Plain English Translation: Plain English Translation

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Chapter 1

1 My dear Brothers and Sisters in the faith who are of the twelve tribes of God’s people [1] that are now scattered throughout the whole world:

Greetings from James, God’s servant, and a servant of our Lord Christ Jesus.

Stand firm in the faith while praying to be given wisdom

2 Brothers and Sisters, every time your faith is tested through various troubles you should consider it all as a blessing that brings joy to you. 3 For you know that every time our faith is tested it makes us more mature to endure in our faith. 4 May we be stronger to endure so that we become more mature and more equipped without lacking anything spiritually.

5 But in a test of faith, if you feel you lack wisdom, ask God for it. For God is very generous to everyone, and He has never felt offended if we Him ask for it. For that reason ask, and the wisdom that you need will be given to you. 6 But when you pray for it, believe completely without doubting that God is ready to give the wisdom you need. For people who doubt are just like waves that are blown here and there by the wind. 7-8 A person like that hasn’t decided in his heart if he’ll completely believe and rely on the Lord or not. He can’t make progress because his thoughts keep changing. So a person like that shouldn’t expect that his prayer will be answered by the Lord!

High status that’s real

9 Brothers and Sisters in the faith, if you’re poor and have a low status, rejoice! For God has given you a high status, which is as citizens of His kingdom. 10 Whereas if you’re rich or have a high status, rejoice if you’re aware that your riches or your status are just temporary. For rich people are illustrated by wild flowers that quickly wilt and fall. 11 In the morning when the sun gets higher and hotter, those plants become dry and the flowers fall off, and the beauty of the flowers disappears. The same thing will happen to the rich person. He’ll die while he’s still busy with all of his work.

Temptation isn’t from God

12 Each of you who endures when your faith is tested by God through troubles should rejoice because you’ll be truly blessed by God! For after you’ve passed all of those tests, you’ll be given a victory crown [2] when you enter heaven to live forever, according to God’s promise to all of us who love Him. 13 But if you feel tempted to sin, don’t think that God is giving you that temptation. For God can’t possibly be tempted to do evil, and He has never tempted anyone. 14 But it’s our own desires that tempt us because we allow ourselves to be dragged away until we’re ensnared by our own desires. 15 Then each of our evil desires grows. This can be illustrated as a wild animal which is pregnant and will give birth. After growing, that desire will produce sin. Then that sin also grows until it finally produces death.

16 Brothers and Sisters whom I love, don’t think wrongly about this. 17 God is the source of all good and perfect gifts. Every blessing comes down from God the Father who created every object of light in the sky. But He isn’t like the moon whose light isn’t constant and often changes. 18 As an example of a perfect gift, God has chosen us to receive new birth through the true news of salvation from Him so that we who believe in that news become special people owned by God. [3]

Become doers of God’s Word, not just hearers

19 Brothers and Sisters whom I love, this is important! Each of us should always like to listen more than to speak. And don’t get angry easily. 20 For when we act in anger, we aren’t following the will of God, for sure. 21 For that reason, let’s throw out everything in our hearts that’s still dirty, unholy or evil. Then with humble hearts, let’s accept the true teaching that God plants in each of our hearts, which is His Word that has power to save us.

22 But we should become doers of His Word. Let’s not deceive ourselves by thinking, “It’s enough for me just to hear His Word.” 23 For whoever just hears the teaching of God but doesn’t do it is just like a person who looks closely at his own face in a mirror. 24 But after looking closely at a bit of dirt on his cheek he immediately goes and forgets to clean off the dirt! 25 Whereas whoever looks deeply into and meditates on the Law of the Lord, which is perfect and gives freedom, [4] and doesn’t just hear it and quickly forget it but becomes a doer of the Law of the Lord, he’s the one who’ll be blessed by God in everything he does.

26 For the person who thinks that he has lived well according to the regulations of his religion but doesn’t control his own tongue, he is a person who only pretends to be good, who has deceived himself. For being religious in that way is just useless. 27 The perfect way to be religious, that is without fault in the eyes of God can be seen when we pay attention to the suffering of orphans or widows and help them, and when we don’t let ourselves be stained by following worldly desires.

