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1 Corinthians

Chapter 1

1-2 Dear Brothers and Sisters of the faith in God’s church at Corinth, that is you who’ve been made holy because you’re one with Christ Jesus: You were also called to become God’s people with everyone everywhere who believes in Christ Jesus, who is their Lord and ours.

Greetings from Paul, who was called by the will of God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus, and from Sosthenes our brother in the faith.

3 May God the Father and our Lord Christ Jesus always be kind to each of you and watch over you so that you live calmly under God’s protection!

Paul gives thanks to God

4 I always give thanks to God because His kindness has clearly been given to you through Christ Jesus. 5 For you’ve been blessed in everything, enriched in all words and knowledge. This happened because you’re one with Jesus. 6 And this proves that the testimony I gave to you about Christ is true. 7 And as a result, you have all of the special abilities given by God’s Spirit while we wait for the coming of our Lord Christ Jesus. 8 Jesus will always strengthen you too so that you can endure to the end, so that you’ll be without fault on the day our Lord Christ Jesus comes. 9 God can always be trusted. He’s the one who called you to share in life with His Son Christ Jesus our Lord.

A problem in the church at Corinth

10 Brothers and Sisters, I sincerely ask you in the name of our Lord Christ Jesus that you be of the same mind so that there are no divisions among you. May you truly be one in heart and mind.

11 Brothers and Sisters, I urge this because some people from Chloe’s family have told me that there’s quarreling among you. 12 I mean that there are those of you who say, “I’m a follower of Paul,” while another one says, “I’m a follower of Apollos.” Another one says, “I’m a follower of Peter,” [1] and still another one says, “I’m a follower of Christ.” 13 Just think, Christ can’t be divided! And Paul wasn’t crucified for you! You weren’t baptized in Paul’s name either! 14 For that reason, I’m thanking God that I didn’t baptize any of you except Crispus and Gaius. 15 I’m thankful because now no one can say that you were baptized in my name. 16 (Of course I did baptize Stephanas’ family, but I don’t remember if I baptized anyone else.) 17 For Christ didn’t give me the task to baptize people but to tell the Good News. And He doesn’t want me to tell it with skillful speach in a worldly human way so that the spiritual power that’s in the message of Christ’s cross [2] is not worthless.

God’s Power and Wisdom in Christ Jesus

18 For the teaching about Christ’s cross looks stupid to people who are heading for destruction, but that teaching is the power of God to us who are saved. 19 This agrees with God’s Word where He says,

     “I will destroy the wisdom of wise people.

         I will confuse the understanding of clever people.” [1]

20 So now all wise and highly educated people and the expert debaters of this present time should feel ashamed. God has made the world’s wisdom stupid. 21 For this is what God wanted with His wisdom. The world wouldn’t know God through its own wisdom, so God was pleased to use preaching the Good News, which looks stupid, to save believers.

22 For the Jews ask for miracles as proof, whereas non-Jews don’t want to believe if the teaching doesn’t agree with what they consider to be wise. 23 But we’re proclaiming the news about Christ who was crucified. That message is a big problem for the Jews, and non-Jews consider that news to be stupid. 24 But Christ is God’s power and wisdom to everyone who has been called by God, whether Jews or non-Jews. 25 For God’s teaching that’s considered stupid is wiser than human wisdom. And God’s character traits that seem weak are stronger than human strength.

26 Brothers and Sisters, remember your own status when you were chosen by God! Not many of you were considered to be wise in man’s eyes. Not many of you were considered to be great or rich people. 27 But God chose teachings and believers who were considered stupid by people of the world to shame people who are considered to be wise. And God chose the news and we who are considered weak by people of the world to shame strong people. 28 Even we and our faith are considered unimportant, despised and completely meaningless to people of this world. But that’s exactly why we and our faith were chosen by God to do away with things considered to be important by people of high status who are considered to be smart! 29 God did that so that no one could brag about himself before Him. 30 Now God Himself is the one who has made you one with Christ Jesus. And God is the One who has made Christ to be our source of wisdom. And Christ is the one who makes us right before God, and He has also made us pure, as well as freeing us from sin. 31 Therefore as it’s written in God’s Word, “The one who wants to express pride must only take pride in what the Lord has done and not take pride in himself!” [2]

1:12 [1] Literally, “Cephas,” which is his name in the Hebrew language. Both of Peter’s names mean “a large rock.”
1:17 [2] Paul used the word ‘cross’ to illustrate the News of Salvation, especially Christ’s death to redeem man from God’s punishment for each of their sins.

Chapter 2

News about Christ Jesus who was crucified

1 In the same way, Brothers and Sisters, when I first told you the news of salvation which is God’s teaching that was previously kept secret from people, I didn’t use beautiful words or worldly wisdom to teach it. 2 For at that time, I had decided that as long as I was with you, I would forget all other teaching except Christ Jesus and His death on the cross. 3 And when I came, I was weak and trembling with fear. 4 Even though my teaching and my words weren’t wise words that could convince people, yet my teaching was strengthened by the Holy Spirit’s power. 5 And that’s good, because in that way your faith is based on God’s power alone, not on the wisdom of men.

God’s Wisdom

6 But actually, when we’re with people who are spiritually mature, we do teach wisdom. But our wisdom doesn’t comes from this world and it also isn’t from the authorities of this world who will soon be destroyed. 7 We teach God’s wisdom, which was hidden from people in the past since the creation of the world. But now God has revealed that wisdom to us so that we can share in enjoying His glory. 8 Before this, the authorities and kings of this world never understood that wisdom. If they had understood, they wouldn’t have crucified Jesus, our glorious Lord. 9 But that's what this verse from the Holy Bible means,

     “No human has ever seen,

         heard or even imagined

         what God has prepared for the people who love Him.” [3]

10 But now God has shown those things to us through His Spirit! For the Holy Spirit knows everything, even God’s secrets that are truly hidden. 11 For example, no one knows another person’s thoughts except the spirit that lives in him. It’s the same with God. No one knows God’s thoughts except God’s own Spirit. 12 And we haven’t received a spirit that comes from this world, but we’ve received God’s own Spirit! So with His Spirit’s help we’ve been given ability to understand the things which God has given us because of His kindness.

13 So when we teach those spiritual things, we don’t tell them by using words taught by human wisdom. Rather, we use words that have been given to us by the Holy Spirit. In that way, the words of wisdom from the Holy Spirit are used to explain spiritual ideas. 14 But a person who doesn’t live with God’s Spirit can’t receive the teaching that comes from God’s Spirit because a person like that will think that teaching is something stupid. He can’t possibly understand because the teaching from God’s Spirit can only be understood with the help of God’s Spirit. 15 That’s why we who are one with God’s Spirit can evaluate all the deep spiritual teachings, whereas outsiders aren’t able to evaluate anything about us. This agrees with God’s Word that says,

     16 “Humans can't possibly know the Lord’s thoughts!

         No one is able to give advice to Him.” [4]

For that reason, it’s really amazing that we, through His Spirit, are now given the ability to think like Christ!

2:9 [3] Is. 64:4
2:16 [4] Is. 40:13

Chapter 3

God’s wisdom does not lead to divisions in the church

1 Brothers and Sisters, I couldn’t speak to you before as if speaking to people who are already one with God’s Spirit. I was forced to speak to you as to people who were still controlled by their own desires, as if you were spiritual babies in the matter of following Christ. 2 The teaching that I gave you was like milk, not like solid food. I did that because you weren’t yet able to receive adult food. Even now you still aren’t ready to eat spiritual food like that, 3 because you're still controlled by your bodies desires. The fact that you’re still jealous of each other and quarreling proves that you aren’t yet free from those desires. It means that you’re still living like worldly people. 4 That is proved in that there are those of you who say, “I’m a follower of Paul,” and others say “I’m a follower of Apollos.” When you talk like that, you act just like worldly people.

5 Is Apollos an important person? No. Am I Paul an important person? No. We’re just servants of the Lord who are carrying out His tasks and who helped you believe fully in Him. 6 So I’m the one who planted the seed, Apollos is the one who watered it. But the One who makes that seed grow is God alone! 7 Because of that, the servant who planted and the servant who watered aren’t important. God alone is important because He’s the One who makes that seed able to grow. 8 So the servant who plants and the servant who waters actually have the same purpose and the same status. And each servant will receive a reward according to his work of ministry. 9 For we are equals as God’s servants, and you are like God’s own field.

