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The Crippled Man [44-01]


One day, Peter and John were going to the Temple. As they approached the Temple gate, they saw a crippled man who was begging for money.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • One day - This phrase introduces an event that happened in the past, but does not state the specific time. Many languages have a similar way to begin telling a true story.
  • a crippled man - This could also be translated as, "a lame man." This refers to a man who did not have full use of his legs, and could not stand or walk.


Get Up and Walk [44-02]


Peter looked at the lame man and said, “I do not have any money to give you. But I will give you what I do have. In the name of Jesus, get up and walk!”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • In the name of Jesus - "Name" here stands for the authority and power of the person. Therefore, this expression here means, "by the authority of Jesus."
  • get up - That is, "stand up."


The Crippled Man Was Healed [44-03]


Immediately, God healed the lame man, and he began to walk and jump around, and to praise God. The people in the courtyard of the Temple were amazed.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • courtyard of the Temple - Only priests could enter the Temple, but ordinary Jews were allowed to come into this area that surrounded the Temple.


The Power of Jesus [44-04]


A crowd of people quickly came to see the man who was healed. Peter said to them, “Why are you amazed that this man is healed? We did not heal him through our own power or goodness. Rather, it is the power of Jesus and the faith that Jesus gives that healed this man.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • (There are no notes for this frame.)


Peter Preached [44-05]


“You are the ones who told the Roman governor to kill Jesus. You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead. Although you did not understand what you were doing, God used your actions to fulfill the prophecies that the Messiah would suffer and die. So now, repent and turn to God so that your sins will be washed away.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • (Peter continues to preach to the crowd.)
  • author of life - That is, "the one who created life" or, "the one who gives us life" or, "the one who causes people to live." This refers to Jesus.
  • your actions - This can also be translated as, "the things you did." This refers to their asking Pilate to kill Jesus.
  • turn to God - That is, "decide to obey God."
  • your sin will be washed away - This could be translated as, "God will wash away your sins" or, "God will take away your sins and make you clean." This is talking about God purifying people in their spirit by completely removing their sins. It does not mean physical washing.


Peter and John Were Arrested [44-06]


The leaders of the Temple were very upset by what Peter and John were saying. So they arrested them and put them into prison. But many of the people believed Peter's message, and the number of men who believed in Jesus grew to about 5,000.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • Peter's message - That is, "the message that Peter had preached to them."
  • number of men - This was in addition to the woman and children who believed.


Before the Jewish Leaders [44-07]


The next day, the Jewish leaders brought Peter and John to the high priest and the other religious leaders. They asked Peter and John, “By what power did you heal this crippled man?”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • (There are no notes for this frame.)


No Other Way but Jesus [44-08]


Peter answered them, “This man stands before you healed by the power of Jesus the Messiah. You crucified Jesus, but God raised him to life again! You rejected him, but there is no other way to be saved except through the power of Jesus!”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • healed - That is, "well" or, "whole" or, "strong."
  • rejected him - That is, "refused to accept him" or, "refused to believe in Jesus" or, "refused to believe that Jesus is the Savior."
  • but there is no other way to be saved except through the power of Jesus - This could also be translated as, "but the only way to be saved is through the power of Jesus" or, "but only Jesus can save us, by his power."
  • to be saved - This can also be translated as, "to be saved from our sins" or, "that we can be saved from our sins."


The Disciples Were Released [44-09]


The leaders were shocked that Peter and John spoke so boldly because they could see that these men were ordinary men who were uneducated. But then they remembered that these men had been with Jesus. After they threatened Peter and John, they let them go.


故事来源: 使徒行传3:1-4:22

Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • were shocked - That is, "were very surprised" or, "were amazed."
  • ordinary - That is, "common" or, "lower-class." Peter and John were simple fishermen.
  • who were uneducated - That is, "who did not have a formal education." This could also be translated as, "who had not gone to religious school."
  • then they remembered - This could also be translated as, "But then they thought about the fact that."
  • had been with Jesus - This could also be translated as, "had spend time with Jesus" or, "had been taught by Jesus."
  • After they threatened - The leaders said that they would punish Peter and John if they continued to teach people about Jesus.
  • let them go - That is, "allowed them to leave."
  • A Bible story from - These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.