1:1 [1] With these words, James illustrates that all Jesus' followers are like the twelve tribes of Israel that were scattered everywhere. The twelve tribes of Israel had scattered as a result of persecution, and it was the same with the followers of Jesus.
1:12 [2] The word translated ‘crown’ here doesn’t mean a kings crown made of gold but a wreath of an olive branch, like the sign of victory in athletic competitions of that time. Commentators have differing opinions as to whether ‘crown’ here is only an analogy that points to the gift of eternal life or if God’s people will truly receive crowns when they enter heaven. See also 2 Tim. 4:8; 1 Ptr. 5:4; Rev. 2:10.
1:18 [3] Literally, “first fruits” or “the first produce (of the harvest).” In the Old Testament, this term was used for the produce of the harvest, like wheat and vegetables, that were given to God to express thanks. And the same term was used for the first offspring of animals, or even the firstborn son of man. The first offspring of an animal was sacrificed to God, whereas other animals were offered in exchange for every firstborn son of the Jewish people. (See Ex. 22:29, Lev. 23:9-14, Deut. 26:1-11.)
1:25 [4] What James meant is explained in James 2:8-13. See also Gal. 1:1, 13-14; 6:2; Rom. 13:10;.

Chapter 2

Have love and compassion for everyone without being partial to their status

1 Brothers and Sisters, we who believe in our glorious Lord Christ Jesus can’t be partial based on someone’s status. 2 For example, two people come into your meeting— one of them is a rich person who wears really nice clothes and a large gold ring whereas the second is a poor person who wears ugly clothes. 3 Then it often happens that you’ll pay special attention to the person whose clothes are really nice and say to him or her, “Please sit in this nice place,” but you’ll say to the poor person, “You stand over there” or, “Sit on the floor by my feet.” 4 But by doing that it’s clear that you feel you’re so great that you can distinguish between people, even though that’s still based on worldly standards and evil thinking!

5 But just think, Brothers and Sisters whom I love! It turns out that God has chosen many people poor in material things to become spiritually rich! For they’re blessed because they completely believe in Christ. And through believing they obtain the right to become citizens of God’s kingdom according to His promise to each of us who loves Him. 6 Because of that it isn’t proper for us to consider anyone lowly! And have you forgotten that it’s rich people who are the very ones that always oppress us! They’re the very ones who always drag us into court to take away our rights or our possessions. 7 And they’re the ones who like to insult the good name of Jesus, who made us His possessions.

8 But if each of you obeys the Law of Love given by our King Jesus, you’ll do what’s right. It is the command written in the Holy Bible,

     “Love your fellowman like you love yourself.” [1]

9 But if you’re partial to a person’s status, you’re obviously sinning because you’re breaking that Law of Love.

10 Remember that if a person could obey the whole Law but then forgets one small regulation that’s written in it, he has become a Law breaker and deserves to be punished by God. For the Law is considered to be a complete unit. 11 For example, God ordered us in the Law, “Don’t commit adultery” and “Don’t murder.” So, if you don’t commit adultery but you murder someone, you’ve become a Law breaker, not just a breaker of the law about murder.

12 For that reason, we should speak and live out our lives as people whom Christ will judge according to His Law of Love, which is the Law that gives freedom. [1] 13 For on the Judgment Day, whoever hasn’t shown compassion to his fellowman won’t be pitied by the Lord either. But if we become people who are compassionate, then we don’t need to fear the Judgment Day!

Our faith is perfected and proven through our good deeds

14 Brothers and Sisters, if one of us says, “I believe completely in Christ,” yet he doesn’t do anything to show that he’s a person who believes completely in Him, his words are just empty talk. We aren’t saved based on talk like that alone! 15 Think about this example. There is a brother or sister who needs clothing and food today. 16 Then you, if who have more than enough food and clothing, say to him, “Have a nice trip! May God give you clothes and food”, but you don’t share anything with him, then your words are just empty talk. 17 It’s the same in the matter of believing completely. If our faith isn’t shown by deeds, then it doesn’t mean a thing.