And you’re also God’s new House. 10 According to God’s kindness which was given to me, I was given the task to lay the foundation of God’s House, that is I was the one who taught you about Christ Jesus. So I was given the job of a builder. But now other people are building on top of the foundation that I made. For that reason, each person should be careful about the way he builds on top of that foundation. 11 No one should try building on some other foundation! Christ Jesus is the only foundation! 12-13 And the quality of the work of each person who builds on top of that foundation will be tested. On the Judgment Day [1] it will be seen whether or not the materials each person used to build will stand the test. It will be seen if a person built a room with materials like gold, silver or gem stones that stand the test. And it’ll also be obvious if a person built a room with materials that are just temporary in nature, like wood, grass or straw, because each person’s work will be tested by fire on the Judgment Day. 14 If the room that was built still remains standing after being tested, the person who built it will receive a reward. 15 If his room burns up, he’ll feel the loss. Even so, he’ll be saved, but he’ll be like a person who runs away when his house is burned.

16 So you must understand that we’re all God’s House, and God’s Spirit lives in us. 17 If a person destroys God’s House, then God will also destroy him. For God’s House is holy, and we God’s people, are like His House.

18 Don’t let any of you deceive yourselves. If any of you feels that he’s wise according to this world’s standard, let him be stupid according to this world’s standard,so that he can be truly wise according to the Lord’s standard. 19 For the world’s wisdom is stupidity to God. As it’s written in the Holy Bible, “God uses the craftiness of wise people like a trap to catch them.” [5] 20 And it’s also written, “The Lord knows that the thoughts of wise people are useless.” [6] 21 For that reason, don’t brag anymore about being followers of me or Apollos or another teacher, because for us who are one with Christ, everything becomes our property. 22 Everything is ours - Paul, Apollos, Peter, [2] this world, life and death, things that are present now and things that will come. 23 That’s true because we’re all Christ’s possessions, and Christ is God’s possession.

3:22 [2] Paul literally wrote Peter's name as Cephas, like it is in Hebrew.
3:12-13 [1] Literally, “that day.”

3:19 [5] Job 5:13
3:20 [6] Ps. 94:11

Chapter 4

Relationship of Christ’s apostles to the church

1 In that way, you should consider us to be Christ’s servants because God has entrusted us with the task of revealing His plan, which was kept secret from people in the past. 2 And a servant must show that he can truly be trusted. 3 It it's not a problem for me if I’m evaluated by you or by a human court. In fact, I don’t even evaluate myself. 4 In my heart, I don’t feel guilty, but that doesn’t prove that I’m right. Let the Lord be the one who evaluates my service. 5 So I advise you not to evaluate the Lord’s servants before the Lord Himself comes. He’s the one who’ll reveal everything that has been kept secret in darkness, including people’s motives and thoughts. Then God will praise all of His servants who are worthy to receive it.

6 In the previous lesson, Brothers and Sisters, I used Apollos and myself as examples for you. I did that so that you can learn this principle, “Obey just what’s written in the Holy Bible.” So I hope that none of you consider any longer that one servant of the Lord is better than another. 7 If you still want to argue, what reason do you have to feel that you're better than other brothers and sisters in the faith? Think of this, every ability that you have is just a gift from the Lord. So if that gift is just because of God’s kindness, don’t brag about it as if you got it because of your own strength!

8 But apparently you, the church of Corinth, already think that you have everything you need! You’re already rich. You’ve become like kings. That opinion arose after we no longer worked among you. Wow, how truly wonderful it would be if you had become kings! That way, we as the apostles who evangelized you might also be considered great people! 9 But in my opinion, God actually has given us apostles the very last place. We’re treated like prisoners of war who’ve been given the death sentence. Then we’ve became a public spectacle before everyone in this world and before angels. 10 We’re considered to be stupid people just because we serve Christ, but you’re still considered to be wise people. We servants of Christ are always considered to be weak, but you feel you’re strong. We’re insulted everywhere, but you’re honored. 11 In fact, even to this moment we often don’t get enough food and drink, and we also don’t have enough clothes. We’re often beaten, and we don’t have a place to stay. 12 We’re forced to work hard with our own hands, and we’re often insulted. But we just bless them in return. And when we’re persecuted we receive it patiently. 13 When we’re slandered, we just respond with gentleness. To this moment, we’re still treated like the garbage of the world, like dirt that’s thrown away.

14 I don’t write these things to shame you but to rebuke you as my children whom I love! 15 For even if could have ten thousand teachers who would teach you about Christ, you wouldn’t have many fathers. I alone became your spiritual father because I was the one who told you the Good News about Christ Jesus. 16 For that reason, I urge you to follow my example. 17 That’s why I sent Timothy to you. We’re both one with the Lord, so he has become like a child whom I love, who very faithfully serves the Lord. He’ll remind you about my way of life and about the way of life that’s appropriate for all of us who are one with Christ Jesus, just like I teach every church.

18 There are obviously people among you who’ve become arrogant and consider themselves to be leaders. That has certainly happened because they think that I’m not going to visit you again. 19 But if the Lord is willing, I’ll come to you soon. And at that time, we’ll see who’s leading with the Lord’s power and who’s just bragging about themselves. 20 For the work of God’s kingdom isn’t just a matter of human talk, but it’s a matter of God given authority! 21 So now it’s up to you alone to choose. Do you want me to come with a whip to control you? Or I can come with an attitude full of love and gentleness if you've begun to obey.

Chapter 5

Problem of conduct in the church

1 I’m really concerned with the news that there's very shameful immorality among you. And it’s a kind of immorality that never even happens among people groups who don’t know the Lord! For I hear that there’s a person who has taken his father’s wife. 2 It isn’t proper for you to be arrogant in this situation, and brag of being great people of God! It would be better for you to weep! Then the one who committed that sin has to be removed from your midst. 3 Even though I’m not with you in person, I feel like my spirit is with you. And I’ve already judged the person who committed that sin as if I was there with you. 4 So when you’ve gathered in the name of our Lord Jesus and my spirit, with the authority of our Lord Jesus, is with you, 5 turn that person over to the devil. That should be done so that through the punishment given by the devil, his bodily desires can be destroyed so that his spirit can be saved on the day the Lord comes.

6 It isn’t proper now for you to brag about yourselves as good people of God, of course. Remember this proverb, “Just a little yeast makes all of the dough rise.” 7 Just like the Jews always do before they celebrate the Passover, throw out all of the old yeast, which is sin, so that you become like a new batch of dough. For we’re actually like bread without yeast. Our sacrificial Passover lamb is Christ, who has been sacrificed to purify us. [1] 8 For that reason, let’s live like people who celebrate the Passover. It isn’t proper for us to eat bread that’s made with old yeast. (That means that we can’t be involved in old sins and wickedness like we were before we knew Christ.) We’re like people who take part in the Passover celebration by eating bread without yeast, which symbolizes us living pure, according to true teaching.

9 I’ve written you a letter with the command not to associate with people who are immoral. 10 Now I need to explain that I don’t mean that we can't associate with everyone in the world who does immoral things or with people who sin in other ways, like people who are greedy, people who cheat others to get money or worshipers of idols. To avoid people like that we would have to leave this world! 11 But what I mean is you must avoid people who call themselves brothers in the faith, but meanwhile they still commit immorality or sin in some other way, like being greedy, worshiping idols or slandering other people, getting drunk or cheating others to get money. Don’t ever have contact with people like that who only pretend to be good people. Don't even eat with them!

12-13 It isn’t our business to judge people who aren’t brothers in the faith. That’s God’s business. But you must control and be ready to judge people who’ve become members of the church. Like it’s written in the Lord’s Word, “Drive the evil person out from among you!” [7]

5:7 [1] Just like the Passover lamb was slaughtered for the Jewish Passover, Christ is the sacrifice for His people.

5:12-13 [7] Deut. 22:21, 24

Chapter 6

Overcoming problems between fellow brothers in the faith

1 I really don’t approve when lawsuits happen between you. And some of you dare to bring those cases to a judge who doesn’t believe in God! Why don’t you ask one of the brothers in the faith to resolve the cases that happen among you? That would be much better, because a brother in the faith has been purified by Christ, whereas judges from outside the church aren’t yet. 2 Don’t you know that God’s people are the ones who’ll judge this world? So, if you’ll judge this world, you can surely resolve small cases. 3 We will even judge angels! If that’s so, we can resolve ordinary lawsuits in this life, for sure. 4 So if you have a case like that which needs to be tried, why do you bring it to a judge who isn’t part of our brothers in the faith? That’s stupid! 5 You should feel ashamed! Isn’t there even one person among you who’s wise enough to judge cases which happen between brothers in the faith?! 6 But now there’s a brother in the faith who is bringing another brother in the faith to court. In fact, that trial is conducted before people who don’t believe in Christ!

7 The fact that you have lawsuts among you shows clearly that you're already in the wrong. Rather than pursuing the case, it would be better to let your brother in the faith do you wrong or cause you loss. 8 But in fact, you yourselves are involved in things that aren’t just and cause loss to people, even to brothers in the faith!

