Plain English Translation: Plain English Translation

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2 Corinthians

Chapter 1

1 To my beloved Brothers and Sisters in the faith in the church of God at Corinth and to all of God’s people in the whole region of Achaia:

Greetings from Paul, who became an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God and from Timothy, our brother in Christ.

2 I pray that God the Father and our Lord Christ Jesus will always be kind to each of you and watch over you so that you live calmly under our Father’s and our Lord’s protection!

Paul gives thanks to God

3 Praise God the Father of our Lord Christ Jesus, the Father who is full of compassion and He who always encourages us! 4 He’s the One who encourages [1] us so that we’re able to face all the suffering that we experience. For when we’re strong, we can encourage other people who are experiencing various kinds of suffering. They’re encouraged when we testify to them of how God has encouraged us through the sufferings that we experience. 5 For just like Christ suffered in this world, we who serve Him also suffer. And if we suffer more and more for Christ, He also encourages us more and more so that we can encourage other people. 6 For example, if we’re made to suffer, that encourages us and is for the sake of your salvation too. And when Christ encourages us, that also gives encouragement to you so that you endure patiently when you experience suffering like we experience. 7 We have great hopes for you, for we know that you suffer too, just like we suffer. So you’ll be encouraged by Him too, of course, just like we’re encouraged.

8 Brothers and Sisters, we want you to know about the persecution we experienced in the province of Asia. We had a heavy burden there, beyond our strength, so we gave up on life. 9 In fact, at that time we thought, “We’ll soon be killed!”, as if we’d been sentenced to die. This happened so that we wouldn’t rely on our own strength but on God who makes the dead live again. 10 He’s the one who released us from that terrifying danger of death. And we keep hoping completely in Him to keep saving us. 11 That help came about because each of you keeps supporting us in your prayers. And God will keep helping us, in answer to the prayers of many people, so that many people will thank Him.

Paul’s change of plans

12 This is what we’re proud of, and with my whole heart I say that it’s true. Everything that we’ve done in this world, we’ve done with an honest and pure conscience which comes from God. And that’s becoming more clear in the work we’ve done with you. We’ve done it based on God’s kindness, not based on the wisdom of this world. 13-14 We’re only writing things to you that you can read and understand. But just as you already partially understand us, I hope you’ll also understand us more completely. In that way, on the day our Lord Christ Jesus returns, I hope that you’ll also be proud because we’re the ones who carried on the ministry among you, just like we’re also proud of you!

15-16 So I planned to visit you on my way to Macedonia and also on my way back, full of hope to be able to go and serve you. I planned this so that you would be blessed twice, and to give you the opportunity to send me to Judea. 17 But I have to change that plan. When you hear that, do you think I made plans thoughtlessly? Or maybe you think that I make plans like worldly people do who can’t be trusted because their plans are often thoughtless. For a while they say, “Yes, this is the plan”, and a while later say, “No, that’s not the plan.”

18 I promise you by God, who is always faithful, that my attitude wasn’t like that! 19 For in agreement with the news of salvation about the Son of God, our Christ Jesus, His plans were never thoughtless. The news about Him that Silas, [2] Timothy and I myself tell is that Jesus isn’t a Person who will say “Yes” for a while, and a while later say “No.” He’s not that kind of a person! He’s very trustworthy! 20 For to those of us who are one with Him, Christ Himself has proven that God will always be faithful to fulfill His promises to His people. And because of that, in Christ we also give thanks while glorifying God and saying “Amen!” 21 God Himself is the One who adds more proof of His faithfulness. He encourages you and encourages us so that we keep standing firm as followers of Christ, and He’s the one who has anointed us with His Spirit so that we’re able to serve Him. 22 The Holy Spirit who is in each of us is like a stamp or a sign which shows that we’ve officially become God’s property, and the Spirit is the one who guarantees that God will fulfill all of His promises to us.

23 But now before God, I promise that what I’m telling is true. My reason for not returning to Corinth at this time is because I didn’t want my visit to make you even sadder and more ashamed because the problem in the church hadn’t been settled yet. 24 My purpose and that of the other apostles of Christ isn’t to command how each of you in the Corinthian church live out your faith. We believe that each of you will keep standing firm in your faith. We just want to work with you so that you’re more joyful because of living according to your faith.

1:4 [1] translates the word ‘parakaleo’ in Greek. This word is often used in this letter. The PET usually translates this word with ‘encourage’, but its meaning can also be to comfort, urge, exhort and teach.
1:19 [2] Literally, “Silvanus.”

Chapter 2

1 For that reason I’ve decided not to make your hearts any more sad when I come back to visit you. 2 For if I come and make your hearts sad, then I’ll be even sadder, so who else will comfort me other than you whom I’ve made sad?! 3 For that reason I wrote about this matter in my former letter, so that when I come, you won’t make me sad. For you should be the source of my joy! And I’m sure, if I come you’ll all be well so I will rejoice, and you’ll also feel joyful. 4 So with a heavy and broken heart and also with tears continually falling I wrote my previous letter to you. I didn’t mean to make you sad but that you would know how great my love is for you.

