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The Church Is Growing [50-01]教会在成长


For almost 2,000 years, more and more people around the world have been hearing the good news about Jesus the Messiah. The Church has been growing. Jesus promised he would return at the end of the world. Though he has not yet come back, he will keep his promise.


Important Terms:


Translation Notes:


  • The Church has been growing - This could also be translated as, "The number of people in the Church around the world has been increasing" or, "The number of believers in Jesus has been increasing."
  • 教会一直在成长 — 这也可以被翻译为,“世界各地的教会的数目一直在增长”,或 ”信耶稣的人的数量一直在增加”。
  • at the end of the world - This phrase means, "right before the present world comes to an end" or, "in the final days of this world."
  • 末世(日) — 此短语的意思是,“就在当今世界即将走到尽头前”,或 ”这世界的最后的日子里“。


The Good News [50-02]



As we wait for Jesus to return, God wants us to live in a way that is holy and that honors him. He also wants us to tell others about his kingdom. When Jesus was living on earth he said, “My disciples will preach the good news about the kingdom of God to people everywhere in the world, and then the end will come.”


Important Terms:


Translation Notes:


  • the end will come - This could be translated as, "the end of this world will come" or, "the end of this world will happen" or, "this present world will end."
  • 末期即将来临 — 这也可以被翻译为,“这世界的末世即将来临”,或 “这世界的末期即将发生”,或 “这当今世界即将结束。”


The Fields Are Ripe [50-03]



Many people groups still have not heard about Jesus. Before he returned to heaven, Jesus told Christians to proclaim the good news to people who have never heard it. He said, “Go and make disciples of all people groups!” and, “The fields are ripe for harvest!”


Important Terms:


Translation Notes:


  • make disciples - This has the meaning, "help people to become my disciples."
  • 做(成为)信徒 — 这意思是,“帮助人们成为我的信徒。”
  • The fields are ripe for harvest - This could also be translated as, "They are ready to be brought to God like fields that are ripe for harvest" or, "They are ready to be gathered and brought to God like fields whose crops are ripe and ready to be gathered."
  • 地要成熟得丰收 — 这也可翻译成,“他们准备着被带到神那里,就像(庄稼)要成熟被收获的地一样 ",或者,”他们准备着聚集起来,被带到神那里,就像地里的庄稼成熟了,准备收割起来一样。”
  • The fields - In this expression, "The fields" represents the people in the world.
  • 这地 — 在这里,“这地” 代表世界上的万民。
  • ripe - "Ripe" here represents being ready to believe in Jesus.
  • 成熟 — “成熟”这里代表正在准备着去信从耶稣。
  • harvest - "Harvest" here represents the work of bringing people to God by teaching them about Jesus.
  • 丰收 — “丰收 ”这里表示通过向人们传耶稣的道,带领他们到神那里。


Remain Faithful [50-04]



Jesus also said, “A servant is__ not greater than his master__. Just as the authorities of this world have hated me, they will torture and kill you because of me. Although in this world you will suffer, be encouraged because I have defeated Satan, the one who rules this world. If you remain faithful to me to the end, then God will save you!”


Important Terms:


Translation Notes:


  • not greater than - That is, "not more important than" or, in this case, "not treated better than."
  • 不大于(高于)— 就是,”不比(没有)…..重要”,或在某种情况下,“不被平等对待。”
  • because of me - That is, "because you obey me" or, "because you teach people about me" or, "because you belong to me."
  • 因为我 — 就是,“因为你们顺服我 ”或 ”因为你们向人传关于我的福音”,或 “因为你们属于我”。
  • in this world - This could also be translated as, "in this lifetime."
  • 在这世上 — 这也可以翻译为,“在此生中"。
  • remain faithful to me - That is, "Keep obeying me."
  • 继续信实于我 — 就是,”继续顺服我。”
  • to the end - That is, "to the end of your life."
  • 到最后 — 就是,“直到你生命的尽头。”
  • will save you - This refers to spiritual salvation rather than physical deliverance from harm. It has already been stated that many believers will be killed or tortured.
  • 将拯救你们 — 这是指属灵的拯救,而不是从受伤害的身体中拯救。


The Enemy [50-05]敌人


Jesus told his disciples a story to explain what will happen to people when the world ends. He said, “A man planted good seed in his field. While he was sleeping, his enemy came and planted weed seeds along with the wheat, and then he went away.”