18 But someone will contradict me by saying, “I’m not like you! I completely believe without having to prove it by deeds.” But I will answer that person, “How can I tell if you really have faith or if it’s just empty talk if you never prove it? I’m certain that it’s much better for us to prove our faith in Christ through love in action!” 19 For example, you say that you have faith because you’re certain that there’s only one God. Oh, you’re so great! The demons also believe like you and they tremble with fear because they already know that their ‘faith’ isn’t able to save them from hell. 20 Don’t be so stupid! If you still need proof that faith which isn’t shown through actions doesn’t mean anything, think about this example. 21 Our forefather Abraham was certainly accepted by God as a righteous person because of his actions, that is when God saw that Abraham was ready to sacrifice his son Isaac on the altar. 22 So we can see that the faith and actions of Abraham worked together. My point is that your faith is made complete because there are actions that prove it. 23 That’s what’s meant by the verse in the Holy Bible which says,

     “Abraham believed God’s promise, and because of that he was accepted by God as a righteous man.” [2]

That’s why the Holy Bible says he was a “Friend of God.” 24 So it’s clear that we need to be made right before God through our actions too, and not just because we believe. 25 It was the same with Rahab, the prostitute, who received the two spies sent by Joshua. Her faith became clear through her actions when she urged the two of them to go home by another road, and because of that she was accepted as a righteous woman and was saved. [3]

26 When someone doesn’t breathe anymore, he’s dead. It’s the same if someone claims to fully believe completely in Christ but doesn’t show his faith through good deeds. It’s just empty talk!

2:12 [1] See Jas. 1:25 and its footnote.

Chapter 3

Guard your words

1 My Brothers and sisters, it would be best if not very many of you become teachers of the Lord’s Word. For you know that God will judge the teachers of His Word by a higher standard. 2 Each of us does many things wrong! But if someone has never said anything wrong he’s a perfect person. If he can do that, he’s able to control his whole body. 3 For example we can control the whole body of a horse if we can control its mouth. That’s why a bridle is put into a horse’s mouth. 4 It’s the same with a ship. A ship is really huge, of course, and is driven along by a strong wind, but what controls the ship is a small rudder. And the person who holds the rudder determines where the ship goes. 5 It’s the same with our tongues, too. Even though the tongue is just a small part of our bodies, yet we can use that tongue to brag about ourselves and offend our brothers and sisters! Even though it’s small, it can ruin many things, just like a huge forest can be burned up by a very small flame. 6 It’s certainly fitting to compare the tongue to fire, because it’s as if all the evil in the world is kept in our tongues! And like poison, that evil spreads from there to destroy our whole bodies. Our tongues are like the flames of hell fire! I mean that it’s as if the devil sets fires by using our tongues. Then like the illustration of a huge forest fire, our whole lives can be ruined by just the tongue.

7 Obviously man can already tame almost every kind of animal, bird, crawling creature and sea creature. 8 But not one person is able to tame his own tongue. Our tongues are so wild and evil, like a snake that’s full of deadly poison. 9 Our tongues too quickly turn from praising God the Father to cursing other people, even though other people are those who were created by the Lord in His own image. 10 It means that with these same mouths, we praise God and curse our fellowman. Brothers and sisters, don’t be like that! 11 Plain water and salt water can’t come out of the same well, right! 12 And my Brothers and Sisters, a fig tree can’t produce olives, a grapevine can’t produce figs, and plain water doesn’t flow from a salt water well.

Wise character traits that are from God

13 Whoever feels he’s smart and wise, let him show it through his good lifestyle and good deeds which are done with humility. If you’re wise, you’ll be humble too. 14 But if there’s still jealousy, grudges and selfishness in your heart, don’t think, “I’m really wise,” because your thinking is really mistaken. 15 And your wisdom isn’t wisdom that comes from God. You only have worldly wisdom that comes from your own personal desires and from evil spirits. 16 For if you’re still jealous and selfish, it means that you’re still living a disorderly life and you can only do what’s evil. 17 Whereas true wisdom that comes from God leads us to live like this:

     First of all holy and peaceful with our fellowman,

     gentle and open to following the will of other people.

