Plain English Translation: Plain English Translation

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Chapter 1

1-2 Dear Brothers and Sisters in the faith who live in the city of Colosse, that is you who’ve been purified by God because you’re one with Christ and are faithful to Him:

From us, Paul and Timothy, our brother. I, Paul, became an apostle of Christ Jesus because of God’s will.

I pray that God, our Father, will always be kind to each of you, and watch over you so that you live calmly under His protection!

Paul gives thanks in prayer for the brothers and sisters in the faith in Colosse

3 When we pray, we give thanks for you to God, who is the Father of our Lord Christ Jesus. 4 We’re thankful because we’ve heard that you keep fully believing in Christ Jesus and really love all of our brothers too, namely all of us who’ve been made holy by Him. 5 And you keep believing and loving each other because you’re confident that we’ll surely receive what God has prepared for us in heaven. You’ve learned about that in the Good News which is the true teaching about Jesus 6 which has been given to you. From that news we really know that God is very kind to us. The Good News is also being given to every region of the world. And like what happened among you, more and more people are becoming believers, and their way of life is being changed. 7 The one who taught you that news was Epaphras. He’s a close friend of ours in Christ’s service, of course. And he works faithfully as our representative in your area. 8 When he arrived here, he told us that you truly love us and all of God’s people with the love that comes from the Holy Spirit.

9 For that reason, since we heard about you, we haven’t stopped praying for you.

We always ask God to make you be very wise people so that through His Spirit you can understand how to live according to His will. 10 In that way, you’ll always live as people who belong to the Lord Jesus, and He’ll be pleased with everything you do. It means that you’ll keep doing all kinds of good things and keep progressing in knowing God. 11 We also pray that God strengthens you with His very extraordinary power so that you’ll never surrender, and that you won’t give up when you experience trouble. And we also pray that you’ll keep rejoicing in any and every circumstance, 12 and give thanks to God the Father.

He’s the One who has appointed us to be His own possessions so that we have the right to live in the glorious light of God forever and receive everything that has been promised to the people He has purified. 13 And God has released us from the kingdom of the powers of darkness, and made us citizens of the kingdom of His Son whom He loves so much. 14 That all happened because Jesus forgave us by paying the whole debt of our sins.

Christ is supreme in everything

     15 Christ Jesus reflects all the attributes of God.

     Although men can’t see God,

         we can know Him through His Son.

         Christ is Supreme [1] over everything that has been created.

     16 For through Him, God created everything that exists,

         both on earth and in every level of heaven, [2]

     both things that can be seen

         and things that can’t be seen by human eyes,

     including all spiritual powers great and small,

         and every kingdom on earth.

     God created all that through Him,

         so that His Son would become the King over all.

     17 Jesus already existed before everything was created,

         and He’s the one who manages it so that everything He created still continues.

     18 So Jesus is also the head of everyone who fully believes in Him,

         that is we who function as His body in this world.

     He’s also the source of life for us.

         And He was the very first [3] to possess eternal life after death.

     This is according to God the Father’s plan,

         so that His Son would become supreme in everything.

     19 For the Father Himself decided and desired that

         when his Son became a human, He would still possess the whole nature of God.

     20 And God planned this so that through Jesus, everything He had created,

         both things on earth and things in heaven,

         would be at peace again with God the Father.

     That peace only happens through the blood of His Son,

         who is the one who bled when He was crucified.

21 Before we knew Jesus, our lives were definitely far from God, and we always opposed Him in our evil thoughts and deeds. 22 But now, Jesus has become the Mediator so that we’re at peace with God. That happened when He, in the form of a human being, died on the cross in our place. So we’ve been purified in God’s eyes and cleansed without a spot, as if we had never sinned. 23 That’s true for us, if we keep believing the Good News which has now been given to you. It’s the foundation for everything that we hope for. Don’t move away from that foundation. Endure, because that news has been spread to every region of the world. I Paul, have also been assigned to tell that news.

