Chinese: OBS translationNotes

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Jesus Taught the Crowds [33-01]


One day, Jesus was teaching a very large crowd of people near the shore of the lake. So many people came to hear him that Jesus got into a boat at the edge of the water in order to have enough space to speak to them. He sat in the boat and taught the people.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • One day - This phrase introduces an event that happened in the past, but does not state the specific time. Many languages have a similar way to begin telling a true story.


The Seed on the Path [33-02]

Image Jesus__ told this story. “A farmer went out to plant some seed. As he was __spreading the seeds by hand, some seeds happened to fall on the path, and the birds came and ate all of those seeds.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • spreading the seeds by hand - That is, "throwing the seeds on the soil" or, "covering all of his crop soil with seeds." This is the way that farmers in the ancient Middle East typically planted grain-bearing crops.


The Seed on the Rocks [33-03]


“Other seeds fell on rocky ground, where there was very little soil. The seeds in the rocky ground sprouted quickly, but their roots were not able to go deep into the soil. When the sun came up and it got hot, the plants withered and died.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • (Jesus continues the story.)
  • rocky ground - That is, "ground that was full of rocks."


The Seed in the Thorns [33-04]


“Still other seeds fell among thorn bushes. Those seeds began to grow, but the thorns choked them out. So the plants that grew from the seeds in the thorny ground did not produce any grain.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • (Jesus continues the story.)
  • the thorns - That is, "the thorn plants" or, "the thorn bushes."
  • choked them out - This can also be translated as, "overshadowed them" or, "crowded them out."
  • thorny ground - That is, "ground that was covered with thorny bushes."


The Seed in Good Soil [33-05]


“Other seeds fell into good soil. These seeds grew up and produced 30, 60, or even 100 times as much grain as the seed that had been planted. He who has ears, let him hear!”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • (Jesus continues the story.)
  • good soil - That is, "fertile soil" or, "soil that was good for growing plants."
  • He who has ears, let him hear! - This saying means, "Everyone who hears what I am saying should listen to me carefully" or, "If anyone hears what I have said, he should pay attention to what I mean." This can also be translated as a command. "Since you have ears to hear, listen carefully to what I am saying."


The Seed Is the Word [33-06]


This story confused the disciples. So Jesus explained, “The seed is the word of God. The path is a person who hears God’s word, but does not understand it, and the devil takes the word away from him.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • This story confused the disciples. - That is, "The disciples did not understand this story."
  • is a person - This comparison can also be translated as, "is like a person" or, "represents a person" or, "refers to a person" or, "is speaking about a person."
  • takes the word away from him - This may also be translated as, "takes God's word away, causing him to forget it" or, "steals the word from his heart so he won't believe it and be saved." You may also add the following: "just as birds eat up the seeds that fall on a path."


Persecution and Hardship [33-07]


“The rocky ground is a person who hears God’s word and accepts it with joy. But when he experiences hardship or persecution, he falls away.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • (Jesus continues to explain the story.)
  • rocky ground - See how you translated this term in [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:33-03|[33-03]]].
  • is a person - See how you translated this comparison in [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:33-06|[33-06]]].
  • accepts it with joy - That is, "believes it joyfully" or, "joyfully agrees that it is true."
  • falls away - That is, "no longer follows God or obeys him" or, "stops following or obeying God."


The Desire for Riches [33-08]


“The thorny ground is a person who hears God’s word, but as time passes, the cares, riches, and pleasures of life choke out his love for God. As a result, the teaching he heard does not produce fruit.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • (Jesus continues to explain the story.)
  • thorny ground - See how you translated this term in [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:33-04|[33-04]]].
  • is a person - See how you translated this comparison in [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:33-06|[33-06]]].
  • cares - That is, "concerns" or, "needs" or, "problems."
  • riches - That is, "desire for wealth."
  • pleasures of life - This could also be translated as, "doing things to get pleasure" or, "focusing on things that give pleasure."
  • choke out - That is, "squelch" or, "destroy" or, "overcome." This phrase could also be translated as, "cause him to stop loving God."
  • does not produce fruit - That is, "does not produce spiritual fruit" or "does not behave in a way that shows God's Spirit is working in him."


Spiritual Fruit [33-09]


“But the good soil is a person who hears the word of God, believes it, and produces fruit.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • (Jesus continues to explain the story.)
  • good soil - See how you translated this term in [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:33-05|[33-05]]].
  • is a person - See how you translated this comparison in [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:33-06|[33-06]]].
  • produce fruit - See how you translated this phrase in [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:33-08|[33-08]]].
  • A Bible story from - These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.