Somali: Open Bible Stories

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26. Jesus Starts His Ministry

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Ciise oo Bilabay Dacawdii Baafinta Diinta

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After overcoming Satan’s temptations, Jesus returned in the power of the Holy Spirit to the region of Galilee where he lived. Jesus went from place to place teaching. Everyone spoke well of him. Marku Ciise ka soo baxay warkii Shaydankii rabay inu afduubto, Ciise waxa uu ku soo laabtay gobalka Galiliya iyada oo Ruuxda Quduuska ah hagayso halkaasna wuu ku noola. Ciise waxa uu tagay meelba ka meel si u dadka wax u baro. Qofkastana wax fiican ayeey kaga hadlayeen isaga.

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Jesus went to the town of Nazareth where he had grown up. On the Sabbath, he went to the place of worship. They gave him the scroll of the prophet Isaiah. Jesus opened up the scroll and read from it. Ciise waxa uu tagay magalada Nasiireed meeshi uu kuso barbaray. Maalin Sabti ah, waxa uu tagay beydka Ilaahay lagu cabuudo. Waxana loo dhibay inu akhriyo kitaabki Nebi Ishacyaah. Ciise wuu furay Kitaabki waanu akhriyeey.

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“God has poured his Spirit on me to proclaim good news to the poor, freedom to captives, recovery of sight for the blind, and release to prisoners. This is the year of the Lord’s favor.” “ Ilaahay ayaa Ruuxdiisa ku shubay Ciise inu warka wanagsan fiqiirka gaadhsiyo, inu xoriyada u soo celiyo kuwa la haysto, inu indhaha u furo kuwa aan indhaha lahayn, furtana kuwa maxabiista ah. Sanadka waa sanadkii Ilaahay idiin naxariistay ayuu yidhi Ciise.”

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Then Jesus sat down. Everybody watched him closely. They knew this passage was talking about the Messiah. Jesus said, “Today these words have been fulfilled in your hearing.” All the people were amazed. “Isn’t this the son of Joseph?” they said. Kadib Ciise wuu fadhiistay. Qof kastena sii fiira garaa ayeey u eegen isagii. Waxa aay ogaayeen ina aayadan uu Ciise akhriyeey aay ka hadlayso Masiixa iman doona. Ciise ayaa waxa u ku yidhi, “ Maanta aayad aan akhriyeey way rumowday sida aad u maqlaysan.” Dadkii oo dhan way fajaceen waxany yirahadeen, “ Miyaanu kani ahayn wiilki Nebi Yuusuf.”

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Then Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, no prophet is accepted in his own hometown. When the prophet Elijah was alive there were many widows in Israel. But when it did not rain for three and a half years, God did not send Elijah to help a widow from Israel but a widow from a different nation.” Kadib Ciise aya aku yiri, “ Runta ayaan idin sheegaya, nebina lagama aqbalo magalada uu ku dhashay. Marku Nebi Eliiyah noola waxa jiray carmal fara badan dalka Israa’iil. Laakiin marku roob da’ii wayeey muddo saddex sano iyo bar ah, Ilaahay umu so dirin Eliiyah inu cawiyo carmaalida reer Israa’iil ee waxa uu u diray carmalkii kale inu cawiyoo oo ku nool wadan kale.”

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“And when the prophet Elisha was alive, there were many people in Israel with skin diseases. But Elisha did not heal any of them. He only healed Naaman, a commander of Israel’s enemies.” When the people heard this, they were furious. “Marki nebi Eliiyah noola waxa jiray dad badan oo xanuunka maqarka qaba. Laakiin dadka nebi Eliiyah mu daweyn. Waxa uu daweyo qudha Naamaan oo aha koreynlkii xukumayeey cadawgaa Israa’iil.” Markay dadkii maqleen fariintaas, aad ayuu tuhun u galay.

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The people of Nazareth dragged Jesus out of the place of worship and brought him to the edge of a cliff to throw him off. But Jesus walked through the crowd and left the town of Nazareth. Dadkii Nasiireed meeshi ayeey Ciise ka so sareen oo waxay ag keenen meel buurah si aay uga tuuran. Laakiin Ciise dadkii isku xoonsana ayuu dhex lugeeyey oo magaladii Nasiireed ayuu isaga tagay.

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Then Jesus went through that area, and great crowds came to him. They brought all the sick people, including those who could not see, walk, hear, or speak, and Jesus healed them. Kadib Ciise waxa uu maray meelo fara badan oo dad badan ayaa ku so uururay isaga. Waxay u keenen dadkii bukay, kuwii aan waxba arkayn, kuwa aan socon karayen, kuwa aan waxba maqlayn, kuwa aan hadli karyen dhamaan Ciise wuu daweeyey.

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Many people with demons were brought to Jesus. At Jesus' command, the demons came out, often shouting, “You are the Son of God!” The crowds were amazed and worshiped God. Dad badan oo jiman ku jiran ayaa Ciise loo keenay. Ammarkii Ciise jimankii way ka baxeen iyaga oo ku qaylinaya, ‘ Adigu waxa aad tahay Wiilka Ilaah!” dadkii badana aad ayeey u fajaceen oo Ilaahay ayeey u cibaadeysteen.

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Then Jesus chose twelve men who were called his disciples. The disciples were Jesus’ students. They traveled with him and learned from him. Kadib Ciise waxa uu doortay laba iy toban nin oo ah xertiisa. Xertiisuna waxa ahayeen ardeydii Ciise. Isaga ayeey la safrii jireen oo wax aay ka baran jireen. Qoralkani waxa uu ka yimid Kitaabka Quduuska: Matayos 4:12-25; Markos1: 14-15’ 3: 13-21; Lukoos 4:14-30, 38

A Bible story from:Matthew 4:12-25; Mark 1:14-15, 35-39; 3:13-21; Luke 4:14-30, 38-44