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9. God Calls Moses

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Ilaahay Waxa uu u Yeedhay Muuse [[|Image]] After Joseph died, all of his relatives stayed in Egypt. They and their descendants continued to live there for many years and had many children. They were called the Israelites. Marku Yuusuf dhintay, dhamaan qarabadiisi waxay joogtay Masar. Qarabadii Yuusuf iyo wixi ay dhaleen oo dhan iyo caruurdoodi halkaas ayeey ku tarmeen. Waxana loogu yeedhi jiray Israa’iiliyiin. [[|Image]] Hundreds of years later, a new Pharaoh came to power in Egypt. The Egyptians no longer remembered Joseph and all he had done to help them. They became afraid of the Israelites because there were so many of them. So the Egyptians made the Israelites their slaves. Boqolal sanno kadib, Fircoon cusub ayaa qabsaday wadankii Masar. Masaridiina way iloobeen wixii ficnayd ee uu Yuusuf u sameyn jiray iyaa sida uu u cawin jiray markay abaartu jirto. Aad ayeey uga cabsadeen waayo Israa’iiliyuuntu way fara badnayeen. Kadibna Masaridii waxay ka dhigeen Israa’iiliyiinti adomohodii. [[|Image]] The Egyptians forced the Israelites to build many buildings and even whole cities. The hard work made their lives miserable, but God blessed them, and they had even more children. Masaradii aad ayeey u cadadiyeen Israa’iiliyinta waxan ku amreen inay dhisan dhisme fara badan xatta magalooyin dhan. Shaqadii faraha badnay ayaa waxa cadadis galisay nafahoodi, lakiin Ilaah wuu barakeyeey iyaga, oo waxay dhaleen caruur fara badan, [[|Image]] Pharaoh saw that the Israelites were having many babies, so he ordered his people to kill all Israelite baby boys by throwing them into the Nile River. Fircoon wuxuu arkay in Israa’iiliyintu aay dhalayan caruur badan, kadib wuxu ku amray in wiil kaste oo ka dhasha Israa’iiliyinta dhaxdeeda la dilo laguna tuuro webiga niilka. [[|Image]] A certain Israelite woman gave birth to a baby boy. She and her husband hid the baby for as long as they could. Gabadh ka tirsan Israa’iiliyinta ayaa waxay dhashay wiil . Iyada iyo ninkeedi ayaa wiilki qariyeey in alee intii ay karayeen. [[|Image]] When the boy's parents could no longer hide him, they put him in a floating basket among the reeds along the edge of the Nile River. His older sister watched to see what would happen to him. Marku wiilkii gadhay xili aan waalidki qarin Karin, waxay wiilkii ku rideen sambiil kadibna waxay ag dhigeen webiga niil qarkiisa ama dhinicisa. Kadibna walashiisi ka weynayd ayaa meel fog kaso ilaalinaysay bal waxa ku dhaca wiilkooda sambiilka lagu riday. [[|Image]] A daughter of Pharaoh saw the basket and looked inside. When she saw the baby, she took him as her own son. She hired an Israelite woman to nurse him, without realizing the woman was the baby's own mother. When the child was old enough, his mother returned him to Pharaoh’s daughter, who named him Moses. Inanti Fircoon fircoon dhalay oo webiga niil ka timid ayaa waxay aragtay sambiilka webiga dhinac yaala kadibna waxay eegtay waxa ku dhex jira. Markay aragtay inu ilmo ku dhex jiro waay qaadatay wiilki sida ilmaheeda oo kale. Waxayna so kiraystay naag reer israa’iili inay wiilka naas nuujiso, iyada oo aan dareemin inay gabadhan aay so kiraystay tahay gabdadhi wiilka dhashay. Marku wiilki weynaday waxay hooyadii wiilki u celisay inantu dhalay fircoon taasi oo magaca Muuse u bixisay. [[|Image]] One day, when Moses