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Israel Sinned [20-01]


The kingdom of Israel and the kingdom of Judah both sinned against God. They broke the covenant that God had made with them at Sinai. God sent his prophets to warn them to repent and worship him again, but they refused to obey.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • broke the covenant - That is, "disobeyed the commands God had given them in his covenant with them at Mount Sinai."
  • warn them to repent and worship him again – Another way to translate this would be, "tell them to stop sinning and to worship Yahweh instead of other gods, or terrible things would happen to them."


Assyria Destroyed Israel [20-02]


So God punished both kingdoms by allowing their enemies to destroy them. The Assyrian Empire, a powerful, cruel nation, destroyed the kingdom of Israel. The Assyrians killed many people in the kingdom of Israel, took away everything of value, and burned much of the country.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • both kingdoms - This refers to both the kingdoms of Israel and Judah.
  • Empire - A country was called an "empire" when it was powerful enough to extend its authority over many other countries.
  • took away - That is, "stole." They stole these valuable things and carried them back to Assyria.


Israel Was Removed from the Land [20-03]


The Assyrians gathered all the leaders, the rich people, and the people with skills and took them to Assyria. Only the very poor Israelites who had not been killed remained in the kingdom of Israel.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • skills – This refers to practical skills such as woodworking, metalworking, and building.
  • remained - That is, "stayed" or, "were left behind" or, "were allowed to stay behind."


Foreigners Were Brought to Israel [20-04]


Then the Assyrians brought foreigners to live in the land where the kingdom of Israel had been. The foreigners rebuilt the destroyed cities and married the Israelites who were left there. The descendants of the Israelites who married foreigners were called Samaritans.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • foreigners - This refers to people who were not Israelites.


Judah also Worshiped Idols [20-05]


The people in the kingdom of Judah saw how God had punished the people of the kingdom of Israel for not believing and obeying him. But they still worshiped idols, including the gods of the Canaanites. God sent prophets to warn them, but they refused to listen.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • for not believing and obeying him – Another way to translate this would be, "because they did not believe or obey him."
  • warn them – That is, "tell them to stop sinning or terrible things would happen to them."
  • they refused to listen - That is, "they refused to obey" or "they refused to stop their evil behavior."


Judah Served Babylon [20-06]


About 100 years after the Assyrians destroyed the kingdom of Israel, God sent Nebuchadnezzar, king of the Babylonians, to attack the kingdom of Judah. Babylon was a powerful empire. The king of Judah agreed to be Nebuchadnezzar’s servant and pay him a lot of money every year.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • empire - See how you translated this in [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:20-02|[20-02]]].
  • agreed to be – The king of Judah was forced to either serve the Babylonian king or be destroyed.
  • to be Nebuchadnezzar's servant - This could be translated as, "to govern Judah under Nebuchadnezzar's command."


Babylon Destroyed Judah [20-07]


But after a few years, the king of Judah rebelled against Babylon. So, the Babylonians came back and attacked the kingdom of Judah. They captured the city of Jerusalem, destroyed the Temple, and took away all the treasures of the city and the Temple.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • came back - This may also be translated as, "returned" or "came to Judah again."
  • captured the city - That is, "took control of the city and the people there."
  • took away - They carried the treasures with them back to Babylon.


The Kind of Judah Was Punished [20-08]


To punish the king of Judah for rebelling, Nebuchadnezzar's soldiers killed the king’s sons in front of him and then made him blind. After that, they took the king away to die in prison in Babylon.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • To punish - Nebuchadnezzar punished the king of Judah by telling his soldiers to do these things.
  • in front of him - This may be translated as, "where he could see," or "so that he could see it," or "before his eyes."
  • made him blind - This may also be translated as, "destroyed his eyes."


Judah Was Taken to Babylon [20-09]


Nebuchadnezzar and his army took almost all of the people of the kingdom of Judah to Babylon, leaving only the poorest people behind to plant the fields. This period of time when God's people were forced to leave the Promised Land is called the Exile.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • leaving…behind - That is, "leaving only the poorest people in Judah" or, "letting only the poorest people stay in Judah."
  • This period of time - To translate this, choose a phrase that can refer to a long time, since this exile period lasted seventy years.
  • Exile - The word "exile" means someone is removed from they country by force. The "Exile" is the term for this 70-year period when the Israelites were forced to live in Babylon.


God Remembered His Promise [20-10]


Even though God punished his people for their sin by taking them away into exile, he did not forget them or his promises. God continued to watch over his people and speak to them through his prophets. He promised that, after seventy years, they would return to the Promised Land again.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • exile - See how you translated this term in [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:20-09|[20-09]]].
  • did not forget - This could be translated as, "did not ignore" or, "did not neglect." Or the whole phrase could be translated as, "continued to honor his commitment to his people and his promises."
  • watch over - That is, "take care of."
  • speak to them through his prophets - This could be translated as, "tell his prophets messages that he wanted them to tell his people."


Persia Defeated Babylon [20-11]


About seventy years later, Cyrus, the king of the Persians, defeated Babylon, so the Persian Empire replaced the Babylonian Empire. The Israelites were now called Jews and most of them had lived their whole lives in Babylon. Only a few very old Jews even remembered the land of Judah.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • seventy years later - This refers to the seventy years that had passed since the Babylonian army took the people of Jerusalem into exile.
  • Cyrus - Cyrus was also called, "Cyrus the Great." The name "Cyrus" meant "like the sun" in the Persian language. However, since Cyrus was an important historical person, it might be best to transliterate his name, rather than translating the meaning.
  • Persians - The Persian Empire grew to cover the area from central Asia to Egypt. Its home was located in the general area of modern-day Iran.
  • The Israelites were now called Jews - This could also be translated as, "People now called the Israelites by the name 'Jews.'"
  • the land of Judah - That is, the area where the kingdom of Judah was located before the Exile. Jerusalem was the capital city of Judah.


Cyrus Sent Judah Home [20-12]


The Persian Empire was strong but merciful to the people it conquered. Shortly after Cyrus became king of the Persians, he gave an order that any Jew who wanted to return to Judah could leave Persia and go back to Judah. He even gave them money to rebuild the Temple! So, after seventy years in exile, a small group of Jews returned to the city of Jerusalem in Judah.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • Persian Empire - See how you translated this term in [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:20-11|[20-11]]].
  • Cyrus - See how you translated his name in [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:20-11|[20-11]]].
  • Judah - See the note about Judah in [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:20-11|[20-11]]].
  • to return to Judah - Since most of these Jews were the children and grandchildren of those who left Judah, they had never lived in Judah before. In some languages it might be better to say "to go to Judah."
  • exile - See how you translated this term in [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:20-09|[20-09]]].
  • returned – That is, "went back." Some languages may prefer to say, "went" since most of these people had never been to Jerusalem.


The Temple Was Rebuilt [20-13]


When the people arrived in Jerusalem, they rebuilt the Temple and the wall around the city. Although they were still ruled by other people, once again they lived in the Promised Land and worshiped at the Temple.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • the people - That is, the Israelites, the descendants of Jacob, who were now called the Jews.
  • the wall - This wall was very thick (2.5 meters) and was built to protect the city from attackers.
  • ruled by other people - That is, another nation controlled them. The Jews were ruled by the Persians at this time, and later by other nations.
  • once again - In some languages this might need to be translated as, "now" or, "as their ancestors had done" or, "just as before the Exile."
  • worshiped at the Temple - They worshiped Yahweh, the One True God, at the Temple they rebuilt.
  • A Bible story from - These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.