Forgive the guilty person

5 Our brother’s wrongdoing, which I spoke about in my letter, has disappointed all of you more than it did me. In order not to exaggerate the situation, there are some of you who only felt a little disappointed, but there are those who felt very disappointed. 6 The punishment that has been given to him by most of you, according to my advice, is enough. 7 So now you should forgive and encourage our brother. That will help him not to drown in grief. 8 For that reason, I ask you now to show him that you still love him. 9 In that previous letter to you, the reason I wrote about this matter was to test you. I wanted to see if you would keep obeying even though you were experiencing a difficult matter. 10 When you forgive that brother of ours, you should know that I’ve also forgiven him. It isn’t certain yet that he has done anything wrong to me, but before Christ I truly forgive him, because that unifies all of us. 11 Forgiving each other will be better for us so that we aren’t deceived by the devil. For we aren’t stupid people who don’t know the devil’s plans!

Paul’s concern in Troas

12 When I arrived in Troas, in order to tell the Good News about Christ, the Lord opened up a good opportunity for me. 13 But I couldn’t be calm there because I didn’t meet our brother Titus. So I said good-bye to the followers of Christ who were there and went to Macedonia.

Victory through Christ

14 But thank God, for He’s the one who always leads us, His servants, in victory through the power of Christ. God uses us to introduce Christ to everyone everywhere so that our ministry is like a fragrant odor of perfume that can be smelled everywhere. 15 To God, our ministry is like an offering that smells fragrant because we risk our lives to tell the news about His Son. And to those who are following the road of salvation, our ministry is also like a fragrant smell. But the reaction of those who are on the road to destruction is very different. 16 To them our ministry is like the very disgusting smell of a rotten carcass. But for people who are being saved, our ministry is like a fragrant smell from heaven that gives life. This is actually a very heavy responsibility for each of us who wants to serve Christ! 17 Many false teachers make the news from God to be like goods that can be sold for personal profit. But we aren’t like them! We know that God is the one who sent us and that the ministry that we do is open before His eyes. For that reason we sincerely rely on Christ alone in telling the news of salvation from God.

Chapter 3

Character traits of God’s servants

1 Regarding what I wrote above, don’t think that we also brag about ourselves like those false teachers do. We aren’t like those who need a letter of recommendation to introduce their ministry to a new church 2-3 because you’re our letter of recommendation! For when people observe your way of life, you’re like a letter of Christ’s which can be known and read by everyone. That letter isn’t written with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God. And that letter isn’t engraved in stone, [1] but in your hearts. But because we’re the ones who introduced Christ to you, the Lord also engraved your names in our hearts. 4 We can talk like that because Christ is the one who gives us such confidence before God. 5 I don’t mean to say that we can serve God because of our own ability. No way! But God is the one who enables us to serve Him. 6 For He’s the one who enables us as servants to tell the news about a new promise with Him which isn’t based on written rules and laws, but on God’s Spirit. Living out the old written rules and laws doesn’t give us life but brings us death, whereas God’s Spirit brings us life.

The new promise is more glorious than the old promise

7 The old promise was, of course, [2] engraved in stone and accompanied by the glory of God. But even so, that promise brought us death. At the time that promise was given, the light of glory radiated from Moses’ face so that the Israelites couldn’t keep looking at his face. But that light of glory was only temporary. 8 So if the old promise was accompanied by glory, the glory of the new promise which comes from God’s Spirit is certainly even more glorious! 9 By that I mean, if the old promise which brought punishment to us had glory, the glory from the new promise, which makes us righteous before God, is certainly even more glorious. 10 Actually that old promise which used to be considered glorious isn’t so glorious anymore when compared to the new promise now, which is far more glorious. 11 For if the old promise, which has now been replaced by the new one, was given with glory, then the eternal promise must have more glorious glory, for sure.

12 Because we’re so certain about what we hope for from God, we’re very bold to tell about this new promise. 13 We aren’t like Moses who covered his face with a cloth so that the Israelites couldn’t see the glorious light fading away. 14 But the minds of the Israelite forefathers were closed. Even until now when their children read the Old Testament, it’s as if a veil still covers their minds so that they can’t understand what it means. For that veil can only be removed when someone believes in Christ. 15 But sadly, up to this day when they read the Law of Moses, it’s as if there’s still a cloth covering their minds. 16 However, when someone repents and follows the Lord, God will remove that veil from their minds. 17 And the light of the glory that radiates to us from the Lord Jesus illustrates the Holy Spirit. And where the Lord’s Spirit is, there is freedom from the old rules and laws. 18 So with faces that are no longer veiled, we all gaze on the Lord and reflect His glory. We become like mirrors! In that way the Lord Jesus, that is by His Spirit, changes us so that we become more perfect at reflecting His glory.

3:7 [2] In verses 7-11 literally called, “Ministry.”
3:2-3 [1] Paul compares this with the Law which was given by God to Moses, which was written on stone tablets (Ex. 24:12; 25:16).

Chapter 4

Spiritual treasure in clay pots

1 God gave this task of ministry to us only because of His kindness. For that reason we never give up! 2 We don’t want to be involved anymore at all in the religious movement that’s done in secret and all of the characteristics of life that cause shame. We don’t use cunning ways and don’t change the teaching of God in order to please men. Instead, we keep teaching true things openly. And in an open way we want to show other people who we actually are. In that way they can evaluate us before God according to their consciences. 3 If the Good News that we tell doesn’t make sense for other people because their minds are as if still covered with a veil that was mentioned, it’s clear that they are people who are headed for destruction. 4 For the authority of this world [1] has blinded the eyes of their hearts so they can’t see the light of the glory that’s in the Good News about Christ, where Christ truly is the image of God! That’s why they don’t believe in the Good News from God.