Important Terms:


Translation Notes:


  • good seed - This seed was wheat grain. If this type of seed is not known in your language area, it is best to use a general term for "seed." If there is no general term, it may be necessary to choose a type of grain seed that is known and say, for example, "good seed like rice."
  • 优良的种子 — 这种子就是麦子颗粒。如果这种类型的种子在你的语言地区中不为人所知,最好用一个大致的词。如果没有大致的词,有必要选一种人们知道的粮食的种子,例如 “大米的优良种子。”
  • weed seeds - The weed seeds that were planted would grow up as tall grass but could not be eaten. They were useless.
  • 草籽 — 所播种的草籽长得野草一样高,但不可以食用。没有用处。
  • wheat - That is, "wheat seeds." Wheat is a kind of grain that grows like a tall grass. It has seeds that people use for food.
  • 麦子 — 就是 “麦粒 “。麦子是一种粮食,长得象草一样高。其种子供人食用。


The Weeds [50-06]



“When the plants sprouted, the servants of the man said, ‘Master, you planted good seed in that field. So why are there weeds in it?’ The master answered, ‘An enemy must have planted them.’”


Important Terms:


Translation Notes:


  • (Jesus continues to tell the story.)
  • (耶稣继续讲这故事 )
  • An enemy must have planted them - If possible, translate this in a way that indicates that the speaker did not see this happen.
  • 必定是敌人种的 — 如果可能,用一种表示说话者看不到这种情况发生的语气方式来翻译。


Wait for the Harvest [50-07]



“The servants responded to their master, ‘Should we pull out the weeds?’ The master said, ‘No. If you do that, you will pull out some of the wheat as well. Wait until the harvest and then gather the weeds into piles to be burned, but bring the wheat into my barn.’”


Important Terms:


Translation Notes:


  • (Jesus continues to tell the story.)
  • (耶稣继续讲故事)
  • you will pull out some of the wheat as well - That is, "you will accidentally pull out some of the wheat also." It would be too difficult to distinguish young wheat from the weeds, and to pull the weeds without uprooting the wheat.
  • 你会把拔出的一些麦苗的 — 就是说,“你也会偶尔拔出一些麦苗的。” 会很难从野草中分辨出麦苗,并且很难拔出草而不带出麦苗。
  • until the harvest - That is, "until the time when the wheat is ready to harvest" or, "until the wheat has grown enough to be harvested."
  • 直到收获 — 就是说,“直到麦子准备收获的时候”或 “直到麦苗已长得足够成熟,以待收获。”
  • the wheat - That is, "the harvested wheat grains."
  • 麦子 — 就是“已收获的麦粒。”
  • barn - This refers to the building where the harvested wheat grain was saved and stored. It could also be called a "storehouse."
  • 粮仓 — 指已收获的麦粒被收好和贮存的建筑物。也可以被称作“堆栈/仓库”


The Field Is the World [50-08]


The disciples did not understand the meaning of the story, so they asked Jesus to explain it to them. Jesus said, “The man who planted the good seed represents the Messiah. The field represents the world. The good seed represents the people of God’s kingdom.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • the people of God's kingdom - This can also be translated as, "the people who live under God's authority" or, "the people who have submitted to God's rule" or, "the people who will live with God in his Kingdom."


The Enemy Is the Devil [50-09]


“The weeds represent the people who belong to the evil one. The enemy who planted the weeds represents the devil. The harvest represents the end of the world, and the harvesters represent God's angels.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • who belong to the evil one - That is, "who obey the evil one" or, "who are ruled by the evil one."
  • the evil one - This is another title for Satan. It could be translated as, "Satan," but the title, "evil one" describes his character.
  • the devil - This could also be translated as, "Satan."
  • represents the end of the world - That is, "represents what will happen to people at the end of the world."
  • the harvesters - This could also be translated as, "the men who harvest the ripe grain" or, "the workers who gather in the ripe grain."