9-10 Don’t forget that evil people won’t become citizens of God’s kingdom! Don’t be deceived! Those who won’t enter God’s kingdom are

     people who are immoral, worshipers of idols,

     those who commit adultery, those who do all kinds of homosexual acts,

     greedy people, thieves,

     drunkards, slanderers and swindlers.

11 And of course some of you used to live like that! But now you’ve been cleansed, made holy and made right before God by becoming one with our Lord Christ Jesus and God's Spirit.

Use your body for the glory of God


12 Now there willcertainly be someone who says, “We followers of Christ are permitted to do anything and eat anything.” But I will answer that everything isn’t useful. And I don’t want to allow anything in my life to be the devil’s tool to control me. 13 For example, some say, “God gives food to fill the stomach, and the stomach was created to enjoy food.” I will answer that neither of those will enter heaven but will be destroyed by God. Because of that you must understand that our bodies weren’t created by God for committing immorality but were created for glorifying the Lord. And the Lord also cares about what we do to our bodies. 14 And God, who showed His power when He brought the body of the Lord Jesus back to life after death, will also give us life after death. For that reason, we must be careful how we use our bodies!

15 Don’t forget that each of our bodies are part of the body of Christ. Because of that, is it proper for a follower of Christ to take a member of the body of Christ, that is his own body, and unite it with the body of a prostitute? Certainly not! 16 For God’s Word says, “In marriage a man is united with his wife so that the two become one.” [9] So you must know that if anyone has sex with a prostitute, he becomes one body with that prostitute. 17 On the contrary, a person who surrenders himself to the Lord has become one with the Lord in spirit.

18 So don’t ever do anything immoral. No other sin clings directly to the body of the person who commits that sin. But a person who commits the sin of immorality sins against his own body. 19 Don’t forget that each of our bodies is like the Most Holy Room for God’s Spirit, which is His Spirit that we’ve received from God and lives in each of us! It means that our bodies aren’t our own possessions anymore. 20 For we were bought back with a very high price, which is the blood of Christ. For that reason, let’s glorify God with our bodies.

6:11 [8] Gen. 2:24
6:16 [9] Gen. 2:24

Chapter 7

About marriage

1 Now I will talk about the things that you wrote to me about. Yes, I think it’s good if a man doesn’t have a wife and doesn’t have sexual relations with a woman. [1] 2 But because of the danger of immorality, it’s best for every man to have his own wife who will meet his sexual needs. In the same way, it’s best for every woman to have her own husband. [2] 3 And the husband has to meet his wife’s sexual needs. So does the wife toward her husband. 4 For the wife doesn’t have authority over her own body, but it’s her husband who has authority over her body. It's the same with the husband. He doesn’t have authority over his own body, but it’s his wife who has that authority. 5 Don’t refuse to give your bodies to each other unless you both agree on it for a short time. The reason for that is so you have a special time to truly pray and then be reunited. That’s necessary so that the devil doesn’t tempt you if you can’t restrain your passion. 6 I’m saying that to give you permission so that you may have a special time like that for a short time. That isn’t a command. 7 Actually, I wish everyone was like me, but I realize that every follower of Christ receives his own blessing [3] through God’s kindness. There are those who receive the blessing, like me, to live without a wife. But others receive the blessing of having a wife.

8 But for the person who doesn’t yet have a husband or wife, and also for widows and widowers, I recommend that it would be better for you to live unbound to a wife or a husband too, like me. 9 But if you can’t control yourself, it’s better for you to have a husband or wife. For it’s better to marry than to be burned by sexual passion.

10 And now I’m giving a command to the people who are already married. This command doesn’t come from me alone, but from the Lord. A wife mustn’t break off the relationship with her husband. 11 But if a wife has already gone so far as to separate from her husband, she must keep living alone without having a husband anymore, or she can make peace again with her husband. A husband must not divorce his wife either.

12 And now I want to give more advice to you about another situation. This advice is from me alone, not from the Lord. If a brother in the faith has a wife who doesn’t yet believe in the Lord but his wife is still willing to live with him, then the husband must not divorce her. 13 And vice versa, if a woman has a husband who doesn’t yet believe in the Lord and her husband is still willing to live with her, then that wife must not divorce her husband. 14 For a husband who doesn’t yet believe is legitimate [4] in God’s eyes because he’s one with his wife who already believes in Jesus. And a wife who doesn’t yet believe is legitimate because she’s one with a husband who already believes. If that wasn’t so, their children would be considered to be unholy by the Lord, but now they’ve been accepted by the Lord.

15 But if a husband or wife who doesn’t yet believe in Christ decides to divorce the brother or sister who’s a follower of Christ, let him or her divorce. If that happens, the brother or sister in the faith isn’t bound anymore. For God’s will is that we live calmly and peacefully with everyone. 16 This is the reason for my advice, we always hope that your husband or wife, who doesn’t believe, will later become a believer because of your example and be saved in the end.

Live calmly in God’s eyes in the situation in which you were called by God

17 I advise every believer to live according to this rule: continue to live in the same situation as when God called you to become a follower of Christ, which is the situation of life that God had given to you at that time. This is a principle that I teach in all the churches. 18 For example, if a man was circumcised at the time God called him to become a follower of Christ, he doesn’t need to cover up the sign of his circumcision. And if a man hasn’t yet been circumcised when he follows Christ, he doesn’t need to be circumcised. 19 Circumcision or uncircumcision isn’t important. What’s important is obeying God’s commands.

20 Everyone should continue to live in a similar situation as when he was called by God to become a follower of Christ. 21 For example, if you had been sold to work as a slave when God called you to follow Christ, that isn’t a problem. But of course, if you get the opportunity to become free, use that opportunity. 22 A slave who wasn’t physically free when the Lord called him has become like a free man because he’s one with the Lord. In the same way, a person who was free when the Lord called him has really become Christ’s slave. 23 We’ve all been bought with a very high price, so, let’s not become servants of people! 24 So Brothers and Sisters, the rule is let’s all live calmly in God’s eyes in the same situation as when He called us to be Christ’s disciples.

Question about marriage

25 And now I’m writing about young women who aren’t yet married. [5] I haven’t received a command from the Lord about this but I’m giving my opinion. And because the Lord’s great compassion was shown to me by Him, I think that this advice can be trusted. 26 Because we’re living in difficult times, I think it’s better for each of you to continue to live calmly in your present situation. 27 So if you have a wife, don’t divorce her. And if you aren’t bound to a wife, don’t try to find a wife. 28 But if you decide to marry it isn’t sin. So if a young woman marries it isn’t sin. It should be understood that a person who’s already married will have more trouble in his life. So the reason I give that advice is to spare you that kind of trouble.

29 However Brothers and Sisters, I mean that we don’t have much time left! So from now on a person who has a wife must use his time to serve the Lord as if he didn’t have a wife. 30 Similarly the one who is sad should live as though he isn't sad. The one who's happy should live as if he wasn’t happy. And it would be best if the one who buys earthly possessions to live as if he doesn’t have anything. 31 And the one who uses the things of this world should live as if those things have no meaning for him, because this world will soon completely disappear!

32 My advice is not to worry about this life. A person who isn’t married is free to give himself fully to the Lord’s work, so he just tries to please the Lord. 33 Whereas a person who’s married will be busy with worldly matters, that is he needs to try to please his wife. 34 So his attention is divided between pleasing his wife and pleasing the Lord. In the same way, a woman who doesn’t have a husband can give herself fully to the Lord’s work. So she only tries to please the Lord, both with her body and her spirit. Whereas a woman who’s married will be busy with matters of this world, because she’s trying to please her husband. 35 I’m just giving you this advice to help you, not to limit you. I want you to do what’s proper so that you can serve the Lord as well as possible and without worrying about worldly things.

36 But if a man thinks that he isn’t doing the best thing toward his fiancee if the woman is getting older, and he himself feels it’s appropriate to marry, he should do as he desires. If they get married, they aren't sinning. 37 But if a man has decided in his heart that he doesn’t need to marry, and he also thinks he’s able to control himself, he’s free to keep living unmarried. A person who’s convinced in his heart like that does well by not marrying his fiancee. 38 So, if a man marries his fiancee, he does well. And the person who can serve the Lord without marrying does even better.

39 We need to remember that a woman is bound to her husband as long as her husband is alive. But if her husband dies, the woman is free to marry a man whom she likes. But she can only marry a man who fully believes in the Lord. 40 But it’s my opinion that the widow will be happier if she doesn’t marry again, and I think that God’s Spirit also agrees with my advice.

