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The Virgin Birth [49-01] 处女生子 (49-01)


An angel told a virgin named Mary that she would give birth to God's Son. So while she was still a virgin, she gave birth to a son and named him Jesus. Therefore, Jesus is both God and human.

天使告诉处女玛利亚, 她将生上帝的儿子, 所以她用处女之身生了一个儿子, 命名他为耶稣。因此,耶稣既是神也是人。

Important Terms: 重要术语

Translation Notes: 翻译注解:

  • (There are no notes for this frame.) (本章节没有注解)


The Miracles [49-02] 神迹


Jesus did many miracles that prove he is God. He walked on water, calmed storms, healed many sick people, drove out demons, raised the dead to life, and turned five loaves of bread and two small fish into enough food for over 5,000 people.

耶稣行了很多神迹来证明他是神。他在海上行走, 平息风暴,治愈了很多病人, 赶鬼,让死人复活,并且把五饼二鱼变成足够五千人吃的食物.

Important Terms: 重要的术语

Translation Notes: 翻译注解:

  • drove out demons - That is, "made demons come out of people."
  • 赶鬼 - 即 “将鬼从人身上赶出来”。
  • raised the dead to life - This could also be translated as, "caused dead people to become alive again."
  • 死里复活 - 这也可译成 ”使死人再次活过来“。


Jesus the Teacher [49-03] 耶稣老师 (49-03)


Jesus was also a great teacher, and he spoke with authority because he is the Son of God. He taught that you need to love other people the same way you love yourself.


Important Term 重要的术语

Translation Notes:


  • a great teacher - That is, "a very important teacher" or, "an excellent teacher."
  • 一个好老师 - 即 “一个很重要的老师” 或 “一个最佳老师”
  • the same way - That is, "as much as" or, "the same amount that" or, "to the same degree that."
  • 同样的方式 - 即 “一样多” 或 “同等” 或 ”同样程度“。


Love God Above All [49-04] 爱神超过一切 (49-04)


He also taught that you need to love God more than you love anything else, including your wealth.

他还教导说,你需要爱神胜过你爱任何其他事物, 包括你的财富。

Important Terms: 重要的术语

Translation Notes:


  • your wealth - This could also be translated as, "your money" or, "your possessions."
  • 你的财富 - 这也可译为 “你的钱” 或 ”你的财产“。


The Value of Salvation [49-05] 救赎的价值 (49 - 05)


Jesus said that the kingdom of God is more valuable than anything else in the world. The most important thing for anyone is to belong to the kingdom of God. To enter into God's kingdom, you must be saved from your sin.

耶稣说天国比世上的所有东西更有价值。对任何人来说最重要的是属于天国的成员。要进入神的国, 必须从你的罪里被拯救出来。

Important Terms: 重要的术语

Translation Notes:


  • to be saved from your sin - That is, "to be saved from being punished for your sin" or, "that God would save you from your sin" or, "to receive salvation from your sin."
  • 从你的罪里被拯救出来 - 即 “从你因你的罪该受到惩罚中拯救出来” 或 “上帝要将你从罪中拯救出来”。 或 “从罪中得拯救”。


Not All Will Be Saved [49-06] 不是所有人都将能得救 (49-06)


Jesus taught that some people will receive him and be saved, but others will not. He said that some people are like good soil. They receive the good news of Jesus and are saved. Other people are like the hard soil of a path, where the seed of God's word does not enter and does not produce any harvest. Those people reject the message about Jesus and will not enter into his kingdom.

耶稣教导说一些人将接受他并被拯救,但是一些人并不接受。他说一些人就象好土,他们接受耶稣福音就得到拯救。另外一些人,就象路上的硬土,神的话语的种子没有进入也就没有任何收获。那些人拒绝接受关于耶稣的信息, 他们将不能进入他的国.

