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God Made Solomon Wise [18-01]


After many years, David died, and his son Solomon began to rule over Israel. God spoke to Solomon and asked him what he wanted most. When Solomon asked for wisdom, God was pleased and made him the wisest man in the world. Solomon learned many things and was a very wise judge. God also made him very wealthy.


Important Terms:

* __[David](
* __[Solomon](
* __[Israel](
* __[God](
* __[wise](
* __[judge](

Translation Notes:

* __asked for wisdom__  - This could be translated as, "asked God to make him wise."


Solomon Built the Temple [18-02]


In Jerusalem, Solomon built the Temple for which his father David had planned and gathered materials. People now worshiped God and offered sacrifices to him at the Temple instead of at the Tent of Meeting. God came and was present in the Temple, and he lived there with his people.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • was present in the Temple – That is, "was present in the Temple in a special way." Even though God was also present everywhere else at the same time, he made himself especially available to the people at the Temple.
  • with his people - This could be translated as, "in the midst of his people" or, "among his people."


Solomon Served Other Gods [18-03]


But Solomon loved women from other countries. He disobeyed God by marrying many women, almost 1,000 of them! Many of these women came from foreign countries and brought their gods with them and continued to worship them. When Solomon was old, he also worshiped their gods.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • brought their gods with them - They brought their idols and their methods of worshiping idols with them to Israel.


The Kingdom Would Divide [18-04]


God was angry with Solomon and, as a punishment for Solomon’s unfaithfulness, he promised to divide the nation of Israel into two kingdoms after Solomon’s death.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • as a punishment for Solomon's unfaithfulness, he promised to divide – This could be translated as, "to punish Solomon for being unfaithful to him, God solemnly said that he would divide."


Rehoboam Became King [18-05]


After Solomon died, his son, Rehoboam, became king. Rehoboam was a foolish man. All the people of the nation of Israel came together to confirm him as king. They complained to Rehoboam that Solomon had made them do a lot of hard work and pay a lot of taxes.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • confirm him as king - That is, "tell him that they were glad he was king and that they would do what he said."


Rehoboam's Foolish Answer [18-06]


Rehoboam foolishly answered them, “You thought my father Solomon made you work hard, but I will make you work harder than he did, and I will punish you more harshly than he did.”


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • foolishly answered - Rehoboam's answer was harsh, and caused the people to turn against him.


Israel Rebelled against Judah [18-07]


Ten of the tribes of the nation of Israel rebelled against Rehoboam. Only two tribes remained faithful to him. These two tribes became the kingdom of Judah.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • tribes of the nation of Israel - The descendants of each of Jacob's twelve sons had become a "tribe" or very large family group in the nation of Israel. Everyone in Israel belonged to one of the twelve tribes.
  • rebelled against Rehoboam – That is, "refused to follow Rehoboam as their king." It might help to start this sentence with, "So" or, "Because of that" or, "Because of what Rehoboam said."
  • remained faithful to him – That is, "stayed loyal to him" or, "continued to support him as king."


Jeroboam Ruled Israel [18-08]


The other ten tribes of the nation of Israel that rebelled against Rehoboam appointed a man named Jeroboam to be their king. T__hey set up their kingdom__ in the northern part of the land and were called the kingdom of Israel.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • set up their kingdom - This may be translated as, they "established" or, "built" their kingdom. This sentence may also be translated as, "They separated themselves from the other two tribes and lived in the northern part of the land, and they called their country 'Israel.'"


Jeroboam Made an Idol [18-09]


Jeroboam rebelled against God and caused the people to sin. He built two idols for his people to worship instead of worshiping God at the Temple in the kingdom of Judah.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • caused the people to sin - This could be translated as, "led the people to sin" or, "motivated the people to sin." Rehoboam led the people into sin by making idols for them to worship.
  • instead of worshiping God at…Judah - This can be translated as, "so that they would not worship God at" or, "instead of going to the kingdom of Judah to worship God at the Temple."


Israel and Judah at War [18-10]


The kingdoms of Judah and Israel became enemies and often fought against each other.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • Judah and Israel - The people of Judah and Israel were all descendants of Jacob and part of God's people. Even so, they disobeyed God and fought and killed each other.


The Evil Kings of Israel [18-11]


In the new kingdom of Israel, all the kings were evil. Many of these kings were killed by other Israelites who wanted to become king in their place.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • Israelites - Here, "Israelites" refers only to the people living in the northern kingdom of Israel, not to the people living in the southern kingdom of Judah.


Israel Worshiped Idols [18-12]


All of the kings and most of the people of the kingdom of Israel worshiped idols. Their idol worship often included sexual immorality and sometimes even child sacrifice.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • child sacrifice - They killed children as offerings to some of their idols.


Judah Was Unfaithful [18-13]


The kings of Judah were descendants of David. Some of these kings were good men who ruled justly and worshiped God. But most of Judah’s kings were evil, corrupt, and they worshiped idols. Some of the kings even sacrificed their children to false gods. Most of the people of Judah also rebelled against God and worshiped other gods.


Important Terms:

Translation Notes:

  • ruled justly - This means they ruled according to God's laws. This can be translated as, "when they ruled, they did what was right."
  • corrupt - This can be translated as, "did what was wrong in order to get whatever they wanted."
  • A Bible story from - These references may be slightly different in some Bible translations.