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Firstborn Males Would Die [11-01]


God warned Pharaoh that if he did not let the Israelites go, then he would kill all the firstborn males of both people and animals. When Pharaoh heard this he still refused to believe and obey God.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • the firstborn males of both people and animals - This could be translated as, "the eldest son in every family and the first male offspring of any of their animals."


The Sacrifice [11-02]


God provided a way to save the firstborn son of anyone who believed in him. Each family had to choose a perfect lamb and kill it.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • God provided – God is the only one who could provide the way to save the Israelites' sons from death.
  • perfect lamb - That is, "a young sheep or goat that had no blemishes or defects."


Blood on the Door [11-03]


God told the Israelites to put some of the lamb's blood around the door of their house, and to roast the meat and eat it quickly, along with bread that was made without yeast. He also told them to be ready to leave Egypt when they ate.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • made without yeast – Yeast is something that is mixed into bread dough to make bread rise as it cooks. This could be translated as, "made without something that would make it rise." Making the bread with yeast would have taken much longer, so cooking the bread without yeast was a way to be prepared to leave Egypt quickly.
  • when they ate – This means they needed to be prepared to leave before they started to eat.


The Passover Meal [11-04]


The Israelites did everything just as God had commanded them to do. In the middle of the night, God went throughout Egypt killing every firstborn son.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • every firstborn son - This means every firstborn son of families who had not made the blood sacrifice, that is, the Egyptians. To make this clear you may want to add, "Every Egyptian firstborn son" (since all the Israelite families had put the blood on their doorposts).


Saved by the Blood [11-05]


All the houses of the Israelites had blood around the doors, so God passed over those houses. Everybody inside them was safe. They were saved because of the lamb's blood.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • passed over - This means that God passed by those houses and did not stop to kill anyone there. This phrase became the name of the Jewish festival, "Passover."
  • They were saved - God did not kill their firstborn son.
  • because of the lamb's blood - This could be translated as, "because the lamb's blood was on their door." God saw that they had killed their lamb as he had commanded, so he did not kill their son.


Death of the Firstborn [11-06]


But the Egyptians did not believe God or obey his commands. So God did not pass over their houses. God killed every one of the Egyptians' firstborn sons.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • did not believe God or obey his commands – In some languages it may be more natural or clear to say, "did not believe God and so they did not obey his commands."
  • did not pass over - He did not pass by their houses. Rather he stopped at each house and killed their eldest son.


Sorrow in Egypt [11-07]


Every Egyptian firstborn male died, from the firstborn of the prisoner in jail, to the firstborn of Pharaoh. Many people in Egypt were crying and wailing because of their deep sadness.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • from the firstborn of the prisoner in jail, to the firstborn of Pharaoh - This is a way of saying that everyone's firstborn son died–from the son of the least important person to the son of the most important person, and everyone in between.


Go Away! [11-08]


That same night, Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and said, “Take the Israelites and leave Egypt immediately!” The Egyptian people also urged the Israelites to leave immediately.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • called for – This means that Pharaoh told his servants to tell Moses and Aaron to come to him.
  • and said – Pharaoh said the following words to Moses and Aaron after they came to him. In some languages this would be translated as, "and said to them," or, "After they came, Pharaoh said to them."
  • A Bible story from - These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.