Chinese: OBS translationNotes

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Sin Increased [03-01]


After a long time, many people were living in the world. They had become very wicked and violent. It became so bad that God decided to destroy the whole world with a huge flood.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • After a long time - This story happens many generations (hundreds of years) after creation.
  • very wicked and violent - It may be more natural to say, "had become wicked and did violent things".
  • It became so bad – It may be clearer to say, "People were behaving in such harmful and evil ways that God."
  • God decided to destroy - This does not mean that the earth would be destroyed completely. Rather God planned to destroy all the people who had rebelled against him and who had caused such evil and violence. This flood would also kill all the land animals and the birds.
  • huge flood - Very deep water that would cover the earth, even in places where the ground was normally dry, and even covering the tops of the highest mountains.


Noah Found Grace [03-02]


But Noah found favor with God. He was a righteous man, living among wicked people. God told Noah about the flood He was planning to send. He told Noah to build a huge boat.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • found favor - God was pleased with Noah because he feared and obeyed God. So even though Noah was not sinless, God was gracious to him and made a plan to rescue his family from the devastating flood. Make sure this doesn't sound like Noah was lucky or that he just happened to escape. Rather, it was God's choice.
  • the flood - See how you translated this in [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:03-01|[03-01]]].
  • planning to send - God planned to cause deep water to cover the earth by sending a lot of rain. That is, he planned to cause the flood by causing a lot of rain to fall.


The Big Boat [03-03]


God told Noah to make the boat about 140 meters long, 23 meters wide, and 13.5 meters high. Noah was to build it with wood and to make three levels, many rooms, a roof, and a window. The boat would keep Noah, his family, and every kind of land animal safe during the flood.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • the boat - The boat was big enough to carry eight people, two of every kind of animal, and their provisions for almost a year.


Building the Boat [03-04]


Noah obeyed God. He and his three sons built the boat just the way God had told them. It took many years to build the boat, because it was so big. Noah warned the people about the flood that was coming and told them to turn to God, but they did not believe him.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • Noah warned - Noah told everyone that God planned to destroy the world because of sin.
  • turn to God - This means that they should stop sinning and start obeying God.


Loading the Boat [03-05]


God also commanded Noah and his family to gather enough food for themselves and the animals. When everything was ready, God told Noah it was time for him, his wife, his three sons, and their wives to get into the boat—eight people in all.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

(There are no notes for this frame.)


The Animals Came [03-06]


God sent a male and a female of every animal and bird to Noah so they could go into the boat and be kept safe during the flood. God sent seven males and seven females of every type of animal that could be used for sacrifices. When they were all in the boat, God himself closed the door.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • God sent - Noah did not need to find the animals. God sent them to him.
  • used for sacrifices - For some languages it may be better to say something like, "animals that were acceptable to sacrifice to God." God had decided that people should sacrifice animals to him, but he only permitted them to sacrifice certain kinds of animals.
  • God himself closed the door - This emphasizes that it was God who shut the door.


The Rain Began [03-07]


Then it began to rain, and rain, and rain. It rained for forty days and forty nights without stopping! Water also came gushing up out of the earth. Everything in the whole world was covered with water, even the highest mountains.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • rain, and rain, and rain - This emphasizes that there was an unusual, extreme amount of rain. Other languages may have a different way of emphasizing this.
  • gushing - This indicates that there was a large amount of water coming out.
  • whole world was covered - This refers to all the earth being covered with water from the flood.


Safe from the Flood [03-08]


Everything that lived on the dry land died, except the people and animals that were in the boat. The boat floated on the water and kept everything inside the boat safe from drowning.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • (There are no notes for this frame.)


The Rain Stopped [03-09]


After the rains stopped, the boat floated on the water for five months, and during this time the water started going down. Then one day the boat rested on the top of a mountain, but the world was still covered with water. After three more months, the tops of the mountains were visible.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • the rains stopped – This could be translated as, "it stopped raining."
  • boat rested - There was so much water from the rain that it covered the mountains. The ship floated over the mountains, and when the water started to go down, the ship went down with the water and settled on a mountain.
  • three more months - During the next three months, the water continued to go down.
  • mountains were visible - Other ways to translate this would be, "were showing" or, "appeared" or, "could be seen." It may be more clear to say, "After three months, the water had gone down enough so that Noah and his family could clearly see the tops of the mountains.


The Raven [03-10]


After forty more days, Noah sent out a bird called a raven to see if the water had dried up. The raven flew back and forth looking for dry land, but it could not find any.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • raven - A black bird that flies and eats a variety of plant and animal foods, including the rotting flesh of dead animals.


The Dove [03-11]


Later Noah sent out a bird called a dove. But it also could not find any dry land, so it came back to Noah. A week later he sent the dove out again, and it came back with an olive branch in its beak! The water was going down, and the plants were growing again!


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • dove - A small, white or gray flying bird that eats seeds or fruit.
  • olive branch - An olive tree's fruit contains oil which people use for cooking or putting on their skin. If your language does not have a word for "olive branch," you could translate it as, "branch from a tree called 'olive'" or, "branch from an oil-tree."
  • water was going down - It may be more natural in your language to say that, "the water was going away" or, "the level of the water was getting lower."


Dry Land [03-12]


Noah waited another week and sent out the dove a third time. This time, it found a place to rest and did not come back. The water was drying up!


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • waited another week - You could say, "waited seven more days." The word "waited" shows that Noah was allowing time for the floodwaters to go down before sending out the dove again.


Leaving the Boat [03-13]


Two months later God said to Noah, “You and your family and all the animals may leave the boat now. Have many children and grandchildren and fill the earth.” So Noah and his family came out of the boat.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • Two months later - This means two months after Noah released the dove from the ark. It may be necessary to say this explicitly if it is not clear.
  • Have many children – To make sure it is clear that this was God's command and desire, you could say, "You must have many children." or, "I want you to have many children."
  • fill the earth - If this is not clear, it may be necessary to say, "and fill the earth with people" or, "so that there will be many people living on the earth."


Noah's Sacrifice [03-14]


After Noah got off the boat, he built an altar and sacrificed some of each kind of animal that could be used for a sacrifice. God was happy with the sacrifice and blessed Noah and his family.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • animal that could be used for a sacrifice - Another way to say this would be, "that people could use to sacrifice to him."
  • God was happy - God was pleased with Noah for sacrificing these animals.


God's Promise [03-15]


God said, “I promise I will never again curse the ground because of the evil things that people do, or destroy the world by causing a flood, even though people are sinful from the time they are children.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • never again - This means, "not ever again" or, "not again at any time" or, "truly not again". Examples: "I will not ever again curse the ground" or, "I will not curse the ground again at any time" or, "I will truly not curse the ground again".
  • curse the ground - The earth and the other creatures suffered because of man's sin.
  • the world – This refers to the earth and the living creatures that lived on it.
  • people are sinful from the time they are children - Another way to say this would be, "people do sinful things their entire lives."


The Rainbow [03-16]


God then made the first rainbow as a sign of his promise. Every time the rainbow appeared in the sky, God would remember what he promised and so would his people.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • rainbow - This is the multicolored arc of light that often appears in the sky after a rainstorm.
  • a sign - A sign is something (such as an object or event) that gives a certain meaning or which points to something that is true or will happen.
  • as a sign of his promise – In some languages it may be better to say, "to show that he had promised."
  • Every time – Make sure it is clear that this means every time a rainbow appeared from that time on. It may be necessary to add, "From then on, every time."
  • what he promised - This refers back to the previous frame in which God promised to never again destroy the earth with a flood.
  • A Bible story from - These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.