Important Terms: 重要的术语

Translation Notes:


  • others will not - That is, "other people will not receive him and therefore will not be saved."
  • 另外那些将不会 - 即 “其他人将不接受他, 因此将不能得到拯救”。
  • seed of God's word - This can be translated as, "seed, which can be compared to God's word." This phrase makes a comparison between seed and God's word.
  • 神的话的种子 - 这可译为 “种子,可以比做神的话” 这一短语使种子和神的话相对应。


God Loves Sinners [49-07] 神爱罪人 (49-07)


Jesus taught that God loves sinners very much. He wants to forgive them and to make them his children.


Important Terms: 重要的术语

Translation Notes: 翻译注解:

  • (There are no notes for this frame.) (本章节没有注解)


God Hates Sin [49-08] 神憎恨罪恶 (49-08)


Jesus also told us that God hates sin. When Adam and Eve sinned, it affected all of their descendants. As a result, every person in the world sins and is separated from God. Therefore, everyone has become an enemy of God.

耶稣也教导我们说神憎恨罪恶。当亚当和夏娃犯罪后,影响了他们所有的后代。结果,世上每个人都有罪性,并与神分离。因此, 每个人都成了神的敌人 (与神为敌)。

Important Terms: 重要的术语

Translation Notes:


  • is separated from God - This can also be translated as, "cannot live with God" or, "cannot be near God" or, "cannot have a relationship with God."
  • 与神分离 - 这也可译为 “不能与神同住” 或 “不能接近神” 或 “不能与神建立关系”。


God Gave His Son [49-09] 神赐他的儿子 (49-09)


But God loved everyone in the world so much that he gave his only Son so that whoever believes in Jesus will not be punished for his sins, but will live with God forever.


Important Terms: 重要的术语

Translation Notes:


  • gave his only Son - This could also be translated as, "offered his only Son to the world as a sacrifice for sins" or, "gave us his only Son to be a sacrifice for our sins."
  • 给他的独生子 - 这也可译成 “将他的独生子赐给世人为罪作祭物”。或“给我们他的独生子为我们的罪作祭物”。
  • whoever believes - This could also be translated as, "anyone who believes."
  • 无论谁信 - 这也可译成 “任何人相信”。
  • whoever believes in Jesus will not be punished for his sins, but will live with God forever - This could also be translated as, "When anyone believes in Jesus, God will not punish that person for his sins, but will allow him to live with God forever."
  • 无论谁信耶稣将不会为他的罪受到惩罚,而将永远与神(住)在一起 - 这也可译成 “当人信了耶稣,神不会因他的罪而惩罚他,而是让他与神永远在一起”。


Jesus Died in Our Place [49-10] 耶稣替我们死 (49-10)


Because of your sin, you are guilty and deserve to die. God should be angry with you, but he poured out his anger on Jesus instead of on you. When Jesus died on the cross, he received your punishment.


Important Terms: 重要的术语

Translation Notes:


  • Because of your sin - This can also be translated as, "Because you have sinned." To make it clear that this is talking about all people, for some languages it may be more clear to translate this as, "Because all people have sinned, they are guilty. They deserve death."
  • 因你的罪 - 这也能译为 “因为你有罪”。明确地说是指所有人,有些语言里译得更清楚为 “因为所有的人都犯有罪,所以他们是有罪的,他们该死。
  • God should be angry - This can also be translated as, "It would be right for God to be angry."
  • 上帝该生气 - 这也能译为 “上帝有权利生气”。
  • poured out his anger on - That is, "directed his anger at" or, "placed all of his anger upon" or, "was angry only with."
  • 倾倒他的愤怒 - 即 “指他生气在” 或 ”将他的愤怒倾倒在“ 或 ”只生气于“。
  • received your punishment - This could also be translated as, "was punished instead of you" or, "was punished for your sin." To make it clear that this applies to everyone, it could also be translated as, "was punished for everyone's sin."
  • 接受你的惩罚 - 这也能理解为 “代你受惩罚” 或 “为你的罪受惩罚”。明确的讲这适用于每个人, 这也能译为 “为每个人的罪受惩罚”。


The Sinless Sacrifice [49-11] 无罪祭物 (49-11)


Jesus never sinned, but he chose to be punished and to die as the perfect sacrifice to take away your sins and the sins of every person in the world. Because Jesus sacrificed himself, God can forgive any sin, even terrible sins.