had grown up, he saw an Egyptian beating an Israelite slave. Moses tried to save his fellow Israelite. Maalin maal maha kamida ah, marku Muuse weynaday ayaa wuxu arkay nin Masari ah oo garacayaa nin adoona oo reer binu Israa’iila, kadib Muuse wuxu isku dayeey inu badbaadiyo ninki reer Israa’iil. [[|Image]] When Moses thought nobody was looking, he killed the Egyptian and buried the body. But someone saw what had happened. Markaas ayuu Muuse arkay inan cid kale meesha joogin kadib ninki Masarigii ayuu dilay waanu aasay. Laakin qof ayaa arkayay marku Muuse ninka dilayeey. [[|Image]] When Pharaoh found out about it, he tried to kill Moses because of what he had done. Moses ran away from Egypt to the wilderness where he would be safe from Pharaoh's soldiers. Marku Fircoon ogaaday wuxu Muuse sameeyey wuxu damcay inu Muuse dilo waayo Muuse nin Masari ah auu dilay. Wuu baxasaday Muuse oo wuxu aaday duurka meel ka baxasany Masar si aan cidanka Fircoon u helin isaga. [[|Image]] Moses became a shepherd in the wilderness far away from Egypt. He married and had two sons. Muuse wuxu noqday adhijir meel duurka oo ka baxasan Masar. Xaasna wuu guursday laba wiilna wuu dhalay. [[|Image]] One day while Moses was taking care of his sheep, he saw a bush that was on fire. But the bush did not burn up. Moses went to take a closer look. As he approached the burning bush, the voice of God said, “Moses, take off your shoes. You are standing on holy ground.” Maalin mal maha ka mid ah isago Muuse la jooga adhigii ayaa wuxu arkay keyn gubanaysa. Laakin keyntu ma ololeyn, Muuse wuxu ku dhawaday keyntii si uu u eego. Marku ku dhawaday keynti gubanaysay, codkii Ilaah ayuu maqlay oo leh, “ Muuse, iska bixi kabaha. Waxad ku tagan tahay dhul qudduse.” [[|Image]] God said, “I have seen the suffering of my people. I will send you to Pharaoh so that you can bring the Israelites out of their slavery in Egypt. I will give them the land of Canaan, the land I promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” Ilaah wuxu ku yiri, “ Waxan arka dadkayga sida aay u dhibataysan yihin. Waxan ku diri doona Fircoon si aad dadka reer Israa’iil uga so kaxayso gumaysiga Masar. Waxanan siin doona dhulka Kancaan, dhulki aan ugu balan qaaday Ibrahim, Isaaq kadibna Yacquub.” [[|Image]] Moses said, “What if the people want to know who sent me, what should I say?” God said, “I AM WHO I AM. Tell them, ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ Also tell them, ‘I am Yahweh, the God of your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This is my name forever.’” Muuse ayaa Ilaah ugu Jawabay, “ Kawaran hadii aay dadku ii weydiyaan ka iso diray , maxaan ugu jawaba? Ilaah ayaa ku yiri, “ Waxan ahay kana hay. Usheeg, “ waxan ahay ka ku so diray adiga, ‘ Ilaaha weyn ee keligi jira, Ilaah abuuraya halkad ka so faracanteen sida Ibrahim, Isaaq iyo Yacquub. Magacayguna waligii ayuu jiri doona.’”. [[|Image]] Moses did not want to go to Pharaoh because he thought he could not speak well, so God sent Moses’ brother, Aaron, to help him. God warned Moses and Aaron that Pharaoh would be stubborn. Muuse ma rabin inu Fircoon u tago waayo wuxu umaleeyey inuna Fircoon si fican ula hadli Karin, kadib Ilaah wuxu Muuse u soo diray walalkii Haruun inu cawiyo isaga. Ilaah wuxu u si digay Muuse iyo Haruun una sheegay in Fircoon u madax adkaan doono. Qoralkani waxa uu ka yimid Kitaabka Quduuska: Baxniintii 1-4

A Bible story from: Exodus 1-4