     Wisdom also guides us to feel compassion for our fellowman

     and continue to do good to them.

     Wisdom from God is also always honest and impartial.

18 The person who works to bring peace is truly blessed by God! He’s the one who’s really wise, and the result of that wisdom is obvious in a life that's lived right.

Chapter 4

Don’t have a divided heart, but humble yourself before God

1 Why do you fight and quarrel with each other?! Isn’t it all caused by the your desires that fight against each other to control yourself? 2 You want something but can’t get it. Then you’re jealous of your friend who has it, to the point that you’re ready to do anything to get that thing, like fighting, quarreling, even murdering. This is the reason you can’t get that thing- you forget to ask God for it in prayer! 3 Or you’ve asked God for it over and over again but He doesn’t give you an answer. That happens because you ask for it for the wrong reasons, because you want to use for your own pleasure.

4 You’re like a prostitute! A prostitute never wants to be faithful to one man, of course. And in the same way, you don’t want to be faithful to God! You should know that if you’re friends with this world, that means you’re opposing God. I will repeat that again. You who want to be friends with this world have made yourselves God’s enemies. 5 Or maybe you consider the following verse in the Holy Bible to be just empty talk, huh? The verse I mean says,

     “The Spirit of God, which was sent by God the Father to live in us, really longs jealously for us to be faithful to Him. [1]

6 But the fact is that God’s kindness to us is growing greater, like it’s stated in the Holy Bible,

     “God opposes people who are arrogant, but He’s kind to people who are humble.” [4]

7 For that reason, obey God. Oppose the devil and then he’ll flee from you. 8 Come near to God, then He’ll come near to you. Hey you sinners, don’t longer use your hands to commit sin anymore! Purify your hearts again, because your hearts have become defiled since you haven’t decided if you’ll follow God or the direction of this world. 9 Sincerely repent with sad hearts, regret and tears. Instead of having a good time and being joyful, it’s better for you to mourn because of your spiritual condition.

10 Humble yourself before the Lord, and then He’ll lift you up and help you.

You have no right to criticize your fellowman

11 Brothers and Sisters, don’t slander each other. For if you criticize each other, you’re raising yourself up as a judge. What I mean is that you obviously think you’re so great that you not only judge your fellowman, but you also say, “The Lord’s Law needs to be changed.” It isn’t your business to change the Lord’s commands, but it’s your duty to obey the Law of Love! 12 There’s just one Judge who has the right to determine the Law for us, that’s God, not you! He’s also the one who has authority to save or destroy. Because of that,you must not find fault with your fellowman anymore!

Honor God in your plans

13 Hey you Brothers and Sisters. You say, “Today or tomorrow we’ll go to this certain city, then we'll do business there for one year and make a lot of money, for sure.” 14 But you don’t even know anything about your life tomorrow! Your life is just like smoke, it exists for a short time and disappears a short time later. 15 So it’s better for you to talk like this, “If the Lord is willing we’ll live and do this or that.” 16 But if your plan is as I previously stated, it’s obvious that you’re arrogant and rely on your own strength. All arrogance like that is wrong.

17 Anyone who knows what’s right to do yet doesn’t do it is sinning.

4:5 [1] The Greek language doesn’t show if the “spirit” mentioned is the Spirit of God or the spirit of man. With the interpretation as ‘spirit of man’, James’ quote can be translated, “The spirit that God puts into our bodies is full of envy.” And the problem is made more difficult because it’s unclear what verse from the Old Testament James meant, but many commentators choose Ex. 20:3-5, 34:14.

Chapter 5

Rich people are unfortunate

1 Hey you rich people, you are so unfortunate! [1] Cry and wail because God is ready to punish you with serious troubles! 2 When God brings that punishment on you, it will be as if all of your riches have become garbage and your beautiful clothing has been eaten by moths. 3 Your treasures of gold and silver have no value anymore! In fact those treasures have become proof in God’s eyes that you aren’t honest! You pile up treasures for yourself alone without caring for your needy fellowman. So those treasures of yours will become like cancer that will destroy and burn up your body like fire. 4 Proof of your dishonesty is obvious in the Lord’s eyes, because the wages of people who had worked in your fields several months ago are still in your wallet. And now the complaints of those who’ve harvested the produce of your fields have been heard by the Lord Almighty.