Evil People Will Be Judged [50-10]


“When the world ends, the angels will gather together all the people who belong to the devil and throw them into a raging fire, where they will cry and grind their teeth in terrible suffering. Then the righteous ones will shine like the sun in the kingdom of God their Father.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • who belong to the devil - This could also be translated as, "who obey the devil" or, "who are ruled by the devil." This refers to those who do not believe in Jesus but follow the evil ways of the devil.
  • a raging fire - That is, "a very hot, burning fire" or, "a large, very hot fire."
  • the righteous ones - This refers to the people who belong to the Messiah. See [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:50-08|[50-08]]].
  • shine like the sun - This could also be translated as, "be glorious like the sun" or, "show pure goodness as the sun shows bright light."


Dead Believers Will Rise Again [50-11]


Jesus also said that he would return to earth just before the world ends. He will come back the same way that he left, that is, he will have a physical body and will come on the clouds in the sky. When Jesus returns, every Christian who has died will rise from the dead and meet him in the sky.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • he left - This could also be translated as, "he left the earth" or, "he left to go back to heaven."
  • will come on the clouds in the sky - That is, "the clouds in the sky will surround him as he comes" or, "the clouds of the sky will carry him along."
  • when Jesus returns - That is, "when Jesus returns to the earth."
  • meet him in the sky - That is, "join him in the sky." Those who believe in Jesus will go up to be near Jesus while he is in the sky.


We Will Meet Jesus in the Sky [50-12]


Then the Christians who are still alive will rise up into the sky and join with the other Christians who rose from the dead. They will all be with Jesus there.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • still alive - That is, "still alive when Jesus returns."


Our Crown [50-13]


Jesus promised to give a crown to everyone who believes in him. They will live and reign with God in perfect peace forever.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • crown - This crown represents our reward for believing in Jesus and serving him in this life.
  • perfect - That is, "complete" or, "total."


The Fire of Hell [50-14]


But God will judge everyone who does not believe in Jesus. He will throw them into hell, where they will weep and grind their teeth in anguish forever. A fire that never goes out will continually burn them, and worms will never stop eating them.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • weep and grind their teeth in anguish - See note on [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:50-10|[50-10]]].


God Will Judge Satan [50-15]


When Jesus returns, he will completely destroy Satan and his kingdom. He will throw Satan into hell where he will burn forever, along with everyone who chose to follow him rather than to obey God.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • his kingdom - This could also be translated as, "Satan's evil rule over people" or, "all the evil things he does and the evil people he controls."
  • rather than - That is, "instead of."


The New Heaven and Earth [50-16]


Because Adam and Eve disobeyed God and brought sin into this world, God cursed it and decided to destroy it. But some day God will create a new heaven and a new earth that will be perfect.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • brought sin into - This could be translated as, "caused sin to enter."
  • a new heaven - This could also be translated as, "a new sky" or, "a new universe". It refers to a new set of stars and everything else in the sky.
  • a new earth - This current earth on which we live will be replaced by a new and improved one.


Jesus Will Reign Forever [50-17]


Jesus and his people will live on the new earth, and he will reign forever over everything that exists. He will wipe away every tear and there will be no more suffering, sadness, crying, evil, pain, or death. Jesus will rule his kingdom with peace and justice, and he will be with his people forever.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • wipe away every tear - This could also be translated as, "bring an end to all of our grief" or, "make trouble end" or, "tenderly take away any sadness people have."
  • there will be no more suffering, sadness, crying, evil, pain, or death - This could also be translated as, "people will no longer suffer, be sad, cry, do evil things, feel pain, or die."
  • rule his kingdom with peace and justice - This could also be translated as, "rule over his people fairly, in a way that brings them peace."
  • A Bible story from - These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.