5 For the news that we announce isn’t about ourselves! But what we announce is that Christ Jesus is Lord, and we are just lowly servants of yours because of Jesus’ will. 6 For it’s God who said, “Let light shine it's rays out of the darkness.” He’s the one who shone His light into our hearts so that we could understand and see the glory of God which radiates from Christ’s face. 7 But that beautiful spiritual treasure has already been poured into us who are just like clay pots. In that way, it’s clear that this amazing power comes from God, not from ourselves.

8 For that reason, even though we’re often pressed from all directions, we aren’t destroyed. Even though we often don’t know the way out of the problems we face, we never give up! 9 When we’re persecuted, we’re still certain that God will never leave us alone. And even though we’re often beaten and repeatedly thrown down to the ground, God always helps us so we haven’t died yet. 10 So through the suffering we experience physically, we show that we’re one with Jesus in His death. In that way, the power of Jesus’ life is also seen in our bodies. 11 Yes, of course we’re still alive! But because we serve Jesus, our lives are always threatened. That happens to us so that the power of Jesus’ life can also be seen in these perishable bodies of ours. 12 So even though are lives are often threatened, it brings life to you!

13 It’s written in the Holy Bible, “I believe, so I testify.” [1] We also have the same confidence: [2] We believe, so we testify. 14 We’re bold to testify because we know that God who made the Lord Jesus alive again from death will also make us alive again from death so that we can live with Jesus. And in the end, all of us will stand before God. 15 So everything that we experience happens for your good! God obviously desires us to suffer so that the news about His kindness is spread more and more widely to many people, so that abundant expressions of thanks are given to Him. In that way God is glorified more and more.

Life based on faith

16 For that reason, we don’t give up! Even though physically we’re becoming weaker and weaker, we keep being renewed spiritually every day! 17 For all the sufferings that we experience now are temporary and can actually be considered light. But it is those very sufferings that are producing glory for us that will last forever and which can’t be compared to anything! For that glory is so glorious that all the persecutions and sufferings we experience don’t need to be considered anymore! 18 So we think about things that aren’t seen now, and we don't think about the things that are seen. For what is seen is only temporary, but what isn’t seen lasts forever.

4:4 [1] Literally, “the god of this world”, meaning the devil.
4:13 [2] Literally, “spirit of faith.” The word ‘spirit’ here does not mean the Holy Spirit, but means an attitude of mind.

4:13 [1] Ps. 116:10

Chapter 5

1 I said that because we know that our earthly bodies are like tents that are just used temporarily and then destroyed. But when that happens, God has prepared heavenly bodies for us, which are bodies that are like houses not built by humans and which last forever. 2 For in our tents which we now inhabit, we often moan. For that reason, we really long for heavenly bodies which we’ll put on like new clothes. 3-4 So while we still live in these earthly bodies, we moan because we feel that these bodies are like heavy burdens. But it isn’t our desire to let go of these earthly bodies and live like spirits without bodies. We want to quickly put on heavenly bodies. When that happens, God’s Word will be fulfilled that says, “The power of death has been defeated” [1] by the power of life. 5 That’s what God has prepared for us! And He has given His Spirit to us to guarantee all of that for us.

6 That’s the reason we always stand firm full of faith. For we know that while we still inhabit these earthly bodies we can’t yet live with the Lord. 7 We can only live out these lives of ours because of believing completely in all God’s promises, not just in things that are seen! 8 For that reason we should always stand firm, full of faith that the moment we no longer wear these earthly bodies we’ll already be living with the Lord. 9 For that reason also, we must always endeavor to make the top goal of our lives to please God, whether we’re still in these earthly bodies or already in heavenly bodies. 10 For we will all stand before the judgment throne of Christ, of course, where we’ll receive repayment in proportion to what we did while we were in our earthly bodies and give an account for our deeds, both good and evil.

God’s messengers who bring the news that people can have peace with God

11 So because we servants of the Lord understand the meaning of ‘fearing the Lord’, we try to convince everyone about the news of salvation. God knows the sincerity of our hearts in serving Him. And I hope that in your consciences, you’ll also know about the sincerity of our hearts. 12 By writing those things above, my intention once again isn’t to brag about our ministry, but I revealed those things to give a reason for which you can be proud that we’ve served among you. That way you have an answer for those false teachers who brag even more about things that are seen rather than clean consciences. 13 If people consider us crazy, that doesn’t matter because we serve God! But if you consider us to be sane, that’s better, because we keep trying to serve you, of course. 14 For the love of Christ is what controls our lives so we’re certain that Christ died for everyone. That means that all of us who are one with Him have also died spiritually to our old ways of life. 15 And Christ died for everyone so that we who still live don’t just live for ourselves anymore, but live for Him who died and came back to life for us.

16 For that reason, since we understand all of that we can’t evaluate people according to worldly human standards anymore. We used to evaluate Christ according to human standards of course, but now we don’t do that anymore. 17 What’s important is that when a person is one with Christ, he has become a new creation! All the ways of the old life are gone and how beautiful that new life is!

18 And the source of all of those life-changes is God Himself, who through Christ as the middle-man, has made us at peace with Him again. Then He sent us as His servants to tell about that peace. 19 What we tell is that God, through the death of Christ, has opened the way for everyone in this world to be at peace with Him. For us who are one with Christ, God no longer counts our sins and wrong doings. That’s the news of restored peace that God entrusted to us! 20 It means that we’ve become messengers of Christ our King. Through us, God is inviting and calling each of you to listen to this message: in Christ Jesus’ name we are restored to peace with God! 21 Remember that Christ never ever sinned, but God made Him be treated like a sinful person in order to bear our sin. God did that so that we who are one with Christ are made right before God.