7:1 [1] Literally, “touch a woman.” Paul is quoting from a letter from the Corinthian church.
7:2 [2] In Greek the words “have a wife” and “have a husband” are polite expressions that mean the sexual relation between a husband and wife.
7:7 [3] The same word in the Greek language is also translated as ‘gift’ and ‘ability’.
7:14 [4] Literally, “made holy.”
7:25 [5] Literally, “virgin.”

Chapter 8

Teaching about meat offered to idols

1 Now I’m writing about the leftover meat from animals which have been sacrificed to idols. Christians often feel that we all have knowledge about this. But we need to remember that knowledge often makes us arrogant. Whereas love is more important than knowledge, because love helps our brothers and sisters in the faith to grow. 2 If any of you thinks he has quite enough knowledge already, he doesn’t actually know anything! 3 Whereas the person who loves God is the one who is pleasing in God’s eyes.

4 So regarding the sale of leftover meat from animals sacrificed to idols, we know that an idol illustrates something that doesn’t actually exist and is powerless. For there’s no other god except the One and Only God. 5 For although other people think that there are many gods or many lords, both in heaven and on earth, 6 yet for us there’s only one God, the one whom we call Father. Everything comes from Him, and we live for Him. And there’s only one Lord who is Christ Jesus. Everything was created by means of Jesus, and we live because of Him.

7 But not all of Christ’s followers have this knowledge. There are brothers and sisters in the faith who used to be idol worshipers. So if they eat meat leftover from a sacrifice, they still feel like they’re involved in worshiping idols. Their hearts feel guilty easily because they remember their previous religion. 8 But food doesn’t actually change our status before God. Refusing to eat doesn’t bring us closer to God. And if we do eat something, that also doesn’t make us better before God.

9 Even so, we have to be careful so that our freedom doesn’t make our weak brother fall into sin because he feels guilty easily. 10 Just think, what happens if you who feel that you can eat everything, are seen eating meat in a restaurant, and that restaurant usually sells meat leftover from idol sacrifices. [1] If a brother in the faith sees you eating that meat, and he used to live as an idol worshiper, he’ll desire to eat that meat again, of course. But if he eats that meat, he’ll easily feel guilty in his heart. 11 If that happens, you who brag about your knowledge have destroyed that brother in the faith, even though he’s someone whom Jesus has saved through His death too, just like you. 12 In that way, you’ve sinned against your brother in the faith. When you set an example that causes a brother who’s weak to do what he considers to be sin, you’re also sinning in Christ’s sight. 13 So if the meat that I eat can cause my brother to fall into sin, I won’t eat meat again as long as I live! And I’m ready to stop eating meat forever so that I won’t make my brother in the faith sin.

8:10 [1] Paul literally wrote one word that means, “idol’s worship house.” In Paul’s day, there were temples for idols in the city of Corinth that were close to some restaurants. In this verse, Paul possibly meant Christians who were seen in the restaurants which were near to those idol’s temples where those who wanted to eat there wasn’t directly involved in worshiping idols. But the food sold there was leftover from sacrifices made to that idol.

Chapter 9

Rights as an apostle which aren’t used by Paul

1 I’m talking like that even though I’m free from obligations to anyone. I’m an apostle. I’ve seen Jesus our Lord. All of you are the result of my work as a representative of the Lord. 2 There may be other people who don’t accept me as an apostle, but certainly you accept me! For all of you are proof that I work with the Lord’s authority.

3 This is the answer that I give to people who want to evaluate me as an apostle of Chris. 4 Don’t Barnabas and I have the right to get food and lodging because of our work, just like the other apostles? 5 Don't Barnabas and I have the right like Peter, the other apostles and the younger siblings of the Lord Jesus to bring wives along on our trips, if in fact we each had wives and if they were sisters in the faith with us. 6 Or are just Barnabas and I forced to work to meet our living expenses?

7 Think about these examples. No soldier pays his own salary. It’s the same for a person who plants grapes in a vineyard, he has the right to eat the fruit of that vineyard. A shepherd has the right to drink milk from his flock. 8 Of course these things make sense to everyone, but even more so because Moses’ Law says the same thing. 9 For it’s written there, “Don’t muzzle the mouth of an ox that’s used to trample wheat. [1] Allow it to eat the wheat while it’s working.” [10] Of course, when God said that, He didn’t just mean oxen. 10 He was really talking about us apostles of Christ too. Everyone who works in the Lord’s field, both those who plow the ground as well as those who thresh the harvest, feel they have a right to enjoy something from the results of their work.

11 So if we’ve planted spiritual seeds among you, it’s natural for us to get some of the produce for our physical needs. Why not?! 12 You give contributions to other teachers who preach in the church. And they have a right to receive those contributions, of course. That means that we certainly have more right to receive help than other people do. But we’ve never demanded that right! We bear the responsibility for all of our needs and are willing to face all kinds of difficulties instead, so that nothing will hinder others from receiving the Good News about Christ.

13 For example, remember that the priests who work in God’s House get food from what’s offered to the Lord. And those who serve at the altar of the Lord get part of the meat that’s sacrificed. 14 In the same way, the Lord has determined that we who work to tell the Good News have the right to receive pay for our living expenses from that ministry work.

15 But I’ve never demanded even one of those rights that are usually received by every apostle! And I’m not writing this to demand that you start giving something to me. For I take pride in the fact that I tell the Good News without being paid, and I would rather die than lose what I’m proud of! 16 If I tell the Good News in my role as an apostle, it isn’t proper for me to brag about myself, because telling the Good News is my obligation. And I would really neglect my duty if I didn’t tell the Good News! 17 If I were a wage earner, then it would be proper for me to expect wages. But I didn’t became the Lord’s servant by my own choice. It was the Lord who chose me as His servant and entrusted this task to me. 18 So, what’s my reward in this work? This is my reward, that I’m happy to tell the Good News without being paid and without demanding any physical reward as my normal right for the spiritual work that I do.

19 So I work free of all thoughts about physical rewards and am not obligated to anyone at all. Even so, I make myself like a servant who serves everyone, so that I can win as many people as possible for Christ. 20 So when I’m with Jewish people, I live like a Jew. I do that in order to win them. And even though I myself have been set free from the bonds of the Law of Moses, yet when I’m with people who are still bound by Moses’ Law I also live like them. I do that so that I can win those whose lives are bound by Moses’ Law. 21 But when I’m with those who live without thinking about the Law of Moses, that is the non-Jews, I also live like a person who doesn’t think about Moses’ Law. (I don’t actually forget God’s Law but I’m controlled by Christ’s Law.) I also live like that to win those who live without the Law of Moses. 22 In the same way, when I’m with weak people I become like a weak person so that I can win them. So I try to adapt myself to various kinds of people with the hope that as many people as possible will be saved through my way of life. 23 And I do all of that so that the Good News spreads more widely, so that someday I will take part in being blessed with all of you through that news of salvation.

24 Remember that in a race, all of the participants run, but only one wins and gets the prize. For that reason, let’s run in this spiritual contest in the same way, so that we’re worthy to become winners. 25 Remember that all the participants in the race have taken part in harsh training, and they have to control themselves, too. They do all of that with the hope of receiving a crown [2] of appreciation. And that crown is just a worldly object which won’t last long. But our crowns will last forever. 26 So I don’t run in this spiritual race like someone who runs without a certain goal. As another example of a different contest, I don’t act like a boxer whose half-hearted punches and blows don’t hit their target. 27 Instead, I’m like an athlete who purposefully takes part in harsh training so he can control his body and mind. I do that so that I won’t fail to receive the victory prize after I’ve urged other people to enter this spiritual race.

9:9 [1] Wheat was threshed to separate the grains of wheat from the stalk. During Bible times, wheat was threshed by an ox trampling it, or by an ox pulling a heavy tool that crushed it.
9:25 [2] In a sports contest, the crown at that time was made of a wreath of leaves.

Chapter 10

Warning from the history of God’s people

1 I’m telling you this, Brothers and Sisters, because I want you to be aware of what happened to our forefathers during Moses’ time. God protected them and led them by a cloud which moved ahead of them, [1] and they walked on ground in the middle of the sea which had been split in two. 2 And when they were covered by the cloud and walked across the sea, it was like being baptized as followers of Moses. 3 Then they ate the same spiritual food, 4 and also drank the same spiritual drink, that is they drank from the large rock that accompanied them [2] and which had a spiritual meaning. That large rock symbolized Christ. 5 But in the end, God wasn’t pleased with most of them so their dead bodies were left all along the road in the desert.

