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The Boys Grew Up [07-01]


As the boys grew up, Jacob loved to stay at home, but Esau loved to hunt. Rebekah loved Jacob, but Isaac loved Esau.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • loved to stay at home … loved to hunt - Some languages will use a word for "love" here that is different from the one used for, "Rebekah loved Jacob." For example, this could be translated as, "liked to stay at home … liked to hunt" or, "preferred to stay at home … preferred to hunt."
  • at home - This expression refers to the area around the family dwellings. Jacob preferred to stay close to the tents where they lived. Some languages have a special expression for, "at home."
  • Rebekah loved Jacob, but Isaac loved Esau - This could be translated as, "Rebekah was more fond of Jacob, and Isaac was more fond of Esau." This does not necessarily mean that Rebekah and Isaac did not love the other son, but that each parent had a favorite.


Esau Sold His Rights [07-02]


One day, when Esau came back from hunting, he was very hungry. Esau said to Jacob, “Please give me some of the food you have made.” Jacob responded, “First, give me your rights as the oldest son.” So Esau gave Jacob his rights as the oldest son. Then Jacob gave him some food.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • give me some of the food … give me your rights – Some languages may prefer to use two different words for "give" here. This would also apply to, "Esau gave … Jacob gave" in the last two sentences.
  • rights as the oldest son - According to their custom, since Esau was the oldest son, he should have been the one to receive twice as much of their father's wealth when their father died. Jacob thought of a way to take these rights of the oldest son from Esau.


Rebekah and Jacob Tricked Isaac [07-03]


Isaac wanted to give his blessing to Esau. But before he did, Rebekah and Jacob tricked him by having Jacob pretend to be Esau. Isaac was old and could no longer see. So Jacob put on Esau’s clothes and put goatskins on his neck and hands.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • give his blessing - It was customary for fathers to formally express their desire for good things to happen to their children. Normally the older son received the best promise. Isaac wanted this extra prosperity to happen to Esau.
  • tricked him - The word "trick" means to do something to deliberately deceive someone. Rebekah came up with a plan to deceive Isaac into giving Jacob the special blessing instead of Esau.
  • pretend - The word "pretend" shows how Jacob would deceive his father (who had very poor eyesight in his old age).
  • goatskins - The hairiness of the goatskins would make Jacob feel like Esau.


Isaac Blessed Jacob [07-04]


Jacob came to Isaac and said, “I am Esau. I have come so that you can bless me.” When Isaac felt the goat hair and smelled the clothes, he thought it was Esau and blessed him.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • Jacob came to Isaac - In some languages it might be more natural to say, "Jacob went to Isaac."
  • he thought it was Esau - He thought that the person he was touching and smelling was Esau.


Esau Hated Jacob [07-05]


Esau hated Jacob because Jacob had stolen his rights as oldest son and also his blessing. So he planned to kill Jacob after their father died.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • rights as oldest son - Jacob found a way to get the larger portion of their father's wealth that should have gone to Esau as the older son. See also note on [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:07-02|[07-02]]].
  • his blessing - Jacob also tricked their father into giving him the promise of extra prosperity that Isaac intended to give to Esau. See also note on [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:07-03|[07-03]]].


Isaac Sent Jacob Away [07-06]


But Rebekah heard of Esau’s plan. So she and Isaac sent Jacob far away to live with her relatives.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • Esau's plan - Esau's plan was to kill Jacob after his father died.
  • she and Isaac sent Jacob – Rebekah wanted to protect Jacob from Esau so she talked to Isaac about sending Jacob away.
  • far away to live with her relatives - This was the same place where Rebekah was living when Abraham's servant got her to be Isaac's wife. To make this clear, you could add, "relatives in the same land where she used to live." The land was to the east, several hundred miles away.
  • her relatives - This could also be translated as, "their relatives." Since Abraham's brother was Rebekah's grandfather, her relatives were also Isaac's relatives.


Jacob Prospered [07-07]


Jacob lived with Rebekah's relatives for many years. During that time he married and had twelve sons and a daughter. God made him very wealthy.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • wealthy – This included money, large herds of animals and other possessions.


Jacob Returned Home [07-08]


After twenty years away from his home in Canaan, Jacob returned there with his family, his servants, and all his herds of animals.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • after twenty years - Jacob had lived for twenty years in the land where his mother was from. If that is not clear you could say, "After twenty years living in the land where his relatives were."


Jacob Met Esau [07-09]


Jacob was very afraid because he thought Esau still wanted to kill him. So he sent many herds of animals to Esau as a gift. The servants who brought the animals said to Esau, “Your servant, Jacob, is giving you these animals. He is coming soon.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • your servant, Jacob - Jacob was not actually Esau's servant. But Jacob told his servants to say this because he wanted to show Esau that he was coming to him humbly and respectfully, so that Esau would no longer be angry with him.


The Brothers Were Reunited [07-10]


But Esau had already forgiven Jacob, and they were happy to see each other again. Jacob then lived peacefully in Canaan. Then Isaac died, and Jacob and Esau buried him. The covenant promises God had promised to Abraham now passed on from Isaac to Jacob.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • lived peacefully - This refers to the fact that Esau and Jacob were not angry at each other and did not fight with each other.
  • buried him - This could mean that they dug a hole in the ground, placed Isaac's body in it, and covered the hole with dirt or stones. Or it could mean that they placed Isaac's body in a cave and covered the opening.
  • covenant promises - These were the promises that God made in his covenant with Abraham.
  • passed on from Isaac to Jacob - The promises went from Abraham to his son Isaac, and now to Isaac's son Jacob. Esau did not receive the promises. See also [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:06-04|[06-04]]].
  • A Bible story from - These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.