5:3-4 [1] Paul used words that are like Is. 25:8. He also quoted that verse in 1Cor. 15:54.

Chapter 6

1 So as messengers of God, we urge each of you not to make the news about God’s kindness that has been told to you worthless. 2 For God says,

     “I’ve heard your request at exactly the right time,

         and I’ve given help

         to you on the day of salvation.” [2]

So we’re telling each of you that now is ‘exactly the right time’, and today is the ‘day of salvation that’s exactly right for you!’

3 So we messengers of the Lord try not to make our way of life become an obstacle for other people to receive the news of salvation. For we don’t want our ministry to be stained. 4 Because of that, in every situation we try to show every person that we live properly as God’s servants, enduring in persecution, poverty or trouble. 5 We’re often beaten and imprisoned. People get upset and attack us. We’re forced to work hard to meet our basic needs. Our lives are often threatened so that we can’t sleep at night, and we don’t have food. 6 Even so, we keep trying to live with pure hearts, wisdom, patience and generosity. We depend on the Holy Spirit and try to love everyone with sincere hearts. 7 We always teach what’s true and rely on the power of God. We use all of the armor of spiritual warfare that’s given to people whose lives are right, both to defend ourselves and to attack the authorities of darkness.

8 For there are people in our ministry who appreciate us, but there are also those who insult us. There are those who praise us, but there are also those who demean our good names. Even so we keep teaching what’s true, yet there are still those who accuse us of being liars. 9 Even though we’re already well-known, we’re treated like people who aren’t known yet. It’s as if we had already died, but look, we’re still alive. We’re often punished by beating but don’t die. 10 Even though we often experience grief, yet we keep on rejoicing. We’re very poor, but actually our ministry makes many people spiritually rich. We don’t have anything but we actually own everything.

11 By saying all those things, my beloved Brothers and Sisters in Corinth, we’ve spoken openly and our hearts are open to you as widely as possible. 12 If there’s something that hinders our relationship, it isn’t we who don’t love you enough! But are your hearts closed to us? 13 So now I speak to you as children whom I love. In response to our love, open up your hearts to us!

God’s people are like God’s holy House

14 Let’s not be bound with people who don’t believe in Jesus, because a person who lives right can’t work together with a person who doesn’t live right. For example, the powers of darkness can’t be one with the powers of light. 15 Christ can’t be on the same side as the devil! [1] A person who believes in Christ can’t be a close friend with a person who doesn’t believe in Him. 16 And it’s really very improper to put idols in God’s House. But for the living God, we are like God’s House because He lives among us, as God has said,

     “I will live with them

         and walk with them.

     I will be their God,

         and they will be My people.” [3]

     17 So the Lord says “Go out from among those evil people

         and separate yourselves from them.

     Don’t touch their unholy things,

         and then I will receive you.” [4]

     18 For the Lord Almighty says,

         “I will be your Father,

         and you’ll be My sons and daughters.” [5]

6:15 [1] Paul literally uses one of the devil’s names, which is “Belial.”

Chapter 7

1 My beloved Brothers and Sisters, because God has given such precious promises, it's fitting for us to guard our bodies and spirits so that we’re clean from everything that defiles. Fear and respect God! Because of that, let’s be purified more and more to become more like God in His holiness.

Paul’s joy

2 I ask you to keep your hearts open to us! We’ve never done wrong to any of you or led you astray or used you to get money. 3 I’m not saying that to show your faults, for like I’ve said, you’ve received a special place in our hearts! Even when we’re far away from each other, you’re always near to our hearts, to the extent that we’re ready to die by persecution for you. 4 I trust you very much and am proud of you, for you’re the result of our ministry. And because of you our joy is increased, and we’re encouraged more and more in all of our sufferings.

5 I say that because when we arrived in Macedonia, we couldn’t be calm at all. Different kinds of suffering attacked us both from outside and inside of ourselves. From the outside we often encountered arguments, and inside we were often afraid. 6 But God, who always comforts His people who give up, encouraged our hearts when Titus came. 7 Titus’ arrival not only encouraged our hearts, but I was even more joyful when he said that you are longing to meet me again and how you’ve been truly sorry for all the wrongs that happened and that you’re very happy to work with me again. On hearing all of that, my joy really increased.

8 Even though my previous letter made you sad, I don’t regret writing it. Of course I know that letter made you sad, but that was only temporary. 9 Now I rejoice, not because I made you sad. But I rejoice because your sorrow has made you repent. That means your sorrow was according to God’s will. And it didn’t make you give up, but made you stronger. 10 For the sorrow that God desires makes us repent and leads us to salvation. And we no longer need to regret that sorrow, but we’re thankful because we became closer to the Lord. But the sorrow which comes from the world just gives way to spiritual death. 11 So now notice the results of sorrow that is according to God’s will. Now

     you follow the Lord’s will more sincerely,

     you’ve tried to prove that most of you weren’t in the wrong,

     you hate and fear committing sin more than ever,

     you long for and have more zeal for what’s right and just,

     and you punished the guilty party.

So you’ve shown much proof that most of you aren’t guilty in that matter. 12 I want you to know that my reason for writing that letter wasn’t to show who had done wrong to whom. But I wrote that letter to give you the opportunity before God to show how great your sincerity to follow us was. 13 That’s why when we heard the news from Titus, we were really encouraged.