6 What happened is an example for us so that we won’t desire the evil things they desired and did. 7 And we must not worship idols like some of them did. It’s written about them in the Holy Bible, “After they partied, eating and drinking, then they started doing immoral things and worshiped idols.” [11] 8 Let’s not get involved in immorality like some of them did and as a result twenty-three thousand people died in one day. 9 Let’s not test Christ either [3] like some of them did, so then they died of snake bites. 10 And let’s not complain like some of them did too so that God sent the death angel to them.

11 The things that happened to them are an example for us, and those things were written in God’s Word as a warning for us who live now in these end times. 12 For that reason, the person who thinks he’s standing firm should be careful that he doesn’t fall. 13 You should know this, every temptation that each of you face is just a temptation normally experienced by man. God is faithful to us, so He won’t let you be tempted beyond your ability. And at the time you’re tempted, He’ll give you a way out so that you can endure it.

14 For that reason, Brothers and Sisters whom I love, keep yourselves far away from worshiping idols! 15 I’m urging you, fully aware that you’re wise people. So you’re capable of deciding for yourselves if this teaching of mine is true. 16 When we celebrate the Lord's Supper, it’s clear that the holy cup of wine, [4] the one for which we give thanks, illustrates that we take part in the blood of Christ. In the same way, the bread that we break illustrates that we take part in the body of Christ. 17 Even though we are many, yet through the Lord's Supper it’s seen that we truly are one body because we all take a part of that one piece of bread. 18 In another example, think about when the Israelites offered an animal as a sacrifice. When they ate the meat of that animal, everyone who took part in eating it was considered to have received the same blessing.

19 My purpose in giving these examples is to teach this about idols, meat that was offered to idols truly has no meaning and idols are things that have no power. 20 But you should know that something offered to idols is actually an offering to evil spirits, not to God. And I don’t want you to take part in worshiping evil spirits! 21 Each of you must not drink from the Lord’s cup and then drink from the cup of evil spirits too. You can’t eat at the table of the Lord’s supper and then take part in the table of evil spirits too. 22 Or are you making the Lord jealous on purpose?! [5] Do you think that you’re greater than Him?!

Use your freedom to glorify God

23 Once again, of course, some will respond, “We followers of Christ are allowed to do anything.” But I will answer that not all deeds are useful. There are things that are permitted but don’t strengthen the confidence of our brothers in the faith. 24 Let’s not just seek what’s best for ourselves but let’s try to do what’s best for our other brothers and sisters in the faith.

25 So you can eat all the meat that’s sold at the market and don’t need to ask where it comes from, so that it doesn’t become an opportunity for you to feel guilty. 26 For we know that “the earth and everything in it is the Lord’s.” [12]

27 And also, if a person who doesn’t yet fully believe in Christ invites you to eat at his house, and if you want to, eat everything that’s served to you. Don’t ask where the meat comes from so that it doesn’t make you feel guilty. 28 But if there’s a brother in the faith in that house who tells you, “Be careful, that meat is leftover from an offering to idols,” then don’t eat it, in order to respect the opinion and guard the heart of the brother who told you that. 29 Although eating that meat isn’t a problem for you yourself, it’s clear that your brother considers it to be wrong. Well, if so, surely some of you will say, “Hey, why do I have to be limited by the opinion and heart of someone else? 30 If I give thanks to God before enjoying that food, it isn’t fair for another person to consider me a sinner!”

31 My answer is, whatever we do, whether it’s eating or drinking or some other thing, let’s do it to glorify God! 32 And let’s not do something that’s considered to be wrong, either in the eyes of Jews, non-Jews or brothers in the faith in God’s churches. 33 For that reason, I always try to please everyone in everyway. That means I try to put the importance of other people first above the importance of my own self. I do that so that they may become followers of Christ and are saved.

10:1 [1] There was a cloud which showed the Israelites the way out of Egypt and across the Red Sea during the day. See Ex. 13:20-22; 14:19-20.
10:4 [2] These stories are found in Ex. 17 and Num. 20. It is not know if the wilderness of Sin is a different or same place as the wilderness of Zin. Paul interprets them as two places and says that the large rock accompanied them because he is giving a symbolic meaning to that rock.
10:9 [3] In some copies in Greek it is 'the Lord'.
10:16 [4] This is the cup which was used by the followers of Christ when celebrating the Lord's Supper to remember the death of Christ.
10:22 [5] Read Deut. 32:16, 17.

Chapter 11

1 So follow my example, just as I also follow Christ’s example.

Some instructions for men and women for worshipping together

2 I’m very pleased that you always remember me and also keep following all of the teachings that I’ve given you! 3 But now I want to tell you this, the head over Christ is God. And the head over every man is Christ, and the head over every wife is her husband.

4 So if a man prophesies or prays using a cloth head covering, it shows he doesn’t respect Christ as his Head. 5 On the contrary, when a woman prays or prophesies, she must use a cloth head covering. If not, it means that she doesn’t respect and obey her husband as her head. For it isn’t proper for a woman to pray or prophesy without a head covering. That is shameful, just like if a woman has her head shaved bald. 6 If a woman doesn’t want to use a head covering, let her cut her hair short like a man’s hair! But if she feels ashamed to be seen with short hair like a man’s, or even shaved, then she should wear a head covering.

7 But of course a man doesn’t need to wear a cloth head covering when praying or prophesying because the man was created according to God’s image and shows the glory of God, whereas a woman shows the glory of man. 8 For man didn’t come from a woman, but it was the woman who came from a man. 9 And also the first man, who was Adam, wasn’t created to help the woman. But the first woman, who was Eve, was created to help the man. 10 For that reason, a woman needs to wear a head covering to show that she respects and obeys her head, who is her husband. And this is also done to remember that angels are always present in our worship service.

11-12 But we need to remember that even though, to begin with, the woman came from a man, yet after that every man was born of a woman. Both men and women come from God. And each of us who are one with the Lord Jesus are aware that men and women both need each other.

13 Think carefully about this, is it proper for a woman to pray to God in a church meeting without using a cloth head covering?! 14 On the contrary, everyone knows that it isn’t proper for a man to have long hair like a woman. 15 However, long hair is the pride of women because long hair was given by God to women especially as a sign that each woman is under the leadership of her husband. [1] 16 But regarding this teaching, if there’s anyone who insists on changing this custom, you should know that we, the apostles, teach only this, and the churches of God don’t have a different custom.

The Lord’s Supper

17 In the following matter, I can’t praise you, because your meetings don’t produce good things but bad things. 18 For first of all, I hear that when you get together there are still divisions among you. And I think that news is true. 19 How sad! Maybe there are those who feel that there must be divisions among you so that it’s clear which of your groups is right! 20 So I hear that when you get together, the supper that you celebrate obviously isn’t worth being called the “Lord’s Supper.” 21 For when you eat together before the Lord’s Supper, everyone takes his own food without waiting for others. In the end, there are members who don’t get a share and are hungry, while others are full and then drink until drunk. 22 You who are greedy for food and drink shouldn't do that in a church meeting! Eat first at your own homes, because you’re insulting God’s church with that behavior of yours. And you're humiliating our poor members! So what else can I tell you?! I certainly can’t praise you for this!

23 For the teaching that I gave you is the same as I received from the Lord Himself, which is that on the night when the Lord Jesus was turned over to His enemies, He took bread 24 and gave thanks to God for it. Then He tore the bread and said, “This is My body which is sacrificed for you. Do this to remember Me.” 25 In the same way, after eating, Jesus took a cup filled with wine. And He said, “This blood of Mine illustrates that the new promise between God and man is legally validated. Do this to remember Me when you drink wine like this.” 26 So in agreement with what the Lord said, every time we eat bread and drink wine like this before He returns, it means that we’re telling about the Lord’s death again.

27 So if during the Lord’s Supper someone eats bread and drinks wine in a way that doesn’t fear and respect the Lord, then that person has sinned against the body and blood of the Lord. 28-29 That’s why everyone should examine himself before he eats the bread and drinks the wine of the supper in order to make sure that he’s aware of that meaning of the bread and wine. For if anyone eats the bread and drinks the wine without being aware of its meaning, he’s bringing punishment on himself. 30 And that’s the reason why many of you are frequently sick and weak, and there are also those who’ve died!

31 But if we examine ourselves and are aware of the meaning of that supper, then we don’t need to be afraid of the Lord’s punishment anymore. 32 Even if God punishes us, it’s to discipline us so that we won’t be destroyed with the evil people who are of this world.

33 For that reason, Brothers and Sisters, when you get together for the Lord’s Supper, be patient and wait for each other while taking turns so that you celebrate it in a proper and orderly way. 34 If someone is hungry, it would be best for him to eat at his home first so that the celebration together doesn’t become an opportunity for him to bring punishment on himself. And regarding your other questions, I’ll teach you about those when I come.

