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The Country of the Gerasenes [32-01]


One day, Jesus and his disciples went in a boat across the lake to the region where the Gerasene people lived.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • One day - This phrase introduces an event that happened in the past, but does not state the specific time. Many languages have a similar way to begin telling a true story.
  • the Gerasene people - The Gerasenes lived in an area along the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee. They are descendants of the Jews, but we know few details about them.


A Man with Evil Spirits [32-02]


When they reached the other side of the lake, a demon-possessed man came running up to Jesus.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • a demon-possessed man - That is, "a man who had demons in him" or, "a man who was controlled by evil spirits."
  • came running up to - That is, "ran to" or, "ran and stopped in front of."


Breaking the Chains [32-03]


This man was so strong that nobody could control him. People had even fastened his arms and legs with chains, but he kept breaking them.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • fastened his arms and legs - That is, "restrained" or, "bound."
  • kept breaking them - Some languages may need to say, "kept breaking the chains."


Living among the Tombs [32-04]


The man lived among the tombs in the area. This man would scream all day and all night. He did not wear clothes and cut himself repeatedly with stones.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • among the tombs - That is "near the tombs" or, "around the tombs."


Jesus Commanded the Demons [32-05]


When the man came to Jesus, he fell on his knees in front of him. Jesus said to the demon, “Come out of this man!”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • fell on his knees - That is, "quickly knelt down on the ground."


My Name Is Legion [32-06]


The man with the demon cried out in a loud voice, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Please do not torture me!” Then Jesus asked the demon, “What is your name?” He replied, “My name is Legion, because we are many.” (A “legion” was a group of several thousand soldiers in the Roman army.)


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • cried out - That is, "shouted" or, "exclaimed."
  • What do you want with me - This expression means, "What are you going to do to me?"
  • the Most High God - That is, "the Supreme God" or, "the Most Sovereign God" or, "the Most Powerful God." The meaning of "high" here refers to God's greatness. It does not refer to altitude or being tall.
  • Legion - This was the name of the group of demons, but it also describes that the evil spirits were very numerous. Use the name if the note that follows will make the meaning clear in your language. If not, you may need to translate the word as something like, "Army" or, "Crowd" or, "Thousands."
  • we are many - we are many - That is, "there are many of us" or, "we are many demons."


The Herd of Pigs [32-07]


The demons begged Jesus, “Please do not send us out of this region!” There was a herd of pigs feeding on a nearby hill. So, the demons begged Jesus, “Please send us into the pigs instead!” Jesus said, “Go!”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • do not send us - That is, "do not make us go."
  • Please send us - That is, "Please let us go."
  • instead - That is, "instead of making us go away."
  • Go! - This could be translated as, "Go into the pigs!" or, "You may go into the pigs!"


The Pigs Drowned [32-08]


The demons came out of the man and entered the pigs. The pigs ran down a steep bank into the lake and drowned. There were about 2,000 pigs in the herd.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • herd - That is, "herd of pigs" or, "group of pigs." Many languages have specific names for groups of animals, such as "flock of sheep," "herd of cattle," "pack of dogs," and "school of fish." Use a word that can appropriately be used for a large group of pigs.


The Man Was Healed [32-09]


When the people who took care of the pigs saw what happened, they ran into the town and told everyone that they met what Jesus had done. The people from the town came and saw the man who used to have the demons. He was sitting calmly, wearing clothes, and acting like a normal person.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • what happened - That is, "how Jesus sent the demons out of the man and into the pigs."
  • who used to have the demons - That is, "in whom the demons had lived" or, "who had been controlled by the evil spirits."


Jesus Left [32-10]


The people were very afraid and asked Jesus to leave. So Jesus got into the boat and prepared to leave. The man who used to have the demons begged to go along with Jesus.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • people - Some languages may prefer to say, "people from that region" or, "the Gerasene people."
  • afraid - It may be better to say, "afraid because of what Jesus had done."
  • prepared - That is, "was getting ready."
  • begged to go along with Jesus - That is, "begged Jesus to let him go with him" or, "earnestly asked Jesus if he could go with him."


Go Home [32-11]


But Jesus said to him, “No, I want you to go home and tell your friends and family about everything that God has done for you and how he has had mercy on you.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • how he has had mercy on you - This can be translated as, "how he has shown mercy to you" or, "that he has been merciful to you."


The Testimony of the Man [32-12]


So the man went away and told everyone about what Jesus had done for him. Everyone who heard his story was filled with wonder and amazement.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • heard his story - That is, "heard the man tell what had happened to him."
  • was filled with wonder and amazement - The words "amazement" and "wonder" are similar in meaning. They are used together to emphasize how amazed the people were. This could be translated as, "completely astonished about what he told them."


The Sick Woman [32-13]


Jesus returned to the other side of the lake. After he arrived there, a large crowd gathered around him and pressed in on him. In the crowd was a woman who had suffered from a bleeding problem for twelve years. She had paid all of her money to doctors so they would heal her, but she only got worse.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • pressed in on him - That is, "pushed tightly against him" or, "crowded in tightly around him."
  • she only got worse - That is, "her condition only got worse" or, " her health got worse instead of better" or, "instead she became more sick."


The Woman Was Healed [32-14]


She had heard that Jesus had healed many sick people and thought, “I'm sure that if I can just touch Jesus’ clothes, then I will be healed, too!” So she came up behind Jesus and touched his clothes. As soon as she touched them, the bleeding stopped!


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • (There are no notes for this frame.)


Who Touched Me? [32-15]


Immediately, Jesus realized that power had gone out from him. So he turned around and asked, “Who touched me?” The disciples replied, “There are many people crowding around you and bumping into you. Why did you ask, ‘Who touched me?’


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • power had gone out from him - This may be translated as, "healing power had flowed from him into someone else" or, "his power had healed someone." Jesus did not lose any power because of this.
  • Why did you ask, 'Who touched me?' - In some languages it may be better to use an indirect quote here such as, "Why did you ask who was touching you?" or, "Why you are wondering who touched you?"


Healed by Faith [32-16]


The woman fell on her knees before Jesus, shaking and very afraid. Then she told him what she had done, and that she had been healed. Jesus said to her, “Your faith has healed you. Go in peace.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • fell on her knees - That is, "quickly knelt down."
  • before Jesus - That is, "in front of Jesus."
  • shaking and very afraid - That is, "shaking with fear" or, "trembling because she was afraid."
  • Your faith has healed you. - This could also be translated as, "You have been healed because of your faith."
  • Go in peace. - People spoke this traditional blessing when they left each other. Other languages may say something similar such as, "Go well", "Go with God" or, "Peace." Other ways of translating it could be, "May you have peace as you go" or, "Go and know that all is well between us."
  • A Bible story from - These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.