And we didn’t just feel encouraged, but we rejoiced even more because we saw Titus was so joyful because all of you made his heart relieved and calm. 14 Of course, before he visited you, I had told him many good things about you, the church of Corinth. And now I’m happy that Titus has proven true all of the praises that I had given. Just like I’ve always openly told the true teachings to you, so my praises of you that I told Titus have proven true. 15 And his love for you is growing deeper every time he remembers how you listened to him and how you welcomed him with feelings of fear and respect. 16 I rejoice because I can trust you in everything.

Chapter 8

How to give donations according to God’s will

1 And now, Brothers and Sisters, we want you to know how God’s kindness has worked in the hearts of our brothers and sisters of the churches in the province of Macedonia. 2 They’re being tested with much suffering, yet because of God’s kindness their joy increased so they gave contributions very generously. Even though they’re very poor, they became rich in giving. 3 I witnessed that they gave beyond their ability so that they became even poorer. And they gave with willing hearts. 4 In fact, they repeatedly asked us to allow them to take part in this glorious ministry to God’s people in Jerusalem too. 5 And when we gave permission, they took part in a way that we didn’t imagine. Before they gave, they first surrendered themselves to the Lord and then to us apostles of His. They did this amazing thing according to God’s will!

6 For that reason we asked Titus to continue this ministry, because in the beginning he was the one who had started it because of God’s kindness. 7 You’ve been very blessed in everything, so you increase abundantly in various special abilities given by God’s Spirit.

     You believe in Christ in a truly amazing way,

     your abilities to speak are truly extraordinary

     and your wisdom is amazing.

     Your zeal for the Lord is also extraordinary,

     and your love for us is very deep.

Because of that, may your generosity in this opportunity also be more and more amazing!

8 I’m not writing a command. But because other churches have shown such amazing zeal in helping our brothers and sisters in the faith in Jerusalem, it’s time for you to prove that you sincerely love our brothers and sisters too. 9 For you already know the kindness of our Lord Christ Jesus. Even though He’s very rich, in order to save us, He became poor, even to the point of becoming the poorest person so that we might receive all spiritual riches!

10-11 So this is my advice about what’s best for you in this service. Last year you were the first church which was willing to contribute something and to begin collecting donations. Because you’ve become an example for the other churches, it’s best for you to finish the ministry that you’ve started. May each of you do that with willing hearts like at that time and give whatever you can according to your ability. 12 For if someone wants to help, then God will receive what that person gives according to his ability. The Lord doesn’t demand that we give beyond our ability. 13 And of course we don’t want you to have less than enough in order for other people to have more than enough. Not at all! We want each of our life necessities to be equally met. 14 At this time, you have more than enough and are able to help your brothers and sisters in the faith in Jerusalem who don’t have enough. But there will come a time later on when they’ll have more than enough and you won’t have enough, and they can meet your lack too. In that way, each of our needs will be equally met. 15 So it can happen again like what’s written in the Holy Bible,

     “At that time, the people who gathered a lot of manna

         didn’t have too much

     and those who gathered just a little

         didn’t have too little.” [6]

Regarding the ministry of Titus and his two friends

16 I thank God because He put a strong desire in Titus’s heart to help you, just like what is in my heart. 17 For when we asked him to visit you again, he was very happy because before we asked he was already missing you and planning to go see you. 18 We’re also sending another brother in the faith with Titus who is truly praised by all the churches because of his ministry in telling the Good News. 19 Besides that, this brother was also chosen by the churches here to accompany us to bring the contributions to Jerusalem. We hope the contributions will glorify the Lord and will also prove that we sincerely want to help. 20 So quite a few people will go with us to Jerusalem in order that no one will dare accuse us that we took part of that very large contribution for ourselves personally. 21 For we’re trying to do what’s right, both before God and man.

22 Along with those two, we’re also sending a brother in the faith who has proven many times that he’s always ready to help. He’s very ready to help again even now because he really trusts you.

23 If someone asks about Titus, tell them he’s my close friend who works with me in order to help you. And the other brothers in the faith are sent by the churches here for the purpose of glorifying Christ. 24 For that reason, you should show them that you sincerely love all of the brothers and sisters in the faith. In that way, the churches here will hear the testimony about you which will result in proving why we always brag about you.

8:15 [6] Ex. 16:18

Chapter 9

Motivation to help brothers and sisters in the faith who don’t have enough

1 In this letter, of course I don’t need to urge you to take part in this service to God’s people in Jerusalem 2 because I know that you’re always prepared to help. In fact, I motivated the churches in Macedonia by bragging about you. I told them that you, in the province of Achaia, have been ready to give a contribution since last year. And your zeal has moved most of them to take part. 3 But I’m sending those three brothers to you so that our story bragging about you won’t be considered just empty talk. I want your contribution to really be ready, just like I’ve told them. 4 For if there are brothers in the faith from Macedonia who come with me and they see that you aren’t ready yet, then we’ll be ashamed! You’ll be ashamed too, for sure, if what we bragged about you with confidence turns out to be empty talk. 5 For that reason I’m urging those three brothers to go ahead of us. They’ll help you prepare the contribution that you’ve promised so that it will be ready when we arrive. That way, your contributions will truly be considered as voluntary gifts and not forced.

6 Take note of this, the person who plants little will harvest little, and the person who plants a lot will harvest a lot! 7 Each of you should give with willing hearts. Don’t give with sad hearts or because of being forced, because God loves the person who gives with a happy heart. 8 Remember that God is able to show His kindness to you in everything so that your needs are always met, and even more than enough! In that way, you’ll be able to do good things even more. 9 As the Holy Bible says,

     “People whose lives are right are like farmers who scatter seeds.

         They often give generously to poor people.