11:15 [1] Paul literally wrote “as protection.” The protection here isn’t the same as the word Paul used for “head covering” in verses 4-7. And verse 6 shows that a woman can’t consider that long hair is a replacement for a head covering. Even so, it’s interpreted that there is a similarity between the head covering and long hair in the Jewish culture of Paul’s day, which is that both are signs that the status of women in the church and in daily life is under the leadership of men. If a woman doesn’t have a husband yet, she’s under the leadership of her father.

Chapter 12

Special abilities given by God’s Spirit

1 Now, Brothers and Sisters, I want you to understand about the special abilities that are given by God’s Spirit. 2 You yourselves remember that before you became believers, you let yourselves be influenced and led away to worship idols which aren’t alive and don’t speak. 3 So because of that, I want you to realize that it isn’t possible for a person who is led by God’s Spirit to say, “Jesus is cursed.” And a person can’t possibly say, “Jesus is Lord,” without the help of God’s Spirit.

4 There are many kinds of special abilities which are given by God’s Spirit as signs of God’s kindness, [1] but all of those come from God’s Spirit alone. 5 And even though there are many kinds of ministries, all of them come from the same Lord. 6 In that way, God works in different ways in each brother in the faith, but the One and Only God alone does all of that.

7 Each of those abilities are given to us as visible signs from God’s Spirit and should be used to strengthen each other. 8 For example, God’s Spirit gives the ability to one person to give wise advice. The same Spirit gives the ability to another person to tell amazing knowledge. 9 To still another person that same Spirit gives miraculous certainty. [2] And that one Spirit also gives the ability to heal sick people. 10 And to another one of us, the Spirit gives the ability to do miracles also, and to another ability to prophesy, and to another the ability to determine if the news given comes from God’s Spirit or an evil spirit. God’s Spirit also gives the ability to another person to speak in various languages of the Spirit, and to yet another the ability to translate what was spoken in those languages of the Spirit. 11 The one and same Spirit of God does all of this! And He’s the one who determines what ability is given to each of our brothers or sisters in the faith.

All believers are like the body of Christ

12 So just the like the human body is only one but has many parts, in the same way we who are many are one body, which is the body of Christ. 13 So there’s no problem if our members are Jews or non-Jews, slaves or free people. Each of us has been baptised [3] into that one Holy Spirit, as if we have each drunk pure water from the same cup. This means that the one Spirit has made all of us become like one body, the body of Christ.

14 For of course, the human body doesn’t consist of just one part but has many parts. 15 If for example, the foot could be jealous and say, “I’m not a hand, so I’m not part of this body,” those words don’t change the situation, and that foot remains part of the body. 16 In the same way, the ear could say, “I’m not an eye, so I’m not part of this body.” But what the ear said wouldn’t change the situation. That ear is still part of the body. 17 If the whole body consisted of just an eye, the body couldn’t hear anything. And if the whole body consisted of just an ear, the body couldn’t smell anything. 18-19 So if the whole body consisted of only one part, then it couldn’t be called a body any more. God is the one who arranges each part so that it functions in the body according to His will. 20 So the body is one body, but it has many parts.

21 That’s why the eye can’t say to the hand, “I don’t need you.” And the head can’t say to the foot, “I don’t need you.” 22-23 On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem weak or are considered less respectable are actually very important and are always given special attention. So we protect the parts of the body that aren’t fit to be seen with clothing. In that way, the parts of the body that are considered less respectable are always given special attention. 24 But the parts of our bodies which are considered more respectable don’t need special attention. In that way, God has unified the body so that the parts which are considered weak and less respectable are given attention and special respect. 25 So the body isn’t divided, but each of the parts pays attention to and cares for each other. 26 If one part of the body suffers, then all the other parts of the body also suffer. Or if one part of the body is praised, all the other parts of the body feel glad too.

27 We’re all the body of Christ, and each of you is a part of His body. 28 And in the whole unity of Christ’s church, God has set it up as follows:

     first are those who’ve been chosen as apostles,

     second, are those chosen to prophesy,

     and third, there are those chosen to teach.

     Then there are some of us whom God chooses to do miracles.

     And there are some who receive the special ability to heal sick people

     or help other people

     or become leaders

     or speak in different languages of the Spirit.

29 So not every member is chosen to become an apostle or prophesy or teach. And not all of us can do miracles. 30 Not all of us have the ability to heal sick people or speak in different languages of the Spirit. And not everyone can translate what’s given in those languages of the Spirit. 31 But you should all long to receive the abilities that are most important.

Loving is more important than all of the special abilities

And now I will show you the best thing!

12:4 [1] Literally translates one word in the Greek language. The root word is also translated ‘kindness’, and also has special meaning as a term for the abilities that are given by God’s Spirit.
12:9 [2] This word in Greek is also translated as “faith’ or ‘fully believe’.
12:13 [3] This verse has been translated according to the interpretation that Paul used the word ‘baptized’ with a spiritual meaning, in which God’s Spirit is illustrated twice as water, that is like the water of baptism and like the pure water which we have drunk. (John 1:33; Acts 1:5) But according to another interpretation, Paul used the word ‘baptized’ here not to illustrate something that has happened spiritually but with the meaning of one’s physical body being baptized in water. According to this interpretation, this verse can be translated as follows, when we were baptized in water, God’s Spirit unified us. So there's no longer a problem if our members are Jews or non-Jews, slaves or free people. When we believe in Christ, that one Spirit already lives inside each of us, as if we all drank the same pure water.

Chapter 13

1 If I’ve been given the special ability to speak in every human language, for example, even the languages used by angels, but if I don’t love other people, my ability wouldn’t have any meaning at all, just like a bell or a gong which only makes noise. 2 And if I have the special ability to prophesy and have the ability of knowledge so that I can understand everything, even God’s secret plans, and I also have the ability of great faith so that mountains move at my command but I don’t love other people, all of my special abilities don’t have any meaning at all! 3 Or if I proudly give all of my treasures to poor people and even surrender my body as a sacrifice, [1] but I don’t love, that all has no meaning!

4 The nature of love is patient, generous, not jealous, doesn’t brag about itself and isn’t arrogant. 5 Love doesn’t act impolitely, doesn’t seek its own self importance, doesn’t get angry easily and doesn’t remember the wrongs that others have done. 6 Love doesn’t rejoice when it sees other people doing what’s evil but rejoices when it sees them doing what’s right. 7 Love is strong so that it can endure facing anything, and love is always ready to believe and hope what’s best about other people. Love is always patient in every situation.

8 Love will never cease to be important! But the time will come when the special abilities won’t be needed anymore, including the abilities to prophesy, to speak in languages of the Spirit or to give knowledge. 9 The special abilities to prophesy or give knowledge are certainly useful now, of course, but can’t convey those things completely. 10 But when Jesus returns later on, our knowledge will become complete and the special abilities that are now incomplete will be done away because they won’t be needed anymore.

11 When I was still small, I spoke, thought and made plans just like a little child. But when I became an adult, I stopped doing the things that are characteristic of children. 12 It’s like that with us too. It’s as if we’re looking into a blurry mirror now, but there’ll be a time later on when we’ll see clearly. Now my knowledge is incomplete, but there’ll be a time later on when I will understand everything in the greatest possible depth, just like God already knows me. 13 So these three things will always be important— faith, hope and love. But the most important of these three things is love!

13:3 [1] In old manuscripts there is a slight change in spelling this word so the word has also been translated “to be burned.” The oldest manuscripts use “proudly.”

Chapter 14

The special abilities God’s Spirit gives to strengthen the church

1 For that reason, let’s always make love the priority. Then let's really try to receive the special abilities which are given by God’s Spirit, first and foremost the ability to prophesy. 2 I say this because people who have the special ability to speak in languages of the Spirit don’t usually communicate anything that can be understood by other people. Through God’s Spirit they speak to God alone about things that can only be understood by God. 3 But people who prophesy speak to other people in order to encourage them, give motivation and comfort them. 4 People who speak in different languages of the Spirit usually only encourage themselves, whereas a person who prophesies can encourage the whole church.

5 I long for each of you to have the special ability to speak in languages of the Spirit. But what I long for more than that is that you prophesy. The person who prophesies is more important than the person who just speaks in a language of the Spirit. But the ability of languages of the Spirit is valued the same as prophecy if a member of the church has the spiritual ability to translate the language of the Spirit so that the church can be encouraged through what’s communicated.