5 For as long as you’ve lived in this world, you’ve become used to your rich lifestyle, and whatever you desire has to be fulfilled. So you’ve finally become fat like cattle that are ready to be butchered for a feast. The holiday for you to be butchered has arrived! 6 God was watching when you used your power to repeatedly trample on the rights of people who weren’t able to oppose you. It’s as if you’ve killed them through your dishonesty! You are unfortunate!

Be patient and endure in faith

7 So Brothers and Sisters, because the Lord knows all of our troubles, be patient until the Lord Jesus returns. For example think of the farmers who wait with such patience for the rain to fall after the planting season and before the harvest season. 8 It’s the same for each of you, be patient and strengthen your hearts because the Lord is coming soon.

9 Brothers and Sisters, none of us should be looking for and talking about the wrongs and weaknesses of our brothers and sisters. Look! Christ the just Judge is near, and He’ll invoke a greater punishment on those who like to do things like that. [5]

10 Brothers and Sisters, let’s follow the example of the prophets who were sent by the Lord to tell His news to the Jewish forefathers. They remained patient, even though they were often persecuted and suffered so much. 11 Remember that we really respect them now because they endured in suffering. Like them, Job is an example of a person who kept strong. And you know how God finally blessed him because the Lord is full of compassion and kindness.

Respect God in words and promises

12 Brothers and Sisters, this is very important, When you say something or promise to do something, don’t strengthen your words or your promise by swearing by any name. So don’t call on heaven or earth as a witness to your vow. If what was said is true, it’s enough to just say, “Yes, it’s true.” If it’s wrong, say, “It’s not true.” For every time you say something with a vow the Lord will judge you if what you’ve vowed isn’t true. [6]

Glorify God in every situation, especially when sick

13 Any of us who are suffering should pray. Any of us who are joyful should sing to praise the Lord. 14 Any of us who are sick should call the elders of the church so that they will pray for him and put oil [2] on him as a reminder that they’ve asked the Lord to heal him. 15 And God will answer their prayer based on completely believing that the Lord is healing him. [7] The Lord will strengthen and heal him. And if his sickness is caused by his sins, by praying together that person will be forgiven by the Lord. [3] 16 That’s why I urge each of us to admit our sins and weaknesses so that we can pray for each other. In that way we’ll be forgiven and healed because the prayers of righteous people are very powerful and have a great affect. 17 Elijah, for example, was a normal person just like us. But he sincerely prayed that rain wouldn’t fall, and obviously rain didn’t fall on that land for three and a half years. 18 Then when Elijah prayed again asking for rain, the rain fell, and the plants in the fields grew back.

19-20 Brothers and Sisters whom I love, remember this. If it’s obvious that one of us has followed the wrong way, but another brother or sister guides him back to the true teaching and the right way of life, that brother or sister who had compassion on him and led him to return has saved him from hell and opened the way for him so that his many sins and wrongs are forgiven. [8]

5:1 [1] Many commentators say that in this section James wrote about rich people in a way that imitates the writings of the Old Testament prophets, meaning that he wrote a harsh rebuke and told of God’s judgment on people who weren’t yet followers of Christ and who weren’t recipients of this letter. James wrote like that to comfort the poor people who received this letter and as a warning to followers of Christ to use their wealth to help their fellow man. Compare with Is. 13:1-22 and Amos 1:3–2:3.
5:14 [2] The word that James wrote can be translated ‘oil’ or ‘olive oil’. In James’ time, there weren’t many types of oil. Olive oil was used to burn in lamps, to cook food, as ointment for wounds, to rub on the head or body in preparation for a party and to anoint kings or prophets. And in this verse it was a reminder of the elders’ prayers, and that God was present and working.
5:15 [3] This verse can’t be used to say that all disease comes as a result of the sin of the person suffering. Remember the stories of Job, and Paul in 2 Cor. 12:7-10. But this verse says ‘if’ because there are, of course, some diseases that are caused by our own sins.