     Their good deeds will never be forgotten by the Lord.” [7]

10 So just like God provides seed for the one who plants and gives us food to eat day by day, He’ll also bless you abundantly in the same way. By that I mean, you’ll be enabled to give generously to other people, and then your good deeds will produce much kindness before God. 11 You’ll be made rich in everything, so that you’re always able to give generously. And your gift through the contribution which we are collecting will make more and more people give thanks to God.

12 This service of ours doesn’t just fulfill the needs of God’s people in Jerusalem, but it will make more and more people give thanks to God. 13 Because of this service of yours, our brothers and sisters will praise God. Your generosity to them and to all people is what proves that you sincerely live according to the Good News about Christ. 14 And when they pray, they’ll pray for you full of love because God obviously showed His kindness to you in a very amazing way. 15 Thank God for the greatest gift that He’s given to us, who is Christ Himself! The value of that greatest gift can’t be explained by any words at all!

9:9 [7] Ps. 112:9

Chapter 10

Paul defends his ministry

1 I Paul have known that there are some of you who say that when I’m with you I always have a humble attitude. But when I’m far away from you I dare to write letters that contain harsh rebukes to you. For that reason, I ask you with the gentleness and humbleness of Christ 2 that you not be influenced by people who think that I and my coworkers work in a worldly way. For when I come I plan to confront them boldly. So I hope I don’t need to use boldness like that with you! 3 We don’t fight in a worldly way, even though we still live in this world. 4 For the weapons we use aren’t worldy weapons but spiritual weapons. The effectiveness of our weapons comes from God. That’s why we can destroy all kinds of opposition and attacks of the enemy, who is the devil. [1] So we snatch away people who’ve been taken captive by the devil and defeat the enemies’ debates 5 and all human arrogance that are obstacles for humans themselves to know God. Like troops of soldiers who capture their enemies, we also defeat every thought that opposes the teaching about Christ so that people are prepared to obey to Him. 6 So when we come, we’ll be ready to punish everyone who doesn’t obey Christ. But before that it would be best if you’re the ones who begin to obey Him completely.

7 Most of you are just thinking of physical things and not aware of spiritual things! And in your midst there are those who brag about themselves as servants of Christ. They ought to be aware that we’re also servants of Christ! 8 If I’m considered to be too proud of the authority that God has given to us, I still don’t feel guilty. For the Lord really has given us authority to build up your faith, not to destroy it. 9-10 I say that because some have said, “Paul rebukes us sternly and with full authority in his letters. But when he’s with us, he’s weak and not skilled at preaching at all.” If that’s so, don’t let any of you think that I’m just frightening you with what I’ve written! 11 Let the person who thinks like that understand this, you’ll notice my stern trait and full authority when I come to visit you again, just like you’ve read in my letters!

12 People who oppose us brag about themselves saying that they’re messengers of Christ too. But as Christ’s messenger, I don’t want to compare myself to them. They like to compare their special abilities with other people’s special abilities, including us. They’re proud of their own special abilities, but their behavior isn’t very wise. [2]

13-14 I won’t brag about myself in an unwise way, but it’s proper for me to be proud because of the broad area of ministry which God has given us. For we were the first to tell the Good News about Christ to you, so your region is part of our area of ministry. We aren’t like people who want to steal a region of ministry from the person who started a particular region of ministry. 15 If another apostle of Christ has opened a place of ministry, I don’t brag about myself by saying, “That region is my area of ministry.” But our hope is that your faith in Christ will continue to grow so that our joint ministry will continually grow and expand more widely according to God’s will. 16 In that way, we can tell the Good News to people outside of your area. In the end, it’ll become clear to everyone that we don’t need to brag about the ministry which is done by Christ’s other messengers. 17 For the Holy Bible says, “The one who wants to express pride must only take pride in what the Lord has done and not take pride in himself!” [8] 18 For what the person who brags about himself saying, “I’m sent by Christ,” isn’t definitely true yet. It’s better for us to wait for the time when the Lord will show whose ministry was really pleasing to Him.

10:4 [1] Literally, “strongholds.” This word is a figure of speech that illustrates the various kinds of opposition and attacks from all the authorities in the kingdom of darkness which are very strong and organized by the devil.
10:12 [2] This verse literally says, 'Of course we don’t dare to brag about ourselves or compare ourselves with people who think they have high standing. When they make a measuring standard for themselves and they use their measuring standard to measure themselves and other people, that behavior isn't very wise.

Chapter 11

Paul doesn’t work like the false apostles

1 I beg you to be patient with me because I want to write something that may seem a unwise. You’ve already been very patient to read this letter up to this point, of course! 2 Before I tell you about that, [1] I need to say that God wants me to guard you carefully so that you stay faithful to Christ. For Christ considers the whole unified church to be His future wife. So I’ve promised you to Christ, like a virgin is promised to her future husband. I’m like the father who guards his unmarried daughter so that she stays faithful to her future husband until her wedding day. 3 But I’m afraid that you might be deceived and your minds may be led astray, and you’ll leave your sincere and pure faithfulness to Christ, like Eve who was deceived by the trickiness of the devil in the form of a snake. 4 For it seems that you’re very patient to hear every new teacher who comes bringing a teaching about Christ that’s different than what we’ve taught you! And you’re ready to accept teaching about the Holy Spirit and the Good News that’s different from what we’ve given!

5 But I don’t think I’m so inferior to those “extraordinary apostles”! 6 It’s true, I may not be a skilled preacher, but I’m not inferior in the area of knowledge. For in every way, I and my coworkers have proven that clearly to you.

