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Paul and Silas in Philippi [47-01]


As Saul traveled throughout the Roman Empire, he began to use his Roman name, “Paul.” One day, Paul and his friend Silas went to the town of Philippi to proclaim the good news about Jesus. They went to a place by the river outside the city where people gathered to pray. There they met a woman named Lydia who was a merchant. She loved and worshiped God.

Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • proclaim - That is, "teach" or, "preach."
  • merchant - This could also be translated as, "seller" or, "business owner."


Lydia Was Baptized [47-02]


God opened Lydia's heart to believe the message about Jesus, and she and her family were baptized. She invited Paul and Silas to stay at her house, so they stayed with her and her family.

Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • opened Lydia's heart - That is, "enabled Lydia."
  • she and her family were baptized - This can also be translated as, "they baptized Lydia and her family."
  • so they stayed with her and her family - This was the normal custom of the day for people to provide hospitality to visitors in their homes. There were no immoral motives in this arrangement.


The Slave Girl [47-03]


Paul and Silas often met with people at the place of prayer. Every day as they walked there, a slave girl possessed by a demon followed them. By means of this demon she predicted the future for people, so she made a lot of money for her masters as a fortuneteller.

Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • her masters - In this case, this could also be translated as, "her owners."
  • as a fortuneteller - That is, "as someone who told people what would happen to them in the future."


The Testimony of the Demon [47-04]


The slave girl kept yelling as they walked, “These men are servants of the Most High God. They are telling you the way to be saved!” She did this so often that Paul became annoyed.

Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • the way to be saved - That is, "how you can be saved" or, "how God saves people" or, "God's plan for saving people."


Paul Healed the Slave Girl [47-05]


Finally one day when the slave girl started yelling, Paul turned to her and said to the demon that was in her, “In the name of Jesus, come out of her.” Right away the demon left her.

Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • one day - This phrase introduces an event that happened in the past, but does not state the specific time. Many languages have a similar way to begin telling a true story.
  • turned to her - That is, "turned around and looked at her."
  • In the name of Jesus - That is, "by the authority of Jesus." Because of Jesus' authority, Paul could command the demon to leave.
  • come out of her - That is, "leave her" or, "go away from her."


The People Were Angry [47-06]


The men who owned the slave girl became very angry! They realized that without the demon, the slave girl could not tell people the future. This meant that people would no longer pay her owners money so that she would tell them what would happen to them.

Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • without the demon - That is, "without the power from the demon" or, "now that she did not have the demon."
  • the future - That is, "what would happen to them in the future."
  • This meant that - This could also be translated as, "Because of this" or, "Therefore."


Paul and Silas Were Arrested [47-07]


So the owners of the slave girl took Paul and Silas to the Roman authorities, who beat them and threw them into jail.

Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • threw them - That is, "put them."


Paul and Silas in Prison [47-08]


They put Paul and Silas in the most secure part of the prison and even locked up their feet. Yet in the middle of the night, they were singing songs of praise to God.

Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • in the middle of the night - This could be translated as, "very late at night" or, "very early in the morning." This was when it was completely dark outside, when people would normally be asleep.
  • singing songs of praise to God - This can also be translating as, "praising God by singing" or, "singing songs to praise God" or, "singing songs that gave praise to God."


The Earthquake [47-09]


Suddenly, there was a violent earthquake! All the prison doors flew open, and the chains of all the prisoners fell off.

Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • flew open - That is, "became unlocked and suddenly opened wide."
  • fell off - That is, "suddenly came off" or, "suddenly came apart so that the prisoners were released."


The Jailer [47-10]


The jailer woke up, and when he saw that the prison doors were open, he was terrified! He thought all the prisoners had escaped, so he planned to kill himself. (He knew the Roman authorities would kill him if he allowed the prisoners to escape.) But Paul saw him and yelled, “Stop! Do not hurt yourself. We are all here.”

Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • The jailer - That is, "the official in charge of the jail."
  • We - Some languages have a special form of the word "we" which does not include the person being talked to. Here the "we" does not include the jailer, only Paul and the rest of the prisoners.


What Must I Do? [47-11]


The jailer trembled as he came to Paul and Silas and asked, “What must I do to be saved?” Paul answered, “Believe in Jesus, the Master, and you and your family will be saved.” Then the jailer took Paul and Silas into his home and washed their wounds. Paul preached the good news about Jesus to everyone in his house.

Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • to be saved - This could also be translated as, "in order to be saved from my sins" or "so that God will save me from my sins." The question refers to salvation from being punished by the God who caused the earthquake.
  • Believe in Jesus, the Master - This is addressed to both the jailer and his family, who all then believed and were baptized. Some languages may use a form to indicate that Paul is speaking to the group.
  • you and your family will be saved - This can also be translated as, "God will save you and your family from eternal punishment for your sins." Make sure it is clear that the salvation referred to here is spiritual, not physical.


The Jailer Was Baptized [47-12]


The jailer and his whole family believed in Jesus and were baptized. Then the jailer gave Paul and Silas a meal and they rejoiced together.

Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • (There are no notes for this frame.)


The Good News Spreads [47-13]


The next day the leaders of the city released Paul and Silas from prison and asked them to leave Philippi. Paul and Silas visited Lydia and some other friends and then left the city. The good news about Jesus kept spreading, and the Church kept growing.

Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • the leaders of the city - This refers to, "the officials of the city" or, "the authorities of the city."
  • The good news about Jesus kept spreading - That is, "People in more and more places were hearing the good news about Jesus."
  • the Church kept growing - That is, "more and more people were becoming part of the Church" or, "more and more people were believing in Jesus."


Letters to the Churches [47-14]


Paul and other Christian leaders traveled to many cities, preaching and teaching people the good news about Jesus. They also wrote many letters to encourage and teach the believers in the churches. Some of these letters became books of the Bible.

Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • A Bible story from - These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.