tied his outer robe at his waist and jumped into the water, swimming to shore. Before that he had worked without the long robe. 8 Then the rest of us came with the boat and helped tow the net which was full of fish. At that time we weren’t far from shore, only about a hundred meters. [3] 9 When we were all on land we saw that there were already some fish and some pieces of bread roasting on coals of fire. 10 Then Jesus said to us, “Please bring some of the fish that you just caught.”

11 Then Peter got into the boat and pulled the net to shore. The net was full of big fish, totaling 153. Even though there were so many, the net wasn’t torn. 12 Then Jesus said to us, “Let’s have breakfast.” Not one of us who were there was bold enough to ask Him, “What’s your name, Sir?” because we already knew that He was the Lord. 13 Then Jesus shared the bread and fish with us.

14 That was the third time Jesus showed Himself to us after He had come back to life after death.

Jesus speaks with Peter

15 After we’d eaten, Jesus asked Simon who was also called Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than all of these close friends of yours love Me?”

Then Peter answered, “That’s right, Lord. You know that I love You.” [4]

Then Jesus said to him, “Please feed My lambs.”

16 Not long after that Jesus said to Peter again, “Simon son of John, do you love Me?”

Peter answered, “That’s right Lord, You know that I love You.”

Then Jesus said to him again, “Please guard My sheep.”

17 And for the third time Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you love Me?”

Peter became sad because Jesus had asked him that three times. So he answered, “Lord, You know everything. You know that I love You.”

Then Jesus told him, “Please feed My sheep. 18 What I’m telling you is really true. Now [5] you always get ready by yourself [6] and go wherever you want to go. But when you are ol, you’ll give your hands to other people, and they’ll tie your hands and take you to a place that you don’t like.” 19 In saying that He showed the way Peter would later die to glorify God. Then Jesus said to him again, “Keep following Me!” Then they began to walk along the lake shore.

Jesus speaks about John himself

20 Then Peter turned around and saw that I was also following them from behind. I’m the one who previously sat close to Jesus when we ate together on the last night and asked, “Lord, who is the one who will sell You?” 21 So Peter asked Jesus about me, “If that’s so, Lord, what will happen to him?”

22 But Jesus answered, “You don’t need to know about him. If I want him to stay alive until I return, that isn’t your business. Just keep following Me!”

23 Because Jesus said that the news spread among the brothers and sisters in the faith that I wouldn’t die before Jesus returned. But He didn’t say that. He only said, “If I want him to stay alive until I return that isn’t your business.”

24 I am that disciple, and I’m writing this book as a testimony about all that happened. I and the brothers and sisters in the faith know that my testimony is true.

25 There were still many other things that Jesus did. But I think that if all of those things were written down the whole world wouldn’t have enough space to store the books that were written about them.

21:1 [1] Literally, “Lake of Tiberias.”
21:2 [2] John literally wrote “the sons of Zebedee.” See the note in John 1:35.
21:8 [3] Translates “two hundred cubits (hasta).”
21:15 [4] Two Greek verbs meaning ‘love’ were used by Jesus and Peter in verses 15-17. In the ancient Greek language there’s a difference in the meaning of the two verbs, but in Jesus’ day the two verbs came to mean the same thing, which is just ‘love’. Because of that almost all translations don’t differentiate the meaning between those two words anymore. At the time this happened it is quite possible that Jesus and Peter used the Aramaic language which was everyday Hebrew. But one of the traits of John in his writing is that he always avoided repeating the same word. So in a story he often used two words that had the same or almost the same meaning. One other example is that he used two different words for ‘sheep’ in these verses.
21:18 [5] Literally, “When you were still young.”
21:18 [6] Literally, “tie your belt.”