7 Or am I considered at fault now because of telling you the Good News without being paid?! If so, please forgive me because I’m humbling myself for your sakes! 8 At that time, I received donations from other churches. Maybe some think that I stole from them so that I could serve you. 9 And when I was with you, if I had less than needed, I didn’t burden any of you. For some brothers from Macedonia came to meet my needs. So I’ve watched myself so that I’ve never become a burden to you, and I will keep doing that. 10 In fact, I promise by the true teaching from Christ that’s within me, I will continue to carry out the decision not to receive donations from you. So none of you in Achaia can stop me from feeling proud because I don’t receive donations from you. 11 Why do I say that? Do you think that’s a sign that I don’t love you? No! God knows that I love you!

12 I will continue to carry out my decision not to receive donations from you because I want to shut the mouths of those ‘new apostles’ who want to brag about themselves by saying that they work like we do. 13 For they’re false apostles who work craftily and in disguise as Christ’s apostles. 14 And that’s not surprising, for even the devil often disguises himself as a brightly shining angel so he can trick people as messengers of God. 15 So it’s not strange if the devil’s servants make themselves look like God’s servants. In the end, they’ll receive their reward according to what they’ve done!

Paul feels forced to tell about his suffering

16 So don’t think that I’m not very wise either [2] like those new teachers who like to brag about themselves! But if some of you still think I’m not very wise, accept me like you’ve accepted those new teachers so that I can also brag about myself a little! 17 (Of course I was just being sarcastic. Bragging about one’s self doesn’t actually agree with the Lord’s will. So let me brag about myself by imitating the words of those unwise people.) 18 There are many teachers now who brag about themselves in a worldly way, so let me follow their example too. 19 You’re very patient to listen to arrogant words from those stupid teachers! Wow! That’s because you’re so wise, of course! 20 Because of that, you’re patient and just go along with it when those new teachers deceive you, take your possessions and raise themselves above you by treating you like their ‘yes-men’. In fact, you’re too patient when they slap your faces! 21 Of course, if Timothy and I are compared to teachers like that, we’re clearly too weak! Do you think we should feel ashamed because we don’t slap you?!

So in the things that they dare to brag about themselves, I can also brag about myself in the same things. (But remember that I’m speaking like someone who’s not very wise.) 22 They’re Hebrews, aren’t they? I’m a Hebrew too. Are they Israelites? I’m an Israelite too! Are they Abraham’s descendants? I’m also Abraham’s descendant! 23 And they brag about themselves because they serve Christ. I serve Christ more than they do! (What I just said is just what a drunk man would say!) I’ve worked hard, been imprisoned and been beaten more than they have and have almost died more often too.

24 The Jews have punished me five times by beating me thirty nine times, as is permitted according to the Law. 25 And officials of the Roman government have sentenced me three times to be beaten with a wooden rod. I almost died once because I was stoned. I’ve experienced shipwrecks three times, including once when I was in the sea all night, until the next afternoon. 26 On my trips I’ve often been threatened by dangers from rivers, dangers from robbers, dangers from my own people and dangers from non-Jews. It’s the same whether I’m in a city or in a lonely place or at sea. And I’m also in danger when I’m with people who disguise themselves as brothers in the faith.

27 I’ve often worked and fought hard and often don’t sleep. I’m often hungry and thirsty, and I often endure hunger because there’s no food. I’m often cold and don’t have enough clothing. 28 And besides all of that, I feel burdened everyday because of the struggles of all of the churches. 29 So when I hear that there’s a member of a church who feels weak, I feel weak too. Or if I hear that the devil has succeeded in making one of the members fall, I get very angry and my heart is broken.

30 Because I feel forced to brag about myself, it’s better for me to brag about things that show my weakness. 31 In this example, I promise before God that I’m not lying. He’s the Father of the Lord Jesus, and God should be praised forever! 32 When I was in the city of Damascus, the governor who was appointed by King Aretas wanted to arrest me. So he put soldiers at all the city gates. 33 But some friends put me in a big basket and lowered me through a high window in the city wall so that I could run away from him.

11:2 [1] Paul returns to the topic in 2 Cor. 10:16.
11:16 [2] Paul refers to what he said in chapter 10:12-14 and 11:1.

Chapter 12

A special blessing in Paul’s life

1 I feel forced to brag about myself even though it isn’t useful. So I will continue to tell about the many visions and spiritual knowledge that the Lord revealed to me. 2 There was a follower of Christ, [1] whom I know, who was raised to the highest level of heaven fourteen years ago. I don’t know if that person’s body was really taken there or just his spirit. Only God knows that. 3-4 And I know that he was taken up to Paradise. Only God knows if his body was taken or just his spirit. But he heard glorious things there! People aren’t permitted to tell about those things and can’t even explain them with human languages. 5 I’m proud of what happened to that person, but I don’t want to brag about myself in things like that. It’s better just to brag about my weaknesses.

6 If I want to brag about myself because of amazing things like that, I won’t brag about myself like those unwise teachers do because I’m only saying what’s true. But I don't need to go into details about such things because I don’t want you to evaluate me by things like that! Evaluate me by my actual deeds and by the teaching that you hear directly from me.

