Chinese: OBS translationNotes

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Lazarus Was Sick [37-01]


One day, Jesus received a message that Lazarus was very sick. Lazarus and his two sisters, Mary and Martha, were close friends of Jesus. When Jesus heard this news, he said, “This sickness will not end in death, but it is for the glory of God.” Jesus loved his friends, but he waited where he was for two days.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • One day - This phrase introduces an event that happened in the past, but does not state the specific time. Many languages have a similar way to begin telling a true story.
  • Mary - Jesus' mother was also named Mary. This was a different woman.
  • this sickness will not end in death - This can also be translated as, "the final result of this sickness will not be death" or, "Lazarus is sick, but death is not the final result of this sickness." Jesus' disciples probably thought this meant that Lazarus would not die. But Jesus knew that, although Lazarus would die from his sickness, he would live in the end.
  • it is for the glory of God - That is, "this will cause people to praise God for how great he is."
  • but he waited where he was for two days - This could be translated as, "but he stayed where he was for two days, even though they wanted him to go and heal Lazarus."


Back to Judea [37-02]


After the two days had passed, Jesus said to his disciples, “Let’s go back to Judea.” “But Teacher,” the disciples answered, “Just a short time ago the people there wanted to kill you!” Jesus said, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, and I must wake him.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • Judea - This refers to the southern section of Israel, which was settled by the tribe of Judah. Some languages will prefer to say, "the region of Judea."
  • has fallen asleep, and I must wake him. - Translate this phrase with the normal words for "asleep" and "wake" in your language. Although Jesus was using these words with a different meaning, the disciples did not understand that yet.


Lazarus Was Dead [37-03]


Jesus' disciples replied, “Master, if Lazarus is sleeping, then he will get better.” Then Jesus told them plainly, “Lazarus is dead. I am glad that I was not there, so that you may believe in me.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • he will get better - The disciples intended this in the sense of, "there is no reason for us to go to him now, since he will get well."
  • I am glad - This could be translated as, "I am happy" or, "It is good that." It does not mean he was happy that Lazarus died, but rather that he was happy that God was going to show how great he is.


Martha Met Jesus [37-04]


When Jesus arrived at Lazarus' hometown, Lazarus had already been dead for four days. Martha went out to meet Jesus and said, “Master, if only you had been here, my brother would not have died. But I believe God will give you whatever you ask from him.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • Martha - Martha was the sister of Lazarus and Mary. See [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:37-01|[37-01]]].
  • went out to meet Jesus - That is, "went to meet Jesus as he was coming into the town."
  • my brother would not have died. - That is, "you would have healed my brother and he would not have died" or, "you could have prevented my brother from dying."
  • will give you whatever you ask from him - That is, "will do whatever you ask him to do."


I Am the Resurrection [37-05]


Jesus replied, “I am the Resurrection and the Life. Whoever believes in me will live, even though he dies. Everyone who believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” Martha answered, “Yes, Master! I believe you are the Messiah, the Son of God.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • I am the Resurrection and the Life - This is one of several very powerful "I am" statements in which Jesus says something about his essential nature. In this one, Jesus indicated that he is the "provider" or, "source" of resurrection and life. If possible, translate this phrase in a way that makes it clear that this is his essential nature. This can also be translated as, "I am the one who resurrects people and causes them to live."
  • will live, even though he dies. - That is, "will live forever, even if he dies." The English word, "he" does not only refer to men. Women who believe in Jesus will also live forever.
  • Martha - Martha was the sister of Lazarus and Mary. See [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:37-01|[37-01]]].
  • will never die - This can also be translated as, "will live forever."


Mary Met Jesus [37-06]


Then Mary arrived. She fell at the feet of Jesus and said, “Master, if only you had been here, my brother would not have died.” Jesus asked them, “Where have you put Lazarus?” They told him, “In the tomb. Come and see.” Then Jesus wept.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • Mary - This was the same woman as in [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:37-01|[37-01]]], not the mother of Jesus.
  • fell at the feet of Jesus - That is, "knelt down at Jesus' feet" as a sign of respect.
  • my brother would not have died. - That is, "you could have kept my brother from dying" or, "you could have prevented my brother's death" or, "my brother would still be alive."


Open the Tomb [37-07]


The tomb was a cave with a stone rolled in front of its opening. When Jesus arrived at the tomb, he told them, “Roll the stone away.” But Martha said, “He has been dead for four days. There will be a bad smell.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • he told them - That is, "he told the men there." He was probably not telling Mary and Martha to roll the stone away.
  • Roll the stone away - Some languages may prefer to say, "Roll the stone away from the opening of the tomb."
  • Martha - Martha was the sister of Lazarus and Mary. See [[:zh:obs:notes:frames:37-01|[37-01]]].
  • He has been dead for four days - This could also be translated as, "He died four days ago and his body is lying there."


Rolling the Stone Away [37-08]


Jesus responded, “Did I not tell you that you would see God's glory if you believe in me?” So they rolled the stone away.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • Did I not tell you? - That is, "Remember that I told you." Jesus is not asking this question in order to get an answer, so some languages should translate this as a command.
  • see God's glory - That is, "see the glory of God displayed" or, "see God show how great he is."
  • rolled the stone away - Some languages should say, "rolled the stone away from the opening of the tomb."


Jesus' Prayer [37-09]


Then Jesus looked up to heaven and said, “Father, thank you for hearing me. I know you always listen to me, but I say this for the sake of all these people standing here, so that they will believe you sent me.” Then Jesus shouted, “Lazarus, come out!”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • hearing me - That is, "listening to me." It may be helpful to add, "as I pray to you" or, "when I talk to you."
  • come out - Some languages may prefer to say, "come out of the tomb."


Lazarus Was Alive Again [37-10]


So Lazarus came out! He was still wrapped in grave clothes. Jesus told them, “Help him take off those grave clothes and release him!” Many of the Jews believed in Jesus because of this miracle.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • Lazarus came out! - Some languages should say, "Lazarus came out of the tomb!"
  • grave clothes - That is, "burial clothes." This can also be translated as, "burial bandages" or, "strips of cloth."
  • because of this miracle - That is, "because God had done this amazing miracle" or, "because Jesus had made Lazarus come alive again."


The Leaders Were Jealous [37-11]


But the religious leaders of the Jews were jealous, so they gathered together to plan how they could kill Jesus and Lazarus.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • jealous - That is, "jealous of Jesus' power and popularity" or, "jealous that so many Jews were believing in Jesus."
  • gathered together - That is, "met together" or, "joined together." This was a not a casual meeting, but a meeting for a specific purpose–to plan how to kill Jesus.
  • A Bible story from - These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.