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The Beginning [01-01]


This is how the beginning of everything happened. God created the universe and everything in it in six days. After God created the earth it was dark and empty, and nothing had been formed in it. But God's Spirit was there over the water.


Important Terms:

* __[God](
* __[HolySpirit](

Translation Notes:

* __the beginning__  - That is, "the beginning of all things," before anything existed except God.
* __created__  - This is used here in the sense of making something out of nothing.
* __universe__  - This includes everything that God created on the earth and in the heavens, both visible and invisible things.
* __dark__  - It was completely dark. There was no light at all, since God had not yet created light.
* __empty__  - God had not yet created anything except for the bare earth covered by water.
* __nothing had been formed__  - There were no distinguishing features–just water covering everything.
* __God's Spirit__  - The Spirit of God, sometimes called the Holy Spirit, was present in the beginning, moving freely over the earth in order to create all that he had planned to do.


God Created Light [01-02]


Then God said, “Let there be light!” And there was light. God saw that the light was good and called it “day.” He separated it from the darkness, which he called “night.” God created the light on the first day of creation.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • God said - God created light by means of a simple verbal command.
  • let there be - This is a command that happened immediately because it was spoken by God. It may be more natural to translate this as a statement of certainty that this would definitely happen. For example, you could translate this as, "God said, 'There will be light.'"
  • light - This was a special light that God created–the sun was not created until later.
  • was good - This phrase is often repeated through the Creation story, and emphasizes that each stage of creation was pleasing to God and accomplished his plan and purpose.
  • creation - This word is used here to refer to the six-day period during which God made everything that exists.


God Created Sky [01-03]


On the second day of creation, God spoke and created the sky above the earth. He made the sky by separating the water above from the water below.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • the second day - God's work of creation was orderly, purposeful, and sequential. The things he created each day built upon and depended on the acts of the previous days.
  • God spoke - God created the sky by speaking a command.
  • created - God made the sky out of nothing.
  • sky - This term refers to all of the space above the earth, including the air we breathe and the heavens.


God Created the Land [01-04]


On the third day, God spoke and separated the water from the dry land. He called the dry land “earth,” and he called the water “seas.” God saw that what he had created was good.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • third day - The next in the series of orderly days in which God prepared the earth for life.
  • God spoke - God created the dry land by speaking a command.
  • earth - This word is used here to refer to dirt or soil, which is what dry land is made of.
  • created - This word is used here in the sense of making something out of nothing.


God Created the Plants [01-05]


Then God said, “Let the earth produce all kinds of trees and plants.” And that is what happened. God saw that what he had created was good.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • God said - God created all vegetation by speaking a command.
  • let the earth produce - This is a command that happened immediately because God spoke it.
  • all kinds - The many different species, or types, of plants and trees.
  • created - This word is used here in the sense of making something out of nothing.
  • was good - This phrase is often repeated through the Creation story, and emphasizes that each stage of creation was pleasing to God and accomplished his plan and purpose.


God Created the Sun, Moon and Stars [01-06]


On the fourth day of creation, God spoke and made the sun, the moon, and the stars. God made them to give light to the earth and to mark day and night, seasons and years. God saw that what he had created was good.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • the fourth day - The next in the orderly series of days in which God created.
  • God spoke - God created the sun, moon, and stars by speaking a command.
  • light - Shining objects in the sky now provided light for the earth.
  • day and night, seasons and years - God created a different light to mark each portion of time from small to large, and set them to repeat continually until the end of time.
  • created - This word is used here in the sense of making something out of nothing.


God Created the Birds and Fish [01-07]


On the fifth day, God spoke and made everything that swims in the water and all the birds. God saw that it was good, and he blessed them.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • the fifth day - God continues his orderly progression of creation that he started during the previous four days.
  • God spoke - God created the birds and water creatures by speaking a command.
  • everything that swims - God not only made fish, but every kind of living thing that lives in the waters. Every one exists because God chose to create it.
  • all the birds - God did not make just one kind of bird, but all of the amazing variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and kinds of birds.
  • it was good - This phrase is repeated throughout creation to show that every step went exactly according to God's wise plan and purpose.
  • blessed them - God speaks his desire that they would prosper and that things would go well for them in the world in which he had placed them.


God Created the Animals [01-08]


On the sixth day of creation, God said, “Let there be all kinds of land animals!” And it happened just like God said. Some were farm animals, some crawled on the ground, and some were wild. And God saw that it was good.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • the sixth day - The next event in a continuing, orderly progression of days and creative acts.
  • God said - God's spoken word is the means by which the animals were created.
  • all kinds - This indicates a great variety, but also order.
  • land animals - Every kind of animal that lived on the land, as opposed to the birds, or animals that live in the seas.
  • farm animals - The kinds of land animals that commonly live peacefully with people–-as in tame, or domesticated animals.
  • crawled on the ground - This probably includes reptiles, and possibly the insects.
  • wild - The kinds of animals that do not normally live peacefully with people, usually because they are afraid of people, or dangerous to them.
  • it was good - This phrase is repeated throughout creation to show that every step went exactly according to God's wise plan and purpose.