Paul’s work for all of the followers of Christ

24 At this time, I’m happy because I know that what I’m suffering in this prison is actually for your sake and for all the followers of Christ. Each of us are like parts of Christ’s body, so if one part suffers, it means that Christ Himself suffers too. It’s the same for me. I’ve been chosen by Him to suffer in this prison in order to encourage all of you who believe. 25 So according to God’s plan, I’ve become a servant to all of you, and my task is to give the news of God fully to everyone, especially to you who aren’t Jewish. [4] 26 No one knew that news from the beginning of the world because God kept it secret. But now that news has been revealed to us who’ve been purified by Jesus. 27 God’s news is very pleasant and beautiful to everyone, including you who aren’t Jews. And this is the core of it, let Christ live in your hearts! Because Jesus’ Spirit is in our hearts now, we’re becoming more confident [5] that we’ll enter God’s glory in heaven. 28 That’s the reason that we who’ve become apostles of Jesus keep telling the Good News! We try to use all the wisdom that God has given us to advise and teach everyone, because we long to bring as many people as possible to God, as members of the body of Jesus, who’re mature in oneness with Christ. 29 And I’m struggling and working hard for that, relying on Jesus who always gives me strength.

1:15 [1] Literally, “Firstborn Son.” Jesus is often spoken of as the ‘Firstborn Son’ in God’s Word because the firstborn son had a special role in Jewish culture. The firstborn son inherited everything from his father and became the leader of all the younger children. This meant that Jesus was the first to possess eternal life after death (Col. 1:18; Rev. 1:5), is Supreme over everything that has been created (Mzm. 89:28; Col. 1:15; Heb. 1:6), Ruler over all the other children adopted by God (Rom. 8:29), Heb. 2:10-14), and the One who guarantees that every follower of Christ will be made alive after death (1Cor. 15:20).
1:16 [2] Literally “heavens” in the Greek language. That word is plural, so it can be translated “levels of the sky.” In the world view of Paul’s time, they imagined that there were three to seven levels of the sky or heavens. The first is the air on earth and in the sky, (which we call the atmosphere). Above that is the place that’s controlled by evil spirit powers. And above that there are some more levels, up to the highest level, which is where God lives.
1:18 [3] Literally, “Firstborn Son.” See the footnote in verse 15.
1:25 [4] This information was moved here from verse 27 to make Paul’s meaning clear.
1:27 [5] Literally, “hope.”

Chapter 2

1 Brothers and Sisters, I want you to know that I’m fighting hard to help you, that is all of you brothers in the faith who’re in Colosse and Laodicea, and also to help all of our brothers who haven’t seen me yet. 2 This battle of mine is to urge all of you to believe in Jesus more and love each other more sincerely, so that you’ll be more unified. In that way you’ll better understand and be certain that the plan of salvation which God showed us is an extraordinary blessing! The basis of that plan is to know our own King who is Christ Jesus! 3 He’s like the key that opens our minds to everything that was formerly kept secret from people, which is the truly wonderful wisdom of God regarding His plan of salvation.

4 I’m saying this so that you won’t follow misleading teaching, even if that teaching is given in a way that seems wise. 5 Even though I’m not with you, my heart and thoughts are with you. And I’ll always be glad when I hear that you live in an orderly way, and are still strong in fully believing in Christ.

We try to keep living in oneness with Christ

6 Because you’ve each received Christ Jesus as your Lord, keep on living united with Him. 7 Be aware that you’ve become one with Jesus, just like a branch is one with a tree. Make the Lord the foundation of your life. Keep on fully believing in Him without waivering like Epaphras has taught you. And always remember to give thanks to God.

8 Watch out so that no one influences you to follow misleading teaching. Beware of people who want to teach you about what they consider to be deep teachings, even though it’s actually just human thinking. Don’t be deceived along with them, because their teaching actually comes from the powers of darkness which rule in this world, not from Christ. 9 Remember that God Himself always lives fully in the person of Jesus. It was that way when Jesus lived in this world with the body of a normal human being too. 10 And remember that you’ve been fully united with Jesus, and have been made complete by Him, who is King over all earthly and spiritual powers.

11 Because we’ve become one with Christ, we’ve all been truly circumcised, both males and females; not with bodily circumcision, but with spiritual circumcision. Spiritual circumcision means that we’ve been set free from bondage to evil bodily desires. [1] 12 And our being united with Jesus was demonstrated when we were baptized. In baptism, it’s as if our old life died and we’ve been buried with Christ. Then we were raised again spiritually with Him. This new life that we experience happens because we believe that God, who raised Jesus from death, has power in our lives too.

13-14 This means that in our previous condition, even though we were still breathing, we were spiritually dead because of our sins. Our hearts weren’t circumcised yet, meaning that we were still enslaved to various evil desires that came from ourselves. All of our transgressions against God’s law were written down before God, in the book of our sins. And that sin was what separated us from God. But now God has nailed that book of our sins to Jesus’ cross. That writing has been erased and no longer separates us from God. That means that we’ve been forgiven of all our sins. Then God raised us up with Jesus. 15 So through His cross, God has openly defeated all the powers of darkness and destroyed their power.