6 Brothers and Sisters, it’s useless for me to come to you if I only speak in a language of the Spirit that you don’t understand. I can only help you if I give revelation or knowledge from God or prophesy or teach in a language that you understand. 7 That can be illustrated by a musical instrument, like a flute or guitar. Even though the instrument isn’t like a living person, if it’s played in a careless way the person listening can’t recognize the song that’s being played. 8 In the same way, if the soldier whose duty is to play the trumpet doesn’t know how to blow clearly, then other soldiers won’t understand that the sound of his trumpet is the command to prepare for battle. 9 So it’s the same with you who speak in languages of the Spirit. If your words can’t be understood, how can your words be useful to the listeners? It’s as if you’re speaking to the wind alone.

10 Of course, there are many languages in the world and every language is used to communicate meaningful messages to speakers of that language. 11 But if I don’t understand someone’s language, then I’m a foreigner to him and I consider him to be a foreigner too. 12 It’s the same with you too. You really long for the special abilities from God’s Spirit, so sincerely ask God to give you abilities that can encourage the church.

13 So for the person who has the special ability to speak in a language of the Spirit, he should pray that he’s also given the ability to interpret what he communicates in that language of the Spirit. 14 When I pray in a language of the Spirit, it’s just my spirit that prays while my mind is silent. 15 So I’ve decided to do this, when I pray, I will involve my spirit and my mind. And when I sing praises, I will involve my spirit and my mind. 16 For if you praise God in your spirit using a language of the Spirit only, how can the listener who doesn’t understand join in praising God or say “Amen” to your expression of thanks? 17 Even though you thank God in a very good way, yet other people who hear can’t be encouraged by that Spiritual language.

18 I thank God because I speak in different languages of the Spirit more often [1] than you. 19 But in church meetings, instead of expressing thousands of words in a language of the Spirit, it would be better that I speak five words that can be understood so that the listeners are encouraged by my teaching.

20 Brothers and Sisters, don’t think about this matter as if you're little children. But concerning evil, yes, become like babies! But in your thinking about this matter you should be adults! 21 We can read about the special ability of Spiritual languages in the Lord’s Word: [2]


     “By using people who oppose them, who speak in other languages,

         that is foreign tribes,

     I will speak to these hard-headed people of Israel

         but they still won’t listen to Me.” [13]


That’s the word of the Lord. 22 And from those words we can see that using a language of the Spirit is more appropriate for people who are hard-headed and don’t want to believe completely in the Lord, not for those who completely believe. Whereas prophecy is very useful for people who already believe completely and not as appropriate for those who don’t yet believe. 23 Even so, if there are some people who’ve just entered a church meeting when you’re all speaking in different languages of the Spirit, they’ll think you’re crazy, of course. 24 But if you’re all prophesying and a person who doesn’t yet believe or understand enters your meeting, then your prophecies will reveal his sins to him, and he’ll feel judged by everything you say. 25 And the secrets that are in his heart will be revealed. In the end, he’ll kneel and worship God while confessing, “God is really with you.”

Church meetings should be orderly in order to encourage each other

26 So Brothers and Sisters, here’s the conclusion of all this. When you get together, each of you should be involved according to your special ability, either bring a song or a lesson or give a revelation from God or speak in a language of the Spirit or interpret what’s communicated in a language of the Spirit. The goal of all of this has to be to encourage one another. 27 If there are some who are ready to speak in a language of the Spirit, then only two, or at most three people should be allowed. They should speak one by one, and there must be someone present who can translate what they communicate. 28 If no one has the special ability to translate, then they aren’t allowed to speak in languages of the Spirit in that meeting. Let them use that ability just to speak to themselves and to God.

29 Regarding people with the special ability to prophesy, only two or three of them may speak in one meeting. And the other brothers and sisters should also evaluate what they say. 30 But if God reveals something to one of those present, then the person who’s speaking must be quiet so that God’s message may be communicated in an orderly way. 31 In that way, all of you who have the special ability to prophesy have the opportunity to do so one by one, so that everyone present can get teaching and be encouraged. 32 For everyone who has the ability to prophesy is able to control himself and wait patiently for the time he can communicate a message from God. 33 For God doesn’t want confusion, but that everything we do based on His leadership will always proceed calmly.

According to what’s done in all the worship services of God’s people, 34 it’s best for women to keep quiet in the worship service. Women aren’t allowed to speak directly because they have to keep respecting and obeying the leadership of their own husbands, like the Law says. 35 If a woman wants to ask something she should ask her husband at home, because it’s best for a woman not to talk in the worship service.

36 If some of you aren’t happy with my teaching, remember that it wasn’t you who received the teaching from God first, and you aren’t the only ones who became followers of Christ! You should also follow the custom of the churches in other places. 37 If one of you feels that he has the special ability to prophesy or is filled with God’s Spirit, let him also acknowledge that what I’ve written is the Lord’s command. 38 And if that person doesn’t acknowledge this teaching, it means he doesn’t have the ability to prophesy and isn’t even filled by God’s Spirit!

39 So Brothers and Sisters, ask the Lord sincerely that each of you be given the special ability to prophesy. And don’t forbid another brother in the faith to use his special ability to speak in a language of the Spirit. 40 But everything must be done in a good and orderly way.

14:18 [1] Can also be translated ‘more’, with the meaning that Paul had more languages of the Spirit.
14:21 [2] Literally, “the Law.” In the Greek language, that word is also used in a broader meaning to be the whole Old Testament.

Chapter 15

The most important things in the Good News

1 And now Brothers and Sisters, I want to remind you about the Good News that I’ve given you. This is the news that you’ve received and still hold onto until now. 2 And through that news you’re gaining salvation, if you keep firmly believing what I told you! If not, then you became believers for no reason!

3 For I told you the most important news which I’ve received, which is that Christ Jesus has died to bear the punishment for our sins as it’s written in the Holy Bible. 4 After He was buried, on the third day God made Christ come back to life again from death as it’s written in the Holy Bible. 5 I also told that Jesus showed Himself to Peter, and then to His twelve apostles. [1] 6 After that, Jesus showed Himself at the same time to more than five hundred of our brothers and sisters in the faith. Most of them are still alive now, but some of them have died. 7 After that, Jesus showed Himself to His younger brother James and then to all of the apostles. 8 And finally, He also showed Himself to me. So it can be said that I became an apostle like a baby who was born late, after ten months.

9 So I think of myself as the most lowly of all of the apostles. In fact, I’m not even worthy to be called an apostle because I persecuted God’s people before I believed in Jesus. 10 But I’ve become like I am now only because of God’s kindness. And it’s proven that I didn’t waste His kindness! For I work harder than the other apostles. But that isn’t because of my own strength or because I’m so zealous, rather it’s because of being motivated by God’s kindness which is in my heart. 11 So whether it was I or the other apostles who gave the news of salvation to you, that news is what we always tell, and that news is also what you’ve believed.

We’ll live again after we die

12 So, if we apostles always tell that Christ was made alive again after death, why do some of you say that we believers won’t be made alive again after death? 13 For if we aren’t made alive again after death, it means that Christ was never made to live again after death either. 14 And suppose that Christ was never made alive again, then the news that we communicate is totally useless and your faith is just useless too. 15 If so, then we were also mistaken because we obviously taught what was wrong about God. For we told that God made Christ alive. However, if it’s really true that the dead will never be made alive again, then God never made Christ alive! 16 For if it’s true that dead people will never be made alive again, it means that Christ was never made alive again either. 17 And if Christ wasn’t made alive again after death, our faith is just useless and we’re still living in sin! 18 It’s the same for our brothers and sisters who became one with Christ and have died. They weren’t saved but were destroyed! 19 And if our hope in Christ is only for our life in this world, we’re the most unfortunate of all people.

20 But Christ actually was made alive from among the dead! That’s what has become the guarantee that others who’ve died will definitely live again. [2] 21 So pay attention to this, the power of death spread to all people because of the act of one man, namely Adam. So now because of One Man also, who is Jesus, people will be made alive again after death. 22 Because all people, as Adam’s descendants, experience death. But each of us who are one with Christ will be made to live again after death. 23 But the process of coming alive again happens in stages. First, Christ was made alive again as a guarantee for us. Then at His return, all of us who’ve become Christ’s own will be made alive again from death. 24 Then the last thing of all will happen when Christ will destroy every other government, kingdom and authority. After that, He’ll hand over everything to God the Father so that God rules as High King.

25 For God has determined for Christ to “sit at the right side” of God and rule as King until the time that God promised this to Him comes, which is, “I will defeat everyone who opposes You and make them Your slaves.” [14] 26 The last enemy that will be destroyed is the power of death. 27 For it’s written in the Holy Bible, “God has put everything under His power.” [15] In writing, “God has put everything under His power,” it’s clear that God the Father Himself isn’t included in this. 28 But after everything is under the power of God’s Son, then Christ Himself will show that He’s also under the power of God the Father, who is Him the one who has put everything under the power of His Son. In that way, it’ll be clear that God is the Almighty and the Most High.

