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Israel Left Egypt [12-01]


The Israelites were very happy to leave Egypt. They were no longer slaves, and they were going to the Promised Land! The Egyptians gave the Israelites whatever they asked for, even gold and silver and other valuable things. Some people from other nations believed in God and went along with the Israelites as they left Egypt.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • They were no longer slaves - This could be translated as, "They were not slaves anymore."
  • going – Some languages may use a more specific word like "traveling" since they would be going a long distance to the Promised Land.
  • Promised Land - This is the land that God had promised that he would give to Abraham's descendants.


God Went before Israel [12-02]


God led them with a tall pillar of cloud that went ahead of them during the day, and which became a tall pillar of fire at night. God was always with them and guided them as they traveled. All they had to do was follow him.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • tall pillar of cloud - This could be translated as, "a tall cloud" or, "a cloud shaped like a pillar."
  • tall pillar of fire - This was a column of fire that hung or floated in the air in front of the Israelites.
  • guided them - God showed them the way by making the pillar move along in front of them so they could follow it.


Pharaoh Changed His Mind [12-03]


After a short time, Pharaoh and his people changed their minds and wanted the Israelites to be their slaves again. God caused Pharaoh to be stubborn so that people would see he is the One True God, and understand that he, Yahweh, is more powerful than Pharaoh and his gods.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • After a short time – Probably at least two days had gone by. For that to be clear, it may be translated as, "After a few days" or, "A few days after the Israelites left Egypt."
  • changed their minds - This phrase means, "began to think differently than they had before." Some languages may not have this same expression, and will express the meaning in a direct way.


Pharaoh Chased Israel [12-04]


So Pharaoh and his army chased after the Israelites to make them their slaves again. When the Israelites saw the Egyptian army coming, they realized they were trapped between Pharaoh's army and the Red Sea. They were very afraid and cried out, “Why did we leave Egypt? We are going to die!”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • they were trapped between…Red Sea - Another way to say this would be, "there was nowhere they could go to escape since the Egyptians were behind them and the Red Sea was in front of them."
  • Why did we leave Egypt? – This means, "We should not have left Egypt!" They were not really asking for reasons. Because they were afraid, in this moment they were wishing they had not left Egypt (even though it had been very difficult for them there).


God Will Fight for You [12-05]


Moses told the Israelites, “Stop being afraid! God will fight for you today and save you.” Then God told Moses, “Tell the people to move toward the Red Sea.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • God will fight for you today and save you - Another way to say this would be, "Today God will defeat the Egyptians for you and keep them from harming you."
  • move – Some languages will be more specific and say, "walk."


Darkness over the Egyptians [12-06]


Then God moved the pillar of cloud and placed it between the Israelites and the Egyptians so the Egyptians could not see the Israelites.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • pillar of cloud – See how you translated this phrase in [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:12-02|[12-02]]]
  • could not see - The cloud pillar was so large and thick that the Egyptians could no longer see any of the Israelites.


Moses Divided the Sea [12-07]


God told Moses to raise his hand over the sea and divide the waters. Then God caused wind to push the water in the sea to the left and the right, so that a path formed through the sea.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • raise his hand over the sea - This could be translated as, "held out his hand over the sea". This was a gesture to show that God was doing this miracle through Moses.


Israel Crossed the Sea [12-08]


The Israelites marched through the sea on dry ground with a wall of water on either side of them.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • marched - This can be translated as, "walked" or, "went."
  • with a wall of water on either side of them - This could be translated as, "and the water on both sides of them stood up tall and straight like a wall."


Egypt Pursued Israel [12-09]


Then God moved the cloud up and out of the way so that the Egyptians could see the Israelites escaping. The Egyptians decided to chase after them.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • (There are no notes for this frame.)


God Fought for Israel [12-10]


So they followed the Israelites onto the path through the sea, but God caused the Egyptians to panic and caused their chariots to get stuck. They shouted, “Run away! God is fighting for the Israelites!”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • path through the sea - This was the dry strip of land across the bottom of the sea, with a wall of water on each side.
  • to panic – This could be translated as, "to get fearful and confused."
  • get stuck - The chariots could no longer move.


The Egyptians Drowned [12-11]


After the Israelites all made it safely to the other side of the sea, God told Moses to stretch out his arm again. When he obeyed, the water fell on the Egyptian army and returned to its normal place. The whole Egyptian army drowned.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • made it safely to the other side – This could be translated as, "walked safely to the other side" or, "arrived safely on the other side" or, "walked to the other side and were safe from the Egyptians and the sea."
  • stretch out his arm again - This could be translated as, "lift his arm over the sea again" or, as a direct command, as in, "God told Moses, 'Stretch out your arm again.'"
  • returned to its normal place - This could be translated as, "covered the place again where the path had been," or "filled the whole sea again" or, "went back to where it was before God separated it."
  • The whole Egyptian army - This could be translated as, "everyone in Egypt's army."


Israel Believed God [12-12]


When the Israelites saw that the Egyptians were dead, they trusted in God and believed that Moses was a prophet of God.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • trusted in God - In other words, the people now trusted that God was powerful and could protect them.


Israel Rejoiced [12-13]


The Israelites also rejoiced with much excitement because God had saved them from death and slavery! Now they were free to serve God. The Israelites sang many songs to celebrate their new freedom and to praise God because he saved them from the Egyptian army.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • rejoiced with much excitement - This could be translated as, "were very happy and they showed it enthusiastically" or, "showed it with their whole hearts" or, "with all their strength."
  • from death and slavery - This could be translated as, "from being killed or made slaves by the Egyptians."
  • free to serve - God freed, or rescued, the Israelites from being slaves in Egypt so that they could serve him.
  • praise God - In some languages this could be translated as, "lift up God's name" or, "say that God is great."


An Annual Feast [12-14]


God commanded the Israelites to celebrate the Passover every year in order to remember how God gave them victory over the Egyptians and rescued them from being slaves. They celebrated by killing a perfect lamb, eating it with unleavened bread, and telling about how God had saved them.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • the Passover - This could be translated as, "the Passover activities" or, "the Passover celebration" or, "the Passover meal."
  • remember how God gave them victory over – This could be translated as, "regularly remind themselves of how God defeated." The word "remember" here doesn't just mean to not forget; it also means to formally commemorate something.
  • perfect lamb - The word "perfect" here refers to a lamb with no disease or anything else wrong with it. Another way to say this might be, "a completely healthy and well-formed lamb."
  • unleavened bread - This is another way to say, "bread that was made without yeast."
  • A Bible story from - These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.