We who’re united with Christ don’t rely on religious rules

16 So we can’t follow people who teach like this, “God will punish you if you don’t take part in celebrating this holiday, or this new moon festival, [1] or the Sabbath Day and other Jewish religious holidays.” People like that want to force us to fast and to follow other rules about food and drink too. 17 The old ceremonies and rules like that were just temporary religious traits that were only required for the time before Christ came. Those things just foreshadowed the relationship that we’ve received because we’re united with Christ. 18 Watch out! Don’t follow the people who urge you to submit to and worship angels [2] like they do. Or they’ll say, “If you don’t follow the message I’ve received in a vision, you won’t be blessed by God.” It’s worthless for people like that to brag about themselves, because their religion is just human thinking. 19 People like that don’t hold on to Christ anymore. He’s the head, and we who’re one with Him are parts of His body in this world. It’s similar to the parts of a human body which can be one and move together because of the connection between the bones and tendons. It’s the same for us as the body of Christ, He’s the head who organizes and gives everything that’s needed so that we’re unified and grow as God wants.

20 Remember that we who’re one with Christ have considered ourselves to be crucified with Him. That means that we’ve also been set free from worldly things, including all the bonds of the spirits who have power in this world. If that’s so, why do you still live as if bound by worldly things? 21 The proof is that you still think we have to carry out teachings like this,

    “Don’t eat even a little of this food.”
    “Don’t hold this thing.”
    “Don’t touch that thing.”

22 Rules like that aren’t important, because they’re about things that are just temporary in this world. Take food, for example. After it’s eaten, it doesn’t exist anymore. And all rules like that are just human commands and teachings. 23 People who teach those rules may appear to be wise because they teach rules that humble one’s self by torturing one’s own body. But religion like that is just man-made, and following those rules can’t help us control the various evil desires that come from ourselves.

2:16 [1] The first day of a Jewish month.
2:18 [2] At that time, there were people who taught the followers of Christ to worship angels based on Jewish myths, the popular secret knowledge of that time, and based on their visions.

Chapter 3

New life because of being one with Christ

1 As I just said, we consider ourselves to be one with the body of Christ when He came back to life from death and went up to heaven. Because of that, let’s think like this, “I just long for heaven, where Christ Jesus sits at the right side of God!” 2 So our hearts and minds should be focused on heaven, not on this world. 3 For in this world, our lives are no longer like they were before we knew Jesus. But we’ve died to that way of life, and our spirits are with Christ Jesus in heaven, where He lives united with God. 4 Our source of life is actually Christ, so when God shows our King to everyone, we’ll also be shown with Him in the brightness of His glory!

5 For that reason, each of us should convince ourselves like this, “Every part of my body has died to the various desires of the world,

     like the desire to commit adultery,

     other sexual sins,


     the desire to do other evil things,

     and the desire to have a lot of money.”

The desire to have a lot of money is just like worshiping idols, because you’ve become the servant of money. 6 Those evil things make God angry, so He’ll soon destroy everyone in this world who doesn’t want to obey Him. 7 And of course we must not forget that we used to live like them too.

8 But now, let’s all throw away each of the traits of the old life that are in us, like


     hating and slandering other people,

     along with speaking unclean things.

9 And we fellow brothers and sisters in the faith can’t deceive each other, because we’ve thrown away the traits of the old life like a person throws away ruined clothes. 10 Now we’ve been given new clothes, which are new lives that change day by day to become more like Jesus Himself. God the Creator has done this in us, because we already know Him through Jesus. 11 For that reason, we no longer feel that there’s a difference between Jews, the circumcised people group, and non-Jews, uncircumcised people groups. And we no longer pay attention if someone comes from a foreign people group, or from an evil people group or if a person has high status or is humble like a slave. But the important thing for us is that we’ve all become one people because of being one with Christ.

New life with other people

12 For that reason Brothers and Sisters, these traits should become like new clothing for us who’ve been chosen, loved and purified by God as His own people:

     compassion for each other in trouble,

     generosity at all times,



     and patience with others.

13 Let’s not notice the weaknesses of our brothers and sisters in the faith, but we should forgive each other, if someone does wrong. Remember that God has forgiven our sins, so in the same way we’re also obligated to forgive each other. 14 But the most important of all these traits is to love each other. Love should be like a bond that unites us completely. 15 And may the feeling of calmness in the protection of Christ control your hearts and minds. For that’s why God called us to become members of one body, which is the body of Christ, so that we live united and calm. And let’s always be thankful to Him.

