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The Two Spies [15-01]


At last it was time for the Israelites to enter Canaan, the Promised Land. Joshua sent two spies to the Canaanite city of Jericho that was protected by strong walls. In that city there lived a prostitute named Rahab who hid the spies and later helped them to escape. She did this because she believed God. They promised to protect Rahab and her family when the Israelites would destroy Jericho.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • At last it was time for - "At last" means "finally" or, "after a long wait." To make it clear what "time" refers to, you could say, "after they had wandered in the desert for 40 years, God finally permitted."
  • two spies to the Canaanite city of Jericho - This could be translated as, "two men to Jericho, a city in Canaan, to find out information about it." Also see the notes for, "spy out the land" in [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:14-04|[14-04]]].
  • protected by strong walls - This could be translated as, "completely surrounded by thick, strong walls made of stone to protect it from their enemies."
  • escape – It is also possible to add, "escape from people in Jericho who wanted to harm them."
  • her family - Rahab asked for protection for her father, mother, brothers, and sisters. Use your word for family that includes these people.


Crossing the Jordan River [15-02]


The Israelites had to cross the Jordan River to enter into the Promised Land. God told Joshua, “Have the priests go first.” When the priests started to step into the Jordan River, the water upstream stopped flowing so the Israelites could cross over to the other side of the river on dry ground.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • Have the priests go first – For some languages it may be helpful to add, "Have the priests go before the rest of the people to cross the river."
  • the water upstream stopped flowing — In some languages it may be helpful to add, "and the water in front of them flowed away downstream."


Marching around Jericho [15-03]


After the people crossed the Jordan River, God told Joshua how to attack the powerful city of Jericho. The people obeyed God. Just as God told them to do, the soldiers and priests marched around the city of Jericho once a day for six days.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • After the people crossed the Jordan River – In some languages it is better to say, "The people crossed the Jordan River and then…"
  • how to attack – This could be translated as, "exactly what he should do to attack."
  • once a day for six days - That is, they went around the city one time every day for a total of six days.


Shouting to God [15-04]


Then on the seventh day, the Israelites marched around the city seven more times. While they marched around the city for the last time, the soldiers shouted while the priests blew their trumpets.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • While they marched around the city for the last time - This can be translated as, "During their final circuit around the city."
  • blew their trumpets - This could be translated as, "They sounded their trumpets" or, "They played their trumpets." These trumpets were made out of ram's horns.


The Walls Fell Down [15-05]


Then the walls around Jericho fell down! The Israelites destroyed everything in the city as God had commanded. They only spared Rahab and her family, who became part of the Israelites. When the other people living in Canaan heard that the Israelites had destroyed Jericho, they were terrified that the Israelites would attack them also.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • became part of - This can be translated as, "who then joined the Israelite community" or, "who then became members of the nation of Israel."


The Gibeonites' Lie [15-06]


God had commanded the Israelites not to make a peace treaty with any of the people groups in Canaan. But one of the Canaanite people groups, called the Gibeonites, lied to Joshua and said they were from a place far from Canaan. They asked Joshua to make a peace treaty with them. Joshua and the Israelites did not ask God where the Gibeonites were from. So Joshua made a peace treaty with them.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • peace treaty – This is an agreement between two groups of people that they will not harm each other but will live in peace and help each other. This could be translated as, "peace agreement."
  • But one of the Canaanite people groups called the Gibeonites – Some languages may introduce this as, "But one day a Canaanite people group by the name of the Gibeonites …"
  • lied to Joshua and said - This could be translated as, "They lied to Joshua by saying" or, "They falsely said to Joshua" or, "They falsely told Joshua."
  • where the Gibeonites were from - That is, "where the Gibeonites lived" or, "where the Gibeonites' home was." "Gibeonites" means, "people of Gibeon."


The Gibeonites in Danger [15-07]


The Israelites were angry when they found out that the Gibeonites had deceived them, but they kept the peace treaty they had made with them because it was a promise before God. Sometime later, the kings of another people group in Canaan, the Amorites, heard that the Gibeonites had made a peace treaty with the Israelites, so they combined their armies into one large army and attacked Gibeon. The Gibeonites sent a message to Joshua asking for help.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • sent a message to Joshua asking for help - This could be translated as, "sent some of their people to tell Joshua that they needed the Israelites to help defend them against their enemies."


Israel Helped the Gibeonites [15-08]


So Joshua gathered the Israelite army and they marched all night to reach the Gibeonites. In the early morning they surprised the Amorite armies and attacked them.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • to reach the Gibeonites - That is, "to get to the Gibeonites" or, "to arrive at where the Gibeonites lived." The Gibeonites lived in Canaan, but Canaan is big enough that it took all night for the Israelite army to travel from their camp to where the Gibeonites were.
  • they surprised the Amorite armies - The Amorites did not know that the Israelites were coming to attack them.


God Fought the Amorites [15-09]


God fought for Israel that day. He caused the Amorites to be confused and he sent large hailstones that killed many of the Amorites.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • God fought for Israel - God fought on the side of Israel against Israel's enemies.
  • caused the Amorites to be confused - This could be translated as, "made the Amorites panic" or, "caused the Amorites to be unable to fight together well."
  • large hailstones - This could be translated as, "very large balls of ice to come down from the sky."


The Sun Stood Still [15-10]


God also caused the sun to stay in one place in the sky so that Israel would have enough time to completely defeat the Amorites. On that day, God won a great victory for Israel.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • (There are no notes for this frame.)


Israel Defeated the Canaanites [15-11]


After God defeated those armies, many of the other Canaanite people groups gathered together to attack Israel. Joshua and the Israelites attacked and destroyed them.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • attacked and destroyed them - This could be translated as, "fought against them and defeated them."


Dividing the Promised Land [15-12]


After this battle, God gave each tribe of Israel its own section of the Promised Land. Then God gave Israel peace along all its borders.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • God gave…Land – this could be translated as, "God appointed each tribe its own plot of land" or, "God decided which part of the Promised Land each tribe of Israel would live on."
  • gave Israel peace along all its borders – This could be translated as, "God allowed the Israelites to experience peace with the other people groups that surrounded them" or. "the other countries around Israel."


Joshua Renewed the Covenant [15-13]


When Joshua was an old man, he called all the people of Israel together. Then Joshua reminded the people of their obligation to obey the covenant that God had made with the Israelites at Sinai. The people promised to remain faithful to God and follow his laws.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • When Joshua was an old man – It may be clearer to say, "Many years later, when Joshua was an old man." Joshua was over 100 years old at this time.
  • remain faithful to God - In other words, they would be loyal to God. They would worship and serve only God; they would not worship or serve any other gods.
  • follow his laws - This means that the people would obey the laws that God had given them already as part of the covenant.
  • A Bible story from - These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.