耶稣从来没有犯过罪, 但他选择被惩罚, 作为一个完美无罪的祭物来去除你的罪和世上每个人的罪而死。因着耶稣作了祭物,神会赦免任何罪,甚至是很糟的罪。

Important Terms:

Translation Notes:


  • take away - That is, "remove the penalty of" or, "remove the punishment for." The sacrifice of Jesus causes God to look at our sin as if it never existed.
  • 除去 - 即 “去除什么的惩罚” 或 “为什么去除的惩罚”。 耶稣的献祭使神看我们的罪就象从来没存在过一样。


Jesus Died and Rose Again [49-12] 耶稣死而复活 (49-12)


Good works cannot save you. There is nothing you can do to have a relationship with God. Only Jesus can wash away your sins. You must believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that he died on the cross instead of you, and that God raised him to life again.

好行为不能救你。你没法通过做什么来修复你与神的关系。只有耶稣才能洗去你的罪。你必须信耶稣是神的儿子,他替你死在十字架上, 神将他从死里复活。

Important Terms: 重要的术语

Translation Notes:


  • Good works cannot save you - That is, "Doing good things cannot save you from your sins" or, "You cannot do anything good enough to save yourself from the penalty for your sins."
  • 好行为不能得救 - 即 “做好事不能将你从罪里拯救出来。” 或 “你做任何好事也不足已为你的罪所受的惩罚中救你自己。“
  • wash away your sins - That is, "completely remove your sins" or, "take away your sins and make you clean." This is talking about God purifying people in their spirit by completely removing their sins. It does not mean physical washing.
  • 洗去你的罪 - 即 ”完全除去你的罪“ 或 ”除去你的罪,使你洁净“。这是讲关于神完全除去他们的罪来洁净人的灵。不是指实际身体上的洗净。
  • instead of you - That is, " in your place."
  • 代替你 - 即“在你的位子上”
  • raised him to life again - This could also be translated as, "made him alive again."
  • 起死回生 - 这可译成 “使他再次活过来”。


God Loves You [49-13] 神爱你(49-13)


God will save everyone who believes in Jesus and receives him as their Master. But he will not save anyone who does not believe in him. It does not matter if you are rich or poor, man or woman, old or young, or where you live. God loves you and wants you to believe in Jesus so he can have a close relationship with you.


Important Terms: 重要的术语

Translation Notes:


  • he can have a close relationship with you - This can also be translated as, "so that you can be his child" or, "so that you can be his friend" or, "so you can belong to him."
  • 他能和你建立亲密关系。这也可以译成 “这样你能成为他的孩子。” 或 "这样你能成为他的朋友” 或 “这样你能属于他。”


Believe in Jesus [49-14] 信耶稣(49-14)


Jesus invites you to believe in him and to be baptized. Do you believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the only Son of God? Do you believe that you are a sinner and that you deserve for God to punish you? Do you believe that Jesus died on the cross to take away your sins?


Important Terms: 重要的术语

Translation Notes: 翻译注解

  • believe in him - This can also be translated as, "trust in him" or, "trust in him to save you" or, "entrust your whole life to him."
  • 相信他 - 这也能译成 “信任他” 或 “信他能救你” 或 “将你的生命全然交托给他。”
  • be baptized - This could also be translated as, "have someone baptize you" or, "let them baptize you."
  • (被)受冼 - 这也能译成 “有人给你受冼” 或 “叫他们给你受冼”。
  • believe that - This can also be translated as, "acknowledge that" or, "agree that."
  • 信那个 - 这也能译成 “承认那个” 或 “同意那个”。
  • take away - See note on [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:49-11|[49-11]]].
  • 带走,拿走 - 见__[[:zh:obs:notes:frames:49-11|[49-11]]]__.注解


God's Kingdom of Light [49-15] 神的光明国度 (49-15)


If you believe in Jesus and what he has done for you, you are a Christian! God has taken you out of Satan's kingdom of darkness and put you into God’s kingdom of light. God has taken away your old, sinful ways of doing things and has given you new, righteous ways of doing things.