God Made Man in His Image [01-09]


Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image to be like us. They will have authority over the earth and all the animals.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • Let us - This indicates God's deliberate, willful decision to create man in a particular way for a particular purpose. You could translate this as, "We will make."
  • us…our…us - The Bible teaches that there is one God, but the Old Testament word "God" is a plural form, and God uses plural pronouns when speaking to himself. Some understand this as a special way of speaking that expresses God's majesty, and others understand this as God the Father speaking to the Son and the Spirit, who are all God.
  • in our image - An image is a physical representation of someone or something. Humans were made in such a way that we display or represent some of the qualities or traits of God.
  • like us - Humans share some of God's characteristics, but not all of his qualities. This phrase should be translated with words that show man is similar to God, but not equal with him or the same as he is.
  • authority - God gave people the right and power to manage, guide, and control how the earth and the animals will be used.


God Made Adam [01-10]


So God took some dirt, formed it into a man, and breathed life into him. This man's name was Adam. God planted a garden where Adam could live, and put him there to care for it.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • took some dirt - God made man from the dust, or dry dirt from the ground. This word should probably be different from the general word used for earth.
  • formed it - This word expresses that God personally fashioned the man, comparing this to how a person creates something with his hands. Make sure that a different word from "create" is used. Note that this is very different from how he created everything else through a simple spoken command.
  • a man - Only the man was created at this time; the woman was created later by a different method.
  • breathed life - This phrase expresses God's very personal, intimate action as he transferred life from himself into Adam's body, comparing this to how a human being breathes out air.
  • life - In this event, God breathed both physical and spiritual life into the man.
  • Adam - Adam's name is the same as the Old Testament word for "man," and similar to the word for "dirt" from which he was formed.
  • garden - An area of land planted with trees and plants for a purpose–usually to produce food or to provide beauty.
  • care for it - To maintain the garden by tending, weeding, watering, harvesting, planting, etc.


Two Trees [01-11]


In the middle of the garden, God planted two special trees—the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God told Adam that he could eat from any tree in the garden except from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If he ate from this tree, he would die.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • in the middle - The central location emphasizes the importance of the two trees.
  • garden - An area of land planted with trees and plants for a purpose–usually to produce food or to provide beauty.
  • tree of life - Anyone who ate fruit from this tree would never die.
  • tree of knowledge of good and evil - The fruit of this tree could enable a person to know both good and evil.
  • knowledge - To know or understand by personal experience.
  • good and evil - Evil is the opposite of good. Just as "good" refers to what is pleasing to God, "evil" refers to everything that is not pleasing to God.
  • die - In this instance, he would die both physically and spiritually.


Adam Was Alone [01-12]


Then God said, “It is not good for man to be alone.” But none of the animals could be Adam's helper.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • not good - This is the first time that anything in creation was not good. It means it was, "not yet good" because God was not finished with the creation of humans.
  • alone - Adam was the only human, with no possibility of a relationship with another person, and unable to reproduce children and multiply.
  • Adam's helper - There was no one who was similar enough to Adam to join with him to accomplish the task that God gave to him. None of the animals could do this.


God Made Eve [01-13]


So God made Adam fall into a deep sleep. Then God took one of Adam's ribs and made it into a woman and brought her to him.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • a deep sleep - This was a deeper sleep than normal.
  • took one of Adam's ribs and made - The verbs indicate God's very personal act of removing the rib from Adam and shaping it into a woman.
  • a woman - She was the first woman, the female version of human beings that was missing until now.
  • brought her to him - God personally introduced them. He presented the woman to Adam, almost like offering a special gift.


Adam Met Eve [01-14]


When Adam saw her, he said, “At last! This one is like me! Let her be called 'Woman,' for she was madefrom Man.” This is why a man leaves his father and mother and becomes one with his wife.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • At last! - Adam's exclamation indicates that he had been waiting for something like the woman.
  • like me - The woman was the same type of being as Adam, even though there were important differences between them.
  • Woman - This word is the feminine form of the word for man.
  • made from man - The woman was formed directly from Adam's own body.
  • a man leaves - This is stated in the present tense to indicate what would become the normal situation in the future. Adam did not have a mother or father, but all other men would.
  • becomes one - The husband and wife will share an intimate bond of unity and a commitment to one another that will surpass their relationships to anyone else.


Fill the Earth [01-15]


God made man and woman in his own image. He blessed them and told them, “Have many children and grandchildren and fill the earth!” And God saw that everything he had made was very good, and he was very pleased with all of it. This all happened on the sixth day of creation.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • God made - God formed the man and the woman in a very personal way.
  • in his own image - An image is a physical representation of someone or something. God made people to display or represent some of his qualities and traits, but not to be equal to him.
  • very good - More intense than the, "it was good" statements on previous days. "Very good" refers to all of creation, not just the man and the woman. Everything was exactly as God intended it to be.
  • creation - The six-day period during which God made everything that exists.


God Rested [01-16]


When the seventh day came, God had finished his work. So God rested from all he had been doing. He blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on this day he rested from his work. This is how God created the universe and everything in it.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • the seventh day - The next day after the six days of creation were completed.
  • finished his work - Specifically, God finished the work of creation. He still performs other work.
  • God rested - God "rested" in the sense that he stopped working because creation was complete. God was not tired, or unable to continue.
  • blessed the seventh day - God had a special, positive plan for the seventh day, and for every seventh day to follow.
  • made it holy - That is, God "set apart" the day as a special day. It was not to be used in the same way as the other six days of the week.
  • the universe - This includes everything that God created on the earth and in the heavens, both visible and invisible things.
  • A Bible story from - These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.