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Jesus Carried His Cross [40-01]


After the soldiers mocked Jesus, they led him away to crucify him. They made him carry the cross on which he would die.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • led him away - That is, "forced him to go with them." This could also be translated as, "took him away."
  • to crucify him - That is, "to kill him on a cross."


Jesus Was Nailed to the Cross [40-02]


The soldiers brought Jesus to a place called “the Skull” and nailed his hands and feet to the cross. But Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing.” Pilate commanded that they write, “King of the Jews” on a sign and put it on the cross above Jesus’ head.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • the Skull - A hill near Jerusalem with a white, rocky top that was shaped somewhat like the top of a skull.
  • forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing - That is, "they do not understand the meaning of what they are doing, so please forgive them." The soldiers thought Jesus was only a criminal who deserved to die. They did not understand that he was the Son of God.


Gambling for His Clothes [40-03]


The soldiers gambled for Jesus' clothing. When they did this, they fulfilled a prophecy that said, “They divided my garments among them, and gambled for my clothing.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • gambled for Jesus' clothing - That is, "played a game of chance to win Jesus' clothes." We do not know how they did this, but in some cultures it could be translated as, "tossed stones on the ground to win Jesus' clothing" or, "chose sticks to decide who could take Jesus' clothes."
  • they fulfilled a prophecy that said - That is, "they did what the scriptures had long ago predicted would happen to the Messiah" or, "they did what a prophet wrote long ago."


The Two Robbers [40-04]


Jesus was crucified between two robbers. One of them mocked Jesus, but the other said, “Do you have no fear of God? We are guilty, but this man is innocent.” Then he said to Jesus, “Please remember me in your kingdom.” Jesus answered him, “Today, you will be with me in Paradise.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • two robbers - This could also be translated as, "two bandits." This refers to criminals who used force or violence to steal things.
  • Do you have no fear of God? - The robber does not expect an answer to this question; it is a way that some languages use to make a strong statement. If your language does not use questions in this way, then translate this as, "You should fear God!"
  • We are guilty but this man is innocent - This could be translated as, "You and I have done evil things and deserve to die, but this man, Jesus, has done nothing wrong and does not deserve to die." "We" here includes both robbers, but does not include Jesus.
  • this man - This phrase refers to Jesus.
  • Please remember me - That is, "Please accept me" or, "Please welcome me" or, "Please allow me to be with you." "Remember" here does not mean to recall something after forgetting it. Translate this in a way that communicates a humble request.
  • in your kingdom - That is, "when you establish your kingdom" or, "when you are ruling as king."
  • Paradise - This is another name for "heaven."


Come Down from the Cross [40-05]


The Jewish leaders and the other people in the crowd mocked Jesus. They said to him, “If you are the Son of God, come down from the cross and save yourself! Then we will believe you.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • believe you - That is, "believe in you" or, "believe that you are the Messiah."


The Darkness [40-06]


Then the sky over the whole region became completely dark, even though it was the middle of the day. It stayed dark from noon until 3:00 in the afternoon.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • (There are no notes in this frame.)


Jesus Died [40-07]


Then Jesus cried out, “It is finished! Father, I give my spirit into your hand__s.” Then he __bowed his head and gave up his spirit. When he died, there was an earthquake and the large curtain that separated the people from the presence of God in the Temple was torn in two, from the top to the bottom.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • It is finished! - This could also be translated as, "It is completed" or, "I have finished it" or, "I have completed the work." This means that Jesus' work of salvation was complete.
  • into your hands - That is, "into your care."
  • bowed his head - That is, "lowered his head."
  • gave up his spirit - That is, "gave up his spirit to God" or, "released his spirit to God and died."
  • large curtain - This was a large, strong fabric hung in the temple. It was like a wall separating one room from another. It can also be translated as "thick curtain" or, "hanging fabric" or, "screen."


The Soldier's Testimony [40-08]


Through his death, Jesus opened a way for people to come to God. When the soldier guarding Jesus saw everything that had happened, he said, “Certainly, this man was innocent. He was the Son of God.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • Through his death - That is, "By means of his death" or, "By dying."
  • opened a way - That is, "made it possible."
  • come to God - That is, "come near to God" or, "go near to God" or, "approach God" or, "know God personally." The tearing of the curtain showed that the barrier between God and people had been removed.


The Burial of Jesus [40-09]


Then Joseph and Nicodemus, two Jewish leaders who believed Jesus was the Messiah, asked Pilate for Jesus’ body. They wrapped his body in cloth and placed it in a tomb cut out of rock. Then they rolled a large stone in front of the tomb to block the opening.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • Joseph - This was not Mary's husband. It was another man named Joseph.
  • asked Pilate for Jesus' body - That is, "asked Pilate to permit them to take Jesus' body down from the cross."
  • A Bible story from - These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.