7 Yet so that I wouldn’t be too proud of those amazing things that He revealed to me, I was given a disease that tortures my body. [2] Through that disease, God allows the devil to beat me so that I don’t brag about myself too much. 8 I’ve asked the Lord to He heal me from that disease three times. 9 But the Lord answered, “My kindness alone is enough for you! For My power is very obvious when you’re weak.” So it’s far better for me to brag about my weaknesses in order that I feel the power of Christ protecting me. 10 That’s why I’ve learned as a messenger of Christ’s to be happy when I experience weakness, insults, troubles, persecution or suffering. For it is just when I’m weak that I truly find strength!

Paul worries about the church in Corinth

11 Now I’ve spoken like an unwise person, but it was because of you that I bragged about myself like that. When other people insult me, you should be the ones who praise me and not I myself. For I feel that I’m not at all inferior compared to those ‘extraordinary apostles’, even though I’m actually a nobody. 12 You yourselves have seen the proof that I’m an apostle when you witnessed all kinds of miracles that I did among you through the Lord’s power. And I did my tasks with complete patience. 13 I served you and the other churches in the same way. There was only one difference, I never troubled you to pay me. If you feel that was wrong, forgive me!

14 Now I’m ready to visit you for the third time, and I won’t trouble you for donations. I don't want is your wealth, but you yourselves, so that you’re like my children. It isn’t children who save wealth for their parents, of course, but it’s the parents who save wealth for their children. 15 So with a glad heart, I’m ready to give everything that I have for your sakes, even being ready to surrender myself for you. But if my love for you increases more and more, why does your love for me grow less and less?

16 But some of you may say, “Paul has never asked for donations from us to pay for his living expenses, of course, but he’s tricky and has deceived us in order to gain a profit.” 17 How’s that possible! You yourselves know for sure that I’ve never used tricks to profit from you through the people whom I sent to you. 18 For example, I’ve asked Titus to visit you, and I sent our brother in the faith with him. Titus didn’t collect a donation from you, did he? You know, of course that Titus and I work for the same goal [3] and in the same way.

19 Now, while you’ve been reading this letter, were you thinking that we’re trying to justify ourselves before you? That’s not so! Brothers and Sisters whom we love, I promise by God and by our oneness in Christ that we’re writing this just to encourage you. 20 For I’m afraid that when I come, I will see that you aren’t like I wanted you to be or that you’ll see some trait in me that isn’t what you hoped. So don’t let any of you quarrel, be jealous, be angry, be divided, slander, gossip, be arrogant or be a group that causes disorder. 21 When I come again, I don’t want to be disappointed and feel ashamed before God because there are still some of you whose lives are inappropriate or improper as followers of Christ. If there are still some of you who haven’t repented from old evil deeds, including sexual relations outside of marriage and all other sins of adultery, I will be very sad and weep because our ministry among you has obviously truly failed!

12:2 [1] Paul really didn’t want to brag about himself. That is why in 12:2-5 he told about his own experience, but he wrote it like it was someone else’s experience.
12:7 [2] Literally, “a thorn in the flesh”.
12:18 [3] Literally, ‘spirit’. That word can mean the Holy Spirit, the human spirit or ‘attitude’. Most interpreters say that here the meaning is ‘attitude/goal.’

Chapter 13

Final warnings and greetings

1 Brothers and sisters, this visit to you will be my third one. And I’m ready to settle cases that are still among you. So I remind you of what’s written in the Holy Bible, “Every case must be supported by two or three eyewitnesses and only then can the decision about the case be official.” [9] 2 While we’re still far apart, I feel it’s necessary to repeat the warnings that I gave to all of you at the time of my second visit, especially to those who were living in sin at that time. On this next visit, whoever is still living in sin will not escape from the punishment that I'll give according to what each has done! 3 That means that you’ll have the opportunity to witness the proof that you desire, which is that Christ speaks with full authority through me. Christ doesn’t work weakly among you, of course, but He’ll show His power in your lives. 4 Christ appeared weak when He was crucified on the cross, of course, but now He lives through the power of God. We messengers of Christ also appear weak like Him. But because we’re one with Christ, you’ll witness that we act with the authority of God for your good.

5 Test yourselves carefully. Examine yourselves to see if you sincerely believe in Christ or not! Are you sure that Christ Jesus lives as one with you? Don’t fail this test! 6 And I hope that after testing yourselves, you’ll realize that we also pass the test as apostles of Christ. 7 We ask God that you not be hard-headed and keep doing wrong. You don’t need to prove that we can use the authority of Christ. What’s important is that you do what’s right, even though people think we’ve failed because there wasn’t an opportunity to show the authority we have as apostles of Christ. 8 We can’t act in a way that opposes true teaching. Our aim is to urge you to live according to the true teaching. 9 We’re happy if it’s obvious that you already stand firm in oneness with the Lord when we arrive, even if we’ll be considered weak because there’s no opportunity to take harsh action against you. And we pray that your spiritual lives are more and more mature. 10 That’s why I’m writing this letter before I come to you, so that when I arrive I won’t need to use the authority that God has given me to inflict a harsh punishment. That authority was given to me to strengthen your faith, not to destroy you.

11 Finally Brothers and Sisters, rejoice. Each of you should work so that your spiritual lives become more and more mature. Accept all of my advice. You should live peacefully with one heart and mind. And I pray that God, who always loves and gives calmness, will always be with you. 12 And after you read this letter, as people who have been purified by God you should greet each other full of love. [1] All of God’s people who are here send greetings to you.

13 I pray that the kindness of the Lord Christ Jesus will always be in your lives and that God keep’s loving you, and that the Holy Spirit is with all of you so that you remain one as brothers and sisters in the faith.

13:12 [1] Literally, “holy kiss.”

13:1 [9] Deut. 19:15