16 The teaching about Christ should keep leading you and growing healthy in your hearts so that you can teach and advise each other wisely. One way to do that is to sing songs that are based on the Book of Psalms and other praise songs, along with songs that are given by God’s Spirit. May your hearts always be filled with feelings of thankfulness to God. 17 We should say and do everything as if we’re representing the Lord Jesus in this world. And we should keep thanking God the Father through Him!

New life among the family

18 I urge every wife to follow the will of her husband, because that’s the way of life that suits us who are one with the Lord.

19 Each husband is obligated to love his wife and shouldn’t make her bitter. [1]

20 Children, obey your parents in everything too, because that really pleases the Lord.

21 And fathers, don’t make your children bitter. If you do that, they won’t be motivated to live well.

New life between masters and slaves

22 Each of you who’ve been sold to rich people and work as their slaves must obey them in everything. Don’t obey only when they can see you, like people who just want to please men. But obey them wholeheartedly, because you fear and obey the Lord Jesus. 23 Whatever you do for your master, do it wholeheartedly, because you are actually serving the Lord, not man! 24 Remember that it’s the Lord who’ll give you your reward when He gives what He has promised to us who’ve been adopted as His children. Don’t forget that you’re actually servants of Christ who are working for Him. 25 But the Lord will punish everyone who does dishonest things. And the Lord isn’t partial!

3:19 [1] This phrase in Greek can also mean, “don’t hold a grudge against your wife.”

Chapter 4

1 Each of you who own slaves should treat them right and honestly. You masters can’t forget that you have a Master in heaven!

Paul’s advise to all followers of Christ

2 Keep fighting in prayer. Always be on guard to pay attention to things that need to be prayed for, and always be thankful to God. 3 Remember that I’m imprisoned now because I tell the Good News about Christ which God has revealed to us. For that reason, pray that God keeps giving us opportunities to tell that news too. 4 Pray especially that I can tell it as clearly as possible, because that’s the responsibility God has given to me.

5 Think wisely about how to live among people who don’t yet believe in Jesus, and use every opportunity that you’re given so that He is glorified. 6 Always speak what is sweet to hear, with kindness. That way you’ll learn how to wisely answer each of their questions about our King.

News about the people who are with Paul

7 Tychicus, who is bringing this letter to you, is our beloved brother, who like us is one with the Lord Jesus. He and I are both servants of Christ, and he’s faithfully helping me in the ministry. He’ll tell you about everything that’s happening to me. 8 That’s why I've sent him to you. I hope that he will tell you about our situation here, and that he will encourage your hearts. 9 I’m also sending our beloved brother Onesimus with him. Onesimus comes from your congregation and is very faithful to Jesus. Our two brothers will tell you about everything that’s happening here.

10 Aristarchus, who’s being held with me in this prison, sends greetings to you. And Mark, who’s a cousin of Barnabas, also sends greetings. I’ve already sent you news about Mark. If he comes, I hope you’ll receive him well. 11 Justus, who was formerly called Jesus, also sends you greetings. Like me, those three brothers of the faith come from the Jewish people. [1] They are the only ones who work with me now so that more and more people become citizens of God’s kingdom. I’ve been really comforted because of them!

12 Epaphras, who’s from your church, also sends greetings to you. He’s also working as a servant of Christ Jesus. He always struggles for you in prayer so that you’ll endure and become mature in following Jesus, and so that you’ll be very certain about everything God desires for you. 13 I testify to you that he really struggles very hard for you, including the brothers and sisters in the faith who are in Laodicea and in Hierapolis. 14 Luke, who is the doctor we love, and Demas also send greetings to you.

15 Give our greetings to the brothers and sisters in the faith in Laodicea. We also send greetings to Nympha and to the church that normally meets in her house. 16 After this letter has been read in your church, please send it on to Laodicea so that they read it too. And I hope you also read the letter that I’ve written to the church in Laodicea. 17 I’m asking you to tell Archippus, “Pay attention so that you finish the task that was given to you because you are one with the Lord Jesus.”

18 I Paul, am the one writing these words of greeting with my own hand. Greetings from me! Don’t forget to pray for me, bound with an iron chain in this prison! I pray that God will always be kind to you.

4:11 [1] Literally, “from the circumcised people.”