Chinese: OBS translationNotes

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Let My People Go! [10-01]


Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh. They said, “This is what the God of Israel says, ‘Let my people go!’” Pharaoh did not listen to them. Instead of letting the Israelites go free, he forced them to work even harder!


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • to Pharaoh – It may be clearer to say, "to Pharaoh's palace to talk to him."
  • God of Israel - This could be translated as, "God, who chose the Israelites to be his people" or, "God, who rules the people of Israel" or, "the God whom the Israelites worship."
  • Let My people go – Another way to say this would be, "Allow My people to go free" or, "Free My people to leave Egypt."
  • my people - See "my people" in [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:09-13|[09-13]]].
  • listen to – This could be translated as "heed" or, "obey."


Pharaoh Refused to Obey [10-02]


Pharaoh kept refusing to let the people go, so God sent ten terrible plagues on Egypt. Through these plagues, God showed Pharaoh that he is more powerful than Pharaoh and all of Egypt's gods.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • the people - This refers to the people of Israel, also called, "the Israelites."
  • ten terrible plagues - A plague is something very bad or terrible that happens to someone or something. A plague usually refers to something that affects many people or happens over a large geographic area. Another word for "plague" would be "disaster."
  • all of Egypt's gods - It may be more clear to say, "all the gods that the Egyptian people worshiped." The people of Egypt worshiped many different false gods. These false gods were either spirit beings that the God of Israel created, or they did not actually exist.


The Water Became Blood [10-03]


God turned the Nile River into blood, but Pharaoh still would not let the Israelites go.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • turned the Nile River into blood - Some languages may need to say, "turned the water in the Nile River into blood." Instead of water in the river there was blood, so the fish died and the people had no water to drink.


The Frogs [10-04]


God sent frogs all over Egypt. Pharaoh begged Moses to take away the frogs. But after all the frogs died, Pharaoh hardened his heart and would not let the Israelites leave Egypt.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • God sent frogs all over Egypt - This could be translated as, "God caused many frogs to appear throughout Egypt."
  • hardened his heart - He became stubborn again and refused to obey God.


The Gnats and the Flies [10-05]


So God sent a plague of gnats. Then he sent a plague of flies. Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron and told them that if they stopped the plague, the Israelites could leave Egypt. When Moses prayed, God removed all the flies from Egypt. But Pharaoh hardened his heart and would not let the people go free.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • God sent a plague – This could be translated as, "God caused there to be a plague" or, "God caused a plague (of gnats) to come over the land of Egypt."
  • gnats - These were tiny, biting insects flying in large swarms, annoying and landing on all the people and animals of Egypt.
  • flies - These were much bigger flying insects that were both annoying and destructive. There were so many of these flies that they covered everything, even filling the Egyptians' houses.
  • hardened his heart - See note in [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:10-04|[10-04]]].


The Animals Died [10-06]


Next, God caused all the farm animals that belonged to the Egyptians to get sick and die. But Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and he would not let the Israelites go.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • farm animals - This refers to large animals that the Egyptians used to help them in their work, such as horses, donkeys, camels, cattle, sheep, and goats.
  • heart was hardened - See note in [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:10-04|[10-04]]].


The Painful Sores [10-07]


Then God told Moses to throw ashes into the air in front of Pharaoh. When he did, painful skin sores appeared on the Egyptians, but not on the Israelites. God hardened Pharaoh's heart, and Pharaoh would not let the Israelites go free.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • God hardened Pharaoh's heart - God caused Pharaoh to continue to be stubborn. See also note in [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:10-04|[10-04]]].


The Hail [10-08]


After that, God sent hail that destroyed most of the crops in Egypt and killed anybody who went outside. Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron and told them, “I have sinned. You may go.” So Moses prayed, and the hail stopped falling from the sky.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • After that - This means, after God caused the painful sores to appear on the Egyptians' skin.
  • God sent hail - God caused hail to fall from the sky.
  • hail - Hail is like chunks of ice that fall down from the clouds as rain does. These chunks can be very small or very large. The larger ones will hurt or kill whatever they fall on.
  • You may go - The word "you" refers to Moses, Aaron, and the Israelites.


Pharaoh's Hard Heart [10-09]


But Pharaoh sinned again and hardened his heart. He would not let the Israelites go free.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • hardened his heart - See note in [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:10-04|[10-04]]].


The Locusts [10-10]


So God caused swarms of locusts to come over Egypt. These locusts ate all the crops that the hail had not destroyed.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • swarms of locusts - Locusts are grasshoppers that fly together in swarms, or large groups, and that can destroy large areas of all kinds of plants and food crops by eating them.
  • hail - Hail is like chunks of ice that fall down from the clouds as rain does.


The Darkness [10-11]


Then God sent darkness that lasted for three days. It was so dark that the Egyptians could not leave their houses. But there was light where the Israelites lived.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • God sent darkness - God caused darkness to cover or spread over most of Egypt. In other words, God took away the light from this part of Egypt.
  • darkness that lasted for three days - This darkness was darker than ordinary nighttime darkness, and it continued to be totally dark for three whole days.


Pharaoh Refused to Listen [10-12]


Even after these nine plagues, Pharaoh still refused to let the Israelites go free. Since Pharaoh would not listen, God planned to send one last plague. This would change Pharaoh’s mind.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • these nine plagues - This means, "these nine disasters that God had caused."
  • Since Pharaoh would not listen - This could be translated as, "Since Pharaoh would not do what God was telling him to do" or, "Since Pharaoh refused to obey God."
  • This would change Pharaoh's mind - Another way to say this would be, "This last plague would cause Pharaoh to change how he thought about God and as a result he would let the Israelites go free."
  • A Bible story from - These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.