Important Terms: 重要的术语

Translation Notes:


  • Satan's kingdom of darkness - "Darkness" is used here to refer to sin and everything that is evil. This could be translated as, "Satan's evil rule over people, which is like darkness."
  • 撒旦的黑暗王国 - “黑暗”这里是指与罪相关和一切邪恶的事。 这可译作 “撒旦那对人邪恶的统治, 就象黑暗”
  • God's kingdom of light - "Light" here refers to God's holiness and goodness. This could be translated as, "God's righteous rule over people, which is like light." The Bible often compares evil to darkness, and goodness to light.
  • 神的光明国度 - “光明” 在这里是关于上帝的圣洁和善良。这可译作 “上帝那对人正义的统治, 就象光明” 圣经里常将邪恶比做黑暗, 将善良比做光明。


Sins Are Forgiven [49-16] 罪得赦免 (49-16)


If you are a Christian, God has forgiven your sins because of what Jesus did. Now, God considers you to be a close friend instead of an enemy.

如果你是一个基督徒,因着耶稣所做的, 神已赦免了你的罪。现在,神看你是一个亲密的朋友而不是敌人了。

Important Terms: 重要的术语

Translation Notes:


  • considers you to be - That is, "thinks of you as" or, "regards you as" or, "calls you."
  • 认为你是 - 即 “觉得你象” 或 ”认为你象“ 或 ”呼召你“


Follow Jesus' Teachings [49-17] 遵循耶稣教导 (49-17)


If you are a friend of God and a servant of Jesus the Master, you will want to obey what Jesus teaches you. Even though you are a Christian, you will still be tempted to sin. But God is faithful and says that if you confess your sins, he will forgive you. He will give you strength to fight against sin.

如果你是神的朋友和主人耶稣的仆人,你就想要遵循耶稣教导你的。尽管你是一个基督徒,你也会受到诱惑去犯罪。但神是信实的, 他说如果你认自己的罪,他会赦免你,并给你力量去与罪争战。

Important Terms: 重要的术语

Translation Notes:


  • be tempted to sin - That is, ""be tempted to sin even though you know sin is wrong."
  • 受到诱惑去犯罪 - 即 “尽管你知道罪是错的,受到诱惑还会去犯罪”
  • is faithful - In this context this means that God, "keeps his promises."
  • 是信实的 - 这里文中意思是上帝“保守他的承诺”
  • confess your sins - This could be translated as, "admit to God what you have done wrong."
  • 认你的罪 - 这可译成 “向神承认你所做的错事。”。
  • He will give you strength to fight against sin - That is, "He will give you spiritual strength to refuse to sin."
  • 他会给你力量去与罪争战 - 即 “他会给你精神力量去拒绝罪”。


Grow as a Christian [49-18] 基督徒成长 (49-18)


God tells you to pray, to study his word, to worship him with other Christians, and to tell others what he has done for you. All of these things help you to have a deeper relationship with him.


Important Terms: 重要的术语

Translation Notes:


  • to have a deeper relationship with him - This could also be translated as, "to love him more" or, "to know him more" or, "to become more faithful to him."
  • 与他建立更深的关系 - 这也能译成 “爱他更多” 或“认识他更多” 或“变得更忠实于他”
  • A Bible story from - These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.
  • 来自圣经故事 - 这些参考资料可能有些圣经译法略有差异。