29 And again concerning the resurrection of us believers from death, if it’s really true that dead people won’t be made alive again after death, why have there been some of our brothers and sisters in the faith who’ve asked to be baptized with water once more, to represent their fathers or mothers who’ve already died? [3] It’s clear that those brothers and sisters of ours think that we as followers of Christ will also be made alive again after death. If not, why would they request to do something like that? 30 And we apostles are another proof. If we believers won’t be made alive again after death, why aren’t we afraid to face danger every moment? 31 It’s true Brothers and Sisters, I’m prepared to die every moment! I swear it’s true, and my feelings of pride about you are also true! I’m proud of you because you’re the proof of my ministry under the guidance of our Lord Christ Jesus. 32 Why was I willing to fight against very fierce people in Ephesus?! If we humans just die and aren’t made live again, then it’ll happen like this, “Let’s satisfy ourselves with food and drink because tomorrow we’ll die.” [16] 33 But don’t be deceived by people who talk like that because there’s a proverb that says, “If you associate with evil people, you’ll become like them later on!” 34 So be truly aware now, and don’t sin anymore! You should be ashamed because it’s clear that some of you don’t know God.

What happens to our bodies when we’re made alive again

35 But there’s often the question, “How will dead people be made alive again? When we’re made alive, what will our bodies be like then?” 36 That’s a stupid question. The seed of a plant that’s planted first experiences death so that it can grow and live again. 37 And if you plant a plant, what you plant isn’t the whole plant that’s still growing, but what’s planted is its seed, like a grain of wheat or some other seed. 38 After it’s planted, God always gives a body to the seed according to what was determined by Him for each kind of seed. 39 There are many kinds of plants, so there are differences between the bodies of people and the bodies of other living creatures too, such as animals, birds and fish. 40 In the same way, objects on the earth are different than objects in the sky and the beauty of objects in the sky is different than the beauty of objects on the earth. 41 The beauty of the sun is different than the beauty of the moon. And every star’s beautiful radiance is different.

42 In the same way there will be a transformation in our bodies when we are made alive again! Our bodies that are buried will decay like a seed that’s planted, but the bodies which will be given to us when we’re made alive again can’t decay anymore! 43 When our bodies are buried, like when a grain of wheat is planted, they look lowly and weak. But when made alive again, they become heavenly bodies that are glorious and have power! 44 The body that’s illustrated as a seed that’s ‘planted’ is the physical body. But what’s made alive again is the spiritual body.

If there’s a physical body, it certainly means there has be a spiritual body too. 45 As it’s written in the Holy Bible, “The first human, who was Adam, became a living being.” But the Person who’s like the last Adam, [4] who is Christ, is a Spirit who gives life. [17] 46 From that example, we can see that what came first was the physical being and then the spiritual being. 47 The first human, who was Adam, was created from the dust of the earth, whereas He who’s illustrated as the second Adam, who is Christ, comes from heaven. 48 In the same way, we earthly humans have an earthly body like Adam. And everyone who becomes a citizen of the kingdom of heaven is given a body like the body of Him who came from heaven. 49 We live now according to the image of the first human who came from the dust of the earth. In the same way, we’ll be changed later on to become new humans according to the image of Him who came from heaven.

50 Brothers and Sisters, this is important to understand, our physical bodies which consist of flesh and blood can’t become citizens of God’s kingdom. These bodies of ours which are headed toward death can’t enter the eternal place. 51 Take note, because now I want to reveal a secret to you! Not all of us will die, but we’ll each be changed! 52 That will happen in a brief moment, in just a blink of the eye and we’ll all be changed. And that will happen when the sound of the last trumpet is heard. At that moment, all those who died but fully believed will be made alive again with new bodies, that is bodies that can never experience death again. And each of us who are still alive when that happens will be changed immediately to become like them. 53 The change that we’ll experience later on can be illustrated like when we change clothes. For the body that can die will be replaced with a body that can’t die. 54 So when our bodies that can die are replaced with bodies that can’t die, this word that’s written will be fulfilled,

     “The power of death has been defeated, and we’ve won!” [18]

     55 “O death, we aren’t afraid of you anymore!

         O death, you don’t have the power to hurt us anymore!” [19]

56 The power of death to hurt comes from sin. And the Law is often the motivator so that humans become slaves to the power of sin. [5] 57 But we thank God, because through our Lord Christ Jesus, we’ve been given the victory!

58 For that reason, my beloved Brothers and Sisters, stand firm! Nothing should be allowed to shake your certainty! Give yourselves fully to the work of serving the Lord, because we know that with the Lord’s leading, whatever we do will never be worthless.

15:5 [1] Paul writes “the twelve”, which had become a term for the apostles of Jesus. He still used that term even though Jesus didn’t appear to Judas from the village of Cariot.
15:20 [2] Literally, “the first produce (of the harvest) of those who are asleep (in death).” Jesus is illustrated as the first produce of the harvest. In the Old Testament, the first produce of harvest was given to God. (Lev. 23:9-14) In this verse, the first produce of harvest is a guarantee that there will still be much more produce that will be harvested.
15:29 [3] Literally, “baptized for dead people.” It’s quite likely that the meaning of this is to be baptized for a family member who died before having the opportunity to hear about Jesus. Family members of such people certainly thought like this, “Oh my! My father believed that the King of Salvation would come, so he certainly would’ve become a follower of Jesus if he’d had the opportunity.” Paul used this example, which had been done by the first Christians, as proof that those Christians really did believe in resurrection from death. But Paul did not mean for Christians in this age to do baptisms like that.
15:45 [4] The name Adam means ‘human’. Here “the last Adam” points to Christ, the ‘Heavenly Human’.
15:56 [5] Paul explains his purpose for this sentence in Rom. 5:13 and Rom. 7:7-25.

Chapter 16

Help for brothers and sisters in the faith

1 And now I want to give you instructions about the donation that is being collected for God’s people who are in the province of Judea. I want to give the same advice that I gave to the churches in Galatia. 2 Every Sunday, [1] each of you should set aside a sum of money from the income the Lord gives you. Collect that money and keep it safe so that you don’t need to collect anymore money when I come. 3 When I come, we’ll send some people that you choose to bring that gift to Jerusalem. They’ll also take an accompanying letter. 4 Or if you feel it’s best, I will also go with them.

Paul’s plans

5 On my way to visit you, I plan to go through the province of Macedonia. 6 I’ll probably stay with you for some time, even until the end of winter. That way, you can help me to continue my journey wherever I go, 7 because I don’t want to visit you for just a short time. I hope that I can stay longer with you, if the Lord is willing. 8 But I’ll stay in Ephesus until the holiday of Pentecost. 9 I’ve decided to do that because the opportunity to succeed in giving the news of salvation is wide-open to me here. But there are also many who oppose my work.

10 If Timothy visits you, try hard so that he doesn’t have to worry about anything as long as he’s with you, because he works for the Lord just as I do. 11 So don’t let anyone put him down. But help him on his journey with the blessings that you have so that he can return to me safely. For I’m waiting for him along with the other brothers in the faith who’ll accompany him.

12 Now regarding our brother Apollos, I’ve truly urged him to visit you along with those other brothers, but he refuses to go now. He’ll look for a good opportunity to visit you.

Paul finishes his letter

13 Beware. Continue to believe completely in Christ. Fight bravely for Jesus and keep holding on to Him. 14 You should do everything out of love for one another.

15 You know that Stephanas and his family were the first people in Achaia to believe in Jesus. And they themselves have volunteered to minister to God’s people. For that reason Brothers and Sisters, I ask you 16 to obey them and all the other people who work as hard as they do in the Lord’s service.

17 I was very glad that Stephanas, Fortunatus and Achaicus came. I felt lonely before, because all of you weren’t with me. But now with them here, I feel like I’m with you again. 18 They’ve comforted and encouraged my heart, just like they often do among you. You should always appreciate people like them.

19 The churches here in Asia send greetings to you. Aquila and Priscilla send greetings to you full of love in the Lord. The church that always meets in their house also sends greetings to you. 20 All of the brothers and sisters in the faith here send greetings to you. And as soon as you read this letter, as people who’ve been made holy by God, you should give each other greetings that are full of love. [2]

21 I Paul am writing this last greeting with my own hand.

22 May all the people who do not love the Lord Jesus receive a severe punishment from Him!

Come Lord! [3]

23 I pray that the Lord Jesus will always be kind to you.

24 I love all of you who are one with Christ Jesus too.

16:2 [1] Literally, “the first day of every week.”
16:20 [2] Literally, “holy kiss.”
16:22 [3] Paul literally used one word in the Hebrew/Aramaic language, which is “maranatha.”